Jack, I believe that after seeing Dr. Fielding and the Xrays that my impression was that the band that was inserted could possibly be a smaller size then I needed. I had this done in Mexico because at the time my insurance would not pay for the procedure. I was not diabetic and my blood pressure was excellent. It still cost me over 5000 out of pocket but at the time was my only choice. You give me congratulations on my weight loss but I am still morbidly obese at 330. Think about having 3 yogurts and 2 to 3 boost drinks per day for almost 5 years. With those calories I should be 250 lbs, which is my fighting weight. I exploded up to 443 after losing my wife and brother in the same year, but was about 380 when I had the surgery. The fact that I am only able to get around with a cane adds insult to injury. Even without the exercise I should have dropped a lot more weight.
AND yes I have had my metabolism checked. The best part is I never have to decide on what is for dinner. But honestly this has been the most frustrating situation for me.