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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ready4changein2011

  1. ready4changein2011

    Single Texan sleevers?

    Pasadena, tx here
  2. Sleeve tomorrow and I'm ready to get it done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. blondebomb


      how you doing? hang in there let us no when your able :)

    3. ready4changein2011


      I'm sleeved and feeling great. I have minimal pain, mild nausea that's starting to subside and no vomiting.

      I thought it would be worst but it's not this go around. I walk walk walk I think this helps so much. Good luck on your journeys.

    4. Laydee_G


      Glad everything is going well. Keep up with the walking as it really does help. xx

  3. ready4changein2011

    Surgery in the morning

    Wishing you a safe surgery and quick recovery. I'm scheduled for the 18th same surgery. Good luck.
  4. Approved for revision from lapband to sleeve. Excited.

    1. EvieLamp


      Woo Hoo! Congrats!

    2. ready4changein2011
    3. ProudGrammy


      can't get better than that!!!! - oh yes it can - having the surgery LOL

      good luck bud

  5. Bingonurse2005@yahoo.com scheduled Dec 18 if approved
  6. Still waiting for approval, feeling nervous but inspired.

  7. My insurance papers have been submitted for approval, and I'm on pins and needles. I'm hoping that I get approved very nervous. Anticipated surgery date for revision is December 18, 2014.

    1. EvieLamp


      Good Luck your new start is so close!

    2. ready4changein2011
  8. ready4changein2011

    Update 7 weeks post op

    Glad to here and congrats. I'm pending approval for lap band to sleeve revision and I glad that I won't have to deal with being stuck again.
  9. ready4changein2011


    In my opinion set a stop date and quit. If you can do it cold turkey, then maybe try an alternative. I quit 13 months ago cold turkey and it was the best thing that I could have ever done. No withdrawals. Good luck to you.
  10. ready4changein2011

    Insurance denial

    I don't know but with my band I was 1st letter approval. lets see if it happens with my revision too. I feel like you I have Aetna this time. I had united with the band. Good luck
  11. EGD and nutritional consult done now I'm just waitng for insurance approval. My surgery will be an all-in-one that's just what I prayed for.

  12. I quit cold turkey last year September. It actually takes around three to seven days for the nicotine to not show up in blood. My friend quit 7 days before labs and he was clear.
  13. ready4changein2011


    Lapband to sleeve revision on Dec 18, 2014, if Aetna approves. I'm in Pasadena tx. Good luck all.
  14. ready4changein2011

    Any December Sleevers

    My anticipated date is Dec 18th by Dr. Alanis in Texas. I am revising from band to sleeve. Good luck all.
  15. ready4changein2011

    switching from band to sleeve

    I'm shooting for a December date for revision band to sleeve. I lost around 50 lbs and most of the weight is back even with compliance and fills. I have been having follow- ups every month since banding I'm in debt. My new physician says that he does not do bands anymore because the success rate is poor. Then there is chance for slippage and erosion the longer the band remains inside. My qualifications for sleeve are only EGD and nutrition consult then submit, and I have an appointment for both this week wed and Fri. Good luck with whatever surgery everyone chooses.
  16. Very excited about my upcoming revision from band to sleeve. if everything goes well should be sleeved before the New Year.

  17. ready4changein2011

    sliming, pbing and stuck episode

    Two years post-op and I had my first pbing episode. My question is does this damage/effect your band in any way? I'm afraid I might have messed up my band. I have been on clear liquids all day. My episode lasted at least 30 minutes, that was awful.
  18. ready4changein2011

    sliming, pbing and stuck episode

    Yes it passed thank God, and I will be more careful. My daughter was banded on 8/1/14 she was scared for me but it was an learning experience for her to know what not to do. Thanks for your help.
  19. ready4changein2011

    sliming, pbing and stuck episode

  20. ready4changein2011

    sliming, pbing and stuck episode

    I was belching, sliming and had an awful pain in my chest.
  21. ready4changein2011

    cc's in band

    I was told that I had 7.5 cc's in my band at true result Houston, not that they ever pulled it all out. My daughter is scheduled to be banded 6/27/14 by my physician, so he asks how I was doing and of course I told him that I had not lost any weight in over a year. I also started to gain weight recently, come to find out, he said that I'm not properly adjusted and that I only had 4.5 cc's in my band so he added 1cc that was too tight so he removed 0.5 cc's now I'm at 5cc and doing okay. The point is my doc says that if your are hungry before 1 pm than you are not adjusted correctly. The be in the green zone you should have not hunger under 1pm or after. Who would have known? hopefully the weight starts to fall off again. Also, he says if I have any issues have them contact him directly and that makes me feel so much better knowing he will be looking over me even though I'm 2 years out.
  22. ready4changein2011

    55 lb + loss

  23. ready4changein2011

    Jan 2014

    From the album: 55 lb + loss

  24. ready4changein2011

    Jan 2014

    From the album: 55 lb + loss

  25. ready4changein2011

    Jan 30, 2014

    From the album: 55 lb + loss

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
