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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeavyDutyQ-tee

  1. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    So excited... I will be banded tomorrow morning 10/14 at 11am. i am the #3 surgery of 5. Im very anxious nervous and excited all at once. Havent been sleeping. Did all my hw assignments for this week. Taped all my shows for the week. Got my bag packed. I am all set and ready to hit the finish line. I wish you ALL safe n happy blessings before, during, and after surgery!!! Band-Land here we come!!!
  2. Thanks Miss Lady... I could always use more support. I will definitely keep u posted. Only 2 days to go!!! Yay!!!

  3. 2 days n counting... So excited!!!

  4. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    Should this bother me? Cause it does

    Hello Proud Mommy of 3... I just wanted to share my experience as well. I haven't even been banded yet but I have been updating my status on Facebook daily for the last 6weeks about my LapBand decision and my pre-op diets, testing, n my pre-op weight loss. I actually am having surgery this Friday October 14th @ 11am. I have gotten lots of support from some family and friends in which my sister and cousin have been my biggest cheerleaders. My two closest friends of over 20something years see my post everyday and neither of them have called me about the surgery or posted anything positive to help encourage me or show any support. I have talked to them each a couple of times over the past month about our birthday celebration coming up in February but not a one has mentioned anything. I posted yesterday I have 3 days to go and still nothing. They don't even press the LIKE button. Surgery is still a risk and things can go wrong. So even if they don't agree with my decision, it would be nice to have my friends at least pray for a safe procedure and a speed recovery... or something. I have gotten support from people I never even knew cared so much. Its funny how losing weight can destroy friendship but all I can say is I'm so excited and I'm doing this with or without there support. Good luck and great job on your weight loss. U dont need the negative stuff. Keep doing what your doing. You know how hard you work and thats all that matters!!! i cant wait til I can say I have lost 70lbs. (2days n counting!!!)
  5. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hey Randi... I have surgery on this Friday as well. I'm so excited!!! Good Luck to you!!!
  6. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    some help and advice for the out of shape

    I believe water is the best way. Get in a pool and walk... It helps tremendously... Look up water aquatics. I know a lady who was almost 400lbs and she wasn't able to walk on the hard concrete outside. She was pretty much limited to a lot of different things but she got in the pool daily and walked. She dropped her first 100lbs just from being in the water. It really does work. Good luck with beginning this new journey to a newer & healthier you!!! Keep us posted on your success. You can do it!!!
  7. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hey 'EyeOnPrize'... I was wondering were you been hiding. You only have 2 days to go. i have four. So how are you feeling? How is the pre-op diet going? I have lost 6.2lbs so far. So excited. Well keep me posted. I sure hope you figure out whats going on with your messaging issues. Keep in touch miss lady!!!
  8. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hello October Bandsters!!! I can't wait til i join you guys... I have 4days to go. I will be banded on Friday October 14th. So excited!!! Yay... I wish you all the best in your recovery. Let the journey's begin!!!
  9. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hello October Bandsters!!! I went today for my pre-op visit and to see the surgeon one last time before surgery. I'm scheduled for October 14th at 11am. I will be the 3rd surgery of the day. In exactly 7days, I will officially be welcomed into Band-Land. I'm so nervously excited. I started my pre-op 10day Atkins diet on Oct 2nd (this past Sunday) and I have lost 6.2#'s this week already... Yay!!! I really hope and pray for everyone to have a successful surgery and quick recovery. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's stories and glad to see everyone who has been banded is doing pretty well thus far. I cant wait to join you guys next week. Just remember... "We may not be there yet, but we are so much more closer today than we were yesterday!!!" Good Luck everyone!!!
  10. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    Anybody else with a really active job?

    Hello all... This was something that really scared me in the beggining. I am a truck driver and I also work on the docks on a forklift. When I hook a set of trailers i have to lift this thing called a converter dolly that weighs almost 3,000lbs. Its on wheels but it is very heavy. then Im also opening up trailer doors, picking up packages, and climbing in and out the truck & forklift. Besides that just riding in the truck hitting bumps and railroad tracks send me bouncing and my stomach is always moving and jerking. So i spoke with my job and they have okay'd me to be off for awhile. We also have short term disability which i am eligible for so i can stay off work until I am truly sure I'm ready to go back. I believe if you weren't ready you could've told your doctor to give you more time but I know its hard being off work and not being paid because life and bills go on... Im very thankful for the benefits of short term disability cuz if not i don't know what I would have done. I hope everything goes well with you and try to be careful and take care of yourself. you are whats most important in this factor. So make sure you put you & your health first. Good luck and much success with everything!!!
  11. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    Seminar to Surgery - How Long?

    Hello... Less than 30 days was all it took for me... My seminar was August 18th and I completed all tests, pre-visits, and psych eval by Sept 13th. The nurse submitted my papers on Sept 13th and i was approved for surgery 2days late on Sept 15th. I could've had surgery Oct 1st but I had to get approval from my job for the time off, so I am having surgery Oct 14th... So excited. Btw, I have Anthem BCBS of CA... I live in Chicago though. They didnt require any 6month pre-diet or pcp referral. So that was a big plus. i hope everything goes well with you and your approval. Getting that call from the nurse saying your approved is a very happy moment and I hope you get to experience that very soon. Keep us posted!!!
  12. Im suppose to start my pre-diet on Oct 4th, which is a 10-day Atkins (low carb) diet and my surgery is scheduled for Oct 14th... I am not a sweets fan and I don't really eat chocolate, so saying by to desserts won't be a big deal for me but I enjoy carbs, carbs, and more carbs... I have really indulged a bit over the last week or so. I did mexican @ Pepe's, a nice burger @ Red Robins, and all you can eat pasta @ Olive Garden. My last stop is Saturday... going to ALL YOU CAN EAT SHRIMP @ Red Lobster... Then Im going to start my pre-diet on Sunday the 2nd (a couple of days early). I also bought myself a treadmill, so i will be starting to walk on that as well because I have heard that walking helps with before and after surgery. So that's a little of my story. Good luck everyone!!! I'm counting down the days... (16 days away). YAY!!!
  13. Hey Ms. Lady... I will definitely be praying for your safety during surgery and a quick recovery. Thanks for all your support and encouragement!!!

  14. SO EXCITED!!! 22days n counting!!! Yay!!!

  15. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    Protein Drinks Stage 1

    Wow!!! thx a mill... This was very helpful!!!
  16. Hello all... I am a Truck Driver for FedEx Freight. I pull doubles & triples and also 53ft trailers (sometimes). I was wondering are there any other drivers that have the LapBand that can give me a little advice and a few tips on what I may experience when I return back to work??? My biggest fear is lifting, pushing, and pulling the a dolly converter to connect my rear trailer. They are very heavy (2500-3000lbs). I am taking ten days off work for recovery after surgery but I'm wondering will this be enough time? Also riding in the truck with air ride seats is a concern as well... The air ride seats do a lot of moving. Will the shaking or hitting a bump or truck jerking be an issue on my stomach? Im just a little nervous about my surgery and my job... My job is very strenuous and requires more than the average sit down desk job. I have to hook trailers, open trailer doors, crank landing gear, lift pull n push a dolly 3-4 times a day and the list goes on. I just hope someone out there can totally relate... Thanks for any advice. Also, what kind of things do you do for lunch and Snacks being a driver? What are some tips on living with LapBand as a truck driver???
  17. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hello October Bandsters!!! I wasnt able to log on yesterday due to a long day at work but I am so happy at all the success our October group is having. I hope we keep up this momentum and keep supporting each other. There is so much to comment on... Let's see, where should I start... 54Shirley, GREAT JOB!!! When I grow up i want to be a LOSER just like you!!! Yay... On the topic of telling people about your surgery, me personally, I have told all my closest friends and family. I have also posted updates about my surgery on my Facebook page where everyone can see. I don't care what people think. Im doing this surgery for me and only me. So if the next person has something negative to say, I simply ignore it because I have the positive support I need from the people that mean the most to me. This surgery is only a tool to help me in my weight loss journey and with the LapBand we really have to work hard for our success. This is really not the EASY WAY OUT (in my opinion). So I would tell the world if I could. I also plan to show the world as well. Next... As far as telling our children, I only have 1 child, my soon to be 13yr old daughter. I told my daughter about my surgery for 2 reasons. Its only me and her in our household. I am a single-mom, so she will kinda be my support system at home. I just felt I needed to let her know what I plan on doing with my body and all the risk that come with it because invasive or not, surgery is dangerous and death is a risk. I sat with my daughter and showed her a mild video of gastric bypass surgery and then LapBand surgery. She was a little unsure at first but when she saw how simple the LapBand surgery was, she became excited for me. I explained to her that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I told her that losing weight does affect my outer appearance but this surgery to me means more than just my appearance, I want to become a healthier happier and more energetic person. She plays basketball and is ready to help me in my journey. She even wants to start eating healthy with me. She says she cant wait for the day where we can go bike riding together and she can show me how to play basketball. I can't wait to be more physically involved in her life as well. It is crazy to see that different doctors require different things for the pre-op diet. I see everyone talking about liquids and shakes... but I have to do a 10day Atkins (low carb) diet. I don't know why? My surgery is October 14th and I plan to start my diet October 1st. Hey EyeOnPrize... Your not the only one!!! This past week has been crazy for me. I have really been indulging in lots of food that I know will be off my food list for awhile or maybe even for life. Saturday I had Red Robins. Monday I had Chipotle. Tuesday I had Culver's. Yesterday I Pepe's. Today I am having Popeye's Chicken. Not really sure what Ill be having Friday but this weekend we will be going to Red Lobster for ALL YOU CAN EAT SHRIMP. Its like saying bye to the foods I love. Am I wrong for this? Did anyone else go thru this or experiencing this? Well October Bandsters... I just want to wish everyone great success on your journey... We have to stick together and encourage each other. Until next time... P.S. I need some protein shake suggestions... What have you all tried? Whats your favorite so far? THX...
  18. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hi Cheryl... Im in a suberb just west of Chicao but I was born n raised in Chicago... But any hoo... I'm a truck driver as well, so driving isnt an issue for me either... My date October 14th... 1week after you. We definitely have to do some things once we have healed from surgery. Add me as a friend and definitely keep me posted on your journey... Yay!!!
  19. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hello m1aman... I heard it through the grapevine that the best broth is home made broth. I cant remember who or where i saw it posted... but it stated one should buy a chicken, put it in a pot filled with water, throw in some herbs n seasonings, some vegetables like celery, onions, bell pepper, carrots or whatever you like... maybe add a bouillon cube... and let it slow cook. it's like home made chicken soup with better flavor and will probably satisfy your taste buds a lot better than canned broth. Just pour off the broth and bottle it up in containers. I hear it freezes well also. Hope this helps...I am so NOT looking forward to the 2wk liquid post-op diet... My surgeon requires me to do a 10-day Atkins pre-op diet. So i wont be able to experience your pain...
  20. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Okay October Bandsters... Here's a little bit about my journey thus far: I started my journey on August 18th, 2011 when I attended my first ever seminar. My consult was Aug 26th. I weighed in at 342.8 @ 5'9" with a BMI of 51. My insurance is Anthem Blue Cross of CA. I wasnt required to do a 6month pre-diet. The surgeon sent me for all my testings on Aug 31st. I did my Psych eval on Sept 6th and my PCP gave me Surgery Clearance on Sept. 7th. My final stop was a trip to the nutritionist on Sept 12th. I had finally completed everything required from insurance n my surgeon. So... the nurse submitted all my paperwork to my insurance company on Tuesday Sept 13th... and 2 days later on Sept 15th, I got my approval for LapBand surgery. The whole process took less than a month. When the nurse called I was so thrilled. This by far had been the best news I'd gotten in a long time!!!...... It's all happening so much faster than I expected. After clearing things up with my job, I am scheduled to have surgery on Oct 14th (24days n counting). My surgeon did make me get a current pap smear n pelvic exam (which i really don't know why) ... which I completed yesterday Sept 19th. I am required to do a 10-day Atkins diet before surgery. Does anyone know a little bit about Atkins? What kinds of things should I be eating on this diet? Also any tips on what I need to get before surgery and what to bring with me to the hospital on surgery day? Also any suggestions on things I should start doing now that will help me along the way. Btw, can anyone recommend a pretty tasty Protein drink. I here some of them taste darn awful!!! lol... Thanks LBT family & my new October Bandsters Family. I am so happy to be taking this journey with all the love n support from my friends, family, and of course all the beautiful people here on LBT.
  21. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    Hey Heather B... I'm in Romeoville, IL... Just 30mins west of downtown Chicago. I would love to find a local as well to hang out with or maybe even start a support group. My surgeon is Dr. Vafa Shayani out of Adventist bolingbrook hospital in Bolingbrook, IL... Super duper excited and anxious... How bout you? (24days n counting!!!) October 14th, here I come!!!
  22. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    How long did you wait for approval??

    Hello Healthychange... That's wonderful!!! So how has your journey been going? I am so glad our insurance didnt require all that 6month stuff. I could have had surgery any day 10days after my approval on Sept 15th but I had to get time off approved from work, so I went with October 14th. Im going to be getting things in order around the house. I have to get my grocery list together for pre-op n post-op diet. 24days n counting... So excited!!!
  23. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October Bandsters!!!

    I am all for being apart of this group. My surgery is scheduled for October 14th!!! Yay... SO what do we do as a group??? I started my journey by attending a seminar on August 18. I did all the requirements and the nurse submitted my papers to insurance this past Tues 9/13 and I was approved for surgery two days later Thur 9/15. I have to do a 10 day Atkins diet for my pre-op diet. I'm so excited. Let's go October Bandsters!!!
  24. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October group

    Ok... Sounds like a great idea
  25. HeavyDutyQ-tee

    October group

    Ok... Sounds like a great idea

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
