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About NewPath4Me

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday October 22

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    Vero Beach
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  1. NewPath4Me

    Feeling - What Have I Done?

    Rubyspring - I understand exactly what you are trying to say and appreciate you explaining that there are people out there who didn't have a choice to have this type of surgery done, but who are living full and healthy lives nonetheless. I try to remember that fact anytime I start to question my decision, which, thankfully, has pretty much disappeared since my first week post-op. Thanks for the reassurance!
  2. Great information, Papa Jack! I think I'm going to print them out and frame them as the 10 Commandments of Successful Weight Loss After Surgery. One thing I've never been sure about is the 64 oz of water. I drink 2 Pure Protein ready to drink Protein shakes (11 oz each) daily to get 70 grams of protein in and count that towards my 64 oz "liquid" goal, but wasn't sure if the 64 oz had to all be water or if the shakes contributed to that total as well. At this point only 1 1/2 weeks post surgery, it would be very hard for me to get in another 22 oz or water. Anyone know the answer?
  3. Hi again, Jenny. Your post listing the pre and post-op diet/nutrition instructions you received from your physician shows exactly how different the information we are given can be. My diet instructions are pretty much identical to Golden's and, like you, I work best with strict instructions and am able to follow my orders without any problems so far. I did have to do a 10 day pre-op liquid diet - maybe because my BMI was too high or there was too much fat around my abdominal area - but I'm glad I did it because it definitely helped prepare me for the post-op liquid requirements I now have to follow. You sound like you have a great head on your shoulders and are looking at doing what's best for you and I'm sure you'll be a great success!! Bring on week #2! Stacy
  4. Hi Jenny. I was sleeved a day after you and have those gurgling sounds all the time whenever I drink something, too. I think it's because we have such limited space in our stomachs, even more so now because we're still swollen, and when we drink something, our stomach may be expelling the air inside to make room for the liquid, but I don't think it's hunger. It has become a little easier in the last day or so for me, but we're only less than a week out from surgery, so we're going to find a lot of new things out about our new stomachs. Best advice I can give is follow the diet given to you by your doctor/nutritionist, sip your liquids during this phase of the journey, don't sip too much at a time because you might fill up the sleeve too much and become uncomfortable (I'm still learning where my comfort level is) and follow your doctor's orders to the letter! Everyone on this site is different and has had different experiences, but only your doctor knows your situation and your body and what's best for you, so if you have any questions or concerns, call them. And of course, be patient. It's going to take a while for us to get to our new "normal", but from everything I've read on here, it's definitely worth it and we'll get the best results if we follow the rules given by our doctor/nutritionist. Good luck!
  5. Thanks for the info. If you don't mind my asking, how are you handling the hunger? The removal of the ghrelin and subsequent lack of stomach growling or hunger pangs was something that I really liked about this surgery. But I've heard of it coming back for some patients and I'm wondering if eating only the little amount you can eat when you're hungry satisfies you or not and if you have cravings.
  6. Wow!. Thanks so much for all the great advice! I'm going to print out your great suggestions and all the others on here to help remind me. Congrats on your new healthier life!!!
  7. What an inspiring reply!! I'm so happy for you and your family. Thanks!
  8. Sorry to hear about your acid problem. Did you have the problem before surgery to any degree? Is it a common occurence with the procedure? I'll have to research it, but thanks for the heads up. I actually tend to sometimes have a "Murphy's Law" outlook, so I'm trying look at all of the positives of the procedure and not focus on possible unexpected issues, even though I know they're there.
  9. Thanks. I know as long as I have my mind under control, I'll have the rest under control - although, sometimes it's easier said than done. I was advised to use lotions on my skin and be sure to drink the proper amount of liquids, along with weight and resistance training, to reduce the loose skin, but I was wondering if anyone had tried compression garments (Spanks type undergarments) to help reduce the loose skin. I've been reading up on it a little and it looks like that might work somewhat, too (I'll try anything that will help).
  10. Congrats on your great preparations, Kelly! I don't have as much time to prepare, but I've been doing what I can to try to "get ready".
  11. Hi Papa Jack! I give you so much credit for putting yourself on a 2 week liquid diet. Was it hard to do? I have to do a 10 day liquid diet that starts in 2 weeks.
  12. Hi Charmane. I had a steroid shot in my foot about 6 mos ago and it worked for about 3 mos (no pain). I purchased an ortho boot to wear at night to stretch my foot, but it was very uncomfortable so I stopped wearing it. This website (

    ) has the stretch I did, and need to start doing again, that really helped alleviate the pain the most. Hope it helps!
  13. Don't give up, Lil. You now know what to do to be successful again and you can do it! I am an emotional eater and an unmotivated exerciser, but I joined the gym and am keeping a journal of my eating to try to gain control over my emotional eating. I made a sign that's on my mirror that says Daily Exercise + Proper Nutrition = Success, so hopefully it'll help keep me in check.
  14. Hi Fern. When I got home from work today, I went to my pantry and pulled everything out I know I will not be able to eat, or should no longer eat after surgery. I finally was honest with myself in realizing that if it's in the house, it'll probably be in my mouth. And I said my good-byes to Diet Coke the other night, but I know I'll be okay without it!
  15. Thanks for the great info Kristey. I'm 28 days pre-op and my top emotions right now are excitement, anxiety and apprehension, but I know these are typical, so I'll embrace them - I think I'd be worried if I wasn't worried. So far I've gone to 2 face-to-face support group meetings with some of my doctor's other patients and they've been very helpful. The one thing that is really encouraging is that every single person that has had the surgery says they don't have 1 single regret and they're so happy they did it. I plan on being able to say that, too!

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