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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. Forensikchic

    Im Overweight! Hooray!

    Thanks everyone! I am so excited! I am steady working toward my Valentines goal and it feels good to reach milestones like that! 60 pounds and only overweight at the same time! I am down another half pound today.... hope this trend continues... stay away stalls!
  2. Forensikchic

    Help I'm Stuck

    Thanks! I made the graph myself in excel. I can send it to you if you want it and you can tweak it to your own. You just change the weight values in the first column and the dates on the last column but leave the middle ones alone. The graph shows a starting line at the top, 1/4 done, half done, 3/4 done and goal. It also shows a trend line if you were to loose at a rate of 1 lb a week, 2 lbs a week and 3 lbs a week. Its very colorful. Your weight trend line will be in bright yellow. Its all on a dark gray background. You can change all the colors to your taste. PM me and I will email it to you if you would like. That goes for anyone who is interested in it. :regular_smile:
  3. Forensikchic

    Help I'm Stuck

    I was sleeved in August also and I am down 61 pounds. You seem to be doing better than most of us so far! I tend to loose in a pattern. I graphed my loss so far and I can see that I lose for a week or so and then stay the same for a week to 10 days. How long has your stalls lasted? Mine is about 10 or 12 days and then I loose again. I don't have huge drops anymore, just 2 to 3 pounds but I am averaging about 1.8 pounds a week. My surgeon says that the stalls are going to last longer and happen more frequently the farther we are out. You are only 20 pounds from goal in 5 months. That's a lot better than most and I would be happy and count my blessings. Its not going to come off overnight, as it didn't get there that way. Patience! It will come off, but your body has to have time to adjust. I'm sure your body is just adjusting right now and you will lose again soon!
  4. Forensikchic

    Sleeve Twins

    Im 8/8/2011. I know I have a few siblings! Where you guys at?
  5. Is anyone else NOT getting email saying someone posted to a topic they are following? I used to get emails when someone else posted but now I dont. I wish I could fix this and get it working again. Any suggestions?
  6. Forensikchic

    Im Overweight! Hooray!

    Im 5' 4" sooo pretty short! Height makes a big difference with BMI. What is your height and goal weight? Mine is 135. I want to loose a little more so when I have that little regain, I end up at 135. That will put my BMI at 23 I think, so perfect!
  7. Forensikchic

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    SN: Forensikchic SW: 179 GW: 164 CW: 173 pounds to lose: 9 I had a three pound loss this week! I think I am still loosing too! I tend to loose for a couple of days and then stay there for a week or two. Four more weeks guys! We have got this!
  8. I dont think its dumping... sleevers dont dump. dumping is caused when sugar hits the part of the intestine that was moved up to join the bottom of the pouch... its not used to having undigested sugar in it. We sleevers didnt have our intestines rearranged like that so we wont ever by "dumping". What can make you a little sick is too many carbs and sugar in general. It can make you nauseaus if you have been low carbing it and then suddenly here comes a lot of sugar/carbs. Sounds kinda the same but its not. Also, a lot of sleevers become lactose intolerant. I did at about 4 months. I was fine before that. I cant drink milk now but I can eat cheese, yogurt, etc.. I dont know why but I will take it! Dont worry about dumping because we dont but ...if sugars/carbs make you nauseas at times make sure your doctor gives you some zofran and try not to eat it until you can tolerate it better.
  9. Forensikchic

    Finish Everything On Your Plate!

    I had to learn to put less bites in my plate so I could finish it without discomfort. If I needed a few more bites, I could always add a few at the end. It works for me. I was from the clean plate club too. HTH
  10. I guess it is because people want to see a steady loss and sometimes it isnt the case. My body seems to have a pattern. I will drop 2 or 3 pounds, usually on the weekend and then stay the same for a week, sometimes two and then drop again. I can expect there to be no weight loss the next weekend and I just wait it out and sure enough, by the next saturday, I will be down some. I dont think we have "control" of that. lilmissdiva has a boot camp to break stalls and I have been at the same weight for two weeks so I looked at it, thinking about trying it. It turns out that the bootcamp is what I already do everyday! I have not strayed from the basics so I am in bootcamp all the time! My hubby pointed out that one of the main reasons I had this surgery was to quit dieting all the time and just have a healthy lifestyle. He says trying this and that and bootcamps and all the craziness was doing the opposite of what I wanted. I was obsessing over every little carb, calorie, etc and he thinks like you do... We CANT eat too much and so as long as we eat our protein first and drink fluids, we WILL loose the weight. It comes off when our body decides, not us. Nothing we do is going to change that. Now, if you have gotten away from eating protein and are just eating empty calories all the time, then I would say you need to eat right but if you are plugging along eating protein first, getting some fluids in to prevent dehydration, you will be fine and there is nothing you need to do or try to break the stall... Its just your body adjusting and you might as well get used to it. We cant control that part of it. Just my 2cents.
  11. Forensikchic

    Friday The 13Th Weight Loss Challenge!

    Im in too! I like challenges! My weight as of today is 176. My goal for three months is to loose 26 pounds so I would weigh 150. I hope that is doable now that I am 5 months out. Thats averaging 8.5 pounds a month. With all my little stalls, I dont know but I am going to try! Good luck everyone!
  12. You can do this! Forgive yourself and make a fresh start. Do Lilmissdivas basics boot camp! Its really more suited for sleevers it seems like. Its pinned under another post op vsg q&a. Good Luck! We got your back!
  13. Forensikchic

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    You and I have the same challenge starting weight and final goal weight. I wonder what you did in the past two weeks to loose so much... I am falling way behind! I need advice on what to try!
  14. Forensikchic

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    SN: Forensikchic SW: 179 GW: 164 CW: 176 pounds to lose: 12 I am just all over the place this week. Sunday I was down to 175.2 which was my surgiversary. I weigh every day but I record Monday mornings weight for the challenge and I was back up to 176 on Monday, 175.9 today so I am going to call it a wash for this week. I guess I am stalling again. I hope it picks up later in the week. Wish me luck... I am still doing and eating the same things! I guess my body just has to decide when it will let go.
  15. Forensikchic

    5 Month Update !

    Wow, thats great! Congratulations! You look awesome!
  16. I was at a thrift store and my husband today and he found a pair of size 18 pants and he said he couldnt believe I used to wear those. I actually wore a 20 and told him so. He asked me to hold up the 18's and he took a picture. I was astounded when I saw the pic so I wanted to share it.. Its hard to believe that I was even bigger than this. So happy I got the sleeve! btw.. today is my 5 month surgiversary and I am down 59 pounds!
  17. Alright guys.... I went to my pcp for a physical and he did some bloodwork. It came in today and my total cholesterol and LDL were up! My three month bloodwork was total cholesterol 153--- yesterday it was 186! My LDL (bad cholesterol) three months ago was 78 and now its a whopping 121! That registered as high on my report. What gives? Why is it going up after going down so far! Dammit. I was hoping to get it really low and keep it there.. I just wonder what I am doing wrong. I know my overall number is good but it was a lot better 3 months ago. My ratio is still really good too so my pcp is not worried but I am! I dont want to continue this upward trend. I get my 6 month bloodwork drawn the end of this month and go for my checkup on Feb 10. I hope I can get it down by then but thats only about 3 weeks. HELP!
  18. Forensikchic

    Nsv With A Pic!

  19. Forensikchic

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I weighed in this morning at 176.4. I weighed this last saturday too. I am hoping for a small loss by tomorrow so I can show a better overall loss on my 5 month surgiversary. But it looks like I am in a stall again. This too shall pass.
  20. My daughter was a thrift store snob until a place opened called Plato's closet. You can sell your name brand teenage stuff to them and buy from them for way cheaper than the mall. She loves that store. I asked her what the difference was between plato's closet and a regular thrift store? She had not good answer. We donate our clothes to goodwill. I said do you think you are gross? Do you think the people who buy your used clothes should think they are gross? After you wear an outfit once, its used. So you wear "used" clothes everyday. We wash everything and press it before it goes in the closet so I don't really know where anyone is coming from on the 'gross, they are used clothes" front. Just my two cents. btw... I found all kinds of Holister, Abercrombie and aeropostle shirts and jeans in her 00 size. She loves them and hasn't complained again since!
  21. Forensikchic

    High Cholesterol (ldl) Wth?

    My hdl was 51 and my ratio was 2.? % which was good. I guess I am fluffy. I was just wondering what could make the total jump up over 30 points in 2 months? Should I try to eat some oatmeal and that special orange juice with the plant stenols in it?
  22. I went for a physical today with my pcp because I am training for a 5K. They did the whole workup, blood, urine, pap smear and later today a mammogram. During the pelvic exam, my doctor said to me, "its a lot easier to check your ovaries now that you are so much thinner"... LOL I never thought about that.. what an nsv for me! Makes even my doctors life easier. My blood pressure was 80/60... really low. He wasnt concerned though. He said it was good. I was dehydrated but they didnt give me an IV, just told me to get to drinking. I am cleared to keep running now that I have my asthma inhaler. I just feel so much healthier.
  23. My husband and I have taken it to a whole new level! There is a Goodwill clearance store here in San Antonio where they bring all the clothes that dont sell at regular goodwill. They pile the clothes on big long tables. There are about 25 tables or more in the store. The clothes are all mixed up and it feels like you are going through the laundry out of the dryer but we have found some great things! It sounds nuts but its fun. We got on either side of a table (they are wide) and just work our way down to the end picking through all the clothes. Some things still have tags on them and there are a lot of name brand clothes there. I guess if they are priced too high at regular goodwill, they will come here eventually. On Saturdays, all clothes are 25 cents apeice! We can only sift through about 5 or 6 tables a trip there and that takes a couple of hours. It changes everyday. They are always bringing new stuff in there. We are addicted to this place! We buy abercrombie, holister, etc for my teen daughter, and all the name brands for my sons too. My husband is a coach/teacher and he finally said... i have enough khakis! We are going today! We have not spent over 13 dollars there and we always buy a HUGE bag of clothes that barely fits in the trunk of my Honda Accord. I am buying in all the sizes below me because i know I will get there and need them. I have some really cute Banana Republic clothes for court, lots of Ann Taylor, even some Lucky jeans that retail for over 100 dollars a pair! We are picky about the clothes but if you look you can really find great deals! I have bought capri pants in every size from 12 down to 4 and shorts in those sizes as well, because i know I will wear them by spring/summer. Even if i dont, its only a quarter. Love it!
  24. Forensikchic

    High Cholesterol (ldl) Wth?

    I was fasting and no alcohol. I dont know why its back up some.
  25. I have never been able to drink enough fluids. I am doing good to get one 20 0z bottle drank a day. I think my weight loss would be better if I could just remember to drink. My day goes something like this: 7:30 drink one cup of decaf coffee. 8:30 eat my little breakfast- I wait so I can drink but I am working so the next thing you know its almost lunch. I drink about a cup of Water around 11:30. 12:00 eat my little lunch. wait to drink and then its 3 now and I finish or almost finish my bottle of water when I realize I havent been drinking. I eat a snack around 4 waiting to drink water and forget.....get off work and drive home. I have a few sips of water I keep in my car. 6pm.. eat my little dinner start the wait. I might get a cup of milk in but thats about it and then its bedtime. PS. I can drink 4 or 5 swallows at a time now without pain. I was always a guzzler so its better for me to try to get a lot in in a short time. I need a system or something that is working for others. I simply have to get this under control. I stay dehydrated and tired because of it. Please help me figure this out! all suggestions are welcome.

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