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Everything posted by Ryanband07
Howdy Y'all I was banded on 1/24/07 and so for I'm doing OK. I'm healing well and no longer in pain. However now I have feelings of doubt, failure and all kinds of other thoughts going through my head. I've lost 13lbs since my surgery but, to be honest i'm missing food so bad right now it's depressing. I don't know if i've done the right thing but, what's the alternative? Try yet another diet on my own, loose the weight and then gain it plus some back. What i'm looking for is people to share their success stories w/ me. I feel like it would keep me super motivated. I started my weight loss journey at 250lbs and now am 237lbs. So far i'm very pleased w/ the weight loss just like I said before i'm missing food and i'm very hungry. Does anyone have any tips on what's good to eat 2 weeks post op? I can't eat any more cream of chicken Soup. My husband tells me to keep my head up and it will get better when I get my 1st fill. While I appreciate his advice it's kind of hard to take it. Seeing as how he can eat anything he wants. So all stories, advice, or even questions are welcomed. Thanks for listening:)
Hey Y'all I Have A Question.......how Is It That food Gets Stuck So Quickly And Why Does It Get Stuck In The First Place? I Thought The Band Was Supposed To Make A Little Pouch That Filled Up While You Eat And Made You Feel Full. And That The Food Would Slowly Pass Through The Band To Your Stomach Making You Feel Fuller Longer. Well Sometimes When I Eat, Something Gets Stuck Right Away. So I'm Confused If The Food Is Slowly Supposed To Make It's Way Down Like An Hour Glass How Can Something Get Stuck Right Away? I Never Really Thought About It Until Tonight At A Bbq Someone Asked Me To Explain The Band To Them. So I Did As Much As I Could. I Explained That Sometimes If I Take Too Big A Bite Or Eat Certain Foods It Gets Stuck, Burns Like Hell And Then Sometimes I Have To Spit It Up. They're Reply To That Was How Is That Possible? I Sat There Thought About And Didn't Have An Answer. I Probably Sound Really Stupid But, I Don't Get It. They Didn't Change Any Thing W/ My Esophgus So Why Does This Happen? So Any Ideas Would Be Great. Thanks Y'all
Hey Y'all Two Quick Questions........has Any One Heard Of The Doc Missing The Port And Putting Your Fill In The Wrong Place? Also On Average How Many Fills Did It Take To Finally Get To Where You Could Actually Tell A Difference? I Just Had My 3rd Fill And I Haven't Had Any solid food Yet. But I Can Already Tell It Didn't Make A Big Difference. I Got My Last Fill 2 Months Ago And Only Lost 6.5lbs. I Go This Last Fill On Tues And Haven't Lost A Single Lb. I'm Starting To Get Really Frustrated. Which Leads Me Back To My First Question. Can A Doc Miss And Put The Saline In The Wrong Place Causing You To Feel As If You Hadn't Had A Fill? Anyone's Help Or Words Would Be Appericiated. Thanks Y'all
Pregnant And Scared, Please Help!!!!!
Ryanband07 posted a topic in Pregnancy with Weight Loss Surgery
Hello y'all Ok so it's a new year and I just found out this afternoon that i'm pregnant. I think the 10 preg test that I took confirm it. Seeing as how it's friday both my OBGYN and my lapband doc office's were closed. I'm stressing out when I should be happy. I'm scared for 2 reason's. The first is that my first child who is now 2 yrs old was born 3 months early and was in the hospital for 4 months and almost didn't make it. I of course think this will happen again. Seeing as how my doc told me that pregnancy was next to impossible after my first child I never thought this would or could happen. The second reason i'm freaking out is bc of my band. I will be 1 yr post op on Jan 24th and have lost 90 lbs I've worked so hard to loose this weight and now I feel like i'm just going to gain it all back. I realize some people might see this as being very selfish but, this is a concern of mine. I've been "fat" all my life and DO NOT want to be fat ever again. I also wonder how many people out there have ben pregnant w/ the band and what their pregnancy was like. I'm looking for any advice I can get so please help. I hope to hear from some people who have been pregnant, know some one or are curretly expecting to help calm my nerves. PLEASE HELP!!!!! -
Hello.....pregnant And Scared Please Help!!!!!!!!
Ryanband07 posted a topic in Pregnancy with Weight Loss Surgery
<TABLE class=tborder id=post673460 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #e9e9e9 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #e9e9e9 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #e9e9e9 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #e9e9e9 0px solid" width=175> Registered User Join Date: Jan 2007 Age: 25 Posts: 42 </TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_673460 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #e9e9e9 1px solid"><!-- google_ad_section_start -->Pregnant And Scared, Please Help!!!!!<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <HR style="COLOR: #e9e9e9" SIZE=1><!-- google_ad_section_start -->Hello y'all Ok so it's a new year and I just found out this afternoon that i'm pregnant. I think the 10 preg test that I took confirm it. Seeing as how it's friday both my OBGYN and my lapband doc office's were closed. I'm stressing out when I should be happy. I'm scared for 2 reason's. The first is that my first child who is now 2 yrs old was born 3 months early and was in the hospital for 4 months and almost didn't make it. I of course think this will happen again. Seeing as how my doc told me that pregnancy was next to impossible after my first child I never thought this would or could happen. The second reason i'm freaking out is bc of my band. I will be 1 yr post op on Jan 24th and have lost 90 lbs I've worked so hard to loose this weight and now I feel like i'm just going to gain it all back. I realize some people might see this as being very selfish but, this is a concern of mine. I've been "fat" all my life and DO NOT want to be fat ever again. I also wonder how many people out there have ben pregnant w/ the band and what their pregnancy was like. I'm looking for any advice I can get so please help. I hope to hear from some people who have been pregnant, know some one or are curretly expecting to help calm my nerves. PLEASE HELP!!!!!<!-- google_ad_section_end --> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> -
Hi Y'all, Ok so my doc says that w/ the band and the right restriction you should be loosing 2-4 lbs a week. I'm 8 1/2 months post op and have lost 70lbs but, i'm not loosing any where near that amount of weight a week. I don't think I need another fill.....I don't eat much and when I do i'm in big trouble...slimming, major hicups etc. My question to y'all is does that amount of weight loss seem a bit extreme and am I the only one who has experienced a slow down in weight loss over time? The first 40lbs or so just fell off but, now I gotta work at it a little harder then I did in the beginning. Just curious to see what y'all thoughts were. I always like, and listen to the advice of fellow bandsters. 1/24/07......252 lbs pant size 20/22 10/11/07.....182 lbs pant size 10
Hi y'all Just a thought....my husband asked me the other day if I ever forgot I had the band. The answer was NO everyday I'm so aware of it. Not saying it's a bad thing but, it got me wondering if there ever comes a point when people forget they have it. I've been banded for almost 8 months now. There are so many things I can't eat bc of it I feel it would be impossible to ever forget it's there. I love my band but, sometimes I miss the old days when I could eat a sandwhich or a hamburger. Or eat anything w/o having to wonder if it's gonna go down or not. Then I look at the scale or old pics of myself and remind myslef that NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels. I'd love to hear y'alls thoughts. surgery 1/24/07 252 lbs size 20/22 weight as of today 9/11/07 187 lbs size 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and i'm 42 lbs from my goal weight:whoo:
Hi y'all... I had a fill a 3 weeks ago and boy can I feel it. I can barley eat anything. Maybe a 1/2 of food and I'm full and I get the hiccups. I drink Water all day long and make good food choices. Here's the thing....I haven't lost a damn pound in 2 weeks. I'm so frustrated and don't understand how this is at all possibe. This is the worst i've felt since I had the surgery 8 months ago. I'm stressing about this day and night. I called my doc and they said they'd like to see me for an apt and if i'm doing eveything I say I am I should be loosing weight. So anyone out there been through this? Why am I not dropping the pounds and what do I need to change? Please help I feel like a failure. :help:
Hi y'all The past couple days nothing has been staying down. Everything gets stuck. I can keep Water and coffee down but, even slim fast goes down rough. I'm in a state of panic thinking my band slipped. I had a fill 2 weeks ago and everything was ok up until yesterday. It's that time of the month (sorry guys) could that have something to do w/ it? I'm very nervous and need some one to tell me some thing. How would I know if my band did slip? And what should I do? I'm gonna just try musshies for the next few days and call my doc on tuesday seeing as how mon a holiday. Any advice would be helpful.
Hi Y'all, I'm not sure if this would be the right place topost this thread but, i'm gonna go ahead and do it. I've been working so hard and it's taken so long for me to finally be "proud" of my self. I'm now more than half way there. I've lost 60lbs and have 47lbs more to go. I had my surgery 1/24/07 and was in a size 20/22 and here I am 7 months later in a 10/12. It feels so good and it just keeps getting better. I just wanted to be able to share that w/ people who appericate and understand how hard this journey can be for all of us.:clap2:
Thanks for all the kind words y'all. I will most def post some before and after pics up asap.
Hey Y'all I'm finally motivated (kinda) and ready to start working out. I've stared swimming (when I can) roller blading and I might even get on the dreaded treadmill. I just thought i'd ask what excersise people had found to be most effective. Also maybe you could share w/ me how you keep up the motivation to work out every day. I'm sure the answer will be that loosing weight is enough motivation but, if it doesn't happen over night for me I loose intrest. I'm hoping to change that w/ some much needed help. Look forward to hearing from every one. Day of surgery 1/24/07 252lbs As of today 7/18/07 198lbs :whoo:
Hey y'all I'm looking for any one else out there whose been banded by Dr. Spiegel of Houston Texas. Or any one who's had to deal w/ his staff. I have some questions and would like to see if other people had the same experiance w/ him and his staff that I have. Look forward to hearing back from y'all soon
Hi Y'all I Had A Fill 2 Weeks Ago. And Boy Can I Feel It. But, I Haven't Lost Any Weight At All!!!! I'm Barely Eating Anything. On Top Of That I Had A Stomach Bug Last Week And Was So Sick I Couldn't Eat For 3 Days. I've Started Eating Again And Counting Calories, I Just Don't Get Why I Haven't Lost Any Weight. I Know The Fill Is Working By Not Allowing Me To Eat As Much, But It's Not Helping Me Loose Weight. It's Not My food Choices Bc I'm Eating Meat's And Veggies. I Feel Like A Failure And Don't Know What To Do. To Top It Off My Husband Just Stared A Diet 2 1/2 Weeks Ago (he's Not Banded) And Has Lost 17lbs. While I'm Happy For Him I'm Also Feeling Very Bad About Myself. Any Help Would Help.
Hi Y'all, I Relaize This Forum Is For People W/ Lab Band. I Am One Of Those People, I've Been Banded Since 1/07 And Couldn't Be Happier. My Problem Is My Mom. After She Saw My Succsess W/ Lap Band She Went Through The Process Of Getting Approved Through Her Insurance. She Had Everything Riding On Getting Approved And Kept Gaining Weight. She Then Found Out That Her Insurance Didn't Cover Lap Band But, Would Cover Gastric Bypass. Which To Me Makes No Scense What So Ever. Any How, She Went Ahead And Got The Gbp. Despite Me Warning Her Of All The Complications. She Had Her Surgery 1 Month Ago, And Has Been In The Hospital Twice Now. Once For Dehydration And To Stretch Her Stomach And Again Another Time To Strech It Out Even More. The Reason She's Having Her Stomach Stretched Is She Couldn't Even Keep Water Down. She Still Can't Eat Anything She Looks Horrible Very Weak And Pale. Her Doc Says They Can't Strech Her Out Any More. She's So Miserible And Wishes She Would Have Never Done This To Her Self. She Cries All The Time Bc She Can't Eat Anything W/o Throwing It Up And She's Hungry. She Also Says She Has No Support And Can't Go It Alone. We Live In Different Cities And She's A Widow. I Looked To See If There Were Any Gbp Support Websites Like This One And Couldn't Really Find One For Her. I Know Any Time I've Had A Question, Concern Of Needed Support I've Always Found It Here. My Hope Is Someone Will Read This And Maybe Know What I Can Do To Help Her Or Know Of Someone In A Similar Situation She Can Talk To. Anyone Please Help. I'm Very Worried About My Mom. Thanks Y'all.
Hi Y'all I've Been Banded Since 1/24/07 And Everythings Been Fine. I've Lost 45lbs So Far And Had 2 Fills. I'll Be Getting Another Fill Next Week. I Was Feeling So Good About Myself And Life Was Going Great. That Is Until My Mom Decided To Get Gastric Bypass. She Had The Surgery A Week And A Half Ago. She's Back At Home And Doing Fine. The Reason I'm Feeling Down On Myself Is Bc She's Lost 20lbs In That Short Amount Of Time And It Took Me Almost 2 Months To Loose That. Now All She Ever Talks About Is Her Weight Loss, Things I Shouldn't Be Eating And Why Gastric Bypass Is So Much Better Than Lapband. I Feel Like We're Is Some Sort Of Race Now To See Who Can Loose The Most Amount Of Weight The Fastest. I Realize My Mom Is Happy About Her Weight Loss But At The Same Time I Think She's Being A Rude, Immature Brat!!! So Pretty Much I Just Wanted To Vent My Frustrations. Trying To Talk To Her Is Pointless. So Thanks For Listening And Any Words Of Wisdome Are Welcomed. Thanks Y'all
Hi Y'all, I Got My Band 1/24/07 And To Date Have Lost 45lbs. How Ever Lately I Can't Get Any Weight Off Of Me. I've Cut Calories And Been Watching What I'm Eating But I'm Going Back And Forth With The Same 4 Lbs. Someone Told Me That If You Get A Fill And Loose Weight That You'll Need A Fill Again Soon Bc Your Stomch Gets Smaller And So The Fill Doesn't Work Anymore. Is This True? Any How I Just Really Feel Like I'm At A Stand Still And Am Looking For Advice. So Any And All Advice Would Be Appericated.
Hey y'all, I was baned on 1/24 and started tanning a month later. I go 5x a week and never covered my incisions. If anything tanning had made them fade they're hardly noticeable. But, every one's different. I will say this though in my case tanned fat looks way better then white fat. Tanning makes you look 10lbs lighter.
Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut!!!!
Ryanband07 posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hey Y'all Quick question here. In my lap band "bible" it lists the things you should not eat. How ever it doesn't tell you why. On the list is nuts. Well I've been eating peanuts like crazy. I find them to be a great little snack and they really fill you up. Does anyone know why? Also on the list is oranges, grapes. I haven't tried those but, would like to eat an orange again. So if any one's eaten these and been OK or might have any idea why they are considered a no-no food please let me know. -
Hi Y'all I've been banded since 1/24/07 I've lost 36lbs. I've had 2 fills one on 2/26 and the other yesterday. For the past 2 weeks the scale has been stuck on the same weight. Everyday I weigh myself and it's the same 3lbs I'm not eating over 900 calories a day. the doc only put .6cc in my band yesterday so now I have a total of 1.8cc in my 4cc band and I can't feel any difference. I'm still hungry. How soon can you go back for another fill? And any advice on how to get the scale moving. The obvious answer would be exercise :speechles which I'm still not a huge fan of but, i am working on it. Also is it possible that my fill did nothing? Or is it in my head?
Hi Y'all OK so today is my 2 month band anniversary. To date I've lost 35lbs and am so pleased w/ my band. However I feel totally bad about myself this weekend. I fell off the wagon!!!! Last night we had family over for a BBQ and I ate a hamburger pattie, Beans and potato salad. I also had a piece of coconut pie. Today I had nachos for dinner. I've been staying around 900 calories a day but, I know I went way over that last night and today. Granted the amount of bad food I ate is no where near what I use to be able to scarf down but none the less it makes me very disappointed in myself. I know I need another fill but, my doc can't see me until April 12th. That's 3 more weeks!!! Anyone else ever felt like this before? And what should I do in the mean time while I'm waiting to get my next fill? I've started feeling hungry sooner. Any advice would help. Thanks for listening.
Fell Off The Wagon
Ryanband07 replied to Ryanband07's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Thanks Y'all!!!! I feel better I'm back to my 900 calorie a day diet. Still feeling hungry though. Guess I just gotta wait it out until I can get my fill on April 12th. Just seems so far away!!! Wish me luck and thanks for the replies. -
Hey Y'all I was just wondering if everyone was counting calories? My doc told me that I should be eating no more than 900 a day. Most days I stay under 900 and there's been a few days where I've gone over a bit but, no more then 100. My weight loss seems to be steady I've been banded since 1/24/07 and have had one fill of 1.3cc in a 4cc band. To date I have lost 33lbs. I go for another fill in 3 weeks. I just bought a home gym and can't wait to get it set up and going on that. Well I look forward to hearing from y'all just curious as to what other people are doing to encourage more weight loss.
Hey Y'all, I've been banded now for almost 8 weeks. Had my 1st fill 3 weeks ago and experienced pbing for the first time. It was so horrible I had to stick my finger down my throat and get the food out. Well now every time I get something stuck I do the same thing get it out as quick as possible. I'd say it's happened maybe........6 or 7 times in the past 3 weeks. I know it's bc I tried to eat too fast or didn't chew enough and i've really been working on it lately. Today I took to big of a bite of chicken and it got stuck so I relieved myself. Now my throat hurts and i'm totally freaking out thinking that I made my band slip or who knows what I could have done. I can still keep stuff down just feels like my throat is kinda being squeezed. If and when I get something stuck what should I do? I know that pbing isn't good for the band at all. I don't want to mess this up. Reading the threads about the problems some people have had w/ their band gets me very worried and scared. Please any advice would help so, so, so much.