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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ready4changein2011

  1. ready4changein2011

    What We Bandsters Go Through

    Sometimes I agree that people should mind there own business when it comes to others. Since I took a leave of absence for 6 weeks after surgery I have co-workers constantly asking me what happen. First question did I have weight loss surgery, you have lost so much weight, so I said took personal leave meaning none of your business unless I disclose it too you. So before surgery they use to ask me if I want to order something to eat. Mind you no one knew I was having surgery. So the other day, they decided to go get food without me and I say why you did not tell me you were going to get food and she says because you ain't gonna eat it anyways. How stupid can people be? How you know what I can eat? It kinda upset me but thank God I carry something in my lunch bag, and she can continue to be over weight eating all that take-out fried food. It never cease to amaze me that because people are unhappy they want you to be unhappy too. Just venting.
  2. ready4changein2011

    So Frustrating...

    I feel you, my scale moved up 1.8 lbs, but since it is the TOM I'm not worried but do see difference in way my clothes feel although scale not moving. I work out daily at work I do 10000+ steps 3 days a week, and the rest of week I walk or jog at the park for 2 miles. so many thoughts in my head but we must remember we are just starting this journey and our body is adjusting thats what keeps me sane. think once we have that balance the weight will come off. keep up the good work. goodluck
  3. ready4changein2011

    March Bandsters!

    Is anyone else here scared of the scale. I was weighing in once a week now I'm too scared to get on the scale. I eat below 1200 cal and workout daily, use a pedometer to see how well i'm doing, burn around 300-500 cal day. This is so frustrating with dieting the scale hardly move so guess I'm still in that frame of mind or could it be that I'm just scared I want lose any weight? this is my biggest nightmare. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?
  4. ready4changein2011


    From the album: Post-Banding

    can see the weight loss in face real good
  5. ready4changein2011

    The Nightmare's Almost Over

    are you still under physician care? being banded is not getting the band and stopping seeing the physician. If youre vomiting maybe youre too tight see physican and get an unfill. the smaller u get u may need fluid removed. goodluck on getting band remove if it does not help me i dont want another wls maybe im just built too be fat. im not gonna destroy my body just too be thin. I will eat healthy and live my life the way God intended reality is some of us are built to be heavy and I have to adjust to that if the weight does not come off. im dong my part so i shall see.
  6. ready4changein2011

    Any Nurses Here?

    I'm an RN from Houston Texas, I was banded March 2, 2012. welcome and congrats on making the biggest decision you will ever make in your life. Good luck
  7. ready4changein2011

    So Many Questions????

    Everyone s different I was off 6 weeks but have a demanding job. I would at least take a week or 2 that was my original plan. As for the hospital stay I was outpatient and stayed 3 days d/t nausea and vomiting (dry heaving). So allow more than a few days in case something happens. I had assistance for around a week. If you dont want your job to know say you had a hernia repair. People at my job asked and I said I needed to take a leave of absence for 6 wks, personal reasons. Goodluck.
  8. Are you all using a salad fork? I'm at 2 meals a day tried 3 yesterday and that did not work for me. Today I'm not hungry at all, had a protein shake and water this cant be good. My doc said dont eat if not hungry but i dont want my body to go into starvation mode. When eating I'm at 800-1000 cal/day minus calories burned from exercise, still learning this band. When I hiccup I stop eating.
  9. Feeling mighty good, I'm hoping the scale be good to me this week. 6lbs from April's spring challenge been working hard to reach it.

  10. Went back to work yesterday, and it was tiring. I guess it will get better once I'm back in the swing of those 12-14 hr days. Hope all is well.

  11. ready4changein2011


    A man is gonna be a man regardless of what you do. When you really think about it they don't know what they want. My hubby has accepted me thick and thin. I chose this for me although he did not approve. I was not happy wiith the heaviness and medical issues so I did me. My goal in life is to be happy, not please a man, from experience that can be disappointing. Lose weight for you. what happens if you lose weight and he still does not desire you? I believe I would have some resentment, men have to deal with their inner self its not my job. Also, What would happen if we started picking out their flaws? If you marry for love weight should not matter that's the solution. Good luck
  12. ready4changein2011

    No Progress...

    I was told 1200 cal/day but I take in less than that, have not quite made it there yet.
  13. ready4changein2011

    First Fill Three Weeks Post Op- Too Early?

    Had my first fill in 4 weeks on 3/30/12, you will be ok. Next one was scheduled 4 weeks after 1st fill on 4/27/12.
  14. ready4changein2011


    I am 6 weeks out now and my hubby was the same way but I had to do what was right for me. If he is unsecure he needs to fix that is what I told him. My mom and daughter was with me on surgery day not him ooh boo hoo. I dont understand what the problem is with these guys. If he has been good to you, then whats the deal if not then maybe that's the problem. Mine has come around some since surgery, I'm independent and he knows that. When you have ongoing health issues (sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol), no one has to deal with this but you. Now that Im losing weight my doc says my bp has improved and im so looking forward to not taking 3 bp meds a day and sleeping with this machine every night. If your hubby is scared for you that's understandable but must realize are we gonna let this weight kill us or are we gonna do something about it. If he doesn't want to talk about it see if he will go to a seminar for lapband education. Wishing you luck and support.
  15. ready4changein2011

    Surgery Today!

    Good luck today, walk walk walk, Take pain meds if needed and definitely use your gas-x.
  16. ready4changein2011

    Liquid Otc Pain Relievers?

    CVS Extra Strength Pain Relief Adult Liquid Rapid Burst Cherry Flavor on www.cvs.com on sale right now $3.29 a bottle also sold in some cvs stores. Goodluck.
  17. ready4changein2011

    Your Full Signal?

    I get the hiccups.
  18. ready4changein2011

    Today Is My First Adjustment....what Can I Expect?

    Everyone is different, I was stuck 3 times not to scare you. The needle is thin but long enough to get to port. I do admit after first stick anxiety set in, after 2nd stick I was gettiing mad 3rd attempt was done under xray thank God. I believe I would have not been able to take another stick. Praying they get you on first try. Good luck hope all goes well.
  19. Take the pain meds, they are a life saver. Why be uncomfortable if you don't have to be? Pain meds are famous for causing constipation, but you can take milk of magnesia for that. Also walk walk walk it will help rid gas. Good luck.
  20. ready4changein2011

    Banded Yesterday

    Congrats and welcome to the otherside. I will return to work Monday, I am a nurse also but had to take whole 6 weeks off d/t job description no restrictions. The soreness takes a while to go away I still experience it when occasionally will be 6 weeks out tomorrow. Good luck to you on your journey to becoming a healthier you.
  21. ready4changein2011

    Second Fill Today, Lots Of Questions

    You know she told me the same thing, if we had the same PA. I dont want fills if i dont need them the band is only 10 cc and im at 6.2 w/good restriction and weght loss so far. But I have heard of pt with 9.25 in band it depends on each person. I had 5.2 cc in mine from surgery. Congrats on your weight loss. Keep it up.
  22. ready4changein2011

    A New Food Experience After A Fill

    I myself dont do breakfast, have lunch and dinner only. Have coffee or protein shake for breakfast. Eat lunch around 12 or 1 and dinner 6 or 7. This works for me not hungry til around that time.
  23. ready4changein2011

    Approved!!!!! Uhc

    Congrats I have UHC too, 1st time approved. Good luck on your journey to becoming a healthier you.
  24. ready4changein2011


    I do slimfast 321 high protein (20g)/low carb/180 cal/fat 9g. My doc recommends this one not the regular one and it taste good. I have whey protein also but like the slimfast better and I do 30g fat daily/600-800 cal/40-60 carbs if that.
  25. ready4changein2011

    Port Location

    Mine is in the middle about 4-5 inches above my belly button, under my largest scar.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
