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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. Finally got my surgery date, March 2. Pre-op appt on Feb 21.

  2. At 249.0 down about 6 + ounces, but still doing okay on the pre-op diet. Nuclear heart scan (stress test) went well yesterday, Dr says I'm all ready for surgery and my heart looks great, should have no clotting issues. I'm going for 5 lbs this week, increasing my exercise and drinking more water.

  3. Approved by insurance, awaiting surgery date now, probably have one by monday.

  4. I heard it doesn't take this long starting ti feel I will be denied by insurance. All this work for nothing, totally disappointed.

  5. Two weeks since submission of insurance papers and still waiting, why start pre-op diet if ur just waiting, bored of eating the same things?

  6. Still awaiting approval and surgery date down 10lbs in one week.

  7. Pre-op diet starts tomorrow still awaiting approval and surgery date. Have UHC options choice, hear they approve quickly anyone knows?

  8. Last visit was yesterday, papers submitted to insurance. Awating approval start pre-op diet on this friday or monday. Yea , I'm on my way. Wish me luck.

  9. 9 days til my final supervised weight loss visit, very excited.

  10. This is my year and I'm ready for this last appt, and anticipated surgey date. Been exercising every other day, gettin my body adjusted to working out.

  11. Hope all is well in your journey, have not heard from u in a bit. keep us posted, take care.

  12. Ready and waiting for the new year, to start my journey. It has been a long road but I'm ready for change in all aspects of my life. This site has a lot support to offer look forward to sharing my journey to those who wish to listen.

  13. Now that I'm down to my last visit, the anxiety over having surgery has really kicked in. I'm hoping that when the time comes, that all goes well.

  14. Supervised weight loss visit # 5 is scheduled Monday, with 1 visit left. This makes me 1 step closer to crossing over to the other side.

  15. Good luck on your surgery today, praying that all goes well. Keep us posted when you're feeling better.

  16. Diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, now I will have a bipap. Hope all is well with everyone.

  17. Sleep apnea study this week, this should complete all of my pre-surgery testing. I'm so happy will be starting my journey soon. Hope there will be no other last minute pop-up testing.

  18. Got my letter necessity, now all my paperwork is complete. Just need to get through these last few visits, then can submit to insurance. Yea.

  19. 3 months of supervised diet down and 3 more to go. Then I can submit to my insurance, yea can't wait to be on the other side.

  20. Congrats on ur weight loss. Hope I'm as successful. You look great. Good job.

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