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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StephO

  1. I've been in contact with my primary care doctor, inquiring about WLS and how to get the process started. She said based on my weight/height from my last visit (2008), I qualify, she just needs to get current information of height/weight to give a referral. So, great! Basic overview-- I'm currently living in Texas, and would need to go out to California for the process/surgery. I'm trying to get everything done in one lump of time (months long is okay, prepared for a few months at least), because I will be living with my parents during this time. I've asked my doctor if I could have a doctor here to send her my height/weight information, so she can send off the referral and get into the class ASAP. She did say I could have an evaluation done here, and she will send the referral based on that information. I asked this because, if possible, I can get her to refer me while I'm still out here, and not have to go out to California until the classes start. I've sent her another message asking for a little more detail about the process because she said she "can't tell [me] how long it is between a referral being sent and the appointment being made. I hear it can take some time. It is depended on how many referrals they receive." She's going to be out of the office until Tuesday, and I'm anxious and want to know more from those who have gone through this process! (Yes, I'm being impatient, because I'm excited to start this process! Ha) Questions: -How many referrals I receive? Can I get more referrals? How? From who? -How long did it take for your first appointment/classes to begin after your referral? -I know the classes are 12 weeks long, what can I expect? -How long did it take to get a surgery date after the class? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for any information you can give me!!
  2. StephO

    Kaiser Lap Band patients? Timeline?

    I haven't updated this in awhile, but I figured I would after reading your post. Are you going through Kaiser Fontana? I got my referral August 5th, and was scheduled for orientation September 16th (I did not have to meet with the NP, I guess because my BMI was high enough). They said from the orientation that it's usually 1-2 months to get into the classes (used to be 6 months), sooner depending on your availability (the more open you are, the easier it is to get in earlier). Thanks to a cancellation, I was put into the classes that started October 4th. I get the impression they're trying to move things along quicker and make the process easier. The big thing I noticed at the orientation though, is that Kaiser is not big on the lap band. They do the bypass and the sleeve in house, but if you're getting the lap band (or are over 65 for any surgery) they send you somewhere else (San Diego). The reason is because they're doing a lot of revisions lately. I initially thought I would get the lap band, but after much research (and long before orientation), I decided the sleeve was a better fit for me. As far as losing weight, they ask you to lose 10% of your weight by the end of the 12 week class. I didn't start dieting or doing anything really before because I didn't want to lose weight before the class started and not have that count! Ha, kind of stupid, I know, but I didn't want to hit a plateau later. Apparently you just want to do what the ask of you, get your labs done ASAP, and be a "good student" because they will put you ahead of those who don't.
  3. I've started up a new blog to document my journey. My intention with this blog is to not only keep my family and friends informed and updated, but to share my experiences with those who are considering weight loss surgery and/or are looking for a more personal account on top of all the medical jargon you can find online. I thought it would be personally beneficial if I documented my journey, and maybe even help someone out along the way. I would appreciate followers, and feedback! Thank you all :] http://sheddingthepast.blogspot.com/
  4. Hello everyone.. My name is Stephanie. I registered for these forums for support, and to have some questions answered. I've been researching bariatric surgery for quite awhile now (probably at least 2 years), and have finally made the decision that I do want to go forward with surgery. I feel like a weight has been lifted in a way, and I wish I would have come to this decision a long time ago. I've tried many many things over the years to lose weight (like everyone here, I'm sure), and I feel like I've gotten to the point that I need some help. I want to make the lifestyle change necessary to live my life in a way I dream of. I don't want my weight to hold me back anymore. I am 24 years old, and have been overweight pretty much my entire life. I am 5'9", and weigh 355lbs, and my BMI is 50+. I think that's the first time I've told anyone other than my husband or mom what I weigh.. I guess it's a step of progress, right? I have Kaiser Permanente for insurance, and after looking over the benefits/coverage, I saw that the surgery is covered. This is a huge relief, as I was thinking we'd have to make some serious sacrifices to come up with the $10k+ to do it out of pocket. My questions are about going through the process and what is needed, what I have to do, etc. I've read about long waits, and tons of loops to go through. I will only be covered under this insurance until October of 2012. Is this enough time for me to have the surgery done? I understand you have to be referred by your primary care doctor, and I have sent a message to her tonight informing her of my decision and asking for the necessary information. For those who have gone through it- after the referral, then what? Do you immediately start classes? Is there an approval process? Appointments? I'm trying to get a feel of how long this will take, because I will need to make arrangements to take care of this. I really appreciate any information you all have to give me. Thank you.
  5. StephO

    Kaiser Lap Band patients? Timeline?

    A form? When I called and spoke with them, they let me know it's covered and I need to get a referral from my primary doctor to start a 12 week class. I asked if there was anything else I needed to do, and they just said I had to speak with my doctor to get the process started...which I'm doing now. Did you go through Kaiser insurance? Just want to make sure I'm covering all my bases!! They just didn't say anything about a form! lol. And yes... I'm ready now! I wish I would have made the decision awhile ago!
  6. StephO

    Kaiser Lap Band patients? Timeline?

    Thanks for your response! I have already called my insurance, and know the procedure is covered. I'm in contact with my doctor who is willing to give me a referral when she gets my updated height/weight eval (like I said in my original post). The classes alone are 3 months long... so there's no way it's only going to last 3 months. I'm looking for people's input/experience about Kaiser specifically.. :]
  7. StephO

    My Introduction..

    Thanks for your response!! I've gotten in touch with my insurance company, and my Dr, so I'm on the way. I appreciate the information!
  8. StephO

    My Introduction..

    Yikes, nothing yet...anyone out there?

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