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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. Forensikchic

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I used her comments to fuel my workout tonight!
  2. Forensikchic

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I would definately not call her a friend. She works in my building but I only occassionally have to interact with her, thank goodness. She has always been sorta nasty to me. Once I commented on needing a haircut and style and she responded with " at least its doesnt look as bad as it used to". How to respond to that one.. I still dont know. I think I will be turning down any more of her clothes offers. Thanks for understanding and making me feel better.
  3. Forensikchic

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I had to deal with the same chic again today. Started out nice saying she had some court pants I might want but I might have lost enough now for them to be too big but she would like to give them to me. I said ok. When I got them from her she told me they were WAYYYY to big for her but maybe I could wear them. To add insult to injury, she said, I would have thought you would be giving me your clothes by now instead of the other way around. I seriously wanted to cry. I dont know how many more of these meetings with her that I can mentally handle. I am doing my best, even having surgery, and yet it seems not good enough. She is in fierce competition with me and I dont know why. I just dont want her to win so she can gloat that she lost more weight than me and I even had surgery.. I can hear it now. This is so depressing to me.
  4. Hi. Im 43 and was sleeved August 8, 2011. At first I could drink milk okay... no problems. I thought everything tasted too sweet or too tart. I can no longer drink crystal lite lemonade! Its soooo tart! I hate it. I was also making Protein drinks with milk and I didnt have any sickness UNTIL>.....Now. I rarely drink Protein shakes anymore because they would give me the runs and make me nauseas. I bought some lactaid milk and tried that but it still happened. I hated protein shakes anyway so I stopped drinking them. I bought some special K and fixed me a small bowl this morning with 2% milk. Not ten minutes later, I was running for the bathroom with horrible cramps and diarrhea. I also had splenda in the Cereal. I have become extremely lactose intolerant. Thats what is making me sick. If you tried icecream.. that might be it. Sleevers have a tendency to become lactose intolerant and sensitive to sugar substitutes, etc. I bet that is what is happening to you also. Like I said, mine didnt start out that way, it just became that way over time. buy some lactaid tablets for when you want milk products and see if that helps you. I often wonder if I will make it to goal too. Lots of people at my work know about the surgery too and I dont want to fail. I know exactly where you are coming from. I am just plugging along, trying to eat protein first, etc. and working my sleeve the best I can and its working! Good luck to you! You can do this!
  5. Had my surgery on 8/8/2011. I am down 47 pounds including one week preop. I have 52 pounds to go... almost half way in 3 1/2 months! Woop!
  6. Forensikchic

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I kept thinking to myself after this incident that I would keep the "fat" clothes she gave me so I can give them back to her when I am a size 4! I can say... Oh.. guess its time for these to go back to Chrysti. I just love the speaking in 3rd person when you are talking directly to them as she did me.
  7. Forensikchic

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I am almost halfway to goal so I dont get the too skinny comments yet but I am sure they are coming... I did have a situation the other day though that I would like to share.... I told a coworker of mine about my surgery when she told me she was doing WW back in August (surgery aug 8). I didnt see her for a few weeks. She is one inch shorter than me and we wore about the same size in October ( I had dropped from 18 to 16 and she was a 16-18 too. We both have very similar builds and body types. She asked me at the beginning of November if I wanted some of her clothes she couldnt wear. I thought she meant she had some smaller clothes she wanted to give me... I said sure! I will take whatever you have since I will be inbetween sizes for a while yet... She gave me the jeans. 4 size 16 and 2 size 14. I saw her the next week (she still looks about the same as ever) and I said thanks so much for the jeans.. the 16's a bit big but I am wearing the 14's comfortably! She said to me..." I put these jeans on this morning (while pulling the waist out on her jeans to show they were big and I dont know the size) and I said..OH, its about time these wen to Tammi". OMG> she is pretending to give me her FAT clothes... WHATEVER. I was kinda pissed and didnt know how to take that. I just shrugged and went on. She is so jealous she felt like saying that to me in front of people trying to make it seem like she was winning some imaginary race with me. All this time I thought she was just trying to be nice. She even said at the beginning that she knew i would be moving through sizes fast and thought I could use them before she could. WOW. I hope I wrote this so you can understand the situation. I am not competing with anyone and I wish I hadnt said anything to her at all. I dont want or need someone elses FAT clothes. Its quite the opposite at almost 50 pounds lost!
  8. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--187 lbs to goal--- 13 I usually weigh in on monday but I am so excited to report my los this week! I weighed 186.5!!! Only 12.5 to go. Yay!
  9. I left the hospital with NO physical restrictions at all. He told me I could do anything I felt like and I needed to start exercising immediately...of course I just walked and took it kinda easy but it wasnt because I wasnt allowed too. I think you should just use common sense. You are going to be tired and sore for a while. If you are feeling up to it, then do it. I dont think you can harm anything internally but I am not a doctor. I would definately talk to the dr. before skiing because of the potential for falling when you dont have all your energy back yet. You will be very tired for several weeks after surgery.
  10. Forensikchic

    I need serious help here...

    I have been in a stall for a couple of weeks even gaining a pound or so and am so ready to see the numbers drop again. I think I finally broke it because I am back down to where I was two weeks ago, I just want to see it continue to drop and not go back up... I am a slow loser and everyone else that had surgery when I did, have far surpassed me at this point. Makes me sad...
  11. WARNING: Might be TMI for some...I am about 14 weeks out from surgery and yesterday morning I woke up to intense cramping in my abdomen and diarrhea. I am usually constipated and only go about every two weeks. This cramping has continued now for more than 24 hours. I was up all night last night every hour on the hour with this intense cramping. I have no more stool left so nothing comes out, just horrible cold sweat cramps coming every minute or so. It felt like labor but it was in my intestines. I feel weak and tired now and my tummy still hurts and cramps but not as intense. Its in my lower abdomen. Has anyone had this happen? I didnt change my diet at all. I eat Talapia for supper most nights as I did the night this began. Any suggestions on what to do? Sorry if this is TMI for some.
  12. Forensikchic

    Which was the hardest

    The hardest for me has been slowing down. The not drinking when I eat was a little tough at first but not bad really. Now I dont even think about it. If I eat spicy food, I might take a small sip just because I have to for the heat...lol. I have noticed that I get faux hunger pains when i am stressed, emotional and just this week I noticed I was bored and snacking too much because of it. I was eating good protein snacks but I had to keep telling myself that I am not really hungry, Im bored so I would close the snack drawer and not eat anything. this process has really shed light on why I got so fat in the first place. Eating for all the wrong reasons.
  13. Forensikchic

    Vitamin Deficiency

    At three months out, I was only difficient in vitamin D and they gave me a script for 50K mu of D that I take once a week. I chew a flintstones multi with iron and eat protein first. I take a vit b12 sublingual a few times a week too. Are you taking a multi and are they giving you stronger vitamins since you need them?
  14. My doctor said it wasnt related to the sleeve at all but our risk of dehydration early out could be a factor. I am over three months and can drink pretty well now (but dont unfortunately). I drank all that gatorade and felt much better. I am going to drink gatorade all day to help rehydrate myself and get electrolytes back. I am curious to see if any others have had a stomach bug too and what they did.
  15. Forensikchic

    I need serious help here...

    I left work early yesterday to come home and rest. After a nap and a talk with my hubby about it, we decided to try the gatorade route. I drank a half a big bottle and went to bed. I slept all night! So far no more diarrhea! Yay! It must have been a bug. whew,... I am glad it seems to be over. I also am under 190 finally. I just dont want to see the number pop back up again like it has been doing for two weeks. I hate stalls. I hope I dont have any more. Thanks to everyone who helped me. I was so miserable and scared something bad was wrong.
  16. Forensikchic

    I need serious help here...

    My doctor wrote back and said it might be C Diff after all. I am to go on liquids for 24 hours and see if that helps. I do not get enough fluids as it is. I know I should drink more but I am often not thirsty and cant gulp. Its extremely hard for me to get over 32 oz in a day. I know that is not good and I really do try to get more. i dont see how people do it. If I want to be healthy, I have to try to get 64 today and tomorrow while on full liquids and hopefully this will clear up. Thanks for listening to me whine and worry.
  17. Forensikchic

    I need serious help here...

    I emailed my surgeon and he said that it sounded like a virus but he wanted to know other details. he said i might need a night in the hospital for iv fluids if its not gone by sunday. I have not taken antibiotics so its not C. Diff I dont think. I may just have a virus. I am waiting to hear back from him now. I will keep you posted. thanks for writing back so fast. I am miserable.
  18. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--191 lbs to goal--- 17 I gained a pound this week. This is my first stall and week with no loss, also my first gain. I started working out a week and a half ago every single day and I think that is messing with my weightloss. I am determined to be positive and know I am doing the right thing. I am just going to keep on keeping on and see what happens. I have lost a couple inches in the last two weeks so I will take that.
  19. Forensikchic

    The Stall From Hell!

    I hate to say it but I am there also. I am three months out too. I lost 2 lbs last week and weighed 189.9 on sunday but by Monday morning (my official weigh day) I was back to 190.3 and today I was 191.5. I am going in the wrong direction! I think I might be retaining fluid and I am not drinking nearly enough water either. I only averaged 500 calories a day for the past few. I am just sick of not seeing a loss or If I do, a very small one! Ughh! Maybe I need to eat more food but my mind refuses to believe that if I eat more I will lose. No comprehendo.
  20. Forensikchic

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    add me please! Forensikchic. I will add all those that send me invites too!
  21. Forensikchic


    NSV= non scale victory
  22. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--190 lbs to goal--- 16 I lost another 2 lbs this week. Woohooo! chipping away at it. I started doing circuit workouts and walking.. I hope it helps!
  23. Just a clarification..I ask the waiter for an extra plate or use the bread plate and put some of his Protein on my little plate at the start of the meal. That way, we both have our own plate. Sometimes I share with my 13 year old daughter if she goes with us but I have my own plate, of course. I dont think I could just eat off someone else's plate at a restaurant either.
  24. I am three months out and I do both of these. I usually share now instead of getting an appetizer. My head is still bigger than my stomach and I still think sometimes I can still eat so I "want" to order a separate thing but I have learned that that is just wasteful. I cant even eat much of an appetizer, so sharing is a good thing. Also, I tell them I had stomach surgery and ask permission to order from the kids/seniors menu sometimes. The portions are way smaller and it costs less. Sometimes they have good choices like grilled chicken, etc on them too.
  25. Forensikchic

    Am I losing weight too slowly?

    I have only lost half that in three months. I think you are doing exceptional.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
