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About Darksides

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  1. Exactly , thanks for the tips
  2. Thank you pev and OT. I do eat meat but the second I hit a stall I change to carbs and it actually moves my weight loss again. Shocks the system I guess but the portions now are really scaring me. It's soo easy to eat in one sit. And loved the self change advice. You both are 100% right . Thanks again . Need to be stronger
  3. Hi , am on my 8 month post op. 7 months of great feelings great loss and lots of energy. Went from 390 pounds to 256 But then things stalled and now I can eat much more, specially Pasta and rice. And am always hungry. I feel like am lost again and need to see the right path once more. Any tips on how to refocus and fight those Bad eating habits again? Am seriously frustrated and going off track
  4. Welcome to the Vertical Sleeve Talk forums Darksides! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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