Hello! Glad I found this website!
As a newbie, I'm pretty convinced that VSG is the best choice for me, since I have an autoimmune disease and am prone to infections due to using Methotrexate to fight the disease (oh, what a conundrum that is).
I looked at lap band and read about too many side effects to make that appealing at all. The bypass looks devastating in that there is no absorption and I can't figure out how "eating healthy" would benefit a person who cannot digest his/her food. So, I'm focused on the VSG and will be attending the orientation and consult tomorrow. After looking at the pictures, it appears that there is part of the stomach left and that absorbing healthy foods would benefit the body.
I already take a zillion supplements, so that's not a problem for me, BUT I can't imagine how to take them when the stomach is so very small..............are liquid Vitamins more beneficial?
I have removed so many things from my diet over the past few years, that I'm already there mentally, but now I'm wondering if a VSG patient can indulge in ice cream, Jell-O and such things that have sugar in them, but turn to liquids? Nuts are supposed to be very important in one's diet.............can a little bitty stomach take them or do they need to be ground into a powder?
I'm sure I'll learn much more tomorrow, but I'm excited at the thought of leaving all the fad diets behind me and having a permanent solution: I just pray that it won't be something that makes me feel sick all the time. When does post-op end and "normal" begin?
Looking like I'm pregnant after all my effort is so frustrating; especially since I work out 6 days a week, eat healthy and maintain portion control...........Sotiredofit!