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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ryanband07

  1. Hey Y'all How can you tell if your band has slipped? I've read that if it happens you won't be able to keep anything down and I've also read that if it slips you might not be able to tell at all. I get really paranoid that my band might slip at any time. I've PBed a few times and I called my doc today. They told me that if my band slipped I wouldn't even be able to keep Water down. I've been eating and drinking ok but, my throat has been sore lately. Also I'm starting to feel hungry again. I'm hoping that I just need a fill. I have a 4cc band and right now it's only got 1.2cc. Yesterday I had roast for dinner and I felt some of it get stuck. I didn't pb and it went down on it's own. My way of thinking (all though I might be way of base) is that if something is getting stuck than the band is still in place. I'm driving my husband crazy worrying all the time. Please any advice would be so appreciated right now.
  2. Howdy, This thread is more for my mom then myself, I've been banded since 1/24/07 and lost 28lbs so far. I feel so great and would do it all over again in a heart beat. My mom who is also over weight went to a lapband/gastric bypass seminar tonight. The doc she went to said that people benefit more form GB then from LB. He told her that only 36% of people w/ LB maintain their goal weight where as 70% of people w/ GB maintain their goal weight. The doc I went to use to do GB and now only does LB bc he said GB has so many problems and people stretch out their stomach's and then gain weight back bc you can't go in and make your tummy smaller again. My mom now isn't sure if she wants LB and she's leaning more towards GB. I'm not really sure what all I can tell her. She see's how happy I am w/ my band but, now she thinks that once she looses her weight she'll gain 64% of it back eventually. I've heard so many horror stories about GB but, don' personally know anyone who's had it done. I really want my mom to make the right choice. She's going to be self pay and the doc she went to charges $18,000 for GB and for LB so that money isn't an issue when trying to decide which procedure is right for them. Any advice/thoughts would be so helpful.
  3. Hey Y'all I've been reading about Dr. Spegiel on here. I totally agree w/ everyone. His office is an absolute nightmare. His staff his horrible and he's a bit of an ass him self. I was banded on 1/24/07 I'm totally happy w/ the surgery but, not the after care. I went for my 1st fill on 2/26 and it took him over 2 hrs to see me. What's the point of making an apt? Any how I was wondering how do you know when it's time for another fill? I've had this one 2 1/2 weeks now and have lost 9lbs. Is that the amount I should be loosing? I've PBed a few times and that isn't pleasant at all part of it is just trying to figure out what kinds of food I can eat. I don't hardly ever feel hungry but I have a few times. I think I'm eating pretty good no more then 900 calories a day. A shake for Breakfast and lean cuisine for lunch and dinner and a pudding pop every once in a while. So.......When should I get another fill? Hope y'all can help. Look forward to hearing from everyone. Banded 1/24/07 250lbs 1st fill 2/26/07 229lbs to date 3/14/07 221lbs
  4. Hey y'all OK so I've been banded since 1/24/07 and lost 25lbs to date. I've had one fill a week ago today 1.3cc. Things are going OK, I guess. I wish I could be loosing more weight but, according to my doc I'm right on schedule. I've learned what foods to avoid bread, Pasta, tortilla's etc. My whole way of eating is so different then before I was banded. There aren't really any foods that I miss. However I feel like I'm so limited in what I can eat. Maybe someone can give me some suggestions on good foods to eat for taste and that are healthy. I eat lots of Soup, fish, Vienna sausages, eggs, mashed potatoes, crackers, low cal puddings and sugar free pudding pops. I'm kinda getting tired of these foods and would love to try some new things that other people have been OK eating. Thanks for listening look forward to hearing back from y'all real soon.
  5. Thanks for your ideas.........they were great. I had no idea that soup was so high in sodium and would casue me to retain water. I haven't tried any veggies but i'm looking forward to trying your steamed veggie idea. Kepp me posted to any new food ideas. Take care:)
  6. I had my 1st fill last week 1.3 cc. I did the liquid diet for the next 2 days. Did fine w/ that was very hungry but, managed to get through it. Yesterday I was so hungry and I was busy w/ the husband, and kids I just grabbed a piece of cheese and ate it. I chewed it up pretty well but, obviously not good enough. I got the worst pain in my chest I thought I was going to die. I couldn't even swallow my spit. I couldn't stand it any more so I made myself throw it up. After I got the cheese out I felt so much better. Then again today I had a bite of an enchilada (which I've been eating since lap band) and the same thing happened again. I had to go to the bathroom and throw it up. Has this happened to other people? If so how often? It makes me not ever want to eat again. Is that how people w/ lap band loose weight? Too scared to eat? I just want to know what other people have done in this situation. I'm super nervous to put food in my mouth. Any help would be great.
  7. Howdy, I had my 1st fill this afternoon. The Doc's office was a mad house so I didn't get to ask all the questions I wanted to. I drank my bottle of Water and it went down just fine so they told me I could leave. My question to y'all is should you be drinking the Protein shakes right after your fill? They told me liquid diet for 3 days and then mushies for 4-6 and then back to regular diet. So are the shakes included in the liquid diet. I heard the nurse tell someone only liquids you can see through. Also they said I might have to come back in 2 weeks to get more added to it. Has this happened to a lot of people? How many times have people been back before it was ajusted right? I was also wondering how many people were successful in losing a good amount of weight only after one fill. Mine was filled to 1.3. I had my surgery 4 weeks ago and have lost 22lbs to date. 250lbs to 228lbs. Look forward to hearing from everyone........thanks
  8. Ryanband07

    Looking for Dr. Spiegel patients

    Howdy, Went for my 1st fill today. It was a mad house at Dr. Speigel's office my apt was at 2 and I didn't get in for my fill untill 3:20. What new changes has he made? I'm a fairly new patient I was banded on 1-24-07. All I know is his staff is NOT very helpful at ALL.
  9. Hey y'all, Well it's been almost 3 weeks since I was banded. Things are going great now. I've lost 20lbs and i'm not hungry anymore. There was a point where I thought I could eat the walls. I go for my 1st fill on the 26th and i'm super excited. I've added fish and chicken to my diet and so far the only problem I've had was w/ some scrambled eggs. I think I ate them too fast bc I got this horrible pain in my chest and I could feel the food in my throat. Almost felt like it was stuck. I learned my lesson. Only slow small bites and most defiantly take my time. My question is after I get my fill and can be on a "normal" diet what foods should I avoid eating? When I say avoid I mean what foods could get stuck or cause problems with the band. I know not to eat ice cream, milkshakes, malts etc. Watching this weight come off has been so exciting. I stared this process in a size 20 and last night I pulled some 16 out of the closet and put them on!!!! And I could breathe in them. My husband is really helping motivate me the way he's been looking at me and noticing my effort and weight loss just make me want to keep on going. Well back to my question. If y'all could tell me if you'd had any problems eating a certain food i'd really appreciate it. I know every one's different but i'm still interested in hearing all about it. Thanks.
  10. Ryanband07

    What Foods To Avoid?

    Thank you for your responce. I noticed we were banded by the same doc. Are you happy with doc Speigel? What about his staff are you pleased with them?
  11. Hey y'all, I was banded on 1/24/07, I made an apt for my 1st fill. I'm going 2/26. My question is does getting a fill hurt? Does it hurt while they're putting the saline in? Does it hurt after words? And how different does it feel after you get your very 1st fill then after your surgery? Hope y'all can answer my questions. I'm sure you can every one on here is so helpful and friendly. Look forward to some responses.
  12. Ryanband07

    In need of some success stories

    Howdy y'all Well I'm starting to feel better. Reading everyone's stories put me in such a good mood and made me feel like I might actually be able to do this. Please keep in touch and sharing your stories.
  13. Ryanband07

    In need of some success stories

    Thank Y'all for your replies. I never thought about refried beans. I'll have to eat some tomorrow. And wow!!!!! 147lbs lost i'd consider you a major success story. Hope to hear more soon. HAve a good night y'all
  14. I've been reading a lot of threads on here where people talk about how hungry they were until they got their 1st fill. I was wondering if this was the case w/ everyone? I'm 4 days post op now and the hunger pains have gone away. I'd really like it to stay that way. I'm starting to get nervous that over the next few days/weeks i'll become very hungry. I've already started weighing my self like a million times aday. I'm starting to get a little obsessed. Any one else gone through this? Any and all advice/thoughts and or ideas are welcomed. Talk care y'all
  15. Hey y'all My name is Ryan I am a 24 yr old house wife from Mont Belvieu Texas. I was banded on 1/24/07 by Dr. Felix Spiegel. So far so good. Only my incisions hurt and i'm pretty much back to normal. Just having a hard time chasing my 15month old around. I did have a few questions about my new diet. I was wondering how long most people were on a liquid diet after thier surgery? I've been drinking lots of Water, juice, and broth along w/ 3 slimfast a day. I am looking forward to eating some mashed potatoes. So far since Wed the 24th i've lost 9 lbs. I'm super excited. Any info or advice y'all have would be appericated tons. Looking forward to hearing back from y'all!!!!!
  16. Ryanband07

    A Few More Questions

    Hey y'all Thanks for the quick responces. As far as insurance goes I had to pay $2600 out of pocket. The total amount was $15,600. I've heard other insurances pay more and some pay less and then some pay none. So I considered myself lucky. I figure i'd make up the $2600 the next year in food bills. Right now i'm feeling good but a bit sluggish. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch w/ everyone on here through out my weight loss journey. My family is very supportive and i've become a guine pig of sorts. My mother and father in law are waiting to see how I do w/ the band before getting there's (understandable) BTW I stared out at 5'6 and 250lbs. My goal is 140lbs. Wish me luck!!!!!
  17. Hello everyone, I was banded on wed 1/24/07 and today is fri 1/26. I was wondering if it was normal to feel hungry? Also I've gained 3lbs since my surgery. I guess right now i'm feeling a little bit discourged. Seeing as how so far it's had the complete oppiste effect on me. Any advice would be appericated.
  18. Ryanband07

    2 days post op

    Thanks for all the replies. Makes me feel better. Looking forward to healing and loosing all the extra weight.

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