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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PJ384

  1. Yes you need to call and make an appoinment and just go in and see her and get your answers write down everything you want to know and don't let her get away until you have all your answers this may be a good time to decide if this is really the doctor you want taking care of you in the long run I had a docotor not to unlike this one of yours and I switched doctors and I could not be happier I did not realize how bad he was till I went to this new doctor and I can only say it was devine guidiance at led me to him and I really feel so much more positive about my coming journey but stop calling and get to the office and don't leave till you have what you need.
  2. Try the Miso soup and egg drop soup and drink all of your protein shake even if you have to do it a bit at a time and make sure you drink lots of water as much as you can stand your tummy is just ajusting to the amount of food it is getting you will feel better soon and you tummy should shrink a bit and that will help cups of broth work well also to get some of your water in and find things to do that will divert your mind from your tummy good time to take up a hobby like knitting or needlepoint or painting or whatever you like but I think from what I have read here its the drinking that will get your through so keep it with you everywhere and sip sip sip your way through your day.
  3. PJ384

    The Lap Band Really Works!!!!

    Congrats on your progress and don't even worry about it you got a head start and all you have to do is follow a good healthy diet make sure you get plenty of protein and lots of water andeven if you slow down that fine like the above post says 1 to 2 pounds a week is best if you lose a lot to soon it may mean your starving your body and only bad things come from that like the hair loss people talk about so just stay the course and be good to yourself and the scale will keep going down and thats all that matters the direction not the speed :-)
  4. Calling today to find out what more I need to do to get ready for my surgery on Monday the 19th really hoping this happens on time I really want the two weeks of recovery time before I go back to work

  5. Calling today to find out what more I need to do to get ready for my surgery on Monday the 19th really hoping this happens on time I really want the two weeks of recovery time before I go back to work

  6. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    I had my pre op testing on Thursday I had a EKG and a Chest x-ray then on Friday I had blood work done because nobody told me I would need to get blood work done that day and needed to be fasting for the blood work to be done but no biggie got it done early the next day then went Christmas shopping only to get home and hear a message on my answering machine from the hospital for me to call them as I need to come in for pre anesthesia testing good lord why can't they get this all down at once so you don't have to keep making trips back into the city which I would not mind but its a 2 1/2 hour drive one way for me and I work so I have to ask for time off and have done so twice in the last two weeks which they have given me but Iam worried they will start asking me why and whats going on and I had not planned to tell anybody at work ,*sigh* so will call this morning and ask what more do I need to give them and how soon do I have to give it to them I sure hope this still happens for me on Dec 19th starting to make me worry.
  7. I have only told my husband and my children and my best friend and they have all been very supportive Iam not telling anyone at work or other family and casual friends because when I mentioned last year that I was thinking about looking into it I got "Oh no don't do that you just need to try a little harder you can do it on your own" well if that were true I would be thin because Iam sure not Fat for lack of tryingI have added it up and over the years I have lost and regained over 430 lbs I have always been able to lose a few pounds whenever I have tried but I get lazy or bored with it and I quit and I gain the pounds back plus and couple extra so Iam hoping with the Lapband I will be able to lose the weight for good because I will not be on a diet I will be on a new way of life eating the things I like just a lot less of them at any given time and feeling full and satisfied with that smaller portion.We are all starting a low cal diet here after the first of the year anyway and I have agreed to do with the rest of the staff so I don't think anybody will question it when I lose those pounds they will just think its finally working for me and it will be :-)
  8. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    I got my pre op appointment set up for thursday the 8th if all goes well we are all set to do the surgery on December 19th a lot of people are asking why Iam doing it just days before Christmas I say because that the soonest I can get it done and NO I don't mind missing out on all the Christmas goodies because where I work we do a 12 days of Christmas thing where for 12 days before school is out for the winter break we all sign up to bring our favorite holiday treat to share with everyone so after 12 days of goodies I will not only need but seriously want the lapband and a good excuse to not have to indulge further in holiday mayhem what does 1 Christmas matter in the whole of my life if every Christmas after will be even better because I will be happier and healthier. So no I don't mind one bit missing out on a few goodies on Christmas day in exchange forbeing comfortable in my own skin
  9. Saw my new surgeon and WOW what a difference now Iam really excited about this and can not wait to get going on it he really made all the difference to me and I really feel like fate stepped in and dealt me a much better hand than I had and everything is going to be just fine :-)

  10. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    Well what a difference a day makes I had my appointment with the new surgeon yesterday and WOW ! night and day difference,He is awesome he went over everything with me personally in spite of him needing to get to the hospital to do surgery he spent a half hour with me going over all my options and showing me everything about the two different bands (Realize and Allergan) and the reasons they generally use one band over the other and just talking to me and explaining how he plans to be there with me every step of the way and how my success is just as important to him as it is to me and that he will be available 24/7 if I have a problem or a question I should not hesitate to call him and he feels pretty certain he will be able to keep my same surgery date of 12/20 he will be more sure after they contact my insurance company today and see if they have to resubmit or if they can just give them the info over the phone and move on from there. Such a difference from my former doctor I saw him only once and that was for a hot minute from then on it was his nurses who did everything. I have such a good feeling about this Iam sure this was a stroke of luck for me and Iam going take full advantage of the luck I have been dealt.Iam looking forward to this even more than ever he really gave me a lot of confidence that I had made the right decision and I was going to be just fine,So bring it on Iam so ready for this and the rest of my life !
  11. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    Seeing the new surgeon today keep your fingers crossed for me that I get to keep my surgery date 12/20/2011 the nurse asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this just 5 days before Christmas and I said Yes I do we are not doing anything special for Christmas this year and the lap-band is my combo Birthday/Christmas gift to myself but then the surgeon I was scheduled with decided to leave his practice and move to another city so I have been referred to another surgeon who will be taking over his patient load lucky for me my insurance says this is no problem I just need to let them know who will be doing the surgery and when and where it will be done I feel lucky to have good insurance after reading so many horror stories of others insurance Iam curious and excited to meet this new Doctor I have read up on him and he seems to be very knowledgeable about this surgery and Iam beginning to feel like this was a stroke of luck for me so keep a happy thought and I will let you know when I get home if I get to join you all in Dec or not
  12. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    Hoping to keep my 12-20-11 surgery date but will know more on wednesday when I go to see the new surgeon I have had to go find because the surgeon I was scheduled with has decided to move to Phoenix and cancelled all his scheduled patients Iam glad I called them about my pre op appointment otherwise I have a feeling they would not have told me until it was to late that I had been cancelled I can not help thinking this has been for the best as I was always a bit uncomfortable with the surgeons office even after nearly a year of going there and calling them for one thing an another they have no clue who Iam and refer to me by my birthdate I have learned to just give them my birthdate the minute they answer the call because without they know nothing about me I also learned to never say sure you can call me back because they never did and I rarely get the same person twice when calling they seem to work weird hours during the week But anyway Wednesday is a new day and Iam hoping it will be a new experience for me and a much better one as well as I really want to do this but I also really want it to be with somebody who will be there tp help and answer my questions afterwards. So wish me luck here goes everything :-)
  13. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    Its been a heck of a journey so far but Iam really staying positive about having my surgery on Dec 20th I was scheduled for Aug 29th but a family thing came up and I had to reschedule so the next time I had time off from work was winter break in Dec so I set it for then I called last week to see about setting up my pre op appointment and was told my surgeon had cancelled all his pending surgeries and I would be referred to another surgeon well after a week and 3 phone calls they have done nothing so this morning I called my insurance and told them what was going on and they said no problem get a new surgeon and just let us know who and where your having it done you will not need to re qualify so I called Dr Monash's office in Tucson and I have an appointment on Wed the 30th and the office manager said she will take care of having my file sent over and checking everything to be sure Iam good to go and she felt we had a good chance of keeping the same surgery date as well so Iam feeling pretty good about this right now and Iam excited to join the December Bandsters on this journey.
  14. Well had to change surgeons today Mine has decided to move away and cancelled all of his pending surgeries Iam glad I called his office to set up my pre op appointment otherwise I might not have found out about this till it was to late Iam so grateful my insurance has been so helpful in this I will not have to requalify I just need to get my new surgeon and get a surgery date set up and let them know who and where it will be done so keep a good thought for me that I get this done on the same...

  15. Hey girl hows it going with you let us know how your doing and any tip you have to help us who are about to join you get through it easier would always be welcome Iam getting excited all over again to have this done and get on with my life as a much thinner me.

  16. So good to hear from you Iam excited that things are going well for you and that just makes me look forward to mine even more I have a trip to the florida keys with my cousin Kim planned for this summer and I hope to make that trip as a good bit slimmer me it will be so nice to fit comfortably in a airplane seat.

  17. PJ384

    December Bandsters!

    Hi Sherry Iam in the same boat as you I work for a public school so Iam off in the summer but also not paid for those 3 months I was not approved for surgery till 5th of july and picked Auig 31 for my surgery since I would be back at work and money coming in again but a unforeseen family situation came up the week before my surgery so I had to reschedule it and my next time off is Christmas so my new date is Dec 20th so you and I can be band buddies it good to know there are others out there who had to do the same thing I did and are still detremined to get it done and make it work.
  18. This is a weird thing I have notice people post often on this site until they have surgery then they just seem to stop posting until they are 4 or 5 yrs post op and I find that really odd but have notice the people I have friended here just seem to disappear after they have surgery *sigh*

  19. PJ384

    Jittery Jitters

    I think everyone does to some extent or another your being normal in your cleaning a lot of people go through this before they have a major event in thier lives vacations or surgeries its not unlike the nesting most women do just before giving birth its natures way of making sure all is clean and tidy so we have time to recover and relax afterwards without worrying if the house looks good for company. A couple things you can do to help you relax 1) a nice walk in your neighborhood or a nearby park maybe 2) get out and do something go to a movie take a scenic drive get together with friends for a lunch 3) do something for others it will keep your mind off yourself and give you something better to think about volunteer for a project at your church or maybe your local school they always need teacher helpers for one thing or another 4) take up yoga or meditation both have been found to be effective in lowering BPs lots of towns have a class or two going on someplace if not start one and you can all learn together 5) When you feel a Panic coming on ake a moment sit down close your eyes and listen to your breathing and slowly make a mental effort to slow it down empty your mind of all thought and just concentrate on your breathing work towards slow deep breaths and skowly work on relaxing your muscles start with your feet and work your way up to your head. Hope this helps at least a little ~
  20. Doing well so far on the Dukan diet but as with all diets I do not know how long I can keep this up as you do have to without most of the things you enjoy eating but I do believe it is a good preperation for when Iam banded as Iam eating much smaller meals and very focused on my protein content and no salt and low fat low calorie diet so I should be in good shape for life on the band

  21. PJ384

    ready to start

    I was scheduled to have surgery on Aug 30th but a family thing forced a reschedule to my next time off in December but I did do my 2 week pre-op diet as planned since the surgery was not rescheduled till the monday before it was to happen on wednesday I bought the Body Fortress whey protien powder from wal mart I think it was 16.97 a container I really like the chocolate and the vanilla is o.k. but it seems to sweet to my taste I also tried the chocolate peanut butter and found it disgusting and threw it away a few tries later when I found I just could not make myself like it..But now that I have read Javajodster's post I think I will give Pure Protien a try because vareity makes the dieting easier to do. Definately use a blender to mix it and use some ice in it as well because they are right the colder the better they are
  22. Hoping all went well with you and your home resting and drinking lots of water and walking as much as you can hope to hear from you soon

  23. If Wendell doesn't mind prehaps you could open up your word program and copy and past his post into word then print it out from there and put it up where you will see it frequently to help you remember what needs to happen and how it will most likely happen as well as keeping great information right at your fingertips
  24. PJ384

    Need to vent

    I think you need to step back and put this all into perspective and realize what a brief moment this is in the whole of your life it is the exact opposite of all those days you stepped on the scale and wanted to cry because you had gained another 5 lbs please take a deep breath and look at the glass again and this time see it as half full instead of half empty and instead of thinking" OMG another week of these darn shakes" and start thinking "OMG just one more week and I will start soft foods and just look at how much I have lost already" Its all a matter of perspective and seriously you need to get a much more positive one,If I told you all you have to do is commit 1 month to eating the way I tell you to and you can a normal weight for the rest of your life does that sound like so much to ask?I can relate that the shakes get old they do but instead of focusing on whats right in front of you at this point lets try looking at whats coming down the road if it helps start planning what you will eat at the soft stage gather recipes and shop for the items and plan your meals for next week it will be here before you know and do not allow your negative thoughts to creep in when you find yourself feeling the poor poor pitiful me's coming on push them away firmly and say out loud I can and I will do this for myself I have earned it and I owe it to myself,I have spent years being heavy and uncomfortable I can surely do one month of shakes and soft food for the sake of feeling normal for the rest of my life ~~~rinse and repeat~~~

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