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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. Forensikchic

    Nsv's I Love My Sleeve!

    Yay Stacey! Its awesome that you are doing so well!
  2. Forensikchic

    Silk Fruit & Protein

    I looked it up to see how much protein is in it. Only 5 grams. I dont know if it would be worth 150 calories and 29 g of carbs for only 5 g protein. I guess you could always try it and see if its delicious and it helps get your fluid in, it might be worth it.
  3. Forensikchic

    Silk Fruit & Protein

    Where would you buy this? I havent seen it anywhere.
  4. My surgeon told me this would happen. He said to set my goal at whatever I wanted, I chose 135 because of my height, but to know that I really needed to go down about 5-10 pounds more because my body would bounce back some. So to compensate for that, I intend to get to 125 as my lowest and then I have 10 pounds of wiggle room for the bounce back that he said was coming. I am happy to hear of someone that this happened to, it gives what he told me some creedance. Maybe it will give you some comfort knowing this is totally normal and expected.
  5. Forensikchic

    Top 3 Tips For Success

    There are a mulititude of non starchy veggies.. its easier to list the ones that DO have starch and avoid those. Starchy ones are potatos, including sweet, lima Beans and other varieties of beans (they do have Protein though) and corn. There may be a few other starchies but I think thats about it. All the rest do not have starch. You know like tomatoes, green beans, asparagus, cabbage, all green leafy, peppers, onions, squash, okra and the list goes on and on.
  6. as of today, I have lost 80 lbs! Wooohooo! My size 10 jeans are really loose today! yay!

  7. Forensikchic

    On My Way In - Surgery At 7

    Good luck and may you have an uneventful recovery!
  8. Forensikchic

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    I decided to go for 11 pounds instead of 10. I want to have lost 90 pounds by Memorial day and its just one more pound. I think I can do it.
  9. Forensikchic

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    When I started doing these challenges, I started with 20 pound goals. My first was a halloween goal and I lost 18. Then it was Christmas, set it for 20, lost about 18, then Valentines day, set it for 15 and lost 13, then Easter, set it for 13, lost 12, Now I am setting it for 10+ and I dont know where I will land, probably 8 or 9. All these challenges have been roughly 7 weeks long. I hope to make one eventually! It gives me a real challenge and pushes me to do my best. I want to say to all my peeps that you dont really know if you will have a stall so set it for 20 or so pounds if you are early out and then if you exceed that before the challenge is over, set it again for a few more pounds! If you have a stall and dont quite make it, like me, thats ok too because you can at least get close and you will be closer to your goal than you were to begin with! We are all winners here and we can only do our best and the rest will follow. Good luck everyone!
  10. Forensikchic

    I Want Chinese Food!

    Remember that chinese has lots of salt which will make you retain water. If you must have some chinese this early out, just pick the meat out of it and dont eat the noodles or rice. It wont take but a few bites and you will be full anyway. I ate the shrimp and veggies once but i only at the shrimp and one other time I had mongolian beef and just had a few pieces of the soft beef since they cut it so thin. Good luck and drink plenty of water after so you flush out the sodium. It can cause you to retain that water and not lose weight.
  11. Forensikchic

    Finally Weight Loss

    Hi. We are the same height and near the same starting weight too and the same age! I am 8 months out and have lost 79 pounds so far. I dont want you to get discouraged with these little stalls. They are going to happen along the way. Just accept them and know in the back of your mind that you will keep losing and get to your goal! I am 20 pounds from mine and that is nothing compared to 100 that I started with. Hang in there!
  12. Forensikchic

    Easter Challenge!

    Okay peeps, we talked about it on the Valentines Day thread so I thought I would officially start the Easter challenge. Its approximately 7 weeks away so keep that in mind when you set your goals. The further I have gotten the smaller my goals so I dont get discouraged. The first 2 were 20 pounds each, the Valentines one was 15 so this one I am going to set at 13. I haven't made a goal yet but I only fall a few pounds short. Anyways, here are my stats for this one... SN: Forensikchic SW: 166.8 GW: 154 CW: 166.8 lbs to lose 12.8 Everybody join in and lets motivate each other! We can do this!!!!
  13. Forensikchic

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Okay.. here goes. SW 155.3 CW 155.3 GW 145.3 Pounds to lose by Memorial Day-- 10 I was actually up just a smidge this morning because I ate something salty last night... Im not counting that...lol. For those who have never participated: We weigh in once a week until Memorial day and that day is your final weigh in for the challenge. The SW is starting weight for the challenge, not starting weight from your journey. CW is current weight, gw is goal weight etc. Lets have fun and get busy!
  14. Forensikchic

    Easter Challenge!

    SW: 166.8 CW: 155.3 Easter GW: 154 Well girls, we have reached the end of this challenge. My goal was to lose 12.8 pounds and I weighed in today at 155.3. I am so close! I lost 11.5 pounds in this challenge and so I am happy about it. I have yet to make a challenge but I get closer each time. I had fun with it and it kept me motivated so I am glad we did it. Congratulations to everyone who reached or surpassed their goals or came close! Close does count in horseshoes, handgranades and weight loss challenges. I am making another challenge starting tomorrow. It will end Memorial Day. That gives us about 7 weeks (like last time). I am going to set my goal to losing 10 pounds this time and maybee I will hit it. That will be 145 and I will be considered a normal weight. Who's with me??? I will be starting that thread today. We did a great job!
  15. Here is a pic of my face at the end of last March. Here is my face today. I have lost around 78 pounds. I hardly recognize me! lol. Just having a feel good moment.
  16. Forensikchic

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Im down 1 pound this week to 155.2.! I have been stalled at 156.3 for two weeks!
  17. I am wearing a size 8 jeans today!!!! Single digits! I cant believe they fit!!!! So excited!

  18. Forensikchic

    Hostility? Why?

    I have reconsidered and I think I will stick around a while! My sister is about to be sleeved in June and I want to be here for her too. She lives in another state so it helps for her to have somewhere to go to with her questions. I was a newbie one time too and I know I sure appreciated getting answers to my questions. Sometimes no one would answer me and i would be so upset! I try to help all those I feel I can contribute something useful to. Good luck in your journey and I am always available via PM if anyone has a particular question they think I might be able to answer and no one is answering them.
  19. I feel that the sleeve gives me great restriction i.e. I cant hold much food. I still eat what I love but I have to put Protein first or I will not feel my best. Sure, I can eat cheetos now and ice cream and other slider foods with no nutritional value but you will learn that you dont feel very good after eating that type of food. I have the occasional snack and maybe a small icecream at the zoo but I dont eat it every day. Before surgery it seemed I never got full. I would eat the things I loved until I couldnt move because I liked the full feeling and i wanted to keep tasting it. Now, I cant eat but a few bites, its still just as delicious and i get that really full feeling, I used to love. I dont love it anymore. I try not to eat that extra bite that will take me there. I like being satisfied but not overfull. I like the way I feel when I eat lean protein and I only pick the reallly good tasting meats, etc. If you arent eating much, you might as well have the best of the best! What I am saying is it is really the best of both worlds. You still get to eat the good foods you always loved, its just much smaller portions. You can have a small snack here and there of cheetos or icecream or whatever and you will still be fine as far as weight loss goes. I dont mean get a big full fat latte at starbucks everyday and milkshakes and all that crap. You will not feel very good if you drink all your calories and you wont have any energy (kinda like you feel now when you overeat and are sluggish). So, the word Tool is there to remind us that although it helps tremendously, think hammer and nail, you stilll have to swing the hammer to get the nail to go in, but the job is so much easier than if you had to get the nail in the wall with your fingers... I hope this helps. T
  20. Forensikchic

    Tammi Before

    Before sleevi
  21. I started this journey 8 months ago with 49% body fat (half!!!!) 114 pounds of fat and now today I am 34% body fat and only 54 pounds of my weight is fat! That is so crazy! I have four more months to attain my personal goal, 22 pounds to lose and I sure hope I can make it!

  22. Forensikchic

    Easter Challenge!

    Im not doing so well either. AF came to visit yesterday and brought two pounds with her! I am back down one of those pounds but still a net gain of 1.2 so far this week. I am not officially weighing in until Sunday to put my final results for this challenge but It is not looking good. Was going for 154 and I am at 157.6 right now. I have lost some inches in the last two weeks though so that helps my feelings. I was soooo hoping to finally make a challenge! I am so close! Just about 3 more pounds. Its only Tuesday so maybe with AF leaving at the end of the week, she will take a lot more than she brought! good luck everyone in this final week of the challenge. Tammi
  23. Forensikchic

    What 80 Pounds Does To Someone's Face!

    Thank you all so much. My profile pic here is from my engagement picture in 2007. I weighed about 175-180 then. I had just lost about 40 pounds for the 20th time and of course I gained all that back and then about 30 more. Thanks to the sleeve, I am smaller than I have been in 20 years! I dont remember my face being this thin and i have 20 pounds to go! I wonder if it will look weird then? I am not going to worry about it. I am enjoying my success and I am looking forward to the final product! I will make the most out of it. Thanks everyone for the very kind words! I appreciate it greatly!
  24. Forensikchic

    Hostility? Why?

    Thanks so much. I appreciate that.

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