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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. I am three months out and was wondering the same thing. In the past two weeks my sleeve capacity has gotten bigger. I was at about 4 to 6 bites and now its a little more I notice. I couldnt eat a whole 5 oz greek yogurt and now I can finish it. I can eat about 3/4 of a taco (hard shell only) if I dont have anything else... I usually have about 3 chips and salsa broken up and then I can only eat half my taco. I dont have this often. I can eat about 2.5 ounces of Talapia.. my staple food. I eat a LOT of talapia. I love it and its easy to eat..lots of protein. I season it differently so I dont get bored. I can eat about a half a cup of chili type food if I take it slow. I love that I have a lot of restriction and I hope it stays that way. I dont push it. If i get that lump in my chest, I stop. I always tell my husband that it feels like I swallowed a small potato whole and its stuck in my chest. The feeling is uncomfortable but not really painful. I dont like it so I try to avoid it. Milk makes me extremely full very quickly and i have to pace myself to drink a cup of it. It also hurts my tummy now so I buy lactaid milk or take the little tablet lactase. I just felt like chiming in here.. hope you dont mind. I was excited to see that you dont loose much restriction at a year or so out.
  2. Forensikchic

    My biggest success Post-VSG

    Congrats Tiff! She is so cute! Just beautiful. Hope you have a smooth recovery and everything continues to go well.
  3. Just as a side note... pork skins are not that bad.. they do have a lot of protein per serving and no carbs.. 80 cal, 4.5 fat, and 8 protein, NO CARBS for only a 1/2 an oz. I dont think they are a bad choice for an occasional snack. In a large bag there are 10 servings so you can see that 1/2 oz is a small portion and we need the protein. If you are going to snack, this would be a fairly good one to choose. Just sayin.
  4. Forensikchic

    Anyone live in San Antonio?

    You are doing great! I am so happy for you! I am trying to start an exercise program but not having much luck finding time and motivation to do it. I think I am going to start walking at work and maybe doing some circuit training at the gym. They have a 30 minutes setup there and I think I can do that. We should all go for cofee or something one day... now I only drink decaf but that counts! I would love to meet both of you!
  5. Forensikchic

    Anyone live in San Antonio?

    I have had trouble with my foot so my exercise has really suffered. Dr. D. says you are not limited on exercise at all, not even ab workouts. He suggested that I start lifting weights and doing nonweightbearing stuff because of my foot. I have not found the motivation to start this yet. I keep thinking about it but nothing happens, lol. I need a workout partner. where do you go the gym or workout? maybe we live or work close together and can do some things together. I belong to planet fitness and also to the Ymca but I might be cancelling that soon. Its pretty far for me to drive to. Let me know if you are interested that. I think we all need to be there for each other and I have no friends in San Antonio since I am new here relatively. It sounds like you are off to a good start. The amount of protein you can eat will increase as the weeks go by. I had a hard time getting enough in and I still do but it gets better when the volume gets a bit bigger. I can now eat ALMOST three ounces of fish. yay!
  6. Forensikchic

    HELLO San Antonio!!!!

    There are lots of restaurants on the Riverwalk. I am sure you will be able to find something there, maybe share with hubby or order a childs plate or appetizer. The Riverwalk is great!
  7. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--192 lbs to goal--- 18 So I am off to a 2lb loss the first week. Not too bad. I finished up the Halloween goal, missing it by 2 lbs. I lost 18 though and thats better than nothing and I might add.... its more weight than I have ever lost in that length of time ever. As a matter of fact... I have now lost a total of 42 pounds and thats more than I have ever lost at one time of dieting. I am ahead of my own curve and it feels good to be eating healthy and not using food for comfort.
  8. Forensikchic

    Sleeve regret?

    I felt a twinge of depression a few days after being sleeved. The pain wasnt bad at all, but the not eating food was depressing to me. I cried over macaroni and cheese. I just wanted to chew again so bad! Of course I didnt and before I knew it, I was able to drink protein drinks, yogurt and soups. I progressed within a few weeks to soft foods and then on to anything at 8 weeks out. I was only sad during the liquid only part and that was only for a few days of it, just before the soft phase. I am three months out (almost) and I can honestly say I barely remember that. My daughter laughs at me about the mac and cheese incident and I guess it was funny to a 13 year old. I laugh now too. I dont regret the sleeve at all!!! I love my sleeve. It keeps me full and in control. I dont have a hard time eating at all. I cant eat as much as some sleevers on this board but I dont need to! I get full in about 6 to 8 regular bites. I cant eat a whole chicken thigh yet but as I said, I dont try to stuff anything in there. When I feel full, I eat one more bite and if I get the feeling again, I stop. I can eat almost a whole 3 oz fish filet, If I eat slow. Its more like 2 1/2 ounces but thats fine for me. I think I am up to almost 1/2 cup at a sitting of most things except bread and starchy stuff.. I stay away from that. I eat mostly protein. I hope this helps you in some way.
  9. Forensikchic

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Forensikchic.....210.............. 192.1............190.............2.1 Well, guys, I missed my goal by 2.1 pounds. Bummer. I got close though, loosing 18 pounds in two months. I will take that. I have started my Xmas goal as of last week and am on my way toward that one now. Congrats to all those who made their goal and to all of us who got close because that counts too!
  10. Forensikchic


    I live in San Antonio, although thats not really as far south as you are! Welcome aboard!
  11. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

  12. Forensikchic

    Great Dream

    As some know already, I am having trouble with my teen son too. He has such a nasty attitude and smart mouth. I totally understand where you are coming from when they decide there are not going to do something or wear something.. etc. So frustrating! Good luck on your journey!
  13. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    I think the important part of doing a challenge it so keep you motivated! I didnt know what to expect I could loose so I just put 20 pounds and went for it on the Halloween one. I am still 4 lbs shy of that but if you look at the other side of it, I have lost 16 pounds! Had I set the goal at 15, I would be past it and i wouldnt be so motivated to loose the other 4! I like having something specific to work on that doesnt seem as daunting as the "whole enchilada". You can do this girl! Even if you fall a little shy of your goal, you are still losing and thats the important part!
  14. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    I went for 20 for Halloween but I am falling a little short of that (about 3 lbs or so). I started to go for 15 but decided I would do 20 again because I am hoping for less complications this time! If I fall short and only loose 15 or so, its ok! Thats 15 more toward my goal! I dont want to make unrealisitic goals but I feel strongly that if I really dig in and exercise, I can do it! You can too!!
  15. Forensikchic

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Forensikchic.....210.............. 193.8............190.............3.8 Well, guys, I have 3.8 pounds to go and only 6 days to do that in! If I dont make it all the way, at least I got close! Good luck to everyone! We can do this!
  16. Forensikchic

    This is why I need the sleeve!

    I have found that wearing some sort of spandex knee length biker type shorts under my jeans solved this problem. It may be that your pants are getting a little loose and drooping in the seat and your thighs are allowed to touch. If you have this type of shorts on, it doesnt allow skin to touch skin and you will be a lot more comfortable. I cant go for a walk on regular shorts. they have to be spandex so they hug my thighs and dont let skin touch skin. Even if I have to wear then under some other shorts or pants. I have always had fat thighs and this horrible chaffing problem. I hope this will help you too.
  17. I need some encouragement from people who are further out than I am. I saw my surgeon Friday for my 10 week follow up. He told me I was a little behind the curve because I had a kidney stone early on and also a bout with plantar fasciitis that is still going on. I am on week two of prednisone steroid therapy. He said that I was nearing the end of my honeymoon phase as I am almost three months out from surgery. I asked him my chances of reaching my goal of loosing 100 pounds. He told me that I could do it but it would be difficult because I was behind a little bit and the steroids will be working against me. I focused on the negative and have been depressed about it ever since. I want to be as successful as the next guy. I didnt want to hear that I am going to have a harder time of it or that I might not be able to loose all the weight. I want to hit my goal by 6 to 9 months out. I want to know from others who are further out than me, did you make your goal of 100% weight loss or very nearly and if you did special things to get there. I know the basic rules, Protein first and low carbs etc. but did you have to become a marathon runner to did you just walk a few miles a day, weight train, live in the gym or what did it take to make this dream come true???
  18. Forensikchic


    I had the wicked headache but it was from caffeine withdrawal! If you stopped drinking coffee, soda and tea and went to Clear Liquids, thats the answer to your headache problem. It will subside by tomorrow. I had it for about 2 days and then it got better and better. I dont drink caffeine anymore either because I went through hell for those days and its just not worth going back to it!
  19. I only had six days of preop diet too. I used muscle milk premade banana creme flavor as a meal replacement for breakfast and lunch and drank crystal lite and diet cranberry juice, water, etc. Went totally off caffieine and the headache was mean! I got to eat 3 oz of protein a night with non starchy veggies. That meal at night made it so much easier! I had talapia or chicken and green beans or something like that. I also walked two miles each day (required). I hope that helps. I lost 9 pounds in 6 days doing that and I was not so deprived because I got to chew for my evening meal.
  20. Forensikchic

    October 16 check in

    UPDATE: I have lost another 1.5 pounds since i post this just two days ago! I am just so thrilled!
  21. Forensikchic

    Help! Nausea everyday!!!

    I started with those but they tasted bad to me. The regular pills are super tiny. They are not problem to swallow at all. My new PPI capsule I take is huge! I dont have problems with it either though.
  22. Forensikchic

    It's time

    I did this too. you can find me by searching my screenname Forensikchic. I dont know how to post a link.. subscribe to me and I will you so we can follow each other!
  23. Forensikchic

    Help! Nausea everyday!!!

    I am two and a half months out now and i have been experiencing nausea in the morning after the first sip of water. Doesnt matter if its cold or room temp. The first thing hits my stomach the nausea follows. My doctor prescribes me generic zofran. its a lifesaver. I take it with the first sip of water and then my PPI. I am good to go. My sleeve doesnt like cold things in the morning but as long as I have the zofran, I am Aok. Maybe you could ask for it for yourself. Its a very small pill and totally worth it to me.
  24. Forensikchic

    2 1/2 months - leak?

    I think you need to calm down and dont work yourself up just before surgery. I know its hard to do but every person is different and surgeons have different protocols. It doesnt mean you will have a complication! Hopefully nobody will but we each have to weigh the odds and make the best decision in the long run for us! Hang in there, I am sure you will be fine. Calm down, do some deep breathing! You are on your way to a healthier life! The risk of the complications from living so unhealthy far outweighs the complication that can but usually doesnt arrise from surgery anyway. jmho
  25. Forensikchic

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Forensikchic.....210.............. 195.5............190.............5.5 I have about 5 pounds to make my goal! I am thrilled but scared since my weight loss is slowing now. I hope I make it! I only lost 1.5 pounds since last wednesday but I didnt think I was going to do that. I just kept staying the same everyday. Finally this morning, I was down some. I just hope it stays down and I keep losing. Good luck guys! We are going to make it!

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