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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. Forensikchic

    Getting In Your Water....

    How hot is hot? Room temperature or do you heat it up?
  2. Forensikchic

    Fgf: Post Us Your Befores And Your Currents

    I guess it didnt work..... Lets try again! The before is me at 234 lbs my highest weight... the second one is a few weeks ago at 179. And the little beauty is my almost 14 year old daughter!
  3. Forensikchic

    Fgf: Post Us Your Befores And Your Currents

    I screwed it up....lol.. see below.
  4. Forensikchic

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    Thanks! I am still at 176 and have been all week! I want to be 174 by Sunday (my 5 month surgiversary but it doesnt appear I will make it! bummer!
  5. My surgeon does blood work every three months for the first year I think it is. I did my 3 months blood work and it was fine except for low Vitamin D. They prescribed me 50,000 iu of vit. d. I am going for my 6 month visit on Feb 10 and I have to have my blood drawn one week before the visit so we can talk about any deficiencies. So in about a month I will have my second blood panel done. He checks everything!!!! Also, I started a running program and thought I would go to my pcp for a regular physical since my insurance covers it with no copay and it covers regular bloodwork like cholesterol, liver function, thyroid, etc. They also did my pap and mammogram too for free. I had all that done yesterday so we will see what my "regular" bloodwork says. Im excited to see if my cholesterol is down and how much. I have severe asthma but was given an inhaler so I can jog. Yay! side note... I have been really cold lately but my blood pressure runs low and has all my life. Yesterday it was a whopping 80/60! I am barely alive! teehee. My doc says thats fine but I think its really low. Dont know how to raise it and dont really want to except for my extremeties getting so cold.
  6. Forensikchic

    Not Sure If I Should Have Skin Removal

    I would go for the panni. I would do it as soon as possible before your insurance runs out or you wind up divorced, etc. I hope you can make your marriage work out of course, I dont mean to sound like that. I just think you should seize the moment. If later on in life you have more kids, then great! You can deal with any issues that come from that then. I would not base my decision on what ifs. I would do what I need to do for me and do it now. lol. I have been following you on you tube and on here and I wonder how you are doing. Are you getting better now? Have you lost anymore weight? What did your surgeon say after the tests? I hope they find your problem so you can stabilize and be happy.
  7. Forensikchic

    Can We Talk About Underwear?

    I found the name of the other good ones! It-se-bit-see. I wore a size 8 when I weighed 234 and I still wear them now at 176 and they dont bunch up. They are great too. I got them at costco or Sams club. I think they both sell them. Good luck.
  8. Forensikchic

    Can We Talk About Underwear?

    I love jockey brand. I am curvy and I like the bikini or hicut best. I guess cause I am heavy in the thighs, they just fit better and are comfortable. They last forever too. I was a size seven for years and then gained all the weight again and was a size 9 but I didnt by jockey when that heavy. I bought walmart cheap fruit of the loom. They tear up in a few weeks and you have to buy more. The waist band starts raveling. My daughters do it too. Dont buy that brand. they also dont fit right.. too tight in the legs and if you get them big enough there, they bunch in your crack and bag everywhere. Jockeys are worth the money and they are often on sale at JCPenneys. Even if you are still an 8, 7's will fit and you have a longer time to wear them. At my skinniest 130 lbs in college, I like the way the 7's fit. Funny how you can wear a 7 for a range of 45 pounds but its true. I also got some good ones I like at costco in a mulitpack. they are very strechy like LovePats. I dont know if you remember that brand from back in the day. I have worn mine so much, I wore the brand off of them, so I dont know what it is. hth!
  9. Forensikchic

    Well I Thought I Was Done, But....

    According to the charts, you are right in the middle of normal for your height. I think you should work on the toning until you are happy with you. Maybe she didnt mean it the way it sounded. It could be that she is still working on hers and was speaking from that. I think you are a good weight for your height and you need to be happy with you so if toning is what you want, go for it! Dont let others dictate your happiness.
  10. Forensikchic

    Has The Sleeve Helped Your Ibs?

    I had IBS with constipation for years and would have attacks of severe pain just below my navel. I took librax in high doses up until I had the surgery to help with the pain. I never had diahrea with it, rather constipation. I have not taken a Librax since surgery! I pray I never have another attack of it! I hope and pray I am cured! Good luck with yours!
  11. My husband and I have been going to the gym on and off for about a year... mostly off...lol. We started the 5k training together last week. Its going great. On days we dont walk\run, we do the weight training on the machines. He likes to take turns on the machine so he can compete with me. He is 6'2" tall and about 210. He is not muscular really so we lift pretty close the each other. Anyway, we were on this thigh machine that works your outer thighs. The two pads are against your outer thighs and your legs are together when you start. You swing your thighs apart to lift the weight. He started first and his inner thighs were touching and his knees very nearly. Then it was my turn to do a set. I started and there was this huge gap when my legs were together, he said, hey! your cheating... you dont have it set where your legs are all the way together! I said, yes I did! We checked it and sure enough, and to my great surprise, it was as close at the machine allows and there was at least 5 inches of room between my legs! LOL.. it was the greatest feeling to know my thighs have shrunk that much! They look little now! So much smaller then our earlier visits to the gym this year that he thought I was cheating! Woohooo! Just thought I would share in my excitement. My hubby couldnt stop talking about it at the gym... I love my sleeve
  12. Forensikchic

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    SN: Forensikchic SW: 179 GW: 164 CW: 176 pounds to lose: 12 I am down three pounds this week! I was stalled at 179 for two weeks straight but finally the scale is moving again. I just hope I dont stall again for weeks. I am working on my running program and its going better than I expected. Yay me! Come on peeps! Lets get to our Valentines goals!
  13. Forensikchic

    Who Are You?

    This sounds like fun so here goes.... I am 43, mother to an almost 21 year old son, an 18 year old son and a almost 14 year old daughter. I am happily married to my husband Dave. We have been married for almost 5 years now. My first husband was abusive and it took me 10 years to leave that codepenant relationship. I have yo-yo dieted for 20 years. Loosing up to 40 pounds two and three times, but always gaining it back and almost never getting under 170. Once, on weight watchers, I got to 163 but it was very short lived. I was back over 170 in short order. I reached my all time high of 236 about two years ago. After i got remarried we wanted a child together. After all the fertility treatments and hormones, my weight was at this all time high. I knew I had to try something new. We never got pregnant either. I hosted 10 exchange students over the years and went to see one of them get married in Brazil last spring. I have not hosted since being remarried though it is something I want to continue to do as soon as I can. I am a forensic scientist in firearms and toolmarks and have been for 12 years. My first career was cytotechnology (we diagnose cancer on the cellular level) so I have a pretty good medical knowledge, but i only use it as a little hobby now. My husband calls me "Dr. My Wife" because family members are always calling me for advice and to diagnose their health issues. I am not a doctor, however. I love forensic science. I am about halfway through my Masters program in forensic science administration right now. I am still in disbelief most of the time that I have lost almost 60 pounds already and only have 40 to go! I know I can loose 40, I have done that before but this time I feel confident I will not be gaining it back again! I am 5 months out next week. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  14. Forensikchic

    12/31/11 Last Check In Of 2011

    I have lost 3.1 pounds since Christmas day for a total loss the month of December of 10.6!!!! I have never lost this much weight in December before!Yay! I count my month surgiversary on the 8th so I wont be updating my signature for December until the 8th of January. As it stands, I have lost 8 pounds since the 8th of December so we will see next week what that total is. I am pushing for being at 174 so it can be a total of 60 pounds in 5 months. It was my Xmas goal that I didnt make it to. I started a c25k program and its going well! So excited about the new year and the new me!
  15. Forensikchic

    So... 2011 In Restrospect. How Was Your Year?

    Some of my highlights have been: March 2011- went on vacation to Sao Paulo Brazil- saw one of my exchange students get married there and visited with a second one! So awesome... Got the pics back to realize that I was morbidly obese and didnt look anything like I thought I did! I knew then I had to do something more drastic. Wasted the summer in self pity over my weight and gained the 20 pounds I had lost for the Brazil trip back in quick order. My husband landed his first teaching job and that changed our insurance which led me to check on wls again. I had already been to a siminar in April but didnt like the surgeon or his staff. So here it is late July and I discovered our new insurance covered wls. I went to seminar the next day with my hubby. CHANGED MY LIFE! I loved the surgeon and staff but my insurance only covered vsg of bmi 5o or higher and i was 40.2. A really nice man said to me... just self pay and get it over with.. screw the insurance.. they have payment plans with no interest! Thats exactly what we did! I was sleeved the following Monday August 8th. I have lost 56 pounds since then. I went from a size 20 (tight) to a size 12-14 depending on brand. I went from 1x shirts to M-L. I went from size 9 panties to a 7. I went from a size 40C to a 38C in bra's. I am in the 170's which I havent seen in 5 years. I feel so much better already! ALL THIS IN LESS THAN 5 MONTHS!!! 2012 is my year reach goal and become a runner! My sister told me once that I would never be as thin as I was in college and I am out to prove her wrong! 135 or less, here I come! I am planning to go back to Brazil in 2013 and visit my family and friends there so I can make new and better pictures that I can be proud of! I also graduate from grad school then too.
  16. Forensikchic

    Need Volunteers To Give Their Opinion

    Im nearly 5 months out and you can count me in!
  17. After the initial loss (first month or two) what was your average loss per month? I have been sleeved for almost 5 months and If I count from the last 3 months, I am averaging about 8 pounds a month or 2 pounds a week. That includes the stalls and drops. I was just wondering if this is average for most people or am I on the slow end of the spectrum?
  18. Forensikchic

    Question For Gastric Sleeve Veterans...

    Im 44 pounds from goal. I am a little over half way there at almost 5 months. I started doing circuit training and walking end of October but have slacked the last two weeks because of Christmas. I stalled for a couple of weeks when starting the exercise and only lost 6 pounds in November. I just began training for a 5k and back to circuit training again yesterday, now that I am not so busy with holiday crap. I eat Protein first always, I have very good restriction--can only eat about 2oz of fish or meat at a sitting-- and only snack on high protein things. I dont eat starch like rice or bread. I do eat an occassional cracker with my cheddar cheese but its minimal. I average about 650 to 800 calories a day. I have problems drinking enough fluids but i am working on that. I was told to add a few carbs like a bagel thin with Peanut Butter before exercising so I would have enough calories to burn and that did help get me out of that initial stall. I didnt eat that when I wasnt exercising though. I can only hold a fourth of a bagel thin with a tablespoon of pb which equates to about three small bites anyway, so its not that high in carbs or calories. The bagel thins are those really thin bagels that are 100 calories for a whole one and I eat a 4th of it. Anyways, I try to get at least 50 grams of protein. I dont worry about the rest of it. I track it occassionally so I can know my calories but I was obsessing about it, so I laid off tracking so much. It was pretty much the same every day anyway. I dont want to obsess about dieting! I just want to eat my protein, exercise and watch the magic happen! lol. Now, If I could just get more liquids in!
  19. I know how you feel. I am from the deep south and we are all friendly folks generally. I moved to south Texas two and a half YEARS ago, and I am yet to make a friend that is really a friend and not just a coworker or aquaintance. I miss having friends that I socialize with, shop with, have coffee with, etc., chat on the phone with. I have no one either. I met a nice lady at my support group and we email each other occassionaly and talk when we are at the meeting, but nothing beyond that. She did invite me to join her gym but I havent worked out the logistics for that yet. I have soooo much going on right now with family, etc.. I cant seem to get my schedule to coincide with hers for that. Anyway, she is the closest thing I can call a friend her in San Antonio. I wish I had all my buddies from Alabama here with me. I miss that close friendship I had with them. I use this board for my major support and it has been great! I really appreciate all the feedback I get and everyone knows what you are going through!
  20. My lab director came in my office and made a comment to me "Why are you wearing your husbands shirt to work?"... I laughed. I am wearing my shirt that used to be snug and now it just falls off! It is thick and warm and its cold here today so I just inadvertantly put it on. I guess i will have to retire it now... The second one was what he said after that. We continued to chat and I said I had lost over 40 inches, 10 in my hips alone! He said, "Thats great but dont loose too much weight. You know you can loose too much!" It was the first time someone has said for me not to lose too much.. I am still considered obese and have 45 more pounds to loose to get in the middle of my normal range!!!! I took the comment as a positive though... I told him I still had 45 more pounds to go and he just shook his head and walked off. LMAO! Yay for getting healthy and thin and feeling great about bagging clothes and people saying not to lose to much... I want that problem!
  21. Forensikchic

    December 24 Check In

    I am late posting this but I stayed the same this week. The important thing to remember is that I didnt gain over the holidays! I am in fact down 5 this month so far for a total of 55 pounds down since my Aug. 8th surgery. Wooohooo!
  22. Mine is to be nicer to my husband and to RUN a 5k. I am signing up for one February 25th. I dont know if I can run the whole thing on the first try but I damn sure going to give it a go! Training starts today!
  23. Forensikchic

    I Learned Something New!

    I had a similar experience with Popeyes and KFC. In the past few weeks with hectic Christmas shopping, we stopped for chicken. (my husband thought it would be good protein for me). I got a chicken leg at both places... it was so greasy, it made me sick and I couldnt eat it. I just do not like greasy things anymore... I was instantly queasy and had no appetite for it! I guess that is one of the many blessings in disguise!
  24. Forensikchic

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    SN--- Forensikchic SW--194 GW---174 CW--179 lbs to goal--- 5 Well, I didnt quite make it this challenge either. I did loose 15 pounds however and I am proud of that! You never know when you might stall and mess up your challenge. I will take any loss at this stage of my life.. before surgery, I would have already been on the "gain" by now and I didnt gain any weight over the holidays, in fact lost at least 5 pounds since thanksgiving! Now, on to the New Challenge and the New Year! Its my year this time! Merry Christmas Everyone!
  25. I hope its just the stress too. I will be praying for you to feel better soon and the weight loss to level off. Think positive thoughts!

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