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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. Scheduled 2 weeks off today at my job for surgery, using pto so I want miss a beat wth my bills. Now that everything is in order, I'm definetly ready. Hope this is enough time, guess I will find out.

  2. Scheduled for fill in am I'm scared and nervous hope it doesn't hurt if I need one.

  3. Semi-okay day today, still have gas and some pain, can't sleep on left side but its all good. I'm blessed.

  4. Sleep apnea study this week, this should complete all of my pre-surgery testing. I'm so happy will be starting my journey soon. Hope there will be no other last minute pop-up testing.

  5. Sleeve tomorrow and I'm ready to get it done.

    1. blondebomb


      how you doing? hang in there let us no when your able :)

    2. ready4changein2011


      I'm sleeved and feeling great. I have minimal pain, mild nausea that's starting to subside and no vomiting.

      I thought it would be worst but it's not this go around. I walk walk walk I think this helps so much. Good luck on your journeys.

    3. Laydee_G


      Glad everything is going well. Keep up with the walking as it really does help. xx

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Still awaiting approval and surgery date down 10lbs in one week.

  7. Still waiting for approval, feeling nervous but inspired.

  8. Supervised weight loss visit # 5 is scheduled Monday, with 1 visit left. This makes me 1 step closer to crossing over to the other side.

  9. Surgery date is approaching fast, nervousness setting in. I'm praying that all goes well on Friday.

  10. Surgery in less than 12 hrs, wiill let you all know how it goes tomorrow.

  11. This is my year and I'm ready for this last appt, and anticipated surgey date. Been exercising every other day, gettin my body adjusted to working out.

  12. Today was a great day, the gas is subsiding and I'm walking and resting more. Thanks ev1 for your prayers for a speedy recovery.

  13. Tryin to increase my protein/water intake been a struggle, I hate water at least 64 oz of it. 2 more days til strength/toning training yeah I'm ready for it.

  14. Two weeks since submission of insurance papers and still waiting, why start pre-op diet if ur just waiting, bored of eating the same things?

  15. Unfill today 0.3 cc total in band 6.8 cc. I kept saying I was tight finaaly an NP that listened, now I have a small dilation and 1 week of liquids and 1 week soft. Back to the basics but hopes this jump starts my 5 month plateau.

  16. Up my protein shakes and feeling great. If you can eat much, you must replace your body with what it needs. Hope all is well.

  17. Very excited about my upcoming revision from band to sleeve. if everything goes well should be sleeved before the New Year.

  18. Went back to work yesterday, and it was tiring. I guess it will get better once I'm back in the swing of those 12-14 hr days. Hope all is well.

  19. Went to my first support group last night and it was great. Will be attending every month, very informative and just felt like home being around other bandsters.

  20. Went to the gym and walked 2.84 miles, burned 417 calories in 65 minutes and I survived lol. Felt good to just get out and do what I like to do. Cant wait til I can start toning/weight lifting.

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