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Posts posted by RegFern

  1. I didn't worry about the sugar free items. They really did help. I love the Crystal Lite drinks and Propel is the best. I lost 13lbs. during my 2 wk. phase. I only got weepy 2x, the first night and then once when I was really tired and my husband and 2 brother in laws just had to go to Steak and shake after we went to the movies. It was freezy in the place so I didn't even want Water. They had shakes and the whole bit! I just wanted to cry... and leave!

    I lived on Tomato Soup and low fat cream of chicken. I got the Protein by putting huge scoops of ff cottage cheese with the Soup in the blender and then heating the soup. I don't even like cottage cheese but it worked. I tried all the different Protein Drinks and didn't like them. I did manage to drink 1/2 bottle at a time of the Muscle Milk banana Creme - found individual bottles at Kroger. I do still drink a Choc. Protein powder drink (Walmart) that I make with ff 1 cup milk, tbl. of natural Peanut Butter, 4 ice cubes and I sprinkle some fat free/sugar free Jello choc. pudding dry mix in (it helps to cover up the Protein pwdr. taste, the Peanut Butter really does!)

    Good Luck. I was really thinking I wouldn't be able to manage but I did. I also frozen sliced strawberries and bananas slices and used them in Protein Drinks instead of fresh or ice cubes.


  2. I'm not sure if you can have Tomato Soup but I'll tell you it has saved me. I use it and the 98% FF Cream of chicken Soup and I put FF cottage cheese in it(for added protein). I know it sounds gross, but I'm telling you it isn't bad. I hate cottage cheese so this was a digusting idea at first, then I started think more about how you can add milk to make the soup creamier so cottage cheese is close. Also you put sour cream on chicken, had to get something positive in my mind. So... I figured what was there to lose. It worked, I just put it in the blender together, you can still add a little milk so it isn't too thick and then heat in microwave. I have this 2x a day. It is trial and error. I do have a probably getting all the Protein I should have, I just don't do the Protein Powder too well. I've tried added Hersey Syrup, frozen fruit, it still has a nasty after taste. I drink a lot of Propel or Crystal LIght and I use sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast with FF milk. I pack milk in a bottle and a packet of it and put in a insulated lunch box when I've gone out to eat or whatever.

    I've lost 10 lbs and I have 2 days to go!


  3. I feel the same way about dealing with the "afterlife" of having a band. Our lives have revolved around food that's one reason we are in this situation. In my life everything social involves food. We can eat dinner then have family over to watch a movie and order pizza. Since my husband and I have worked more than your typical 40 hr. a week jobs, coached, ran 3 boys around to sports it seems like we ate out more than we eat it. No seems like we did and still do. It is hard to have to come home and cook after work and it was always hard to find something everyone liked to eat. Something quick and not so healthy was always the way to go.

    This week we sent my youngest off to college, that meant a big get together at his favorite pizza place, then while at the campus it was Taco Bell then Italian restaurant with my oldest as we past through his town. Last night movie and dinner afterwards where they ordered fries, chili, shakes..... UHGGGG! All of this while I"m on liquids. Last night I was tired, the restaurant was cold, and it took everything I had to hold back the tears. I think I'll get better at, it is just hard now.

    Surgery is Wednesday. I've already lost 10lbs. Looking forward to wearing clothes that I've had in my clothes and drawers just waiting for me.

    Good luck. REGFERN

  4. A couple things you should have on hand:

    heating pad! That's my number on suggestion.

    A pillow for the car to hold up against your tummy. The bumps are a little rough.

    Popsicles for sure. I was really swollen so Popsicles were my saving grace.

    A pill cutter!

    Thats all I can think of for now :-) good luck!

    Thanks for the suggestions. Someone else had said I might want to buy one of those heat Patches that I could just leave on my shoulder all day. I might do that since I'll have to be moving around some. I remember the pillow from years and years ago when I had a C-section. I didn't have that kind of trouble when I had my gall bladder out so I'm hoping it is similar. I am the first surgery of the day so hopefully that will give me even more time at home to recover before I have to work on Friday. Hope you are doing better every day. REGFERN

  5. I'm BACK!!!! Banded and feeling good!

    Yeah, Sounds like you are doing ok. My dr. does our procedure by outpatient. I had my gall bladder out a couple of yrs. ago with a different dr. and that was outpatient too. He said it would pretty much be like that so I think I'll do ok. I always take forever to wake up, I hate that feeling of wanting to just sleep and they want you awake and you just can't do it.

    Hope you are feeling better today. I don't go until next Wed. then I have to report for Teachers first day on Friday. Hope I'm able to do it.


  6. smoothies ok, if you add more milk they won't be as thick maybe. Our Dr. gave us a bunch of recipes to use that make shakes. If you add ice or frozen fruit then it will get thicker.

    Go to the Food/Exercise thread and someone posted an email that has over 200 recipes. Also you can google liquid diet and find some ideas as well. Good luck.

    I'm on day 9. Really surprised that I'm not crazy. I'm mean really. The last couple of days have been extremely stressful as my last child left for college. We had a family pizza night at our favorite place, then when on campus they had Taco bell and then on the way home met my oldest son at an Italian restaurant. I survived, just talked alot!

    Hang in there, stay busy.

    When you say "smoothies" you can't mean the typical ones, like McDonald's or other recipes you might find. You need to use Protein supplement and make your own. You can use a chocolate powder and add natural Peanut Butter, I used carnation instant sugar free Breakfast packet, skim milk, Peanut Butter and if you add a few ice cubes it will get thicker. Not too bad.

  7. smoothies ok, if you add more milk they won't be as thick maybe. Our Dr. gave us a bunch of recipes to use that make shakes. If you add ice or frozen fruit then it will get thicker.

    Go to the Food/Exercise thread and someone posted an email that has over 200 recipes. Also you can google liquid diet and find some ideas as well. Good luck.

    I'm on day 9. Really surprised that I'm not crazy. I'm mean really. The last couple of days have been extremely stressful as my last child left for college. We had a family pizza night at our favorite place, then when on campus they had Taco bell and then on the way home met my oldest son at an Italian restaurant. I survived, just talked alot!

    Hang in there, stay busy.

  8. Abowman1985,

    I think the liquid is hard too. I can't find a Protein Powder that I like. Let me know how you are doing? I did find a huge list, 200 recipes under the Food/Exercise forum on this site. You might find something you'll like there.


    Tried Unjury poweder and it isn't as bad as the others. I bought the vanilla but added a little Hersey's lite Syrup and a tablespoon of natural Peanut Butter with 6 oz. of skim milk. Not too bad. I think if I add a couple of ice cubes it will thicken it up. I haven't used a FULL scoop of powder yet, but 3/4. Working my way up to it. Also liking the Carnation Inst. sugar free choc. with skim milk. Even put it in the blender and added a tablespoon of peanut butter to it. My support gr. members told me to do the Low Fat cream of chicken Soup and Tomato Soup. They suggested I put FF cottage cheese blended up into my Tomato soup blended together then heat it up. It was just a thicker tomato soup. I don't eat cottage cheese so I wasn't too sure but it was ok. Yeah, something else to eat.

    Getting ready to go out with 13 people to my son's favorite pizza place before he leaves for college tomorrow. Gonna go have some soup and pack my indiv. packets of Crystal Light for my Water at the restaurant. Wish me luck. Day 6 of liquids!


  9. I kinda feel weird telling people too. I think it is like I'm admitting to all that my weight is out of control. So far the few people I've told are very excited for me, which was weird. It felt like I won the lottery or something and I'm thinking don't you people realize that this is going to change the way I live, the way I think about food, that I won't just be able to eat and drink what I want anymore. Part of me is excited about the weight I have the OPPORTUNITY to lose but at the same time I think I will be in mourning a little for the lifestyle I once lead. I know it wasn't a good lifestyle, I mean it has caused me to weigh over 300 lbs. but alot of those times eating where great times with friends and family. Also it took me 25 yrs. to get this size.

    I think people don't know what the lap band is and I think they will be looking for the huge fast weight loss like ByPass gives. I worry that they will be looking at what I'm eating, maybe they are just curious but at the same time I know they will be judging me. Truly I think the worst part about telling people is admitting that you have a food addiction. It is like you are telling them that you are an alcoholic or something. I think some people don't know what to say or how to respond. Should they be happy for us that we confessed or feeling sorry for us that we have to go have surgery to be more in control of our bodies? It is a weird thing. I've begun to share with more people, maybe if I share and then explain that it is just another tool to help me be more aware of what I'm eating, a tool like my Weight watchers slide, my food journal, my measuring spoons, my calorie counting, ETC.!!!!!

    I think I'll also feel strange when people begin to notice and ask, "how'd you lose the weight?', it doesn't seem fair that I only say, "I'm watching what I eat, I'm counting calories, I'm exercising." Not, I have a new little device in my body that will make me sick if I eat too much or drink carbonated beverages or will make me vomit if I clogged it up! Oh yeah. I'll just see how it goes. I think sharing with some people that have also struggled with their weight may help them to seek out help too.


  10. Kala, We have 2 wks. of liquid, nothing that can't go through a straw, 800 cal. a day, 60 gr. Protein. I'm not getting hardly any protein. I'm going to our support group mtg. tomorrow night and hope to get a better understanding of the liquid diet purpose. I'm on Clear Liquids for a week after surgery then soft and mushy for 2 wks., then solid.

    Right now I'm just looking forward to the clear liquids, that list so much better of things I can have.

    Have a great week.


  11. Tyco's mom....

    I just had my sleep study and came home with my machine. Tonight will be my first night. I was little crazy about it too, not sure how it will go tonight. I'd say keep trying the different kind of masks. I have one that has the headgear but I only have a very soft pliable piece that goes in my nostrils. I don't have that oxygen looking mask. The hose if very flexible too.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

  12. Hey, I'm right with you. Day II. Suregery 8/17. From what I've been told and read the liver is very large and they need it to shrink so the Surgeon has a better work area, so it isn't covering up the stomach. My surgeon's office said they want you to lose 10 lbs. Well, I asked is it the 10 lbs. or shrinking my liver, like are they gonna weigh me on surgery day and say canceled if I didn't lose 10 lbs. They said no. The dr. will begin the surgery but if he determines that the liver is too large then he will stop. YIKES!

    I just can't find a shake that doesn't leave some nasty after taste. I have a bunch of recipes that my dr. gave me. I had to resort to chicken broth and even Lipton pkg. of Tomato Soup. I was really feeling sick. My head has been hurting off and on. I have been drinking Propel/Crystal Light too. I have experimented with some vanilla powder with frozen strawberries or banana, not too bad. Let me know how you are doing.

    I have my sleep study tonight. Wonder how that will go since I'll be hungry too!


  13. Hi! I'm August 17th too. My Surgery is in West Chester, OH. I started the liquid diet, what about you? My head has been hurting off and on. I just can't seem to find something to eat that tastes ok. My dr. wants me to have 800 calories and 60 gr. of Protein, I just can't do those liquid Protein Drinks. I was hoping I could do the chocolate stuff since I love chocolate but I guess I'm a true chocolate lover because that stuff just don't cut it. I guess I've cheated because I've resorted to chicken broth with Protein Powder. I know we are doing this to shrink our livers so I'm not sure if just losing fast weight will do it or what. I understand they want you to get protein but right now I'm focusing on the calories until I can find something. How about you?

  14. I finally have my surgery date for 8/15/11. Today is my first day on the diet and I really want to eat. I am so happy that I am having the surgery but this liquid stuff. I know I have to be strong and to encourage myself but I need more encouragement than just me and another friend. HEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP

    I'm having trouble with the liquid diet too. Just can't find something that really tastes ok. I'm getting lightheaded and already a little emotional after one day. Plus the added stress if you don't lose weight and your liver doesn't shrink my doctor will cancel the surgery after he gets in there and sees that the liver is large. WOW!

    Hope you are finding some liquids you like.

    Chat soon.


    p.s. Just went to the Food/Exercise forum and found a posting of an email with 200 shake recipes. No calories or Protein listed but sure gave me some ideas to try. WooHoo!

  15. I have had a really hard time finding shakes I like, as well. I tried samples from unjury, Bariatric fusion, Syntrax nectar, and at least two others. I kept researching online and finally saw a post recommending Body Fortress chocolate flavor, saying it tasted similar to chocolate Nesquik. It's available at Walmart for about $15 for a 2 lb container. I decided to give it a try, and it turned out to be tolerable. It's still got an aftertaste, and there's no mistaking it for an ice cream shake LOL.

    I've experimented with it to try and make it taste a little better. I mix it with 6 oz milk instead of 8 oz, because then there's less to drink (which is good since I don't love it...but if I loved it I'd make it with 8 oz milk). I tried adding a tablespoon of Hershey's cocoa to it and that did help improve the flavor. The most recent thing I tried was adding 1 tablespoon of sugar-free fat-free instant chocolate pudding mix to it and that actually helped quite a lot. It made it more chocolate-y tasting and did not have as much of an aftertaste.

    How about the sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast? Have you tried Ensure High Protein or Special K Protein Shake. They seemed to be high in calories. I saw them at Meijer but didn't want to buy the pack just to try them out. I really think a thicker smoothie type drink will make me feel fuller, kinda like a real shake. I'll let you know if I find any. I'm really picky so this might be a challenge for me as well.

    I purchased the vanilla flavor and I don't like it as much, but I'm going to try to add some instant pudding flavors to it and see how that works. I am six weeks post-op but I still need Protein Shakes some days. Sometimes I have them for breakfast because they're fast, and some days I work 16 hrs but rarely get time to sit and have a meal so I drink one or two during the day to keep me going.

    I've tried freezing milk in ice cube trays and using about 4 cubes (they're about 1 oz each) and then 2-4 oz milk to make a smoothie style drink. It didn't improve the flavor any but it changes the texture so it might be worth a shot to help you drink them.

    Once you get past the pre-op and immediate post-op phase, you won't have to rely on Protein shakes nearly as much. Most people can get their protein needs met by their food intake, but it's still good to find a protein shake you can tolerate to have available if you have an off day or for the day or so after a fill when you need to go back to liquids.< /span>

  16. They all suck. I've tried 2 dif kinds of Atkins, eas, Bariatric Advantage, musc milk and oh yeah. Is it too mucn to ask for a Protein drink that does not reek of a chemically taste in your mouth. My banded friend said the BA shakes remind her of an ice cream shake. What in the world is she thinking??!! Has it just been too long since shes had a REAL shake? Im freaking out bc I need a shake I like!!

    I'm worried about that exact same thing. First off they are soo dang expensive and they usually come in 4-6 packs. I bought a couple Protein Time? shakes tonight at

    Meijer since they were buy 2 get 1 free but they were over $2 a piece. I think because I know what a REAL shake tastes like that anything else is going to be

    yucky. I start pre-op liquids on Wed. I think I'm going to have to use the powder with frozen fruit or Peanut Butter, etc. per the recipes our Dr. office gave us.

    I can send you some if you don't have any. Read over posts that people replied to my requests earlier on this same topic. Let me know if you find one you like.

    I heard that they sell single cans at some Gas Stations so I'm going to check this out tomorrow. I don't want to be frustrated on my first day so I'm trying to plan ahead for options. Hang in there.

  17. I was just banded yesterday by tabby Anne's doctor as well (dr. Brad Watkins)...I made it thru the two week diet using Atkins shakes (caramel and mocha were my favorite flavors). When mixed with ice in the blender they were close enough to my coffee house favorite frappes that i felt rather full after them. I also used lots of crystal light drinks, a sugar free pudding each night and chicken broth. It definitely wasn't easy but so worth while. Before surgery I felt better than I have in years. I wish you well on your diet. Be strong for yourself and you will be proud of making it thru...Vicki

    Vicki, I'm a patient of Dr. Watkins too. So we don't have to buy the Protein powder they sell at the office? I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love chocolate so I'm looking for chocolate drinks and fruity type drinks. I think I"ll get frozen fruit and see how that works. I hit the Meijer sale on Crystal Light a couple weeks ago and Walgreens just had their broth on sale. I thnk my problem is that I am going to have to find ways to stay busy or I'll obsess over the idea of eating or not getting to "eat".

    How are you feeling? Don't know if you saw my other post but I teach and I have to do my first teacher work day and Open House 2 days after my surgery. How are you feeling? REGFERN

  18. Hi there!

    Dr. Brad Watkins banded me this past Wednesday. A 2 week liquid diet was required but to get a jump start on mine I did 2 shakes and a meal for a week before the 2 week liquid diet. My problem was mainly head hunger. You just have to keep your eye on the goal.... Everytime you are craving something ask yourself what's more important your health or that craving. It really isn't easy but YOU can do it. I think this is half the battle too. My brain is so conditioned to know I'm suppose to eat at lunch, dinner times and if I skip a meal because I've been busy I feel deprived or something. Dr. Watkins is my surgeon too. How did you feel the 2 days afterward? I had my gall bladder removed and I'm hoping it is kinda like that. My problem is that my surgery is on Wed. and I have my first Teacher workday to report to school on Friday. Also Open House that night! "They" are telling me I should be ok, just no lifting. What do you think? I'm hoping I can make it through Friday, then have 2 more days on the weekend, the Monday is another just teacher day and kids come on Tues. Suggestions?

    I used the Herbalife formula 1 Protein shakes and added extra Protein Powder to them. Since I could only go to 800 calories I didn't add anything to them so I could keep the calories down. They did however give me a sheet of recipes for the shakes. Some looked really good! I don't know how many calories I get. Will they tell me that when I go to the office Tuesday to sign papers?

    I know it is hard not to be nervous because this stuff is all new but just hang in there. You are going to do awesome. Dr Watkins, his staff and all the ppl at university pointe is wonderful caring ppl. Thanks Tabby, you hang in there too. It is exciting that we are embarking on something that could be life changing for us. A couple people that I've told have asked me right away if I'm excited. I can't say that I'm excited about what challenge lies ahead but I'm happy that I'm going to have an opportunity to do something for myself.


    Hang in there! ~ Tabby

  19. I'm not a coffee drinker but I do like fruit smoothies. I'm gonna slice up bananas and freeze them along with strawberries to use in smoothies. Also gonna get some natural Peanut Butter to mix with chocolate Protein Powder. Can we just have chicken or beef broth too? Grocery shopping is a weekly outing my husband and I share together, I agree, I think I'll skip this for awhile. I'm a teacher getting ready to go back to school and my youngest son is leaving for college in 2 wks. so maybe i'll stick with stores like office supply and dept.stores to get my shopping fix. Thanks for sharing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
