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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. Cindi

    Closet Space!

    LoserWannaB, That would definately suck (losing memory)! My age alone works against me in the memory category! Never heard of that happening after this surgery...my MIL suffers from it after chemo treatments, but I digress. If anything, I feel 'clearer' headed, but more aptly put, I am throwing myself into my life more, and enjoying everyday. Not hiding, just putting myself out there. I feel "fresher", if that makes any sense! I have had another closet purging since my first post, and it was way more exciting! Ragdoll, I know what you mean. I have a friend who wants my old clothes, as she too has been gaining. It just feels weird. I also worry that I may need them again...but need to toss out that defeatest attitude with the clothes! Went ahead and bought 2 pairs of dress slacks (brown and blask), 3 pairs of capri's, and 2 pairs of jeans. All cheapo...they should hold me for a while. My top half is not shrinking as quickly as my bottom half. Guess I better get over to the 'other side' of the gym! Great fun is shopping in regular sizes...16's and 18's. Gawd, haven't seen those sizes in &*$%# years!
  2. Andie, Don't you hate it when life interrupts life? Sorry you are experiencing such emotional flip flops. When is your surgery scheduled? All I can offer is this. Grab a cup of hot tea, sit in a room alone, and think about YOU...what YOU want, where YOU want to be, what YOUR goals are, how YOU will help YOURSELF achieve them. Remind yourself that life will continue to throw you curve balls, but that there is ONE thing you can control in the flurry...YOU! You've made a wise choice. Stick to your convictions, and you'll come out a stronger, healthier person...better able to deal with life! Best to YOU!
  3. Cindi

    What is the one thing

    Belts are good! I look forward to feeling better, looking younger, shopping in normal sizes, and never looking back.
  4. Cindi

    new at lapband talk

    Disneyfan...you're on your way! You'll spend a certain amount of time in "bandster hell" (do a search) and won't have much help with hunger until you start getting fills. Even then it can take some time to reach a comfortable spot where you eat much less, but are satisfied, and don't think so much about food. Be patient, and use this interm to practice all the band guidelines, and make them habits. You can do this! Congrats, and keep us updated!
  5. Cindi

    Tiniest hint of heartburn

    Wow, Karen! You got to 8cc's quick in your VG band! I am at 8.1 now, and am 9 months out! Coincidentally, 8.0 is where I started to have mild heartburn, reflux problems. Also, heartburn and reflux are listed on my sheet as a complication/side effect immediately following a fill. You may be a bit swollen (inside) because of the fill. If so, go slow for a few days, liquids and mushies. Did they do a barium swallow? If you are too restricted, the barium will have difficulty trickling down. And yes, a slight unfill of even just 0.1-0.5cc's will help end the reflux (when you lay down with food that hasn't cleared the pouch, acid jumps up trying to help digest it=heartburn/reflux). The big bands are hard to tweak, but have more room for adjustment. When I've had reflux, no amount of dietary changes, timing changes nor medications could help...just an unfill! Good luck and be careful!
  6. Not much of a drinker, but eating out has never been a problem for me...we eat out 97% of the time. Bad and expensive, I know, but just easier at this stage in our lives. Very busy family with three grown children all going in different directions, fending "foodwise" for themselves. If I cook, can't guarantee anyone will be there, will not have already eaten, or even be hungry. Leftovers were crowding the fridge! Only hubby and kids know about surgery, so I do get comments on how little I eat. I just pick pick pick at my food, and grab a to go box, which ends up being the next meal. People just comment that 'whatever I'm doing, it works, so keep it up!' Funny change is that everyone politely asks where I want to go to eat. I tell them it really doesn't matter, I'll find something to eat, and won't eat much of it anyway, which is true. I stick to chicken and fish dishes mainly, sometimes just an appetizer, occasionally split a meal w/DH. I don't restrict WHAT I eat, just HOW MUCH...seems to work well. Never overeat, that gets uncomfortable. I am the slowest eater at the table, tho!
  7. Cindi

    Just got banded

    Welcome! In this stage, check with your docs, but I would think cottage cheese, yougurt, protein shakes would be helpful:)
  8. My loss has been pretty much an 'all over' thing. Wish I had done beginning measurements, but only did my waist. Think the most has come from there (I'm your basic apple, or should I say pumpkin shape) Lost 18 inches in my waist so far. Never did have a big butt or legs, but when trying on my fat pants, they now look like clown pants...winged and dragging on the floor! My face is where most people claim the weight loss shows, and I definately can relate to the hands being thinner. Need to resize rings, but will wait. Great thread!
  9. "Beautiful on the inside"...That's great! Ha! I know you'll remember that comment! I had the Austrailian LB doc that is so famous attend surgeries the day I had mine (is O'Brien the name?), and they were also filming surgeries that day. Don't know if mine was included, guess it would have depended on if they brought their wide-angle lens with them! I also was a self pay, and remember the process going pretty fast. I liked that...no chance for second guessing and obsessing (I'm good at that)! The bloating? Gas from the surgery. Give yourself two weeks, and you'll wonder (except for the post-op diet) if you were even banded. All will return to "normal", and you should be pretty much pain free. Individual mileage may vary**:eyebrows: Welcome aboard, you will love your band!
  10. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Thanks, Sula and Sunshine...I agree it gets harder! Good going, Enterprise & Sunshine! :clap2: So close to goal! Guess I had/have so much more to lose, it will probably take 2 years, but that's OK with me. Roses, keep at it. Think of it as NOT gaining, right? RMS & Roses, exercise is hard to get in the habit of, and when you can get a pattern going, the guilt is enormous for me when I miss a workout. Enterprise, what's happening with the PS??? Fiya, what size band do you have? Are you getting enough solid protein in? Unless your fill is near the sweet spot, it can be a frustrating struggle...of that willpower we all seem to have issues with. I went today, did the complete unfill, drank a glass of water, put fill back in. Then did the standing barium swallow under flouro. Bam! I have been dealing with a bit of tightness! I say a bit, but actually the barium would not even trickle down. They were surprised I'd even been able to eat or drink for the past month! Luckily, no pouch stretch, and band is set right and ready to go...they took out a small (0.1cc), and I'm on liquids/mushies for a few days. Trying to stop the reflux. Hope it works :mad: Was glad not to have too much taken out!
  11. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Hi All January Bandsters Haven't posted in a while, glad to see this 'shortened' thread for us approaching our 1 year bandiversaries! Glad to see everyone is doing so well...it has really been a journey, hasn't it? Didn't think I would ever feel like a seasoned bander, and stop going thru all the newbie panic stages. Actually, I still have them occasionally! My update: I am doing well, and everyday is still a learning experience. I have the VG 10cc band, and have lost near 85 lbs since January 19, 2007. I've tried to hit the 10lbs. a month mark, but it is definately slowing down. I've been in for 10+ fills, and one unfill due to reflux. I'm at about 8.1 in my band, and really have only felt 'good' restriction this past month. It has been frustrating using self control all this time, but I am now of the opinion that that was the plan all along...to get me to make wise decisions, and learn new habits. I lose in fits and leaps...up 2, down 1, down 1, up 1, down 3...so strange! I eat like a horse some days, the next I push food away. I have only experienced 1 PB, totally my fault. Never again! Exercising has been a joy, I've always enjoyed it, but know that it does not make me lose weight, just keeps me motivated. I have a long way to go, and I look forward to the day when I don't think of being banded. Tend to obsess over it! Lately, some mild reflux has returned at night, and I feel like there might be something stuck in my band...air movement (that helpful little burp) is not as easy, feels like food is sitting too long in pouch. I do not want another unfill, as restriction seems good, and weight loss is steady. I go in tomorrow, and will have them pull all fill out, drink something (washing it down), then refill. If any reflux returns, I'll go in for a slight unfill. At times, I wish it there was more help from the band, and less willpower from me, but I know that changing my head will be more beneficial in the long run. Sorry for the rambling...my fault for not posting enough...now I've got too much to say!! Best wishes to all, let me hear from you!!
  12. Cindi

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm in the funeral biz. I know, I know...bring on the jokes! But I will be the last one to let you down....
  13. Cindi

    Banded Bikers II

    Hi All, been catching up reading your posts. Sounds like everyone is enjoying their rides! Have to share my latest, somewhat disgusting observation. The weather for riding in Dallas lately has been FABULOUS. I can feel fall coming, my favorite time to ride! MyD H & I rode our FatBoy to our lake house last weekend, a little over an hour away. While looking over his shoulder going down the highway, I caught a glimpse of my upper arm in his side mirror. OMG! What's that all about?!? The "extra" skin was folding over in a long vertical ridge down my upper arm...the wind was pushing the skin into a weird line that sorta looked like Warf's forehead. I'm used to seeing my "bat wings", but this was on top! :faint: LOL...guess I'd better hit the weights! Good ridin', everyone:)
  14. Cindi

    For Ladies Only.......

    Went from a tight 50 DD to a comfortable 46 D so far. Wish I could lose my "armpit boobs". Will definately have reconstruction done when all the weight is gone, they've never been pretty, or up where they need to be. Vanity after 50 years...weird how weight loss does that!
  15. Cindi

    Mexican Food

    I hear you about TX'ns & Mexican food! We love it, and eat it often. I never really liked the kind that is dripping in sauces, wrapped in tortillas, so my choices really haven't changed much. Fajitas are great, just eat the meat (never wrapped them before banding either). Anything grilled - chicken, fish, shrimp, beef, pork...easy choices. Tortilla soup anytime. Bring on the guac. Skip the flan, rice and beans, load up on the grilled onions and peppers. I cut back on the pico, too much acid. I would love to say I've skipped the chips, but at least I don't eat 2 baskets prior to a meal anymore! One of the hardest things is not downing 4 glasses of iced tea WITH the meal! Best put, go for the protein and fresh veggies:p
  16. Cindi

    Sad and frustrated!!

    Miss Bumble, A few tricks might help...not tricks really, but Bandster suggestions. I know I need to revisit them frequently when I get to the point when I feel things aren't progressing as they should. You say you're eating chips and bagels (albeit not all the time). Carbs make you HUNGRIER. They don't fill you up (I remember eating jumbo popcorn at the theaters, a bag of Oreo's, chips and hot sauce...did it EVER fill me up? NO!). And, chips and crunchy stuff just literally bypasses the band. Won't stick, won't fill you up. Not to mention, they're empty calories, and will slow weight loss. If you want to try to test your band for restriction, eat protein, dense protein like chicken, beef, lean pork, etc. Not lunch meat, hot dogs, soft fish. It will stay in your pouch longer, make you feel satisfied - ie not so hungry. Try to stay away from fried or coated proteins. Eat super slow, and wait for signals of satisfaction, not stuffed-ness (yep, it's a word)! If room, then proceed to veggies. Lastly, if room, take a bite of that roll. And very important, no drinking with meals. When I have felt no restriction, it is usually at my favorite Mexican diner. It's all about keeping your yourself in check, and following the suggestions, because they DO work. At one point I was stagnant in my weight loss, and started eating less and less, with no results. The techs at my fill center told me to simply 'bump up the protein'. I did, weight loss was immediate. You gotta get that protein in! Hope this helps, we've all been right where you are, and we can do this! :clap2:
  17. Monica, I'm right there with you! Exercising our control mechanisms can't be a bad thing! Bionic, I think we're getting close! Wendell, you are just flat out amazing, I always look forward to your posts! Such a wealth of articulate, correct info that we all need to be reminded of frequently! This past weekend I was careful to REALLY watch my body's signals. Ate slower, and the hiccoughs returned. Shortly after, a bit of discomfort, or "fullness". I then quit eating. I packed in the protein, as in fish fish fish, and got on the scales (which hadn't moved in 1.5 weeks) and dropped 3.5 lbs! I think we get lazy sometimes, and ignore the small signals.This is definately a head - as well as body game! And as far as fills kicking in delayed style, it takes mine maybe a week before "BAM...that's different!" happens. Always surprises me... How is it for y'all?
  18. Thanks, Juli! I searched VG11, but only found posts for the size 10 band, but may need to look again. I've had sooo many fills this year, and still feel I need more to hit that wonderfully elusive sweet spot. had to back fill up a bit this past month due to some reflux (bad hard boiled eggs!), and feels almost like starting over. I'm in the neighborhood of 7.5 - 7.7, and remember 8.2 was feeling pretty good Will head back on the 12th, and bump it up! Am tired of waiting, almost 8 months out and willpower wains at times
  19. Cindi


    Congrats to all! I just got back from vacation...the belt fit, I could even cinch it, and the tray table went down, and I could read my magazine while it was laying down flat on the table! It DOES feel great! NSV's are the best!
  20. It really is a double edged sword, as someone said. I enjoy the comments, because I remember feeling like I was being ignored...like the elephant in the room. But when they say something now, I also think to my self, "just wait til I lose 70 MORE pounds!". I find it hard to take the compliments sometimes. I haven't told many about the surgery, and I give them the usual reasons...protein first, eat slow, no carbs or sweets...and the gym bag packed and ready to go under my desk helps explain!! It took 40 lbs. before people at work noticed, but they were used to me dieting - and failing before, so I think they were being cautiously kind. I recently started wearing clothes that fit (instead of bag) and that made everyone comment. Weird tho...someone who had not seen me in 8 months made a big deal about how my FACE had changed...I lost so much in my face! Dang! My face didn't lose 70lbs! Ha! Could they possibly notice the 16 inches gone from my belly?!? Another weird reaction...if I am with my DH, people rave about how much he has lost, ad nauseum. He has lost 20-30 lbs. He is wonderful tho. He always tuns to me and says but Cindi is doing great, she's lost 70lbs! Immediately, they turn back to him, and ask how he lost the 20 lbs. Go figure. Must be easier to comment on a man's weight loss. There is so much adjusting to do menatally, isn't there?
  21. Cindi

    For those of us who weigh in daily!!

    Juli, it doesn't matter...LOL! Just my OCD shining thru. Adding to our list of odd rituals where our weight is concerned. Will try the heel-click move this morning...:whoo:
  22. Cindi

    For those of us who weigh in daily!!

    Add me to your list of obsessed scale-a-holics. But my addiction goes deeper... I weigh several times a day, and know that my lowest weight occurs between 9:30 and 10:15 AM. Yep, I lose weight in the morning. If I weigh when I first open my eyes, I weigh more. I need to move around, drink my java, and pee. Of course, I am naked...have even removed my hair clip! But not my jewelry, I know how much it weighs, and I subtract it. The game doesn't stop there. I want to know how many of you do this little oddity....my scale is in the laundry room. I hold on to the washer. I step one foot on. Slowly, I put the other foot on. Then even more slowly, I lift my hand from the washer....because AS EVERYONE KNOWS, getting on the scale in slow, small movements makes one weigh less! I may do this several times. Gawd, I need help...:omg: But in my defense, NOT weighing religiously every day got me into this big ol' body. Ignorance was bliss..er...fat. I'll spend the rest of my life wide awake and aware!
  23. Cindi


    I love eggs, all kinds...but they can be problematic. Hard or dry scramble, they just go down weird. And, I had my worst case of stuck-ness on some egg salad that was waaaay too coarsely chopped. They thought it hung in a tight fill, possibly for over a week. Too tight to cough up, too big to go down. I was never hungry, but experienced horrible reflux at night. Dumped 1 cc in an unfill, and life was good again. Won't give up eggs, but will be verrrry careful from now on! Best news is, I could eat 3 before, now 1 is more than enough!
  24. Cindi

    Lost 16 pounds in one day!!

    Cool...extra boost mid way! We have the same wonderful surgeon, and I'll see him I guess at 9 months. I feel like I'll have to do the tummy area (most of my weight is there), and the breastals for my ego. Ego at age 50...I should be shot! Ha! But the band really does make you feel good about yourself again, doesn't it?
  25. Cindi

    Lost 16 pounds in one day!!

    Congrats, Gayle, I'll keep that dr's name if need arises, I've still got lots to go. From your chart, did you have this surgery prior to reaching your weight loss goal? I thought that it was suggested to wait until a year after goal was reached...?

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