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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. Sleeve tomorrow and I'm ready to get it done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. blondebomb


      how you doing? hang in there let us no when your able :)

    3. ready4changein2011


      I'm sleeved and feeling great. I have minimal pain, mild nausea that's starting to subside and no vomiting.

      I thought it would be worst but it's not this go around. I walk walk walk I think this helps so much. Good luck on your journeys.

    4. Laydee_G


      Glad everything is going well. Keep up with the walking as it really does help. xx

  2. Approved for revision from lapband to sleeve. Excited.

    1. EvieLamp


      Woo Hoo! Congrats!

    2. ready4changein2011
    3. ProudGrammy


      can't get better than that!!!! - oh yes it can - having the surgery LOL

      good luck bud

  3. My insurance papers have been submitted for approval, and I'm on pins and needles. I'm hoping that I get approved very nervous. Anticipated surgery date for revision is December 18, 2014.

    1. EvieLamp


      Good Luck your new start is so close!

    2. ready4changein2011
  4. Approved by insurance, awaiting surgery date now, probably have one by monday.

  5. Sleep apnea study this week, this should complete all of my pre-surgery testing. I'm so happy will be starting my journey soon. Hope there will be no other last minute pop-up testing.

  6. Pre-op diet starts tomorrow still awaiting approval and surgery date. Have UHC options choice, hear they approve quickly anyone knows?

  7. Do you have to be off work longer with the hernia repair?

  8. Went to the gym and walked 2.84 miles, burned 417 calories in 65 minutes and I survived lol. Felt good to just get out and do what I like to do. Cant wait til I can start toning/weight lifting.

  9. Next fill scheduled for 10 am this morning, don't think I will need it but we shall see.

  10. Fill today hopes this helps me with getting back on track. Scale went up and i did not have to ask PA said get on the table mam lol. It's good when your caregiver recognize your needs.

  11. Up my protein shakes and feeling great. If you can eat much, you must replace your body with what it needs. Hope all is well.

  12. Scheduled for fill in am I'm scared and nervous hope it doesn't hurt if I need one.

  13. Congrats on ur weight loss. Hope I'm as successful. You look great. Good job.

  14. Down 13 lbs in a month, no fill needed. I think I'm in the green zone. Good luck all.

  15. EGD and nutritional consult done now I'm just waitng for insurance approval. My surgery will be an all-in-one that's just what I prayed for.

  16. -53.4 lbs and I'm not complaining, it's been slow but well worth it. some months are better than others. Only 5.8 lbs left til onederland can't wait. Hope all of your journey's are wonderful as mine.

  17. Went to my first support group last night and it was great. Will be attending every month, very informative and just felt like home being around other bandsters.

  18. I will do my weekly weigh in tomorrow, hope the scale is my friend.

  19. Today was a great day, the gas is subsiding and I'm walking and resting more. Thanks ev1 for your prayers for a speedy recovery.

  20. Semi-okay day today, still have gas and some pain, can't sleep on left side but its all good. I'm blessed.

  21. Good luck on your surgery today, praying that all goes well. Keep us posted when you're feeling better.

  22. New pics posted. Im 0.9 oz from onederland. Hope your journey is going well. Still learning to utilize the band this is a life long process. Some days good, some bad we must not lose focus. Goodluck.

  23. Went back to work yesterday, and it was tiring. I guess it will get better once I'm back in the swing of those 12-14 hr days. Hope all is well.

  24. Officially 1 month post-op and feeling great. Will be returning to work in 2 weeks.

  25. Two weeks since submission of insurance papers and still waiting, why start pre-op diet if ur just waiting, bored of eating the same things?

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