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Lisa :)

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lisa :)

  1. I was on clear liquids until day 11, full liquids until day 21 and started puréed on day 22.
  2. Lisa :)

    I Went Swimming

    I swam competively when I was in my teens and it's always been my favorite exercise. Several years ago I got the idea of doing a triathlon (which still hasn't happened but will on June 29th this year). I was so self conscious about going to the pool and bearing all my flab for all to see. I probably put it off for several weeks before I got up the courage to go for it. So I threw on my suit and walked out to the pool deck and dreaded removing my towel. I looked around and realized NO ONE WAS EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!!! So I got in the pool, did my thing and I've been swimming at least once week ever since that day 5 years ago!! It reminds me of a quote I heard somewhere years ago "I'm not much, but I'm all I think about"!!!!
  3. Lisa :)

    Help :(

    Definitely, definitely, definitely STOP WORRYING If you search past (and even current) posts here you will read about the dreaded week 3 stall....there is even one by me!!!! You have to keep in mind that after losing so much weight so quickly your body needs time to adjust to that weight. I will also tell you that stressing out over it can make it worse. Just keep doing what you're doing and TRY not to focus on the number on the scale....it's just a number!!! Instead, focus on the NSV's (non-scale victories). When I hit the 3 week stall (which lasted 2 weeks BTW), I took my measurements and even though I hadn't lost ANY weight in two weeks, I had lost several inches....proof that the scale can, at times, be my worst enemy!! So, don't beat yourself up....you're doing great!!!!
  4. Lisa :)

    Protein Is Such A Pain!

    I drink Premier Protein shakes from costco and pour them over ice to make them really cold. I also really like the Syntrax nectar Cappucinno over ice and, to me, it tastes just like an iced coffee. Most of the Nectar products don't have a protein aftertaste. Also, Power Crunch bars taste just like a cookie....they are wafers so they are light and crispy. You really have to try several different products until you find what you like. Everyone has such different taste preferences so what I think is really good, you may not. A lot of bariatric sites (i.e. Bariatric Pantry) offer sample packs so that you can try various products. I've also learned that I do best when I stick to one particular Protein Drink and bar because then I become used to the taste which helps me stick with it. Good Luck and don't give up on finding something you like!!!
  5. I have older boys (18 & 21) in the home that eat anything and everything so I understand the need to watch the budget!!! Right after surgery, I used the unflavored Isopure and put it in broth and Crystal Light (while on clear liquids) and once I moved to full liquids I put the Isopure in everything....strained/creamed Soups, hot chocolate, SF pudding. I think I paid about $40 for the large tub. Good Luck!!!
  6. I bought a Sunbeam heated throw. It's definitely smaller than a twin but I love it because I just throw it over the comforter and then if I get too hot I can toss it on the floor in the middle of the night. We sleep in a standard king and my partner wants nothing to do with it so it's worked out great for us!!! Oh, I got it at Walgreen's. I also like that I can take it downstairs with me and us it on the couch if I'm watching TV.
  7. Lisa :)

    Best Scale For The Job?

    I was going to recommend the EatSmart. Not only do they make great scales, they have the BEST customer service!! After about 8 months, mine started giving me very erratic readings and it wouldn't always calibrate. I called the number on the back, sent them an email with my name and address and my new scale arrived two days later!!! I didn't even have to send the old one back!! GREAT PRODUCT with a GREAT COMPANY that stands behind what they sell.
  8. It's amazing how different surgeons/programs are about diet progression after surgery. I was on CLEAR liquids for 10 DAYS, full liquids for two weeks, puréed food for a week and then finally soft food. I was miserable during the liquid stages and I just wanted to chew but looking back I'm so glad I was forced to go slow. I have had that rock like feeling in my chest when I've eaten something too fast or not chewed well enough but it usually subsides after 30-45 minutes and it helps if I walk around to allow gravity to aid in the process. I would suggest you call your dr. if its still an issue tomorrow and think about slowing your diet progression.
  9. Lisa :)

    Edamame: Have You Tried It?

    Edamame is one of my favorite snacks and has been for years!!! It's a complete protein packed with all the essential amino acids. Fresh edamame is the best but I will often buy the pre cooked bags in the frozen section at Trader Joe's and heat them up in the microwave. I then throw some sea salt on them...YUM!!!
  10. Lisa :)

    Surgery Date Pushed Up?

    Yes, I had a tube but only while in the hospital. Dr T removed it right before she discharged me. It was really no big deal and i didn't even feel it when she took it out. Then she covered it with gauze. I had to change the dressing twice a day for about two days and then it closed up. You're getting really close to your appt date!!! I hope it all goes well and that you get scheduled when you want!!!
  11. YAY you!!!!! What a great surprise that must have been! I think I look forward to that day more than Onederland!! CONGRATS!!!!
  12. Lisa :)

    Southern California Surgeons

    I live in Long Beach and went through my insurance. My IPA only refers to The Association of South Bay Surgeons so I chose my surgeon out of the 4 within the bariatric practice. My surgeon was Dr Aileen Takahashi (she is the bariatric medical director at Torrance Memorial). She's an amazing surgeon....very thorough and meticulous and Torrance Memorial is Center of Excellence for bariatric surgery. I couldn't be happier with how my surgery went and the care I got!!
  13. Lisa :)

    Favorite Blender?

    I wasn't able to drink anything from a blender for well over a month after surgery because of how frothy it makes everything....my surgeon also warned against it. Now that I'm over 3 months out, I can use one. I have a HealthMaster and I LOVE it!!!....it's not cheap though. Mine was a gift and I probably never would have thought of spending that much on a blender. Now that I have it though, I absolutely recommend it!!!
  14. I went to a favorite pre-op restaurant today....Mongolian BBQ! I was a little worried at first because it's an all you can eat affair. But my little sleeve kept me sane...AND I really enjoyed it!!! YAY!! I filled my bowl up only half way with chicken, veggies and sauce and I ended up only eating about half of that. I used chop sticks so that I would eat really slowly....had no rice, no wontons, no noodles....and I didn't feel like I was missing anything!!!! I just LOVE my sleeve!!!!!! :purplebananna:
  15. oh good!!! I hope you're able to get a surgery date that soon!!! My partner is having bypass with Dr. Soloman and we're hoping for the end of March/beginning of April!! Oh, and after you see Dr. Takahashi, they are going to have you do a 4 hour bariatric surgery class over where the support groups are. I had to wait 3 weeks to get into that class because the first one was full and I think it's only offered every two weeks. They sure make you jump through a ton of hoops!!!!
  16. Lisa :)

    Ask The Person Below A Question, Answer The One Above.

    I have a BA in journalism and I finished a year of grad school before having my son. I always thought I was going to be a teacher, more specifically, an English Professor. For the past 21 years I've been working with people with developmental disabilities....which is a far cry from journalism or teaching!! If you could invite ANYONE to dinner (dead or alive) who would it be and why????
  17. Lisa :)

    How Long To Eat Lettuce?

    Salad was the first regular food I tried when I hit week 6 because it's my favorite food and I missed it so much!! Luckily, I've tolerated salad well....the only down side is that I can only eat about 4 bites until I'm full.
  18. I think the only place you can get the strawberry is online, directly from Premier Nutrition....unfortunately, it's out of stock right now.
  19. Lisa :)

    No Pre Op Diet?

    I was not required to do a pre op diet other than clear liquids 24 hours prior to surgery and nothing after midnight. The reason my surgeon doesn't require it is because she requires 10% weight loss leading up to surgery. This is to ensure patients prove they are committed AND to shrink the liver.
  20. I'm a swimmer and my surgeon gave me the go ahead to swim at 3 weeks.
  21. I did try several of the Quest bars and although they tasted "okay"...they are SUPER dense and chewy. I really wanted to love them....
  22. My favorite is Power Crunch in Peanut Butter Creme and Peanut Butter Fudge. They are a wafer which I like because so many of the bars are too chewy and sweet for me. I also like these b/c the protein is hydrolyzed which means almost all 14 grams are absorbed.
  23. I, too, drink Premier Protien (chocolate). I like the taste AND it's convenient because it's ready to drink. I pour mine over ice because I like it super cold. The truth is, however, that everyone's taste is different. It took me a while to find one I liked. The problem with buying a case of them at Costco is if you don't like them, you're stuck with an entire case. So, maybe buy a 4 pack online and see if you like them.
  24. So, here I am almost 3 months out, down a total of 75 pounds and almost 50 since surgery....YAY me!!!! These first three months have been relatively easy for me. I healed super quickly, I'm hiking 4 miles a day and getting my 100 grams of Protein in each day has not been a problem. I LOVE my sleeve!!! I posted a while back about how my relationship with food changed much faster than I thought it would. The first two weeks after my surgery were torturous. I came home from the hospital to my family which includes my 18 and 22 year old sons. It was so hard to watch what they prepared and ate....I felt a little trapped because I couldn't lay in bed so I was confined to the recliner in the living room (right next to the kitchen). So, I mourned food and just tried to look forward to the day when I could chew again. Fast forward to the present. I have no restrictions where my diet is concerned but my little sleeve just doesn't like bread, Pasta, rice or anything else that's white and starchy....and that's probably a GOOD thing!! I guess what's difficult is the fact that I just don't derive enjoyment from eating anymore. In my head I think I want something and then when it's there in front of me it has no appeal. Is this all a continued part of the mourning process? I mean, I feel like I have a more "normal" relationship with food than I have EVER had. But part of the reason I had the sleeve was so that I could still eat foods I enjoyed....just much less of them!! I guess I'm hoping that there will come a day when I will enjoy food again....and if that doesn't happen, then I hope I'll get over it!! Again, I love my sleeve and I wouldn't trade what I've gained (and more importantly LOST) just to love food again. I'm just wondering..... Has anyone else lost their love of food? And if so, did you get over it or do you continue to struggle?
  25. Lisa :)

    Protein Content

    Try http://www.calorieking.com/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
