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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. Forensikchic

    What's For Breakfast

    I dont like eggs either. I dont have time to cook in the morning so I have tried a bagel thin with peanut butter.. I and only eat about a forth of one and usually do this before a workout in the morning. I also love cheddar cheese and will buy the block, cut off an ounce in slices, usually about three, and eat it with a saltine cracker or two. Its7 grams of protein for the cheese. That has turned out to be a lifesaver for me. I have the unflavored protein but I have not been able to find anything that tastes ok using it. HTH
  2. Yes, I definately would do this again! I am down 52 pounds in 4 months. I feel so much better and I think the thing for me is feeling so full on so little. I am one of those people that likes the full feeling and I dont feel like I have had enough until I feel it, sometimes overdoing it- presurgery. Now, I can eat my tiny portion, get the same feeling I love and loose the weight too. I dont overdo it though because I dont like to puke and dont want to ever do it. I stay away from bread and Pasta because i have heard it can make people throw up and I dont like bread enough to chance that. I said from the beginning... no puking! So far so good. When I get the full feeling, I stop. I am also learning to stop just before it so I am not miserably full. I listen to my body now and I never did before. I am so happy with my sleeve, I would do it a hundred times over! I am trying to talk my sister into having it!
  3. Jasleeve, You will do great! Prepare for the worst and hope for the best! Thats what I did. I was aware that it may be painful for me but it turned out fine! I pray you have a smooth recovery too!
  4. I just want to say that a lot of people really dont have a lot of pain, (Im one) and are not sugar coating it or lying about it. I hardly had any pain at all. There was some pressure and minor burning when I first woke up but I was mostly really sleepy. I walked a few hours later and it helped with the pressure in my stomach. I did NOT have excruciating pain like others have said they had. I walked every two hours or so and didnt have any gas pain either. I was a little slow and sore in my abdomen but it was not painful to speak of. I got tired pretty easily. I also had a morphine pump and a onq painball. I just wanted to say that everyone's experience is different and it doesnt mean that people are lying to you or trying to sugarcoat anything. It depends on a lot of things and there is no way to predict. I wish everyone who is about to have surgery good luck with it and hope you dont have much pain! At least you know there is a real chance you wont, but you will be prepared if you do! May everyone have a speedy recovery! We are all here to support and help each other!
  5. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    Thanks for liking my post. I came to that realization after being in a stall a few weeks ago. I went into panic mode when I didnt loose one week. I posted questions about it, searched past answers about stalls, watched youtube videos from other sleevers and what they did to "break" the stall, etc. I even called my nut who is imo, is clueless. What an idiot. I didnt know what to "try" after so many opinions on what to do, so I didnt do anything different. I just kept living my life, eating protein first and BAM! I lost weight again. That was my aha moment. We have done our part with the surgery, as long as we eat protein first, we wont fail. It may not come off on our schedule, but it will come off. We simply cannot hold enough not to loose weight if we are getting good protein in. There isnt room for a bunch of carbs and sweets anyway! So people, just relax. The weight will come on off when it decides to and not before! No matter how much you try to convince it to. We are no longer the dependent variable after the surgery, like we were when we were ON A DIET. It dependended on what we ate, whether we lost weight or not. Now it doesnt, save the protein first rule. I feel so much better having figured this out. Also, I learned an important thing at group meeting the other night: Stress hormone levels going up cause your body to store fat!!!!! If you stress about when the pounds are going to come off, you are sending a message with those hormones to STORE the fat. So dont worry so much about it- just live your healthy life!
  6. Forensikchic

    Dec 10th Check In

    Hey guys! I am down three pounds this week. 182 as of Sunday morning. I have lost 52 pounds so far with 47 left to go! Hang in there girls! We are doing great!
  7. Forensikchic

    I Thought I Was Out Of The Woods....

    Sleeve of Steel-- we are sleeve sisters I think.. I am four months out too and my hair is really falling out now too. I have very fine hair. i am not going to cut mine as i dont think it will make a difference. It is what it is. I had an inverted bob for a long time to hide my fat face. I decided to grow it out about this spring and it is just now on my shoulders in the front but not quite as long in the back because of the cut. Its starting to flip out all around. My stylist suggest that we just keep it trimmed to keep it looking good. I am not going to sweat it. I am wearing it straight and thin so I dont think it will be as noticable. I dont want to get a cut that requires a lot of styling product or heat or pulling as it might come out more. I also dont run my hands through it wet anymore! I try to leave it alone. Hard habit to break. Just hang in there, it gets better I hear.
  8. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--182 lbs to goal--- 8 Three more pounds gone! Woohoo! I still have 8 to go to get to my Xmas goal. I am just going to keep doing what I am doing and see what happens. I feel like as long as we eat protein first and dont graze all day, there is nothing more we can really do. Our bodies are going to loose it when it feels like it. I am not going to let it drive me nuts anymore. We are not really the dependent variable anymore. People try to change things around... more calories, less calories, more carbs, less carbs, more exercise, less exercise.. its all been done and nothing seems to break any stalls. Your body is in control at this point and will let go of the weight when it wants to and there is nothing we can do but eat protein and wait! Thats my take on it.
  9. Forensikchic

    Omg My Boobs Have Disappeared!

    Me too! I keep doing that! I misjudge corners a lot and walk into the wall! I have even found that when I go up stairs I lean to the left and have to catch myself falling into the railing! Had no idea it as because of the center of gravity thing. I also have gotten quite the case of butterfingers too... I drop things a lot and cant seem to hold on to things like before. I was a solid 40c or d and now, 50 pounds down, I am a 38c. I was a 34c when I was young and skinny so I hope that I stay a c cup and just go down in circumference! I bet it will a 34 long though! lol
  10. I just wanted to let my peeps know that today is my 4 month surgiversary and I am proud to announce that I am 50 pounds down and also that I have reached my halfway mark! I had 99 pounds to loose and so now I am on the downhill slide! Woooohoooo! I am wearing my shirt tucked in and the cutest yellow sweater in size Medium! It has quarter length sleeves and is short cableknit... So cute. I had to wear a belt with my jeans to keep them up.. I guess its time for size 14's. Yay!
  11. My surgery was at 8am so I had to be there at 6. I checked in and in a few minutes, they called me back. They did a pregnancy test and then asked if i was post menopausal! I laughed. I changed into a gown and they started an iv. I am a very hard stick but it was fine. She got it the first time in my right hand. They put some kind of blanket on me that they blew hot air into to keep me warm and some fuzzy sock things. My surgeon came by and the anethesiologist. He was from my home state so I was happy. I asked him to just knock me out because seeing all those people buzzing around really got my anxiety going. I kissed my husband and was wheeled out. I dont remember a thing after turning the corner. I woke up in my hospital bed with my husband right there! It was like he never left. He was trying to feed me ice chips and spilling them on me. I bitched at him and he said "well, I see you are doing fine!" lol. I had a pain pump thing inserted near my main incision that delivered local anesthetic. I also had a button to push every 5 or 10 minutes for morphine. I was so groggy but the ice was kinda good. I just dozed. I dont remember being in pain, just sleepy. I must have slept for a few hours because I woke up that afternoon because I had to pee. I got a nurse and she helped me to pee and then I wanted to walk. She helped me get the things off my legs and into a gown (used like a robe). I walked a lap with her by my side. I got back in bed and napped again. My husband was back with my teen daughter. They visited me and walked with me about every hour. I just napped and walked. I didnt have gas pain or anything. I felt a little stiff and slow but that was about it. I used the morphine pump often and dozed, walked, sipped. I really enjoyed the beef broth they brought me. I would take it on my walks. I sipped and walked 10 to 15 laps at a time. I felt I was doing great. They came in and gave me blood thinner shots which dont hurt and took my blood once. They gave me lots of iv fluids. One nurse was a smarta$$ and said I was walking too much and it was no wonder I had heartburn. (had heartburn a little the second day) I hated her. The second night they took my pain pump out and put steristrips on my incisions and glue. They also took my IV out and gave me pain meds by mouth.. liquid lortab. I got to take a shower. I was discharge on day three and went home in the afternoon. (Wednesday) I took one dose of liquid lortab that night but I didnt need it after that. I never had a catheter or a drain. I walked a lot at home and rested and drank broth, etc. I could sleep on my side at home but I did wake up a few times having to pee and it was a little uncomfortable. By the second night in my bed, I was fine to sleep on my side. Friday, we went school supply shopping and I drove my husbands truck! I was really tired and we were only out for a couple hours but that was enough! I took it easy over the weekend and was back at work on Monday, light duty. I loved my hospital and all the staff, save one nurse. I didnt have any complications really, no gas, hardly any pain, only a little heartburn for one afternoon. My daughter stayed with me and I got much needed rest in there! I have recovered very well. HTH
  12. Forensikchic

    Insurance Fraud?

    I paid cash for my surgery at a private hospital. I was told by my surgeons office that if he repaired my hernia, they would file that on my insurance but nothing else. Maybe that is what happened to you. As it turned out, I had a hernia repair, however my surgeon didnt charge for it and therefore, it wasnt filed with my insurance. Cool guy.
  13. Are you in San Antonio? If you are, so am I! We should meet sometime over water...lol. There are some mean people in the world and I have one right here at my work. She said to me that she was shocked that I had not passed her up in weightloss yet, seeing as I had surgery and she didnt. Keeps offering me her fat clothes. She is just downright evil. I was upset like you are about it at first, but then I thought... I have to consider the source...and remember that "he who angers you, controls you". I wont be controlled by my weight or some stupid Bit$# who for whatever reason they have that day, has no cooth or empathy. The nurse was clearly unproffessional and i think it deserves being reported to your surgeon. How many people is she going to insult and hurt with her callous ignorance? 94 pounds in 5 months is miraculous. Its a really good job and I am not just saying that. I think that is about average for someone with your same stats... We all loose at different rates but overall I think if you took a poll of people whos stats match yours, you would find that you are right in the range with everyone else. I started with a BMI of 40 and I have lost 49. I have had two plateaus and my dr told me that my honeymoon was about to be over But... he also said to keep doing what I am doing and although it may slow down some, it wont stop for a long time out. He has every faith that I will loose all the weight I want to. I have all the faith that you will too. You cant let someone in your head. You have to be stronger now and take charge of this situation. What the hell does she know anyway! Not much by the sound of it. Good luck on your journey and just keep doing what you are doing. Take your anger out on a treadmill! That is what I did with mine after being mistreated by my coworker.
  14. I didnt have a drain either. Not all doctors use drains. You would have to ask your surgeon if he is going to use a drain and how long they keep it in. Good luck!
  15. I finally took a new picture today. I started at 234 in August and the first picture was taken the morning of surgery. The "so far" picture was taken today in the same door frame. Started a size 20 and now I am 14-16 depending on the clothes. I am just so excited to finally start seeing a difference!
  16. Forensikchic

    Vitamin D3 50,000 IU

    At three months out, my bloodwork came back with a Vitamin D deficiency and I was prescribed 50,000 iu weekly. I have been taking them now for about a month. I am glad you found them, they are usually by prescription only.
  17. Forensikchic

    December 3rd Check In

    I keep forgetting to check in here! I lost two pounds this week after a stall for a week. I only have one more pound and I will have lost 50! I have 50 left to go, so I am half way to goal and it will be 4 months for me on the 8th. I see that most of us are around the same as far as weight lost so far goes. I am glad to see that. I stall every other week and when I do loose, its a pound or two. Happy to see this seems to be the norm. I want to see a big drop again soon but I wont hold my breath. As long as I am still loosing, I am happy with that. See you next week!
  18. Thanks everyone! I had several NSV's this weekend. I had to give away more clothes and I was able to wear a pair of smaller jeans and a pullover windbreaker that I have not worn in nearly 5 years! It was big on me! Woooohooooo! I only have one more pound and I will be down 50!!!!! I hope to make this by Thursday, my four month surgiversary!
  19. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--185 lbs to goal--- 11 Lost two pounds this week! 11 more to go! Maybe the stall has really broken and I wont be back up tomorrow! I am going by Monday morning weigh in no matter what happens. I am not sure 11 pounds is doable before the 25th but I am going for it! I will take being 179.9 at this point! Come on peeps, lets get with the program!!!!
  20. Thanks! They are not the most attractive photos, however, you can really see the weightloss difference! I will be four months out next week!
  21. Forensikchic

    Slowly But Surely.. But Slowly

    Im right there with you girl! Its been almost 4 months and my weight loss is nonexistant this month. I did pull out a pair of 16's from the dryer this morning and they were loose right away!!!! No doing the jig to get them on.. they just slipped right on and now I need a belt to keep them up! So happy about that. I started out in a 20. I am going bra shopping this weekend for an inbetween size. I can tie the back in a knot to get it to fit...lol. Guess, I need a new size. I am hoping to be back in a 34c when I reach goal (135). I am a 40c right now but as I said, even on the tightest notch, it just hangs in the back and I feel the girls might fall out from under the bottom at any moment! I will take slow but sure because I am 43 and dont want my skin to sag too much... its already starting!
  22. Forensikchic

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    I too have had the kidney stone and constipation problem. I guess a chosen few of us have these problems. Hope it improves for us both!
  23. Forensikchic

    November 26th Check In :)

    I havent really lost anything either.... I am 47 pounds down too. I am down 2 lbs for the Month of november... ughhh.... Just soooo slow. I have been bouncing between 187 and 188 for two weeks now. I dont think I am going to make my Xmas goal. I still have about 13 pounds to go for that! Dangit! My nut says keep doing what I am doing and it will come off... she promises... hmmph!
  24. This certainly gives me hope. I havent lost much weight lately. I have been staying the same, then fluctuating a few pounds up and down all week and then finally dropping a couple pounds and then it starts over. No big drops for me at all. I dropped four pounds last week but gained two of them right back and I am still up there this week with no change. I am hoping to see a big drop by next week but I dont want to get my hopes up. It seems like it will never get going again! I am so impatient! I am trying to up my calories some and see if that helps. I have been averaging in the 600's lately. I guess I need more maybe. I feel like i eat all the time as it is!
  25. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--187 lbs to goal--- 13 I went backward again and weighed 187.9 this morning. This is just one big stall and its going to break one day! I hope. I am bouncing between 187.5 and 188.5 since last weekend. I am not changing my ticker because I have faith that the weight will come back off. Aunt Flo came along a few days ago so maybe when she leaves she will take 5 pounds with her. I think I set my goal too high this time but I am still going to try to reach it! It aint over yet!

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