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Posts posted by Danielle86

  1. I had my sleeve done six days ago and no one mentioned how much post op pain there was. I was in recovery acting a ass! I couldn't help it. It was unexpect and excrusiating(sorry I can't spell good). the nurse kept telling me she gave me meds but it was gas pain that's why's the meds didn't help...the walking around did help with the gas but later on in the day the pain subsided. I never really got higher than a 4 or 5 on the 0-10 pain scale. The drain removal the next day didn't necessarily hurt it just felt weird like a tube just being pulled from ur insides...I have only taken a couple doses of lortab since I've been home. The gas pain is no more pretty much and no other pain really.

  2. Hi! I'm Danielle.I'm 24 y/o and I had my vsg on july 21. I only stayed in the hospital 1 night because I was doing good. But when I got home I just started feeling bad. I get winded going up the basement stairs. My crushed meds r so gross I almost vomit when I take them. I am weak and sort of been dizzy the past couple of days. And I feel like I cannot focus and all I want to do is lay down. I'm kinda scared about feeling like this....is this normal?

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