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About Heller2u

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/08/1966

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Family, friends & fun!
  • Occupation
    Medical Practice Manager
  • City
    Fort Wayne
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  1. I only took one week off, traveled to and from Mexico, returned to work at my office job and didn't tell anyone there that I had even had the surgery and nobody could tell. I would have been soo sooo bored if I had taken more time off. Returning to work gave me the motivation to get up, eat and drink right and start the rest of my life! I say you can do it! Good luck!
  2. Heller2u

    New Pics 70 Lbs Gone!

    Wow! You're already looking great and to think that the #'s will just keep dropping off. Great job!
  3. Heller2u

    Crossing The Border!

    Something you may or may not think about is bullion cubes, that was a life saver. In the airport on the way home, I had head hunger because of the sights & smells, but not much (if anything) there I could eat. I asked the staff at starbucks for hot Water, which I thought for sure they'd charge me for and they were very generous and gave it for free. plopped in a couple of cubes & it hit the spot (in total I took 10 and came home with 2 maybe). It was also nice at the hotel because I didn't always feel like eating on their schedules kindof at odd times. I could heat water in the coffee pot & make my own broth. Something I wish I had was just plain old bandaids for my sutures. My coordinator gave me gauze & tape but it would've been much easier with reg ol' bandaids. I turned my cell phone off because I didn't have an international data plan, but I did take my netbook computer & was able to get on fb to communicate with those back home. Clothing wise, I too was afraid of lifting my suitcase or even having to check baggage. I wore the same outfit there & home. In between, I had a couple of different short outfits & lots (prob 3 or 4) pjs & lots of undies. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to post.
  4. Heller2u


    Congrats! I can't wait to join you. Enjoy your success
  5. Heller2u

    Mexico Versus Us

    Yanik...I too kept the fact that I was going to Mexico from all but 3 family members and told them just a few days before leaving. I could not afford the US cost and initially got denied by insurance 8/31/11, after my appeal, they approved it in November and I was so pleased to tell them..."nevermind, I was sleeved 10/14". I received better healthcare and attention from nurses than I've ever received in the US (and I work in the healthcare industry). I think a lot of the pre & post care treatment in the US is BS and mostly done for insurance companies not for our own health. I did not require any post op care or medications upon returning to the US. I returned to work after 1 week and only told 2 co-workers that I had the surgery. I too went alone and don't regret it for one second. I felt very safe. My surgeon was Dr. Kelly and my sisters' both went to Dr. Ponce in June of this year after seeing my success. My choice was the best decision I've ever made in my life, my only regret is that I didn't have this many many years ago! Good luck to you!
  6. Heller2u

    Crossing The Border!

    Hi all, I was sleeved October 14, 2011 by Dr. Kelly and went by myself! I joke with my sisters (who both went to Dr. Ponce de Leon in June 2012) about my travels alone...at one point while I was riding in the back of a white van with 2 drivers (who both barely spoke english), I thought to myself..."WHAT AM I DOING?!? THE ONLY THING PREVENTING THIS FROM BECOMING A POSSIBLE KIDNAPPING IS THAT I DONT HAVE DUCT TAPE OVER MY MOUTH ! lol In all seriousness, I was absolutely fine by myself. I was well cared for by the drivers before and after surgery, while in the hospital and even at the Lucerna after my surgery. I even did a little souvenir shopping the day before I came home...the moral to this story is this is the best thing you could do for yourself. I started this journey at 294 and I'm at 206 now, just a few pounds away from "one"derland. I don't regret my decision one bit and I don't feel deprived from anything at all. Good luck to all of you and god speed!
  7. Got the biggest kick today! Just realized I now really actually weigh what my drivers license says I weigh! Hopefully by the time I renew, I can (probably for the first time in my life) tell the truth about my weight and it will be lower than it is right now. It's a good day!
  8. Highest weight was 294 (3/17/11), date of surgery on 10/14/11 277, today 245! I hit a stall at 3 wks, but I'm back on track to losing 2-3 lbs a week. I am 1 lb away from an even 50 lbs since I began this journey and so excited! My favorite meal is buying a rotisserie chicken at the store and eating part of it as a meal first, then cleaning the chicken off and putting it into little containers for an easy quick Protein snack throughout the week, and it's so yumm! Good luck to all! Loving my sleeve!
  9. Great news! My surgeon's office called today to schedule my surgery! Good thing I didn't wait on her...I had the pleasure of telling her "No thanks, I was sleeved on 10/14" pa-thet-ic! So glad I took matters into my own hands. :)

  10. I had my surgery on 10/14/11 and have lost 40 pounds! Yay for the sleeve! :shades_smile:
  11. Heller2u

    One week post-op and miserable

    Hang in there! It will get much better (especially when you start dropping pounds like crazy)! I like different things at different times of day...in the morning I sip room temp water, but the rest of the day (some say its too sweet but not for me) I drink fruit2o all varieties. I've never been one to be able to drink just plain water...boring, boring, boring...but fruit20 helps me so much. Crystal Light is too sweet but I find the flavor of fruit2o just the right amount of flavor.
  12. Wow, 3 week surgeriversary and down a total of 39 pounds since I started this journey...it's really happening!

  13. Yes! I did get sleeved in Mexico on 10/14 and I'm down 21 pounds since 10/6. I did keep a food journal on "my calorie counter.com" I finally submitted a few days of that showing that I kept the journals and discussed meal planning with my doctor even if she didn't write it down and that I couldn't legally re-create her notes. Good luck on the insurance phase of this journey. Don't fret too much about it, nobody can seem to figure those ins companies out! They're very inconsistent!
  14. Oh my goodness! This was so conflicting for me too. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be successful in losing weight to show them that post surgery I could stick with the new program or if I was supposed to fail at the weight loss to prove that I needed the surgery. I do not have BCBS, I have a local insurance. I finally did get approved after a 6 month physician supervised diet (denied first then appealed). I only lost 14 during the entire 6 months. They initially denied me because they said my physician didn't document enough about exercise, bmi and meal plan. sheesh! Needless to say, I made plans to go to Mexico before they reconsidered and once I was approved, I was 2 weeks from going to Mexico. My surgeon's office still hasn't called me to schedule my date or acknowledged that I was approved nor do they know I went on my own and did it. Long story short, the weight loss or lack there of never seemed to be an issue at all.

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