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Everything posted by MegInNOLA

  1. I'm 6 months out and yep, right there with you with having absolutely no exercise tolerance--at least I don't sweat like I used to, but I sure do have trouble getting my breath at times. I'm going on Monday to have pulmonary function tests to see if this is asthma or something else. BUT I think it's also tied to the whole dehydration thing, because it really gets a lot worse when I've not been paying attention to how little I'm drinking. Something that I've found pretty helpful nutrition-wise to sneak in more veggies when I have minimal capacity is to zap them up in Soup. I can now drink an entire coffee cup of soup over a 15-minute period--this is a HUGE improvement, and I think I can only do it because it's liquid and it sort of slides down without too much problem. If you make your own, you can control the sodium content (I find commercial Soups WAY too salty). Just use low-sodium broth and whatever vegetables you like; cut up the veggies and add them to the broth and cook until it's all soft. Add herbs and whatever other flavorings you like. Zap it in the blender. At this point, you can stir in some of the unjury chicken broth Protein powder, if you like (DON'T boil it!). I usually just put in some cheese or sour cream or something dairy, especially if I've used a few Beans in the soup (they get really creamy when blended--I just use a couple of spoons from a can!). It's quick, it keeps in the fridge, and you can heat it up in no time in the microwave, AND it's yummy veggies and some Fiber for very few calories--and even the carbs are "healthy" carbs from veggies and beans and dairy. Anyway, good luck to you! I also find that when I accidentally decaffeinate myself, I get sluggish--but that's more a mental fog than a physical one. Hormones definitely DO have something to do with all of this--I'm so ready to stop with the hot flashes (I'm going to start calling them "energy surges" to see if the more positive term helps my mental outlook about it!), but it looks like they'll be here a while. Hang in there! Take those vitamins!!
  2. MegInNOLA

    a before and durning

    Wow! Another case of someone getting sleeved and looking almost immediately younger (NOT that you looked older before, but you just look younger now)! Congratulations to you--what an incredible start on your journey!!
  3. MegInNOLA

    Seeing is Believing

    WOW! you look fabulous. I love that you're rocking leggings and boots--and I totally agree with another poster who said you don't look like you've been overweight a day in your life. Congratulations!!!
  4. Wow! Congratulations on some super speedy weight loss! Yeah, hair loss stinks. Some people have found Biotin helpful. Also, be sure that you're getting enough Protein in your diet. That's one area I've had trouble with, and I am still losing hair at 6 months out, although, happily, like you, I had a bunch of it to start with. I can still tell a big difference even if noone else can; I'm really hoping it slows down soon! Anyhow, way to go with your great start, and keep up the great work!
  5. WOW! What an amazing accomplishment! Those last 10 are going to be gone before you know it. Congratulations!!
  6. MegInNOLA

    13 Months Post-op

    Congratulations!! Way to rock your sleeve!
  7. MegInNOLA

    Shop much?

    I am LOVING shopping! I have also discovered that EBay is a great way to get rid of nice clothing that's too big--some of which I just bought at the beginning of the summer that is now way too big!! I think the key is that the activity doesn't get in the way of any other part of your life. If it got embarrassing to me, caused guilt, messed up my finances, or brought stress to my relationships, then it would be something I would definitely examine. Meanwhile, I am really enjoying wearing cute, fashionable clothes and CUTE SHOES! There are many worse ways to be occupied.
  8. MegInNOLA

    No No Food

    I wasn't given any sort of no-no's other than to eat healthfully. I haven't tried bread (I'm actually scared to, for both the sleeve-upsetting factor and the trigger-food factor). I decided not to re-incorporate foods like Pasta, rice, potatoes, baked goods back into my diet, since I don't miss them and don't need them. I also decided to keep high-sugar and fried foods off the menu more or less permanently because my sleeve hates them. I eat the types of Protein my sleeve will tolerate (mostly vegetarian and dairy), plus I eat carbs in moderation. I am not especially carb-sensitive, so this keeps me happy and satisfied. I just ate about a cup of popcorn (yum!) and I usually enjoy a margarita at Friday afternoon happy hour with a colleague. Bottom line, I think every individual has to arrive at an eating plan that fits his/her lifestyle, sleeve tolerance, weight loss goals, and health. You'll know if you try something and it doesn't work!!
  9. MegInNOLA

    Yayy Me! Im a normal weight

    Whoo-HOO! Way to go! You do look wonderful!! Congratulations!!
  10. MegInNOLA

    strange cravings

    Grapefruit. I don't know why. I eat it every single day, and I drink a grapefruit-flavored drink from Wholefoods--I really don't know what's gotten into me about the grapefruit thing! LOL I did like it before surgery, but I didn't eat it all that often. Now I get a big tub of pre-sectioned grapefruit in juice and keep it in the fridge--I've gone through about 8 of those huge things of grapefruit since surgery! I guess it's a vitamin C or potassium thing or something; at least it's a healthy and low-calorie craving.
  11. MegInNOLA

    Update on Husband Drama and lots more!!!

    Agree with the other posters--I'm glad you're feeling great and doing so well with your weight loss! Just think what a more energetic mom you're going to be for your kids. Congratulations on all the new changes.
  12. Woo-HOO! Congratulations! You are doing GREAT!
  13. I'm just at 6 months out, and yeah, it's slowing down. As you can see from the weights in my signature, I'm averaging between 10 and 11 pounds a month for the last 3 months--so far this month, I'm down 3 (my month sort of runs from the 15th to the 15th), so I'm on track for my average. HOWEVER, I know I'm not losing as much, because my hot flashes are coming back more frequently; the loss of fat meant the release of stored estrogen, which kept my hot flashes at bay for a few months, but they're back, which tells me the estrogen release is slacking off (as in the fat burning is slowing down). I still have 22 pounds to go. I'm just going to keep doing what I can do and trust that my body will get where it needs to go. I'm not especially worrying about it yet--as long as the scale is still moving in the right direction, albeit slowly, I'm not going to flip out (which is new for me--I'm a former flipper over tiny things!). I'm just really enjoying being size 14/16 now instead of my former tight 26/28; anything after this is just icing on the cake (with Splenda, naturally!).
  14. OH YEAH, now that was an unpleasant discovery--I think I'm at around the same point in overall weight loss as you are, and yep, those pesky hot flashes that were kept at bay with the release of estrogen (yay fat burning!) are coming BACK. So I'm doing what you are! My husband calls me the East Texas Weather Machine, because I'm hot, then cold, then hot--it's crazy! But you're 100% right, even with all this silliness, I wouldn't trade my sleeve for anything, either!!!! I'm fine piling on a sweater or stripping off my socks at a moment's notice--whatever works! This too shall pass, and we'll be thin and healthy and postmenopausal some day. At least now I feel like I'll be around to BE postmenopausal--couldn't say that before my sleeve!!
  15. Deb, you are doing so great!! Congratulations on all of the V's in your list--smaller waist, better exercise endurance, lower BMI!!! You're really rocking that sleeve!!!
  16. MegInNOLA

    Still Scared

    I'm at 6'2" and 212 this morning. Believe me when I tell you I am not skinny, not by a long shot. I have 4 inches of height on you. I definitely still have boobs and some belly fat, and some top of the thigh ickiness that definitely needs to go. My surgeon didn't set a goal for me, and I selected 190 as the top end of my "goal range," since that would put me solidly in the "normal" range for BMI. But I suspect, as I also have a really restrictive and particular sleeve, that I will go lower than that without trying. I think Foxbins is right--we need to experience what being slender really feels like (and what feeling healthy and fit feels like--I still have a LONG ways to go in the fitness department). If you decide you want to add a few more pounds back on, we all certainly know how to do that. Even with a restrictive sleeve, I could add some pounds if I tried, through food selection and frequency of eating. So don't worry--you're in control.
  17. Wow, I don't know what to tell you. My wedding ring became loose at around 35 pounds down, and I still haven't had it resized, since I have no idea where I'm going to end up weight- or size-wise. They have those thingies that fit inside rings to snug them up--or you might consider doing what I do, which is wear it on a chain (like your high school sweetheart's class ring) until you've been at a stable size for a few months. I keep it close to my heart that way. :-)
  18. Wow! Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing your story, and congratulations on being able to live the life you want. Thanks also for posting, since there aren't a lot of posts from people who are several years out--it's really helpful and inspiring to hear from you!
  19. Congratulations! I posted a quick note on your profile, but yay for such a terrific accomplishment! Must feel wonderful!!
  20. Wow! You look wonderful!! I really like the way you put the pics together with similar poses in before/after shots. You can really see the difference!! Congratulations on your year!
  21. MegInNOLA

    101 Pounds Down

    Woo-HOO! Congratulations on joining the Century Club! What a great accomplishment!!! Save a spot for me--I've got 8 more pounds and I'm there too!! Way to rock that sleeve!!!!
  22. You may have provided excellent motivation for others to attend your class!!! I know if I came into the room and saw someone whose pants wouldn't stay up, I would be "dang, I want to do what she's doing!" And yeah, sorry, but I'm laughing my fanny off here, too, just thinking about it. But WITH you, not AT you!!! Congratulations on a great NSV!!!
  23. Yes, you'll be able to drink more--don't know about eating and drinking. I still can't do that and I'm 6 months out. I would suggest that you just keep a cup in your hand all the time in order to keep sipping. Hang in there--it gets better!!
  24. MegInNOLA

    running and high heels

    Girl, believe me, if I could share a couple of inches, I'd do it. Both parents are tall (6'6" and 6'1/2"), and I've been this height since 7th grade. I was a LOT thinner then, of course.
  25. MegInNOLA

    people comments on my weight

    You've had some great success so far! Just keep doing what you're doing. When people make insensitive comments, something like, "Thanks-- my doctor and I had a conversation about this just last week, and he/she said I'm right on track!" will usually shut them up. I've actually experienced the opposite--I have a very visible, people-intensive job as a musician/teacher, so I have a LOT of people who are seeing me for the first time since surgery and 90+ pounds ago. Their reactions are overwhelmingly positive, but sometimes I feel really awkward being the center of attention, even about this fairly positive thing. I'm not used to being quite as "noticed," if you get my drift, and even when it's nice people saying nice (not inappropriate) things, it's really challenging for me to simply smile and say, "Thank you. I feel great!" or something. I have a professional conference coming up in a couple of weeks, and it's going to be another round of "oh my goodness" and "wow, you look great," and don't get me wrong, I feel that I DO look so much better, but it still takes some getting used to. You might practice comebacks, both to positive and less positive comments, until they feel natural. I always try to take the high road and not answer as if someone is being deliberately snarky (even if I think they are), but that's the southern girl in me, I guess. Plus, now I feel great, so I'm just not inclined to be as snippy.

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