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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. I cannot burp, or should I say belch like before being banded. I am 6 months out tomorrow. I do, however, have dozens of tiny tiny burps a day, often during eating. It's like the food is shifting in the band, and at times it aids in food passing thru. My dr says this is air getting trapped below. A curiosity, to be sure, but common place now. But definately no more big burps!
  2. Cindi

    Banded Bikers II

    Carol, enjoyed seeing your ride! We finally put some knots in my hair Sunday night...took the bike to see a movie...back roads - I love taking the long way! But alas, the rain is not completely gone, and when it is, dang is it hot and humid. Thinking of taking the bike (trailering, kids going too) to New Mexico for vacation. There's some great trails up there, and my son would bring his crotch rocket. I keep telling him it's not about the speed, it's about the sound and the chrome!!! Think we'd have any "air" problems? About 10,000+ altitude. Also, Galveston is coming up, anyone going? Ride safe!
  3. Cindi

    Banded Bikers II

    Hi again :eek: ! Found a few pics of our ride - said I'd post 'em, here's our Fat Boy! Hope this works!
  4. Cindi

    Banded Bikers II

    Thanks, Carol...love this thread....friendly folk, lots of Texans, HD's, fellow banders, what more could we want? I've thought of having our prayer embroidered on a patch. Put it right next to my "whatever blows your hair back" patch...LOL! Wish we could make time one year for Sturgis..we even missed the ROT this year. I'm hoping to be down enough to peruse the leathers in Galveston. The sizing in bike gear has NEVER been flattering, always made me feel like a whale...IF I could ever find anything! You know the sizing is off when my 130lb daughter wears an XL! Think DH wants to ride (long trip), but he's an ironbutt. I have a broken tailbone (3 years now...do they ever heal?) and can only ride maybe 4 hrs total with many stand up and shake it out breaks. Randy, let's stop all this rain, FPS! The drought was so bad last year, I think too many rain dances were done...always wondered how much rain a bike could take before the seat gets moldy! LOL! I'll get to the office here in a minute and find a pic of our baby to post. Have a great day
  5. Thanks, Sunshine2...that's some food for thought, isn't it? A lot to digest, but I'm gonna print this out, and try to re-read it daily. I think it makes some great points, and worthy suggestions. Being overweight can be like being cloaked. This gives good reason to celebrate and not only open up to the possibilities, but embrace them.
  6. Cindi

    Is plastic surgery inevitable?

    I think kacee is correct...hopefully it won't be necessary, but no sense worying prematurely. I've also heard that if you have a large excess of belly fat left over that causes rubbing and irritation that your doctor could deem it a necessity, therefore insurance might cover a tummy tuck/lower body lift. I will probably be faced with this dilema myself, as I have about 160 total to lose. DH tells me that skin is so very elastic, and that in time, it will re-adjust. I don't see how! I am exercising, one of the reasons being I've also heard this helps (underlying muscle tissue if nothing else)! Would hate more stomach surgery...the incision looks huge, and one C-section taught me how painful they can be. Let's hope for the best!
  7. Cindi

    Banded Bikers II

    So cool to find this thread! Please add me to your list of HD lovers! My DH and I ride a 2001 HD Fat Boy, loaded down with chrome (you know HD are chrome magnets)! We are in Texas also, and the rain lately has put a big damper on our riding. We even rode thru a few showers last night. My DH had a bad, freaky wreck last August. The bike went end for end twice (at 25MPH!), but it faired better than he did...pretty much busted up his whole left side. Thank God for helmets, he was knocked out before he went down...head and shoulder first. He healed, and the bike went to the shop for its cosmetic touch ups, new paint job (while it was there and they took the front end down) and some new bling. The fun part is, I was banded in January, and he has been a sympathetic loser with me...so all together our bike is much happier with 85+lbs less on it! The ride is different, to be sure. Much smoother, and my gut isn't pressed smooshed wedged up against his back (unless I choose it to be! ) We should post pics of our rides, don't you think? I love seeing all the bikes summer brings out. We're thinking about getting me another bike, or I'll take the Fat Boy and DH will get a Heritage... His standing joke when we bought this bike was kinda cute...we looked at many Fat Boys, including white ones. He tells everyone that he didn't want everyone saying, "there goes a fat white boy on a white fat boy!" Please everyone, say this prayer we say before riding: Bless this bike, Bless these riders, Keep us upright, And not on our siders. Anyone going to Galveston this fall?
  8. I had my surgery in January 07, and have stayed slightly above 10 lbs. a month...which is my continued goal!
  9. Alexandra, I am always inspired and look foward to reading your posts...thanks for all you do!
  10. Cindi

    It just amazes me

    I'm over 5 months out from surgery date, and I still am constantly learning about this band. I experience first bite syndrome quite a bit....I just slow down, wait til it passes, then continue eating. I was a large portion eater, too...and it still is shocking how I still THINK I can eat that much. In reality...only a 1/4 or maybe a 1/2 cup of food. When eating out, which is 90% of the time, I end up with the "to go" box, and that meal lasts for 2 or 3 more! Sometimes it's too tight, and I just quit, other times, I eat with no problems, big or small bites. Think I may just be having some stoma spasms when tight...doesn't necessarily feel like food is stuck, just more stuffed. Either way, I probably eat 1/5th of what used to be my normal size meal! And weirdly, every single day is different. I've had 6 or 7 fills in my VG11 band, and am keeping slightly ahead of 10 pounds per month. I still obsess about food, and my band. I look forward to just "moving on", and accepting each day's eating abilities!
  11. Cindi

    New Member from Texas

    Big Howdy's to all y'all new folks from Texas, from your neighbor in Garland! Banded 1.19.07 and loving it, by Dr. Benevides in Richardson. This is a great journey, and I learn something new every day. Hang out here and you'll be amazed at the support and info you'll receive:clap2:
  12. Cindi

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    Great thread! A few NSV's for me: At the movies, my butt doesn't squish to touch both sides of the seat. :smellie: My car's steering wheel has an automatic feature that brings wheel closer to you, and lowers it to a preset level when you put the key in the ignition. I always had it swet to extend the furthest, and lower the most. Before, it touched my stomach when in place. Now there is a good 6 inches of space between the wheel & my tummy. :boink: Recently re-committed myself to the gym. Found out it takes MUCH longer to reach THR, and that I can bump up the speed to a much higher number, with very little heavy breathing. Enjoying more frequent heavy breathing (if you catch my drift)! Sorry, just had to add that...
  13. Cindi

    Lap-band and your significant other

    I have not told very many people about my surgey either. My DH, kids, Mom and BF know...that's it. I want to be successful first, without the prying questions and possible disaproval. Oddly enough, my oldest daughter was very upset, and very much against it (everyone else was supportive...they knew how long I'd struggled, and the esteem/health problems my extra weight was causing). She's 20 years old, and weighs 130...youth rarely understands lifelong problems. I finally talked (and talked) to her, and she now gives me her support, not her approval. That's what I needed. Support, not necessarily approval. Because I am the adult, and it was entirely my decision. I know I cannot, and should not seek approval from anyone. It's just a waste of energy. Support is what I need. Try telling (kindly) your SO that this was your choice prior to him being in the picture, and that unfortunately he has no knowledge of the challenges and choices that you made. Tell him you don't seek his approval as much as his respect for your decision. And some support would be nice. Good luck, sounds like you're doing great!
  14. Lucy, see my reply under original Bronto Band post...hope it helps!
  15. Cindi

    11cc Bronto-band: Does it EVER Fill Up?

    The way I understand it, not necessarily. There are 3 sizes of bands, the VG 11 being the largest. As far as fill capabilities, the VG can hold 10cc's I believe (Inamed, a division of Allergan: Products: Obesity Solutions (US Clinicians) ) but my doctor's office says that you can "overfill" it a little more. Restriction is restriction, in any size band, but the larger volume bands give you more room for adjustments (albeit taking longer sometimes to find the right sweet spot). I've been told that with the larger band, most people feel the best restriction in the 7cc-9cc range. It took me a long time, and as I mentioned, I may not be there just yet. I go for another check on the 18th. Hope you can get where you want to be soon....it is hard relying on willpower, I know!!
  16. Cindi

    11cc Bronto-band: Does it EVER Fill Up?

    I have the Vanguard 11, the big daddy of bands (due to my large belly!) I was told this is the preferred band for those with excessive belly weight, and that it takes much longer to find the "sweet spot" as far as fills go. Good news is it is vastly adjustable, and has those interior "ribs" which make it less suceptable to slippage. Fortunately, my Dr. is understanding, and I have been for many fills. I believe I am now up to 7.3cc's, and FINALLY I have good restriction. Prior to my last "bump", I could pretty much eat anything, and had to rely on willpower....ironic, I know. I was at a stalemate for weeks! Be patient, go slow, listen to each bite, and listen to your band. The last 0.5cc's I had has left me a tad too tight (at times). And, I am not into pain while eating. I may actually back off a few next fill, as at times I feel like I can't possibly be getting enough food in to satisfy me nutritionally. But volume-wise, when you hit restriction, it is simply amazing how you look at food, even your favorites, and say, "no way". Good restiction definately helps with hunger, amounts, and desire to eat. Keep in mind that level will change (sometimes daily) as you lose weight. Good luck, go slow, and enjoy each reached goal!
  17. Hey Richard! I've enjoyed your posts around here:) I saw Dr. B before I got my first fill (I was empty <fill wise>, eating solid foods, and having no trouble putting the food in!). He said with no complications, that was a good sign (getting hungry, eating successfully) of everything being in place. Dr. B just wants you to call for another fill when you are following instructions the best you can, but are still hungry. I know it seems weird, and have read some folks have to wait a LONG time. Sometimes even sounds like insurance dictates when, which seems way too structured and frustrating to me. That would be so hard to wait...it's dieting without the "benefits" of being banded! They scheduled me 4 weeks out from surgery for 1st fill, my next is March 14. My nurse at the fill center said that if I was still very ravenous (constant state for me, must find diversions) and able to easily eat what I used to, I could even move up the next fill. Said it was very normal to feel this way, even after my 1st fill. I don't have a set number of fills I can get...just whatever it takes. They are pretty aggressive, but us big banders may require that! I know everyone is different, but this seems to work for me. Keep it up, love!
  18. Hi All, Add me to your list of happy North Texans! I'm Cindi, from Garland, Northeast "suburb" of Big D. I had my surgery at SCOR by Dr. Benavides (he's AMAZING) on January 19th, 2007. I have the big #11 band, and have had 1 fill so far. Doing OK, am hungry and dieting, going for fill in about 1.5 weeks. Love this LBT, glad to know there are lots of us out there! Keep it up, love!
  19. Cindi

    January Bandsters???

    Sorry I hopped on so late! Add me to your Banded January 2007 List. I was banded with the Vanguard (?) 11 (the BIG one) on January 19, 2007, by Dr. Benavides in Dallas (he is WONDERFUL). I've had one fill, 4.2cc's, and currently reside in Bandster Hell (can eat anything I want, am hungry, and have to diet til next fill). Lost 26 initially (pre and 4 weeks post-op). Scale time tomorrow, and not looking forward to it! Keep it up, love!
  20. Thanks, Kat817...your post is exactly what I needed when I logged on this morning! I like the term, Bandster Hell...and it's good to know we're not alone! Keep it up, love!
  21. Hi Everyone! I had my first fill on last Wednesday...it's Sunday now. It was much easier and less painful than I thought it would be... I really didn't need to worry! I found out that I have the Vanguard 11 Band (big belly club), and had no fill at surgery time...although I sure thought so. I had lost 26 lbs. by my first fill (1 month). So, was proud that I achieved that pretty much by myself. I was filled fairly aggressively, judging by posts read...I got 4.2cc's. When I had my first sip of cold water after the fill...WHAM! What a weird feeling! Like a potato chip stuck in your throat...guess this was a band spasm. After a day or two of soft stuff, I am eating normal, and have had only one or two cases where the bite was too big. That same ache at band site...like you can trace where every bite goes. It is very uncomfortable, but it passes, and then I can continue eating. Chew, chew, chew. One question I have though, is when will I feel full? It seems (volume wise) that I don't have a stopping point where I feel full. All still seems to be a self control issue, rather than feeling full. I eat better choices now, do the protein first, try not to drink during meals, stopped grazing...but I have never been "full" with the band. It's like I want to test my band (BUT NOT PB) to see its limits. If I pulverize everything I eat, and eat slow, won't it all go down, not fill my pouch, and never give me the full feeling that keepps me from eating the portion sizes that got me to this place? I understand I am new to the band, and to be patient. I am "dieting". I am doing the right things. But portion control was always my problem, and I thought the band would be helpful in this respect (not a cure, a HELP). Not a panic here, maybe just a misunderstanding on my part. My doc said it may be possible that I lose very slowly this next month, while I get used to the restriction. I am not truly living by the scales at this point. I am going for a fill in 2.5 weeks. I have read here that some fills take a week or so to "kick in"...maybe that's what's going on with me. No real urgency here, comments more than anything. Love reading everyone's posts...thanks for the great site, and keep it up, love!
  22. Thanks to all of you for your comments! Wow...I had a feeling I would find people who understood in here:) It really isn't so much that I want that stuffed-full-feeling...I, too, just don't wanna be hungry all the time, and I want that satisfied feeling. Rather that than wondering what I can eat next (that won't do any harm) feeling! I know it's brain over body, but I AM hungry, and I'd like not to be thinking about food constantly. I bet there will be people who say that "food is ruling my life" (duh), and that "I don't know real hunger". Maybe not. But if I were satisfied, felt some fullness, then I wouldn't be so absorbed. Argh! This is beginning to be a vicious circle, isn't it? LOL! BUT...there is light. I emailed the RN at my fill center, and she said that still feeling hungry and feeling no restriction after the first fill was very normal, and that I could check and see if I can get in for an earlier than scheduled fill. Woot, woot! This all may sound negative, but I'm not, really. I am smaller, clothes feel better, I don't huff and puff, I sleep better, I know I've done the right thing. Just sometimes, it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. I am more than happy with my band, and am anxious for it to be my new best friend, and I am in it for the long haul. I did mention that I'm impatient, didn't I? Onward, downward, and keep it up, love!
  23. Hey Jack! Thank you very much for your insightful post...it DID make me think, and you make some very solid, thoughtful observations. I realize some people want the band to do it all, take control, and change their lives. I was told early on, that it is more of a cooperation...an unbalanced one at that! I was told it was 80% you, 20% the band. I believe this. A little help with the willpower is what I am looking for, and I foresee the band being that. My hubby says that my tombstone will read, "She didn't wait well". Ha! He is also the one who says this is not a race, but a marathon. What I like best about the band so far is that it makes me think, sometimes obsessively, about what I eat, how I eat, when I eat, if I'm full, is the band working, am I doing my part...all good things. For it was the unconscience gorging that got me here. And anything that brings me around to paying attention has got to be a good thing. :clap2: Take care and keep it up!
  24. Hey All, Been enjoying reading all your blogs, and felt like it was time to introduce myself and come out of the stalker closet! I'm Cindi, and was banded 3 weeks ago by Dr. Benavides in Dallas (BTW, he and his staff are nothing short of fabulous! ). So far so good, down 24 lbs., nothin' to write home about because I have a LARGE amount to lose! Scars healing nicely, no pain, 1st fill mid-month. This is a great place...Holler, I'll be around!
  25. Thanks for all the great comments...I am from the Dallas area, so Dr. B is close! And yes, I know 24 is a lot...but I am anxious to get a fill and feel how full "feels"...which I haven't yet! I am on a journey to lose 150-160 lbs. Weird thing is, in my head, I'm there...my body is just in denial! LOL!

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