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Everything posted by bikerchick519

  1. Hey don't forget your sleeve buddy. I will be there with you going through the same thing. My boyfriend was the same way and he has finally come around. He is still worried but trusts that I picked a good doctor and did my research. Your parents love you and worry about you. They grew up in a different era and don't take chances like we do even though we know it's for the best. They will be so happy for you when they see the weight coming off.
  2. bikerchick519

    New guy here

    Welcome and good luck on your journey. I started my 2 week pre-op diet today. My surgery is 2 weeks from today!
  3. Well, first day of pre-op diet. It's gonna be a long 2 weeks.

  4. bikerchick519

    Best Protein ??

    I used to sell Herbalife and I think they are the best so since my pre op diet starts tomorrow I renewed my license so I could get the discount. Their Protein chicken Soup and Protein Drink mix is sooo good. They also have a vanilla Protein Powder that you can add to lots of things. But by far their shake mixes are the best I've ever tried.
  5. bikerchick519

    Tomorrow is my Surgery day - Yeah

    Hope everything went well and you are comfortably recovering. I am 2 weeks away from mine and very excited. Speedy recovery to you.
  6. Start the pre-op diet tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but it gets me that much closer to my sleeve!

  7. bikerchick519

    Self-Pay VSG

    Every insurance company is different. I am self pay in Mexico in a couple of weeks. I have BC/BS and they said they would cover a doctors visit as long as it didn't say follow up from the surgery on the bill. They said dr.s generally give very vague billing details and so things tend to get paid but if I went to the hospital for a complication the billing would be very detailed and when they discovered it was from a non covered surgery, they would probably not pay for it.
  8. 3 weeks from today is my surgery date. Bring it on, I'm ready to do this thing.

  9. I see a lot of different pre and post op diets on here. Mine is also 2 weeks. 7 days of 2 protein shakes a day with chicken and veggies for dinner, then 4 days of just shakes (3 or 4 a day), then 3 days of clear liquids. I start it next Friday. It does seem like a long time to me but if it makes the surgery and recovery easier it will be worth it. I see some only have a week pre op or none at all and don't understand why.
  10. bikerchick519

    who did you tell?

    I've told my family and pretty much all my friends and co-workers. I'm an open book and I don't keep things quiet. But that's just me and how my family is. We never keep a secret about anything. My whole family is big and mostly all diabetics plus I have scoliosis, curvature of the spine. So people that know me know I want to be healthy and eliminate some of the back pain.
  11. bikerchick519

    Today is THE day

    Prayers your way. Good luck.
  12. bikerchick519

    support system changing

    I don't know if it gets better aferwards but I am going through the same thing with my boyfriend. He is dead set against this surgery and the fact that I'm going to Mexico to have it done. He refuses to go with me. We don't live together so I just don't talk about it alot any more. I'm really on the fence about breaking up because I feel like there's no future for us if he can't be by my side when I need him the most. He also has the fear of being left when I lose the weight but he doesn't know it may happen sooner if he doesn't get on board. I need someone supportive or I don't need anyone at all. Hope yours comes around because mine is being stubborn to the end.
  13. Hy-Vee sells it in the organic section of the store. Some stores have chocolate PB2 as well.
  14. bikerchick519

    Finally Approved!!!

    Congradulations firefighter to you and your wife. I am an ex police officer and my surgery is scheduled for Nov. 4th. My insurance doesn't cover wls so I am self paying in Mexico. It will be great for you guys to go through this together and help one another out along the way. How exciting.
  15. I watched it once without the narrative and then went on youtube and found one narrated. I have probably watched it 6 times total. I was fascinated. I can't wait for mine in November. I feel so much better informed now that I know what exactly what is being done.
  16. bikerchick519

    November 4, 2011

    My surgery is scheduled for November 4th with Dr. Kelly in Tijuana, Mexico.
  17. bikerchick519

    New guy here

    My surgery is the day after yours. Very excited also. Good luck to you.
  18. My dad is going to Mexico with me because he's really worried about the surgery. He is overweight also and recently talked to his doctor about maybe having the sleeve done next year after he sees how mine goes. His doctor said the ones who have success with any weight loss surgery are the ones who eat right and join a gym and really get an exercise routine going. I would add to that that being involved in a forum like this is the key to staying on track. Just reading everyone elses success stories and getting all the great advise and encouragement is priceless. You feel like you have support and accountability and you're not on your own, especially those of us going to Mexico and not having the doctor and nutritionist here.
  19. bikerchick519

    2 months until surgery~!!

    I tried to wean myself off and didn't do well. I will have to wait until the last minute and then go cold turkey. The headaches will stink but I did it once before for a month. It was rough though.
  20. bikerchick519

    6 month update w/ Pics

    That is awesome, you look like a new person. I can't wait to be at that point.
  21. I know how you feel, my boyfriend is refusing to go with me so my dad and daughter are going. He just doesn't think I need it and doesn't think it's safe. It may end up being the end of our relationship because I feel like if he can't be by my side and support me through this then I can't count on him when I really need him. Atleast your husband is going with you, that's a start.
  22. bikerchick519

    Creamy Edamame, Lime, and Coconut Soup

    Love, love, love the soup recipes. I'm getting an immersion blender this weekend. I had one I never used and gave it away. I knew I would need it for something one day. Thanks again for the recipes.
  23. bikerchick519

    Surgery Monday!

    I also take college classes and worry about falling behind. I take 2 online classes. They only last 8 weeks and its very easy to get behind. I'm afraid of being in Mexico for 6 days and then being tired after surgery and not getting stuff done. To make it worse I only get one week off work. It will be a challenge that's for sure but I know it will be worth it in the long run.
  24. bikerchick519

    2 months until surgery~!!

    Mine is a 14 day pre op. I'm not looking forward to that or giving up caffeine.
  25. I feel your pain only not to your extent. My boyfriend of almost 4 years is acting the same way. He is normally the sweetest guy but he is dead set against this surgery. I'm a self pay going to Mexico and he refuses to go with me. I'm going ahead with my surgery because this is for ME. I may be doing it differently if we were married. I did finally get it out of him that most of his attitude was because he doesn't think I need it and that he could not handle it if something goes wrong in surgery and I die. I wish you the best of luck and hope things work out for you.

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