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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. 40 lb total lost. Hit the twoteens today, hope I'm in the greenzone. This is the best thing I could have ever done.

  2. Down 7.2 lbs in one week. Scale was sweet to me this week. Current wt 229 lbs loving my band.

  3. At 249.0 down about 6 + ounces, but still doing okay on the pre-op diet. Nuclear heart scan (stress test) went well yesterday, Dr says I'm all ready for surgery and my heart looks great, should have no clotting issues. I'm going for 5 lbs this week, increasing my exercise and drinking more water.

  4. Scheduled 2 weeks off today at my job for surgery, using pto so I want miss a beat wth my bills. Now that everything is in order, I'm definetly ready. Hope this is enough time, guess I will find out.

  5. Now that I'm down to my last visit, the anxiety over having surgery has really kicked in. I'm hoping that when the time comes, that all goes well.

  6. Folow up on Tuesday will wait til thn to weigh in. The weight appears to be coming off yea. Started full liquids yesterday, hoping on tuesday that I can have mushies. Scheduled to return to work 3/18 but don't fell I will be ready can hardly stand 2 hrs so 12 hrs is going to be a challenge.

  7. Diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, now I will have a bipap. Hope all is well with everyone.

  8. Tryin to increase my protein/water intake been a struggle, I hate water at least 64 oz of it. 2 more days til strength/toning training yeah I'm ready for it.

  9. 55 lb total lost going for 5 + lbs this month to hit onederland and 60 lb lost, wish me luck lol. Have been toning over a month and the results are unbelievable with the skin. Beefing it up a bit with some aerobics this month, good luck all hope your journeys are great.

  10. 2nd fill on Friday, can't wait to get to green zone.

  11. Still awaiting approval and surgery date down 10lbs in one week.

  12. Last visit was yesterday, papers submitted to insurance. Awating approval start pre-op diet on this friday or monday. Yea , I'm on my way. Wish me luck.

  13. Surgery date is approaching fast, nervousness setting in. I'm praying that all goes well on Friday.

  14. First day back to work today will let ev1 know how it goes. Feeling semi-okay today, but getting better.

  15. I heard it doesn't take this long starting ti feel I will be denied by insurance. All this work for nothing, totally disappointed.

  16. Ready and waiting for the new year, to start my journey. It has been a long road but I'm ready for change in all aspects of my life. This site has a lot support to offer look forward to sharing my journey to those who wish to listen.

  17. Unfill today 0.3 cc total in band 6.8 cc. I kept saying I was tight finaaly an NP that listened, now I have a small dilation and 1 week of liquids and 1 week soft. Back to the basics but hopes this jump starts my 5 month plateau.

  18. Very excited about my upcoming revision from band to sleeve. if everything goes well should be sleeved before the New Year.

  19. Registered, all fees paid, surgery @ 0830, I'm set n ready 2 go. 6 days til surgery countdown in effect.

  20. 9 days til my final supervised weight loss visit, very excited.

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