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Lisa :)

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lisa :)

  1. Lisa :)

    Diet Pills

    You're also only one month out....be patient!! I know, easier said than done but you absolutely will lose ALL OVER in time. At one month post op I was still wearing the same pants (size 24). Now, at 4 months, I'm down to an 18. Hang in there!!
  2. Lisa :)

    Can Exercise Be Bad?

    The scale should NEVER be the main measurement of our success. And excersize is NOT going to prevent weight loss!! When you exercise, you build muscle and burn fat. Peole always say "mucsle weighs more than fat". NOT TRUE!!! A pound of mucsle weighs EXCACTLY the same as a pound of fat. The difference is that a pound of muscle takes up 1/3 the space as a pound of fat. If all you did was exchange 20 pounds of fat for mucsle, the scale wouldn't move, but you WOULD see a dramatic difference in how your clothes fit, your energy levels and how you feel!!! If you really want to use a scale to measure your success, get one that measures body fat as well.
  3. Lisa :)


    Don't step on the scale!! You technically need to go without any weight loss for three weeks in order to be in a true stall. I've found that my body needs time to adjust before I start losing again. I am four months out and I will typically lose a pound a day for 5 days and then nothing for 7 to 10 days. I have a rule I've established for myself. If I step on the scale and my weight has not changed then I put my scale away for 7 days!!! I also take my measurements every month....Something I started doing at week 3 due to the dreaded week 3 stall. The other thing I do when I'm frustrated with lack of weight loss is I pull clothes out of my closet and drawers that are too small (or that I THINK are too small) and try them on.....it always makes me feel good!!!
  4. Lisa :)

    When Can I Swim?

    I'm also an avid swimmer.....I was cleared to swim at 3 weeks. My dr just wanted to make sure my incisions were all closed up and not prone to infection.
  5. Lisa :)

    Isopure Zero Carb Drinks

    My dr wouldn't even allow me to leave the hospital until I drank 3 bottles of Isopure....once I got home I don't think I was able to finish even one in a day because I just couldn't stand them anymore. There is a reason some people refer to them as Isopuke!!
  6. You know, when I was still on liquids, I didn't have any restrictions from my Dr. about how often I could eat (or should I say drink). I also had a lot of restriction at that point and that cup of Soup would definitely fill me up. And because I was using unflavored Protein powder that I added to EVERYTHING I was always getting my 80-100 grams of protein required by my dr.
  7. Lisa :)

    Day 2 Help

    I was not able to tolerate anything cold during the first week....only room temp or warm liquids. I was also able to tolerate popsicles as long as I did bite them. I would also suggest you walk around a lot if you've got gas pain....it really helps to move the gas out. The more you walk, the quicker your recovery will go. Hang in there!!!....you should feel a little better each and every day. And if you don't, call your dr.
  8. I am absolutely IN LOVE with the Syntrax Nectar Cappuccino flavor!! I mix it up with a 1/2 cup of milk and a 1/2 cup of water in a blender bottle and then I pour it over ice. I drink one every morning....it has kept me from going back to coffee!!! You can order sample packets and try several flavors. I buy the big tub of it from Vitamin Shoppe for less than $35.
  9. At that stage I had Lipton Creamy Chicken....the one that comes dry in the packets and you add water. I would then mix it in a Blender Bottle with a scoop of unflavored protein powder (I used Isopure Unflavored and I couldn't taste it). I usually had that 2 to 3 times a day. I also purchased a coffee cup warmer on Amazon for about 7 bucks so that it would stay warm since it took me so long to drink it.
  10. Lisa :)

    Am I Screwed If I Hate Salad?

    I absolutely LOVE salad. Pre-op I could have had salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now 4 months post-op, I stay away from it because I can only eat a few bites and that just annoys me. So, you're lucky you don't like it
  11. Lisa :)

    Running And Side Cramps

    So, for all you VSG runners out there, have any of you experienced cramps while running right at an incision site? I have been hiking/jogging for several weeks. I'm four months post op and just recently I started getting cramps right around the lower left incision site where my stomach was removed. My first thought was "I hope that's not a hernia" but then I did a little reading on what causes cramps or side stiches during running and it seems as though this cramp is right below the liver which, I guess, is the most common area. I'm going to pay close attention to my breathing during my run tomorrow and see if the techniques I read about help.
  12. Lisa :)

    Running And Side Cramps

    Sorry, I meant my lower right side I must have read a lot of those same articles! Yesterday i worked on adjusting my breathing during my stride as well as piercing my lips when breathing out and it really did help!! I still ended up with a mild side cramp but it wasn't so bad that I had to stop. As far as hydration goes, I don't think it's that....I drink several ounces of Water in the hour before I leave for my run and I drink small amounts during as well.
  13. Slider foods are foods that go down easily and generally take longer to fill you up (or don't fill you up at all). For me, chips go down very easy so I have to be really careful with them....I LOVE chips and salsa!!...so, I try to just stay away from them.
  14. It's normal to have a lot of head hunger early out, while you're still on liquids. I noticed, for me, that once I got to regular foods, I no longer wanted all the foods I mourned in the beginning. At four months out now, food just isn't all that appealing to me anymore. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I will partake in snacking on slider foods or sweets but I feel like when I do, it's the way anyone who has a "normal" relationship with food would do. Also, once you have moved to solids you will absolutely KNOW when you are full or have eaten too much. As for the growling in your tummy...it could be acid. Are you taking a PPI like Prilosec? My dr prescribed a PPI for the first 3 months and my tummy never growled or anything....and still doesn't.
  15. Lisa :)

    One Year Out

    You look amazing!!!!....like you've been this size your whole life!!! You should feel super proud of yourself!!!!!
  16. Dr. Aileen Takahashi (Association of South Bay Surgeons, Torrance, CA) did my surgery at Torrance Memorial 4 months ago. She is an amazing surgeon....she is an absolute perfectionist and takes her job VERY seriously. There are a ton of hoops to jump through but I think that is actually a good thing....she wants to make sure you're serious and ready for surgery. Oh, and Torrance Memorial is a Bariatric Center of Excellence....and the care I got there was phenomenal!!! Good Luck
  17. Lisa :)

    Need Protein Help

    As time goes by, it gets easier!!! I am almost 4 months out and am at a point where getting my protein in each day is not a problem at all. But I still supplement with liquid and protein bars daily...otherwise I wouldn't be able to get it in. I have a routine: 1/2 Power Crunch bar prior to my 6am workout, the other 1/2 when I get back, 8 oz of Syntrax Nectar Cappacinno about a 1/2 later, another Power Crunch bar for a snack during the day and a chocolate Premier Protein shake right before bed. So that's about 75 grams of protein not including the protein I get from my food. I aim for no less than 100 grams per day. Also, getting to this point was a struggle. It took me a while to find the drinks and bars that I liked.....because finding something you like (not just tolerate), I think, is the key to sticking to it. As far as fluids....I drink Powerade Zero and Iced tea all day and I keep it on my nightstand so that I can drink if I wake up in the middle of the night too.
  18. Lisa :)


    I was prescribed Prilosec right after surgery and took it for 3 months. I've had no issues with acid reflux or "hunger".
  19. Lisa :)

    Im Pain !

    It is likely the incision where your stomach was removed. Usually it's the one incision where they stitch it internally and it causes the most discomfort after surgery. I had pain and discomfort around my lower left incision site for about three weeks. You should, however, call your surgeon's office tomorrow if you are concerned and in a lot of pain. Take care!!!
  20. Lisa :)

    Protein Shakes

    Everyone's taste for Protein drinks are different. Also, what you like pre-op, you may hate post-op because your taste buds may change. I used to love a particular Protein powder and I used it for years prior to surgery. Once I had surgery and moved to full liquids I was so excited to be able to have it again....but I hated it, and still do four months later. If you are required to do a pre-op liquid diet then find one you like now. Then once you have surgery try out several different kinds. I drink Premier Protein ready to drink (from Costco) and Syntrax nectar Cappuccino. About Isopure Zero...I was forced to drink it while in the hospital and I got TOTALLY sick of it....it leaves a protein aftertaste in my mouth. Yes, it's 40 grams of protein but that's for 20 oz. Ounce for ounce, the protein content is not that great. Most whey protein powders are 25 grams per scoop mixed with 8 oz of liquid. Once I got home from the hospital, I used the Isopure unflavored powder and mixed it with chicken broth, Crystal Light and Mio.
  21. Lisa :)

    Starbucks Iced Coffee....

    Those are loaded with sugar. Try Syntrax Nectar cappuccino flavor. It has 24 grams of protein, zero sugar, zero fat and is made with decaf coffee. I drink at least one every day!!!!....I'm totally addicted to them.
  22. Lisa :)

    High Protein Bars That Are Sooo Good!

    1 cup of dry oats is about 55 grams of carbs and 1/2 cup cottage cheese is 4 grams. So you're looking at about 60 carbs for the entire recipe...about 8 grams of carbs per bar. Sounds like a great bar....I'll have to give these a try!!
  23. Lisa :)

    Protein Is Such A Pain!

    I can officially state that I am ADDICTED to the nectar Cappuccino!!! I drink, at least two per day!! I got the big (over 2 lb) tub at Vitamin Shoppe. I use 1/2 Water, 1/2 milk, shake it up in a Blender Bottle, and then I pour it over ice to make myself the most delicious iced coffee!!! And just a note about Vitamin Shoppe. The prices in store are way more than their online prices so make sure that you always ask for the online price when checking out....they simply log in to their website right then and there and will give you that price....but you HAVE to ask for it!!!
  24. I found an app for my iPhone called BodyShot - Before & After. It's a cool little app that allows you to take photos (either taken on your iPhone or uploaded) and place them side by side for comparison. It also tracks weight and measurements too. Anyway, here is my first one. My before pic is about a week after my initial consult with my surgeon a year ago in January and then me at the beginning of February (3 months post op)....so these photos are one year apart and I'm down a total of 82 pounds (55 post op).
  25. Lisa :)

    Carecredit Question

    I have a carecredit card that I used for several dental procedures. Each time I used the card, that particular charge was done at no interest for 6 months (but there are varying promotions). You absolutely can pay it off early but if you don't pay the "promotional balance" by the due date (6, 12 or 18 months) then you will be hit with compounded interest. And when you log into your account, you can see each "promotional balance" and it lists the original amount, the current balance for that charge and the date that it expires. Hopefully, the next time I use the card it will be for my tummy tuck!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
