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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PrettyLilButterfly

  1. I also weigh myself daily. It's the only way I can keep ahold of this. At first I felt I was being obsessed, but honestly, that's what I need to do for ME to remain in control.

    And if I see it go up a lb or two, I correct myself. I tend to gain a lb or 2 when I lose sight of reality (lately with me, it's too many aloholic beverages). And I put myself back in check.

  2. This is a tough one. The band was the only surgery offered in town so of course me and many others jumped at the opportunity. I was fortunate to only have been banded a year. The new surgeon at the clinic dislikes the band and encouraged the sleeve. I had complications with the band as we all did (not being able to eat, constant throwing up). I did have scar tissue once it was removed. This caused discomfort while I'd chew for about 6 months after removal. I feel better now and am in love with my sleeve.

    Had I had the band longer, I may consider joining a potential lawsuit. However...I was blessed my insurance covered the revision. I woulnd't mind the $2500 I paid for the band.

    Had I not been insured and had to pay for the fills out of pocket, oh you betcha I'd join! The fills were the worst part, trying to find that damn non existant green zone!!

    I'm sorry for those of you who had so many complications :( I"m glad the sleeve is working better and you are moving on with your life! The band truly was a miserable tool

  3. Order what I want for the most part, but modify it. Tend to stay on the appetizer menu or kids menu. Burger, no bun no fries. chicken soft taco (corn tortilla instead of flower, easy cheese). Cringe when my g/f wants to go to a more upscale place. They are NOT WLS friendly (can't order kids menu w/e). Usually I'll order an appetizer knowing she'll share it with me. And of course nibble off her plate. She's an eater, which makes it hard. I try to not order anything and do an add-on to her meal, but she always insists on an appetizer. Or tells me just to order a chicken plate and I can eat the rest later. I do LOVE leftovers, makes for a good 2-3 meals..however, prefer to not spend money when I don't need to. I think she likes me to order food so people don't look at us...or maybe so she doesn't feel 'like a pig'.. that's my guess.


  4. oh my oh my..

    Well in keeping with the original post...I was a bad bad butterfly post-op. I was SOOO tired of the 2 week pre-op liquids, that I sped up the post-op process. I snuck in 'mushy' foods (puddings, mashed potatoes) around day 3. On mushy phase, I felt mac-n-chez was just fine. I don't feel guilty since it was almost never more than 4 bites..

    so there you are world....dirty secrets aired....:)

    Feel like I should light up a cig...

  5. I was banded 9/2011. I lost 60 lbs but then the weight loss halted. I noticed how easy it was to gain weight. I did teeter totter 5-10 lbs up, then down..then up again.

    I had my band in 12/2012 and in the blink of an eye lost 40 lbs. I have been at my goal weight since June.

    Personally, I found life with the band more....depressing. I found myself wanting to eat more..to 'cheat', to have slider foods, to not be as focused. With the sleeve, life is just wonderful, less complicated and I am more focused to maintaining my weight loss.

    I don't know that I answered your question, but I wanted you to understand how I saw the 2 surgeries. :)

    Good luck to you on your surgery, you will NOT regret it. And you will hit your goals! Please keep us posted.

  6. For me, it wasn't a matter of "what do I need to give up" but more.. OMG I"m going to be a normal sized person for the first time since I wasw 18. I think that good out weighed the 'bad' (so to speak). The things I felt I would 'miss' out on were buffets (REALLY? I mean REALLY? pathetic).

    At first, the thought of 5 bites per meal was a lot to take in. But the first time I ate those 5 bites and felt like I ate a full plate... WOW.

    I think Arts has a good point, do lots of research. Read as many posts here as you can.. Get all the facts. If you are comfortable with your choice to have the sleeve, that's the biggest hurdle right there! Everything else really is minor!!

  7. 1. It is very common to lose hair, to keep it minimal, keep up on your protein!

    2. I'm about 9 months out, and my scale has gone down for the post part. I did hit my personal goal a couple of months ago, and the scale has remained. I have never had a case in the past 2 years (I was banded prior to sleeve), I've always maintained what I've lost. I won't lie and say I don't step on that scale every 2 days just to make sure!!

    3. While my band was being removed the doctor did fix a hernia. And through no fault of the surgeon/clinic it was discovered the next morning I had a tear in my spleen. They still can't figure out how it tore. And despite both those 'complications', I came out feelig good and had a good recovery (other than being pale forever after losing 4 pints of blood).

    Of course we all differently and no one can say what you'll experience. From what i've read online and at the surgeons office, the most common thing that happens is discovering a hernia that needs repair.

    You'll be fine :) always keep positive thoughts in your head.

  8. You know, I'm only 9 months out, but I don't plan on changing what I've been eatig so far. I've reached my goal and have maintained for about 2ish months now. I wouldn't dare eat more..Though I may cut back a wee bit due to a weigh in here at works (which effects what I pay for my health insurance next year!)

    Have you spoken with your surgeon or nutritionist to see where they feel you should be?

  9. Hey all! My boyfriend and I normally have a very healthy sex life about 3-4 times a day. Since starting the liquid diet I feel good but I just haven't felt "erotically charged". Have any of you experienced this?

    I won't even comment on the 4-5 times a day! LOL I was happy with once a week! And I considered that a healthy sex life!

    But to answer your question, during the liquid diet, I was not happy about the limitations. So I was somewhat angry at the world and had zero sex drive. And to be honest, I haven't gotten it back. It's been since December.

    And with you still having sex more than 1x a week, I think youre doing ok :| just saying..

  10. OH gamegirl, we are so in the same boat. I look back and wonder "why the hell was i so big". Yes i admit the last few years I totally deserved it. I ate fried foods and alot of processed. Prior to, not so much. People who hung out with would often ask me "umm not to be rude, but how are you overweight, you eat little portions and nothing fatty". I'm sure now it makes sense, I may have FELT I was choosing wisely..but damn you hidden fat/calories!!

    Thank God, that's in the past!!

  11. Don't you just LOVE Rain? And football and a grill? Even better! Great post topic!!

    Oh this weekend should be lovely! My g/f and I are heading to a place called Ojo Calliente to soak in the mineral waters (mmmm!! relaxing!). Though we are thinking we should just drive to Pagosa Springs. Same price, more pools. Either way, we're getting the heck out of dodge. We took Monday off so our weekend is extended a little more. My bones are calling out for the hot springs!!

  12. Hmm...I don't montior my intake (bad bad butterfly). I think I'm done with being obsessed with every bite I consume. I do make sure I make what I perceive as 'health conscience' choices (no cheese on my salad, light dressing etc). I dont seem to have a fear that my 5 bites are dangerous. I am cautious to not make all my bites each day be sugary or fatty...

    To me, there really isn't 'good' food, everything has some sort of hidden something. Unless you just eat steamed veggies and grilled meats all day, everything has something we shouldn't have. Heck fruit has more sugars than we think.

    I'm sure I'm looking at this in a bad light...Perhaps I need to be more disciplined. And please understand, this is my perspective on this..don't stone me...I'm just being honest about how I feel when I eat each day.

    And Gamegirl, thank you for bringing some light to things we THINK are healthy but may be worse than what we thought! I LOVE me some lettuce wraps..darn you hidden calories/fat!! (shakes fist in air).

  13. Since my surgery in December, I've noticed the nurse asks the normal questions "When was your last BM" "How have you felt" "any changes"...however the one question that I've been curious as to why they as is "are you have any issues peeing".. umm...? I'm confused.

    Have any of you had this question from your clinic? And if so, have you inquired as to why they ask that?

    I do notice I pee a tiny amount and more frequently..nothing else out of the ordinary..So why the question...

  14. Each day is a different emotion for me.. Most days I look in the mirror and say "OMG I"M HERE!! THE REAL ME IS HERE!!". And some days I'm "wtf did i do...this is forever". Then I watch walking dead and think "hmm I can survive a zombie attack, I don't need to eat as much as others".. The things I find to get myself through it!

    We've spent most of our lives overweight..we adjusted to it, accepted it...we didn't think there was any other way. So we got used to not fitting on the airplane, riding rides at 6 flags, being the biggest person in the room....

    And NOW, we have to adjust to being some hot sexy people, being just a person in the crowd, fitting on the airplanes WITH extra room, and loving the NEW us.

    It's an adjustment, but one I do not regret.

    Take it one day at a time sweetie. Live fully for today..and be happy with your decision! Your health with thank you!

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