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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. Surgery in less than 12 hrs, wiill let you all know how it goes tomorrow.

  2. Down 2.4 lbs this week and I'm not complaining. I'm 7.6 lbs from my first goal.Yay

  3. Supervised weight loss visit # 5 is scheduled Monday, with 1 visit left. This makes me 1 step closer to crossing over to the other side.

  4. Hope all is well in your journey, have not heard from u in a bit. keep us posted, take care.

  5. 2nd fill was better got lidocaine for numbing. Felt weird this time though, I could feel the fluid going in & felt when she finally hit it. I did not notice that last time.

  6. Down 21 lbs, pre-op appt went well. So excited.

  7. I am in onederland and so happy, I had to treat myself. 60 lbs off now hurray. 0.4 cc removed d/t occasional heartburn and slow weight loss, but I'm back and the weight is now dropping again. Goodluck fellow bandsters.

  8. Finally got my surgery date, March 2. Pre-op appt on Feb 21.

  9. 16 lbs til wonderland, hoping I will get there by July. Hope all is going well banders.

  10. 3 months of supervised diet down and 3 more to go. Then I can submit to my insurance, yea can't wait to be on the other side.

  11. hello, hope all is going well for you. How's the weight loss going?

  12. Filled yesterday and I told my PA that I was scared of food and she said you should be lol. Im so paranoid of getting stuck, and determined to try to avoid it at all cost. So sometimes my small meal is over 20 minutes better safe than sorry.

  13. Feeling mighty good, I'm hoping the scale be good to me this week. 6lbs from April's spring challenge been working hard to reach it.

  14. Hello ev1 I'm back and banded as scheduled on 3/2/12. Trying to figure out how to update blog I have a lot to tell.

  15. 8 lb lost in 10 days post-surgery, total lost since pre-op 22 lbs

  16. Down 4.2 lbs today very pleased. Hope I am off my plateau. Losing inches but no weight x 2 weeks, but was told the inches come before we see lbs off the scale.

  17. Still waiting for approval, feeling nervous but inspired.

  18. How do u know whose on your side? Been on pre-op diet since 1/16 yet everyday my husband offers me food/sweets all day knowing I can't have it. Anyone else going through this? This is starting to upset me, its hard enough to not be able too eat. Beginning to think he does it on purpose. Getting discouraged.

  19. down 8.2 lbs in 3 days since 0.3 cc removal. Hopes im back on track.

  20. 6 days til pre-op appointment and 16 days til bandland. Countdown ready4change.

  21. Fill on Tuesday and I have noticed great restriction so far. I'm eating 3 meals a day half a cup each and not hungry. Hoping I'm finally set been on a plateau almost 1 year.

  22. Got my letter necessity, now all my paperwork is complete. Just need to get through these last few visits, then can submit to insurance. Yea.

  23. Just finish my 1 hour just dance workout and I feel great!!! Burn baby burn those lbs away.

  24. 13 lbs til onederland, out of the twoteens finally. This journey has been wonderful for me, going faster than expected. Goodluck all on being successful.

  25. This is my year and I'm ready for this last appt, and anticipated surgey date. Been exercising every other day, gettin my body adjusted to working out.

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