So I am scheduled for lap band surgery, the first ever in MY LIFE, on Aug just 8 days. I'm not too sure what to expect. While my doctor was VERY nice, he wasn't very informative (in my opinion). He asked if I had any questions, and at the time I didn't. But I was so freaked out to even be sitting in his office, that the only thing that came to mind was "can I still nurse my 9 mo old son." I feel like I have gotten more info from researching topics on this website than I did from him. I guess I just want to know how much pain will I be in? How difficult will it be for me to change my eating habits (worried about this PB or vomiting thing, food getting stuck issue). Also, I have to make a short road trip (about 3+ hrs drive) on the 20th, 3 days after surgery. Doc said I should be fine, he wouldn't advise me driving while still taking pain meds, or if I can't make a quick reaction like slamming on the breaks if needed. But will I NEED pain meds after a few days? Ive heard its a fairly quick recovery time, but 3 days?? I also do alot of bending down for my job, its very light work (personal assistant aka "gopher for the lazy"). Anyone able to resume duties that require bending shortly after? Also, because I feel like I have tried everything out there, short of wiring my jaw shut, my fear is, what if it doesn't work? :(Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated.