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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ready4changein2011

  1. -53.4 lbs and I'm not complaining, it's been slow but well worth it. some months are better than others. Only 5.8 lbs left til onederland can't wait. Hope all of your journey's are wonderful as mine.

  2. 13 lbs til onederland, out of the twoteens finally. This journey has been wonderful for me, going faster than expected. Goodluck all on being successful.

  3. 16 lbs til wonderland, hoping I will get there by July. Hope all is going well banders.

  4. 2nd fill on Friday, can't wait to get to green zone.

  5. 2nd fill was better got lidocaine for numbing. Felt weird this time though, I could feel the fluid going in & felt when she finally hit it. I did not notice that last time.

  6. 3 months of supervised diet down and 3 more to go. Then I can submit to my insurance, yea can't wait to be on the other side.

  7. 40 lb total lost. Hit the twoteens today, hope I'm in the greenzone. This is the best thing I could have ever done.

  8. 55 lb total lost going for 5 + lbs this month to hit onederland and 60 lb lost, wish me luck lol. Have been toning over a month and the results are unbelievable with the skin. Beefing it up a bit with some aerobics this month, good luck all hope your journeys are great.

  9. 6 days til pre-op appointment and 16 days til bandland. Countdown ready4change.

  10. 8 lb lost in 10 days post-surgery, total lost since pre-op 22 lbs

  11. 9 days til my final supervised weight loss visit, very excited.

  12. Approved by insurance, awaiting surgery date now, probably have one by monday.

  13. Approved for revision from lapband to sleeve. Excited.

    1. EvieLamp


      Woo Hoo! Congrats!

    2. ready4changein2011
    3. ProudGrammy


      can't get better than that!!!! - oh yes it can - having the surgery LOL

      good luck bud

  14. At 249.0 down about 6 + ounces, but still doing okay on the pre-op diet. Nuclear heart scan (stress test) went well yesterday, Dr says I'm all ready for surgery and my heart looks great, should have no clotting issues. I'm going for 5 lbs this week, increasing my exercise and drinking more water.

  15. Congrats on ur weight loss. Hope I'm as successful. You look great. Good job.

  16. Diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, now I will have a bipap. Hope all is well with everyone.

  17. Do you have to be off work longer with the hernia repair?

  18. Down 13 lbs in a month, no fill needed. I think I'm in the green zone. Good luck all.

  19. Down 2.4 lbs this week and I'm not complaining. I'm 7.6 lbs from my first goal.Yay

  20. Down 21 lbs, pre-op appt went well. So excited.

  21. Down 4.2 lbs today very pleased. Hope I am off my plateau. Losing inches but no weight x 2 weeks, but was told the inches come before we see lbs off the scale.

  22. Down 7.2 lbs in one week. Scale was sweet to me this week. Current wt 229 lbs loving my band.

  23. down 8.2 lbs in 3 days since 0.3 cc removal. Hopes im back on track.

  24. EGD and nutritional consult done now I'm just waitng for insurance approval. My surgery will be an all-in-one that's just what I prayed for.

  25. Feeling mighty good, I'm hoping the scale be good to me this week. 6lbs from April's spring challenge been working hard to reach it.

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