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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by Forensikchic

  1. Forensikchic

    Ugh Guilty... But Why?

    My sister is on her liquid diet too and having this issue. This is day 7 and she says her scale is not reflecting her efforts. She has not had solid food in a week, has had some nausea and weakness but otherwise okay. Surgery is June 1. A week from today. She is upset because they scale doesnt seem to show much weight loss and she is retaining fluid bad. Her ankles are swollen and she wakes up with swelling in her face and hands too. I think her body just wants to hold on to the fluid right now but will let go of it when it wants too. Dont get discouraged over the scale. The weight loss will show up in time, it has to!
  2. Forensikchic

    Caloric Intake Is It Too Low

    I ate around 400 calories a day for months. I eased up to around 600 and stayed there for several more months. I have been eating in the range of 800-900 now for about two months. I think you are on par. Dont TRY to eat more. Just eat until you get comfortably full and stop. If its 400-500 calories, so what. You will be able to eat more eventually, I promise. Take it slow. You will do fine. Remember, protein first.
  3. Forensikchic

    Pre-Op Snacks

    I was only allowed sf jello, popsicles, etc. Edy's had some great tasting fruit bars that have no sugar added. My sister is on day 6 of hers and is enjoying them and the fudge bars (no sugar added). They are not sugar free so she only eats two a day. Only about 25 calories each. I think its helping her.
  4. I am getting more and more like this. I listen to people but the whole time I am thinking... Gosh, will they shut up already! I am much more into me now than I ever was before. I have been putting myself first a whole lot lately. I know it sounds mean but I have to get over that feeling because I do have to put myself first, after never doing that before.
  5. I just got back from lunch with coworkers. They are not close friends of mine but aquaintances really. I felt withdrawn the whole time. I hardly said anything. I did have a great shrimp and spinach quesadilla though. I got the half order and it was three small triangles and so it was just enough food for me and I was thrilled with that! I ate it all because it was small and no one made a deal over how little I ate. I just seemed to fade into the background. I have never been like this socially but now I seem to be more of a recluse than before. Maybe it was the company.....
  6. Forensikchic

    Sleeved On Monday

    Welcome Cliff! So glad you found us here. Everyone is so helpful on this board and eager to answer your questions or help in any way they can. Good luck to you on your journey!
  7. Forensikchic

    Anyone Following The Gs Blogs On Youtube ?

    I have a youtube channel and I have documented my whole journey. I am not very photogenic but I documented my journey and you are welcome to subscribe to my channel and watch the videos if you like. Same name.. Forensikchic.
  8. Forensikchic

    Hostility? Why?

    I have been commenting on these boards since August and lately it seems my comments and suggestions have been under attack. I dont understand this at all. I will answer the original poster to the best of my ability and share my experience, what I can eat, how much, etc. and inevitably someone will come back with rude comments, say I am misinformed? etc. How am I misinformed about my own journey? Anyways, I have about decided not to try to help anyone else because of this. I dont tell other people that they are wrong in their opinions. My opinion may be different but I dont call others out on theirs and argue with them about it. My experience is my own and I beleive I know what it is! I dont pad things, I just tell it like it is and what I do for me. It may not work for everyone but I thought that was the idea of a board, to get several peoples help and opinions and experience. Geez. If it happens again, I will be forced to stop commenting at all. Its sad that it has come to this because I used to love this board and it was a great help to me in the beginning. I was hoping to pay it forward.
  9. Forensikchic

    June 1, Dr. Alvarez, Anyone?

    We are both excited about it and trying to find others who might be there too. So happy for you and your sister. I am already sleeved to, as you can tell by my ticker and I post a lot. It should be a great experience for her and me too!
  10. She is coming in on Wednesday night, the 30th of May. We leave for Eagle Pass Thursday the 31st after work. She has quit smoking and is on her liquid diet right now. She is on day 4.
  11. My surgeon says no snacks, just three meals. My nutritionist and his nurse practitioner say we need snacks and they should be protein ones. I have always had some snacks in my diet since the beginning and I have done fine. They just wave the surgeon off...lol. They say they know best after the surgery is over. lol.
  12. Forensikchic

    Any June Sleevers?

    Where are you having yours? Who is your surgeon?
  13. Forensikchic

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    This was my sleeve date in 2011! I will be one year out when you have yours! Congratulations and good luck!
  14. I have this happen often. My bp stays around 90/50 which is hypotensive. It has been that way all my life but only since surgery to I get the dizzy spells from standing too quickly. I think its a combo of low bp and not drinking enough fluids.
  15. I am 9.5 months out and I eat something like this: Breakfast: 8 oz of OJ with one scoop unflavored Protein OR a Muscle Milk banana Creme flavor--NOT BOTH 10 oclock snack two cracker cut cheddar cheese slices with two whole wheat ritz OR 1 tbls Peanut Butter and five mini nilla wafers --NOT BOTH Lunch: Lean pocket (13 g of protein) OR leftover chicken fajita, beef or fish I had the night before- Tuna salad---some type of meat at any rate. 3 oclock snack- 8 oz of 2% or skim milk and peanut butter nilla wafers as above. (not together) i space them apart about 30 minutes. Dinner: Talapia, grilled fajita chicken, roast, (some type of meat) and a few bites of veggies. Sometimes my hubby will make hamburger helper and i will eat a few bites of it but I usually have my meat separate from them. Snack: I usually have another glass of milk and one cookie at night. Some days I eat a few bbq pork rinds if I want something salty or beef Jerky for snack. I also eat out some and I share with my husband or order a Soup. I just try to pick something with protein that reheats well. I can make a dish last about 4 meals.
  16. No problem. What are friend for? I hesitate to give unasked for advice but when I see a friend that I think could benefit from anything i have learned, I feel I need to tell them. Im glad it helped. I have faith that you will do just fine and make goal in no time!
  17. Forensikchic

    Ive Never Had Any Type Oc Surgery

    I noticed that you quit smoking. My sister did too, four days ago. She is doing the patches to help her. She started her liquid diet then too. She is scheduled for surgery on June 1! You guys will be sleeve sisters! How is it coming along for you?
  18. Forensikchic

    Ive Never Had Any Type Oc Surgery

    Dont worry. They put you in a gown when they are prepping you for surgery. You have the gown on while you are awake and aware. They give you something to relax you and then you are asleep and not aware. When you come out of surgery, you are in your gown. You dont even realize you were ever naked. You wont have to be timid about your body because you wont be laying there naked and awake. Thanks goodness! HTH
  19. Forensikchic

    3 Lbs Down In One Day?!

    Its probably true. Your body decides to let go of water when it wants too and it decided to take a nose dive! Some weeks you will have big losses and some none at all. Its an average and you are coming off a gain from your TOM so its probably just adjusting for that. Dont worry, be Happy!
  20. Forensikchic

    Raised Incisions?

    I am 9.5 months out and a few of mine are raised on the right side. The left ones are flat and pencil thin. the others look like little red grub worms.. yuck. I am hoping they start to fade like the doc says they will. He said they were normal. I guess I dont heal as pretty as others do. Im still waiting on them to fade and be flat.
  21. Hey. I want to say this to you and I know its unwanted, unsolicited advice but its free! LOL. I have noticed that here lately you seem to be, for lack of a better term, FAD dieting. Trying everything under the sun for short terms and none of it seems to be working. I just wanted to tell you and maybe others too what my surgeon told me about doing this. IT WORKS AGAINST YOU. He says its still that yo yo diet mentality. Try this a few days, try that a few days, no sugar, liquid diet, cut carbs, up calories, reduce calories, etc. You body has no idea if its coming or going! It is holding on to the pounds because it never knows what you are going to do next. He advises against doing this sort of thing. Just do the regular sleeve diet and that is eat Protein first, if you have room, add veggies, then carbs etc. Thats it. Nothing else. Dont worry about doing liquids again and no sugar and all that crap. Its what made us lifetime dieters and we screwed up our metabolism doing that. My unsolicited advice is for you to stop the madness and get back to the business of enjoying your life where food doesnt control it, get some exercise, and the weight will come off naturally. The stress of worrying about every little thing is also a cause of your body to store fat. RELAX! It is going to happen for you. Believe it! Trust! We all believe in you and know you will reach your personal goal and you dont need all these fad diet tricks to do it. You have the tool! Love ya, Tammi
  22. Forensikchic

    Goal Setting

    My boobs are bigger in cup size now. I am a 34 E/F. I have to order them. The DD's are too small. I never dreamed that would happen! I wore a 34 C in college. I guess after kids and being fat for so long just made the cups bigger. LOL.
  23. Forensikchic

    Goal Setting

    Im 5'4" too and I started at 234. According to the charts I have looked at, 145 is my normal BMI. I am 148 right now but I hope to make my ultimate goal of 135. I made my own goal and my surgeon agreed that it was a good one. I said I wanted to make it there by my one year surgiversary (August) and my doc says he will be happy if I make it by Thanksgiving!
  24. Forensikchic

    Nsv For Me!

    My surgeons office called today to ask if I would participate in their seminar this Thursday evening! What an honor! I have lost 86 pounds and I am only 3 pounds from a normal weight, 13 pounds from my personal goal and 14 pounds from losing 100 pounds! Woop! When I was at my seminar, they had about 10 people there who told there story and there were only two sleevers there. One of those was my inspiration and he really helped me. I hope to be someone elses inspiration. Its surreal to think that I am going to be one of those inspirational people! I told my husband at my seminar that I wanted to do that when I reached goal and now its here, I get to do one and I am only 9.5 months out from my surgery! Woooop! She also told me that they are performing more sleeves now than any other procedure but have mostly GB patients who come to the seminars for them. I will be the only sleever there representing! I better do us all proud! Now to pick an outfit to wear!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
