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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LessyAudra

  1. Just reading all your comments have me so excited to go through w the surgery. My parents and fiance aren't completely supportive of me having this surgery but I think that's because they r scared and have never been overweight. But I feel i am ready to let go of the old shy me and bring out the confidence I always knew I had. Good luck to you all!!!

  2. I think everyones clearances might be different depending on insurance. For me I must complete my Drs clearance, which includes: PRIMARY CARE CLEARANCE, PSYCHOLOGICAL CLEARANCE, UPPER GI SERIES, CHEST X RAY, ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND,LAB WORK, NICOTINE TEST, BILATERAL ULTRASOUND OF LOWER EXTREMITY, EKG, ECHO, PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST. That is just from the Dr. My insurance requires that I use all of their people (dieticians,labs, nutritionist etc) but they also require me to do 5 EAP SESSIONS, AND OTHER MEETINGS TO GET CLEARED. AND I ONLY HAVE 2MONTHS TO GET IT ALL DONE.

  3. Hi everyone my name is Celeste and m 22yrs old. I've been overweight my whole life and have tried everything to drop the pounds but nothing has seem to work. I have had so many health issues because of my weight,but the 2nd biggest struggle has been getting pregnant. I have been with my fiance for 4yrs and have TTC for 2yrs with no luck. So LAP BAND is my last resort to have a healthier life and become a parent.

    I am at the beginning stages with the lap band process. I am getting all my clearances done n hope to have my surgery done by December. I AM SO EXCITED AND CANT WAIT. GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE ON THE NEW AND IMPROVED U....AND A SAFE RECOVERY AND SURGERY TO ALL : )

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