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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. Nancy, Amazing weight loss, congrats! You should be very proud! I know it is still work, hard work, and you have much to celebrate!
  2. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Is that the "fig" injections? Can't wait to hear...I would consider those in my bat wing arms if they work. Maybe on my turkey neck. Right now, with 50-65 lbs to go, I have no idea if I'll need PS. I know I want it, just not if I need it! LOL! Silly for vanity to rear it's ugly head after 50, with grown children and a blessed life...but it has! I'm off to the gym. The eliptical is calling me...now to convince my calves.:eek:
  3. DQ, I paid out of pocket...wrote a check and never looked back. When I think of how much it USED to cost to feed me, to continue buying clothes to cover my expanding arse, and the impending health concerns, paying for LB was the smartest money I'd spent in a long time. Seems it took about 1 month of seminars, dr meetings, tests and scheduling before I had the surgery. Your mileage will vary depending on doctor, and their system. What would I have done differently? Like everyone else, would have done it much sooner. I could of been enjoying every aspect of my life rather than riding my own self destructive pity train. Do some research, committ, and hang on! Life will never be the same...and I say, THANKFULLY!!
  4. As a former Diet Coke and Coke Zero addict, I can tell you I thought I COULD NOT LIVE without it. Well, almost a year later, I have not had one single soda. I did try a sip about 5 months ago, and, like others said, it was disgusting!!
  5. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Twins are amazing. I went C-sect, not even ready to give 'em up at 41 weeks! You really do have them running in your family! Wonder if your mom feels a 'loss'. I actually lost a second set of twins 3 1/2 months into the pregnancy 2 years after giving birth to my twins. Needless to say, upset...but don't if I could have handled it. Count me jealous if you are successful getting hubby to be your workout partner. That would be my dream...mine needs to for general health reasons. He is so over-stressed, over-worked. I try to convince him that a little focused movement would give him energy. He's one of those, 'don't have time' kinda guys. Occasionally, I think he might join me. Says he wants to. But...LOL! Not gonna happen soon. He's not over weight...lost about 30 himself last year. Could lose 20-30 more, but very strong, normal sized. Oh well. I'll try not to pester him, but I would love the company. BTW, made it to the gym, for my post holiday punishment. It felt wonderful! Pumping the Water today, to get rid of all this salt in my system!
  6. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Thanks, Tonya, you have also done well! Band twins... I like that. Maybe I can blame my stretched out tummy on the fact that I had twins! (21 years old now, but I kept them 41.5 weeks, 7.5 & 8+ lbs, 21" each...GADS!) Oh, Christmas is (finally) over! Compared to the last 20 years, I did well. How about everyone else? Don't get me wrong, I'm disgusted with how much nibbling and grazing I did today, and some less than stellar choices, but all and all, I kept it to ONE DAY. Now, to stay away from the leftovers! I busted butt at the gym for three days prior, and will be there tomorrow morning by 8:00am, pushing my limits, and trying to make a puddle of sweat. Feel like there are toxins in my system if that makes any sense? Too much rich food! Onward into the new year, everyone get some rest...tomorrow's a new day!:notagree
  7. Besides my new "turkey neck" (my kids have a much less flattering name for it :omg:), people have commented that I look younger. My skin is much better now, and I'll deal with the waddle neck if it gets too gross!
  8. Cindi

    New Years Resolution

    My NYR will be to simplify my life, mainly my surroundings. Stop stock piling, clean closets, drawers, garage...go through everything and throw that crap away!! Travel more, worry less, enjoy the second half of my life. Looking forward to new memories!
  9. Cindi

    walking shoes

    Hi Robin! Congrats on your band and plans to get moving :eek: Here's a link that let's you add info to get to the proper shoe. Running Shoes and Gear at Runner's World.com I think it's pretty dead on...I've spent way too much on the WRONG shoe, and this helps. Personally, I love with my Asics (GT2120, IGS <gel>). They support my poor arch, have a wide stable heel, wide toe box that rolls up nicely (great on treadmill). They were in the 60-$100.00 range, don't remember exactly. I also love Etonics. Both sem good (structurally) for "overweight" folks. Other than that, best advice I can give is wear the socks you will wear when trying on, and go at the end of the day, when feet are very tired and aching...buy the ones that bring you back to life! Avoid all that give even the slightest hint of discomfort. Good luck!
  10. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Very Ready! January 18th is fast approaching, and I can't wait! It has been an amazing year, and I hope to cross 2 boundries prior to my bandiversary: Lose 100 lbs. (just 4 more to go!) And be in Onederland! (just 5 more to go!) Actually, losing more than 100 would be acceptable <snicker> :eek: I had a rough time the last few months, plateau-ing and losing focus. Scale would bounce the same 4 lbs around. I got a couple more tiny fills (probably about 8.7cc's now in VG11 band) and the scale has started moving again. Resolutions this next year will be more specific than the blanket "lose weight" of years past. Although still on my list, I am more interested in quality of choices, pursuit of life-long dreams, consistancy of passion for all things positive. Becoming healthier and more active makes all this seem attainable. Being overweight, as I see now, has really kept me from enjoying life to its fullest. It shouldn't, but in my case it did. I don't post much, but I do read this thread often. You all seem very supportive and positive! I wish you all the best in the new year, and a Christmas full of family, love, support and hope.
  11. Cindi

    Calorie Counting Websites

    I started with FitDay, but I had to "suppliment" it, because it is so dang hard to search thru...none of what I used for keywords would work, or item would be buried 10 pages deep. I also eat out 90% of the time, so I was literally dissecting each meal. But I do like the accessibility of the charts and grafts...so I often use the Daily Plate to look up food, then enter it into FitDay. But there is a new way around the block!!! Try Weight Loss Programs - Nutrition Facts - Fast Foods and Restaurants - DietFacts.com Besides a great search engine, they have tons of "Brands" and resturaunts by alphabetical listing. Then, at the end of each chosen item, a link to post results to your FitDay account! Too cool!
  12. Cindi

    Anyone else get fills at SCOR?

    TulipStar, I'm glad you are back on track, but sorry for what you've been thru! I hope the staff understood your emotions...it's not like "understanding/working" with this band isn't emotionally trying enough, add a bad experience to it, and anyone would crack! Top that off with the time of year, etc....just getting to January 2nd will help! Mandi, I didn't say it before, as I thought there might be others as wonderful, but Laura ROCKS! She's my number 1 gal, and I never even flinch with her. And, she's compassionate, knows her stuff, and gets tough when needed. I am self pay, nearing my 1 year mark, and have never paid for a fill or flouro. I understand they have extended their policy for new patients who self pay to include longer "free" fills. I asked about what happens in January for me...they will contact my insurance company, and there is a chance they will cover me, as SCOR codes them as office visits, which would put me in a co-pay position (50.00 from me). At that point, cost from SCOR for additional fills is 100.00 (probably w/o flouro, that would be more). Will see next visit, in a few weeks. Either way, it's worth it!
  13. Cindi

    I got the band!

    Congrats, Craig, and welcome to Lap Band Land... Rest, relax, walk a little and get ready for your new life! I'm with ya, GO COWBOYS!
  14. Cindi

    PB after exercise?

    Definately interesting you posted this now...I just got back to the gym from about a 3 week hiatis (excuses not forthcoming). Feels great, gone 3 days in a row now, and I can't believe how sore my muscles are (or that they deteriorated so quickly)! I've gone straight after work, before dinner...and all three days, there was NO dinner to be had. I noticed, on the drive home, that even sipping from my water bottle was uncomfortable! Last night, even had some mild reflux. Very weird, have had no problems eating or drinking...except after recent workouts. And I won't do dinner late, so I just bypass eating for the rest of the day. Tonight did the protein shake route. Hope this calms down, or I'll rearrange my schedule to exercise in the morning. I'll bite on the muscle swelling thought...any others?
  15. Cindi

    Anyone else get fills at SCOR?

    Now you've made me curious! I've gotten all my fills at SCOR (AIGB, True Results) for almost a year now..over 10 fills! Always hit my port, painlessly (small pinch, very minor) on the first try. Never requested numbing agent, never used it...but they have always asked if I wanted it. And as far as the flouro goes, have had many. Not every time, but always if I am unsure, or if I request it. Note, some of their assistants are more "skilled" in doing the fills. I always request the same one...and we have a wonderful relationship. They moved everyone over (from AIGB) to do fills at the remodeled spot so they WOULD be able to do flouros if needed. Sorry for your trouble...let them know. They've always been very responsive, polite and over-willing to help. Only thing I've noticed of late is the long wait for appointments, but was told they were extending their operating hours to accomodate the heavy schedules.
  16. Ok, I'll bite... Maybe she meant for you to keep an eye on your husband/sign. other? Maybe this woman has lost so much weight that she considers herself quite the catch, and quite the chaser?? Weird comment, either way....
  17. Cindi

    Expectations vs. reality

    Lisa, I think we're on to something here! Been reading up on the "theories" behind this logic, and all points in that direction...eat more! Add more exercise. Keep the weight coming off from the fat stores, not lean muscle. Not letting the BMR slump. I go in Thursday for a fill/unfill and will ask about it. I will try this ...making those extra calories be of the Protein variety. Do you plan on alternating...below 1000 one week, above the next?
  18. Cindi

    Expectations vs. reality

    Whatnow, Please DON'T be discouraged, not my intent for sure. Rather, this is a very strong message that the band does work, if you help! If you follow the guidelines! if you are determined! I understand the line of thought that says, if I can do all that, I don't need the band. Being overweight, and painfully aware of that fact, since 1990, trying diets, exercise, pills and potions...up and down on the scales, I obviously needed more help. And the band has been that...90lbs since mid January 07. I was unable to do that on my own, for whatever reason. Lately, I am just greedy and moody, having experienced a plateau for the past month. I know it will get back on track soon, but I am anxious, because the success so far feels so good. Truth? What everyone has told us all along is just that...the truth. The band is a tool, your partner in weight loss. You still are ultimately responsible for eating well, eating healthy, and doing some brain rearranging. Without helping the band, it cannot help you. I dare say no WLS could. I personally enjoy the length of time it has taken to wrap my head around the right way to eat, live and proceed. The guidelines are becoming habits...habits for life. Good luck, enjoy the journey!
  19. Cindi

    Expectations vs. reality

    Oh Wheetsin, you've nailed it on the head here. I also get in between 600-900 calories a day, with the exception of maybe once a week where I go over 1000, but never past 1400. I track every BLT(bite, lick taste) everyday. Not always great food choices, but eventually, it's calories in/calories burned, right? But alas, I woke up this morning and had GAINED 3 lbs. I'm entertaining some articles that suggest I need to eat more, to sustain my resting metobolic rate. EAT MORE?!? How counter-productive does that sound to someone who's fought 160 extra pounds for 16 years?? I am stalling. And trying not to get discouraged. Desperately trying to regroup, and put head over matter. I expected, by this time, it would be easier. It's NOT. I expected I wouldn't think and talk about this band 24/7. But I do. I expected the band obsession to ease, if not end. It hasn't. I never expected the band to do all the work, but I certainly didn't think I would be "dieting" and struggling this much. I sometimes wish it pulled a little more of the weight around here! Sorry, done whinning. I'll get to work on these head issues, and quit fighting myself so much!
  20. Anyone have any suggestions on good WLS books to read AFTER you've had WLS? Searching for a practical, informative, realistic, support-type read to re-affirm and motivate myself. 10 months out, it becomes too easy to stray. Maybe if I'm reading, I won't be eating!
  21. Cindi

    Expectations vs. reality

    I was under the impression, for most of my journey, that a tighter band = greater weight loss/more control. It doesn't. It actually has slowed me down, and I fight that nagging fear that if I back off the fill level, my weight loss will stall and I'll spiral out of control. I've heard soooo many times to follow the band "rules". For the longest time, I would not eat Protein first, necessarily. Changed it up, eating protein definately first and foremost. And I fill up quicker. I look back now and think of all the calories I stuffed in prior to protein, which did not fill me up, and caused me to overeat. Mexican food is full of fresh, healthy ingredients! Reality? Sure it is, with high fat content and high calories to go with the tomatoes and lettuce. Check out how many calories in one of those Taco Bueno Taco Salads. Being too restricted can, sometimes unknowingly, cause you to devour soft calories in great amounts. The "rules" sound so simplistic, but are so for a reason. Easy to follow, and 90% of the time, they work. I've realized I can be stubborn. I don't need to reinvent the wheel. All the info given to me has been consistant. It is when I AM CONSISTANT, that it works!
  22. Cindi

    Boat Names

    We named our ski boat "Wave Humper". Lots of sites with adorable names, and just as many that make the cool graphics in a variety of fonts, colors and effects to really personalize it! Now it's time to winterize, and store it for the season. I am SO gonna miss not taking it out every weekend!
  23. Mydot, Welcome to this forum! And congrats on your choice, you've made a good one. Lots of info around every corner, don't be a stranger!
  24. Cindi

    Closet Space!

    As a show of faith, and a determined mindset, I cleaned out my closet this week! Something I hadn't done in years (it needed it BADLY). It took several nights...it was hard to let go of some things. But it was EASY to get rid of those size 24-28 outfits! I tried on many things...it was good to see that most were loose and looked bad. Sometimes I get too wrapped up in the numbers on the scale, not the physical changes. I filled four 39 gallon trash sacks with clothes that I know will never fit again (or I am hoping)! There were even some shoes that seemed big. I am 5 months out from surgery on the 19th of this month, and have lost 50lbs. so far. Yeah, there were things I probably still could wear, but it was part of my commitment to turn those baggies loose...and greatly diminish my options! Even found a pair of size 18 (albeit stretch) jeans I can fit into. Yes, I am a clothes hoarder...I've probably still have some size 6's and 8's from my 20's (hit 50 this year)! But those are in a different closet. I hope to be dressing out of that closet in the future! To feel like I'll never wear the big girl clothes again...that's wonderful. I hope I didn't clean out too soon. My closet is about half full. Must go shopping...but I'll wait...for the weight to come off! An aside...now my DH doesn't get to hear my complain about my limited closet space anymore! Anyone else done some closet cleaning?
  25. Cindi

    What's in a Name

    um...Cindi? Now am wishing I used more creativity when signing up! DH has always used terms of endearment, rarely calls me by my name. Maybe he's forgotten! I, too, will answer to just about anything. Never really liked my name (popular in the late 1950's), but going by "Cynthia", well, let's just not go there. Momma works. Still answer to that from my 3 kids!

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