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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ready4changein2011

  1. ready4changein2011

    So Confused!!!

    Maybe you misunderstood her, you should be between 1/2-1 cup of food and feel satisfied. I can say I do get full and when I get that feeling I stop whether its 1/2c, 3/4c etc. When my body hiccups, that's my signal that I'm full. I think I am in the green zone after 1 fill. I eat 2 small meals a day, no snacking in between, and less than 1200 cal. Training yourself to be full, I have never heard of that.The band is a tool, with it you should be eating less and smaller amounts. At the right restriction you will get that full feeling and take in smaller amounts. I told my pa I was scared of food and she laughed and said I should be. Hope this helps, goodluck on your journey to being a healthier you.
  2. ready4changein2011

    Stuck At 22 Pounds...

    Are you supposed to be eating that much? Are you makng good food choices? I was told 1200 cal/day high protein/low carb and at least 30 minutes of exercise daily by physician on the day of surgery. Secondly, you don't have a fill which may provide you some restriction, but your calorie intake appears to be really high. Keep your head up, you still early in the game. You must chew chew chew. It sounds like you are overeating or chewing/swallowing lg amounts of food. Remember take 1 minute between each dime size bite, the food has to be squeezed past the band. Goodluck to you on your journey to being a healthier you.
  3. Have been off for 6 weeks, due to job would not let me work with restrictions of lifting. So I guess it all depends on type of work you do.
  4. Just finish my 1 hour just dance workout and I feel great!!! Burn baby burn those lbs away.

  5. ready4changein2011

    2Nd Shot At Lapband

    Goodluck Michael hope it all works put for you.
  6. ready4changein2011

    How Much And How Long??

    My physician said 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of food each meal. Right now I'm around a 1/2 cup and my full signal comes and will last for 5-6 hrs. I am concerned because not getting in much food around 600-800 day with the protein shake. Scared of malnutrition but satisfied with weight loss so far.
  7. ready4changein2011

    Seriously Need Help And Advice

    Are you getting your fills? Are you taking in enough water and protein in? How many calories are you taking in a day? It appears that you are on track with your exercise. If you have no restriction more than likely you are eating how and what you want. I cant say if you are on a plateau, because I'm not sure how long they normally last. You are not a year out yet, I would not give up so easily. I would check my diet to see if there's something that I may need to change. I would schedule a fill with my physician and talk to my nutritionist. Yes, I agree some lose weight faster than other but we must not compare cause we are all different. And yes we want the weight to come off over night but it does not work like that. The band is a tool and we have to learn how to utilize it, so that it works for us. What works for you does not mean it will work for me. Stop worrying about what others think this adds pressure to what you are already going through. In life some people want you to fail, but I'm determined to not give them the satisfaction. You made the decision to do this for you and you can do this. Stay encouraged, attend lapband support groups in your town, continue to workout, and most importantly see your physician and let him/her know so they can get you to the green zone. Goodluck on your continued journey into a healthier, happier you. We are here for you. Wishing you success.
  8. ready4changein2011

    225 lbs/ 5 weeks out

    From the album: Post-Banding

  9. ready4changein2011

    225 lbs/ 5 weeks out

    From the album: Post-Banding

  10. ready4changein2011

    225 lbs/5 weeks out

    From the album: Post-Banding

  11. Down 2.4 lbs this week and I'm not complaining. I'm 7.6 lbs from my first goal.Yay

  12. ready4changein2011

    Fill Am I Too Tight

    I was instructed to return if I had any heartburn, means band too tight but I'm doing ok. I had my first fill and I think I have good restriction. I am concerned that I'm eating only 2 meals a day takin in only between 600-800 calories w/a protein shake. Also sometimes at meal time I can look at food and be full, or take one bite and be full. Dont have any heartburn, diff swallowing or vomiting and I'm tolerating all types of food. Am I in the green zone? Is this normal?
  13. ready4changein2011

    Weight Bobbing....

    Every time I have gotten on the scale it has been going in the right direction down. I have had no bouts of gaining weight so far, not saying it won't happen but it has not happen yet. It gives me peace to not have to stress about that scale daily. I just let my body do what it has to do and find out at the end of the week, whether I'm on track or need to change something. Good luck
  14. ready4changein2011

    Weight Bobbing....

    I weigh once a week I cant do the daily thing. I believe its depressing especially if you dont lose. Why should i stress myself out like that I made a vow when I got banded to weigh weekly only. Although tempted I bypass the thought to weigh in. When I was dieting in the pass, I weigh like that but no more. Good luck.
  15. ready4changein2011

    Lesson Learned

    Hope your hubby is feeling better. Girl I chew forever, scared of getting stuck. You are right this is a lesson learned hope u can avoid getting stuck again. I cant imagine wht you went through, I bet 5 minutes felt like a lifetime.
  16. ready4changein2011

    Banded Feb 15Th

    I am one month out according to doc I can have pasta and bread in moderation. They gave me a dvd with everything I can eat, how much, quantity and quality. I can have starches but they dont like you too because it has no real nutritional value. I can say that the only thing I have eliminated from my diet is beef to hard to break down. I dont eat it pasta or bread daily, had it once last week. I can also have any zero soda, I was suprised that I can have soda. I eat like i'm suposed to, right now I'm only eating 2 full meals a day since fill last week, and I feel great. I do need to beef of the workout. Good luck
  17. ready4changein2011

    Banded Yesterday

    Congrats and welcome to the other side. Keep us posted on your progress.
  18. Officially 1 month post-op and feeling great. Will be returning to work in 2 weeks.

  19. I love skinny cow. Wonderful and I don't feel guilty plus have a nice variety to choose from. Yay skinny cow.
  20. ready4changein2011

    First Fill Done

    heathylife they asked if I was hungry and snacking between meals. She just gave me 1 cc did not say why. but im not hungry and noticed I can go 5 hrs between meals instead of hungry every 3 hrs taking in 1/2 cup each meal. Good luck
  21. ready4changein2011

    First Fill Done

    Went yesterday for first fill and I admit I was nervous and scared. It took three attempts to locate port. The first attempt did not hurt, 2nd attempt was worst than the first. Wow the needle is so long. After the second attempt I went to xray to locate exactly where the port is and my goosh she got it. I had 5.2 cc in my band and she added 1.0 cc now I'm at 6.2 cc in my 10cc band. Passed the swallowing test without a problem. I was on liquids yesterday, will have soft foods today and regular diet tomorrow. My tummy is a little sore around the port area. I marked my port area, so they can get it the first time next time. Overall I feel great woke up not hungry. Yesterday had a half of protein shake and a 1/2 cup cream of wheat and a sugar free pudding and I was full. Let's see how long this last lol. Today I have only had a 1/2 cup of coffee so far gonna try and get a protein shake in. Gonna start setting goals for myself and see how it goes from there. Good luck to all. Total weight loss to date 30 lbs.
  22. ready4changein2011

    First Fill And No Restriction

    ooh Im scared im at 6.2 cc with first fill, in at surgery 5.2 cc.
  23. ready4changein2011

    My Stomach Hurts!

    1st fill yesterday and port site is sore, PA said I would have some tenderness, so assuming this is normal
  24. Filled yesterday and I told my PA that I was scared of food and she said you should be lol. Im so paranoid of getting stuck, and determined to try to avoid it at all cost. So sometimes my small meal is over 20 minutes better safe than sorry.

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