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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/18/1962

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  1. Happy 51st Birthday 2FIT2BFAT!

  2. 2FIT2BFAT

    A Few Thousands Of Dollars For What.....

    Frustration is abound. I had my surgery on Aug 2nd. Filled..unfilled...Filled...filled, now back for an unfill. Its hard to find that "sweetspot" with the lapband. There are so many variables and EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. I am going back in tomorrow after being filled last wed. Thank god my husband was out of town all week, it has been difficult weekend and I was try ing to make the best of a bad situation. Thinking I could handle eating 1 TBL at a time and spitting it up. TG is right around the corner and its just me and the spouse. I will cook the TG dinner as always, but probably wont get to eat a bit of it. I dont really care, I just want to continue to lose weight, but not spitting it up. Good Luck. Just know that everyone is different and all the food that you can or cant eat varies as well.
  3. 2FIT2BFAT

    1ST FILL and FOAMY

    :lol:Its better today. Guess thats why they make the apt for 2 weeks out. Not as foamy but cold items still seem to bother me and feel like they are stickin. Havnet eaten much in two days. But I feel fine.
  4. 2FIT2BFAT

    FIrst FIll and FOAMY

    <BR><BR><BR>It was alittle better on day 2...Still have issues with cold items. Like tea. Easier if I drink hot tea. Or coffee. Anything cold seems to stick and make me burp. Thanks for the 2 cents... hehehe <BR><IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif">
  5. 2FIT2BFAT

    1ST FILL and FOAMY

    Thanks for your reply. I seem to be able to drink warm liquids without much problem of burpin up foam. Guess I will give the doc a call. I know I was definately too full yesterday after the first needle stick. Thanks so much. Will see how the day goes and what I can consume other than warm liquid.... (coffee) is working fine. . Took a sip of water around 3:30 am and it kinda stuck and was burpy til about 4:45. I didnt sleep well.....
  6. 2FIT2BFAT

    FIrst FIll and FOAMY

    I had my first fill and cant keep down a tbl spoon of water without getting foamy and spitting up. My concern is hydration. Even 1/3 of a popicile is a chore. I understand there is swelling and will give it a couple of days, but am not feeling to great at the moment.
  7. 2FIT2BFAT

    1ST FILL and FOAMY

    Hello I had surgery 8/2 Had my first fill yesterday. Nurse said doc put too much in and she took some out. My sip of water finally came out of my throat and chest, I could feel it. Didnt eat prior to and now about 1 tbl spoon of anything gets foamy in my pouch and I am spitting up. I cant even suck on 1/3 of a popcycle that doesnt foam and then gurgle up to the back of my throat. I assume from fill conversations that I am swollen ? I cant even sip a tablespoon of water without foaming. My only concern at this point 8 hrs out from a fill is I need Hydration and a tblspoon of water ever hr is probably not going to be enough. I will wait for a couple of days. My doctor says mushy food, but I serisouly dont see how I can even do mushy if I cant get down a thumbdrop of water. Any suggestions or comments are welcome.
  8. Welcoms :D My daughter lives in OKC...:D I hope the fill helps with the hunger.

  9. 2FIT2BFAT

    Calling all A11s!!

    Jamie ...Here...BAnded Aug 2nd. 49 year old female. Currently feeling like I can eat what I used to. NOT GOOD ! Cant wait for my fill....
  10. All is going well. Just bouncing around 200...

  11. 2FIT2BFAT

    almost 3 weeks post op

    Thanks Tracie...Just wanted to get to 200 sooner I suppose...But who doesnt !!
  12. 2FIT2BFAT

    almost 3 weeks post op

    Finally made it under 200...but bouncing over and under. My body is in a battle. It is resistant to lose this weight. I can feel it. I had a small salad over the weekend. Note to Self : Salad causes GAS...have Gax X handy. My first fill isnt til Sept 19th and I hope I dont just fight this (NON-weight loss) for the next 4 weeks. Its already been extremely frustrating for the last 2 weeks...When you do good with your choices, you want to see results and not seeing them is very frustrating !!!
  13. Hi. How is recovery going?

  14. 2FIT2BFAT

    Over 48 Hours Post Op Update

    Glad your doing well. I honestly dont know if they are hunger pains or gas pains. I do have gas and then at times hunger. LOL...YOur doing well !

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