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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. Feeling mighty good, I'm hoping the scale be good to me this week. 6lbs from April's spring challenge been working hard to reach it.

  2. Went back to work yesterday, and it was tiring. I guess it will get better once I'm back in the swing of those 12-14 hr days. Hope all is well.

  3. Just finish my 1 hour just dance workout and I feel great!!! Burn baby burn those lbs away.

  4. Down 2.4 lbs this week and I'm not complaining. I'm 7.6 lbs from my first goal.Yay

  5. Officially 1 month post-op and feeling great. Will be returning to work in 2 weeks.

  6. Filled yesterday and I told my PA that I was scared of food and she said you should be lol. Im so paranoid of getting stuck, and determined to try to avoid it at all cost. So sometimes my small meal is over 20 minutes better safe than sorry.

  7. Scheduled for fill in am I'm scared and nervous hope it doesn't hurt if I need one.

  8. Went to the gym and walked 2.84 miles, burned 417 calories in 65 minutes and I survived lol. Felt good to just get out and do what I like to do. Cant wait til I can start toning/weight lifting.

  9. Down 7.2 lbs in one week. Scale was sweet to me this week. Current wt 229 lbs loving my band.

  10. I will do my weekly weigh in tomorrow, hope the scale is my friend.

  11. First day back to work today will let ev1 know how it goes. Feeling semi-okay today, but getting better.

  12. 8 lb lost in 10 days post-surgery, total lost since pre-op 22 lbs

  13. Semi-okay day today, still have gas and some pain, can't sleep on left side but its all good. I'm blessed.

  14. Folow up on Tuesday will wait til thn to weigh in. The weight appears to be coming off yea. Started full liquids yesterday, hoping on tuesday that I can have mushies. Scheduled to return to work 3/18 but don't fell I will be ready can hardly stand 2 hrs so 12 hrs is going to be a challenge.

  15. Today was a great day, the gas is subsiding and I'm walking and resting more. Thanks ev1 for your prayers for a speedy recovery.

  16. Hello ev1 I'm back and banded as scheduled on 3/2/12. Trying to figure out how to update blog I have a lot to tell.

  17. Surgery in less than 12 hrs, wiill let you all know how it goes tomorrow.

  18. Surgery date is approaching fast, nervousness setting in. I'm praying that all goes well on Friday.

  19. hello, hope all is going well for you. How's the weight loss going?

  20. Registered, all fees paid, surgery @ 0830, I'm set n ready 2 go. 6 days til surgery countdown in effect.

  21. Down 21 lbs, pre-op appt went well. So excited.

  22. Do you have to be off work longer with the hernia repair?

  23. 6 days til pre-op appointment and 16 days til bandland. Countdown ready4change.

  24. Scheduled 2 weeks off today at my job for surgery, using pto so I want miss a beat wth my bills. Now that everything is in order, I'm definetly ready. Hope this is enough time, guess I will find out.

  25. How do u know whose on your side? Been on pre-op diet since 1/16 yet everyday my husband offers me food/sweets all day knowing I can't have it. Anyone else going through this? This is starting to upset me, its hard enough to not be able too eat. Beginning to think he does it on purpose. Getting discouraged.

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