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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Congrats to you, Angyl!! That is awesome, I know you feel great (sans the stomach flu...YUK!) 100 lbs to me is the point where most folks don't even look like the same person. Food journal? Nutrionist? Don't have either one. Probably could benefit from it tho! Obviously your habits are NOT deplorable!:thumbdown:
  2. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Me either. My workouts are reshaping my body dramatically (to the point where even my worst critic - myself - can see the changes), but very little poundage going away. It is sooooo frustrared, but I feel like eventually, something's gotta give! Hope your healing is progressing. We are all waiting to see photos and be jealous!
  3. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    Sounds like everyone is getting Spring Fever! We're so confused here in Texas...78 degrees on Sunday (hit 80's day before I think), then yesterday some areas got 2-5 inches of snow!! Could see it on the rooftops early this morning, then near 60 this afternoon. The old saying is if you don't like the weather, wait a minute. Too true here. All the Bradford pear tress were already in bloom, jonquils up...then snow. Dang! 2 days ago we mowed the yard, yesterday people built snowmen! I will say that the temperature at the gym is always consistant tho...it's my temperment that isn't! Still hitting the gym 5 days a week..trying to speed up my sluggish metabolism due to my spotty eating habits. I like mornings too...was grabbing at strwas wondering if mixing times up would help!
  4. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Been questioning whether to get a slight unfill for days now. Can anyone give me some insight?? I LOVE the restriction I have...I feel full ALL the time, but problem is pouch literally does not empty. I find I cannot eat "3 " meals a day, literally maybe 1 meal, with small snacks, which makes my metabolism crawl. Then at night, some reflux adventures, despite medication. I stop eating hours and hours before sleep, take meds, clear liquids, prop on pillows, but sometimes to no avail. Not every night, maybe 1 - 2 nights a week. I've been here before. I know in my heart I should probably get .1 or .2 taken out, but just .3 ago (my last fill), I was able to - and did- eat way too much. My gal at the fill center said a month ago that maybe finally, I am pretty much learning what it's like to feel true restriction... to eat like a bandster...no bread, or pasta...not a pinch or a noodle. That this is the restriction most people feel. I feel the "sludge" feeling all the time. Have tried hot clear liquids to try to get pouch to empty, no avail. So...major changes in eating have become necessary, and I've not perfected it yet, so I have nightime difficulties. In the middle of the night I swear to myself I'll go in for an unfill, but then don't, and instead try not to piss off my band by eating incorrectly. Even 3 or 4 cashews will now sludge and plug me up. I have gotten back to using protein shakes occasionally. But come high noon, I can eat just fine! If I get an unfill I am afraid my less than stellar willpower will kick in and weight loss will stall again. If I stay where I am, tough it out (dr said give it a try), the weight loss may help alieviate the reflux as band 'loosens'. This hasn't happened yet. I am rambling...sorry! But this really bugs me. Ok, work on eating correctly (no irritating foods), tough it out til I lose some, or go for an unfill, and hope my willpower kicks in? Both require willpower, don't they? It isn't horrible reflux, and latest swallows show no stretching, all is fine. But what would y'all do?? Help!!
  5. Am 50 years young, and way past post menopausal. No hormone therapy what-so-ever (keepin' that razor handy for my chin :confused:). I had no other 'real' health issues (am sure blood workups would disagree) prior to banding...just fat. I was banded in January of 2007, and have lost over 100 pounds (gotta update that ticker). I exercise at the gym, 1.5 - 2.0 hrs, 5 days a week. Don't know if it helps weight loss tremendously, but I am addicted to how it makes me feel, and how it appears to be reshaping my blob body. Over 20 inches gone from my waist alone. Also, I eat out all the time. I might "cook" at home maybe one or two meals a week. I still have lots to lose, and it is coming off slower now, but that's OK. The benefits of living comfortably, mentally and physically are very rewarding. It is hard. I still struggle. I'm not big on denial. I was a volume eater. I just flat out eat tons less than I used to...slowly, and I enjoy it more. It can be done. There are frustrations...but none as monumental as trying to look good in a size 28!
  6. Cindi

    Who's in charge?!

    Your post hit the spot - dead on. It expresses what I know to be true, but don't aways follow "in the moment". Thanks for re-iterating a truth, which will become a new voice in my head, asking me, "who's in charge"?
  7. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    An aside...sweaty wet hair sucks. Does anyone notice a difference/benefit when they work out at different times during the day??
  8. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    9 days since a post here??? Like someone said, we must all be out exercising! I'll break the silence. My workouts have been good, but I missed one day last week due to dr.'s appointments. It's strange how much that bothered me. I've become very protective of my "club time". I felt like I was missing something all day! This week includes 5 days of workouts, which seems my new average. M-F, weekends off. Still doing between 1-2 hours every time...interval cardio and strength/core training. I really, I mean REALLY enjoy mixing it up on the treadmill and elliptical, and make a game out of the hills, speed and levels each time. There are other cardio machines (bikes, cross trainers, stair steppers, arc trainers) but I haven't tried them seriously yet. Wonder if I should, so my body doesn't get too used to my routine. Anyone else use these other cardio creatures?? Did I mention I hate CORE training? I know, it's important. I bought the stability ball at home, and it rests comfortably in the corner.... My trainer hi-5's me every morning, and I know I need to schedule a new group of sessions. It's really too expensive...I think I'd rather just spend it on home improvemnets or a vacation. I can gleen from many trainers just by working out near them and other clients. Post, January bandsters! We need to keep this up!
  9. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Hi Everyone! I have been reading, but not posting...sorry! Sounds like everyone is anxious for Spring, and re-committing, that's a good thing. I could do a little of that myself. My fill is still extremely tight, and I've been taking the Protonix to avoid reflux at night. Actually, for several weeks, lunch seems to be my only sit down meal...the only time I can eat "normally". I snack quick Protein for Breakfast, and nibble a bit thru/for dinner, but after 6-7PM, I try not to eat to avoid nighttime problems. Guess the band is so tight that food hangs in there forever...really no TRUE hunger in a loooong time. Yesterday was full of Chinese food. Let's not talk about it. Anyone else sorta "test" their band like I do? I try to release a small burp, and I can always feel what I assume is a mash of food at the mouth of the band...trying to bubble up and let air thru. Lets me know food is there, not time to eat. Weird, I know. Mommi, I am happy you are home and managing. You know we can't wait for updates!! Everyone at my house has been sick. Seems every day there's a doctor visit. DH has also had some VERY high BP, and is now on new medicines. Scared me. He kept saying the BP machine he bought must be broken, it was so high. I hit full panic when I took mine (110/60), and realized the machine was close to right. He's one of those, "my job is to take care of everyone else, I'll be fine" kinda guy. Hard headed cowboy. My son's hand is not progressing as surgeon wishes, and he will need additional surgery to remove the metal plate and clean out scar tissue so he can get more movement. And oh, I miss my daughter. Being independent and 21 aside, I miss her being home in the evenings.She gets lonely, but she loves her new apartment, and will adapt when people start coming outdoors with the warm weather. Ok, I've wined enough. Miss talking to everyone...give a shout, and let us know what's up!
  10. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    How aggrevating! Sometimes the scales can really set the tone for everything, can't they?? It IS hard to rely on willpower even after all this time. I finally fel a difference I have never felt...and it is because of good restriction. It even helps now with bad choices (fried, crunchy or sweet), cuz I can't eat the sheer volume I could before. Plkease don't get discouraged...easy to say, I know! But it will come, and the scale will head south!!! Water weight is a tricky thing...it really can mess up the numbers. Try actually drinking more water, say an extra quart a day. Sometimes if the body knows you will give it extra, it won't grab and hold water. Stupid explanation, sorry...hehe! but it works! Glad you're exercising. I swear even when I don't eat well, I feel 110% better knowing I've at least done something good for myself. And that something may be the only bright spot of the day! Congrats to you for committing!
  11. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    I quietly did a small version of what y'all have been doing when I had trouble earlier this month with the extreme tightness and reflux. On the several bad nights I had reflux and two nights of re-appearance of food, I did Protein shakes, Soups, and liquids on the following days. I didn't want to irritate my already angry esoph. And I was VERY happy with the results...not only calmed my stoma down, but prevented the reflux those nights, and resulted in a weight drop! And when I did bring back the solids, it DID feel like better restriction. Makes sense...overeating and wrong foods caused the reflux and PB's. I only would follow for a day or day and a half, but that seemed enough to kick start me each time. Doing it for 5 days would be difficult for me...but I agree that the sheer awareness of what's going in my mouth those days helped refocus me. Just my 2cents:)
  12. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    Isn't that a great feeling?!? I started with a new personal trainer this morning to help me redirect my strength training efforts. As I suspected, I was doing several counter-productive things, and avoiding some things that would get me to my goals quicker. Also, the "science" of strength training has changed and evolved, and I found her advice and explanations very helpful and motivating. I will work it her way for a while, and then maybe meet with her every other week to keep my focus. .. After today's workout, new muscles were barking, so I feel like it will do some good! What is everyone else doing? Talk! We need to encourage each other!
  13. Cindi

    Anniversary Time

    As you should be! That is great! I went for my 1 yr, 1 month appointment today...no fill. I am FINALLY at a good restriction level, to where I am now pretty much forced to eat as a bandster, by the band, as opposed to willpower...make sense? Now, bread, rice Pasta, coated things, fried wonderfulness, real fiber-y things, chewy raisins, corn, all give me grief. And, I am virtually never really hungry, and always feel food in the upper stoma. Slow learner here, but it makes better sense why they got me to this point slowly.
  14. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    I'll be thinking about you, Lynn, best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  15. Cindi

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->:cursing::thumbup::thumbup::wub::thumbup::wub: Doin' a bit of celebrating over here! After going up, going down and going up again over the past few months, the scales are finally on the move! I was convinced that this journey was over, but NO! 100.5 lbs. down as of this morning, and in 'onderland' for the first time in I don't know how many years! Heading for the gym, to head off the delicious food I'll eat tonight. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!:tt1:
  16. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    :cursing::thumbup::thumbup::wub::thumbup::wub::thumbup: Doin' a bit of celebrating over here! After going up, going down and going up again over the past few months, the scales are finally on the move! I was convinced that this journey was over, but NO! 100.5 lbs. down as of this morning, and in 'onderland' for the first time in I don't know how many years! Heading for the gym, to head off the delicious food I'll eat tonight. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!:tt1:
  17. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    I'm finding that the days that I most dread heading for the gym, is when I really need to go. I seem to get the best workouts on those days! Strange, I know :/ Consistantly going 5 days a week, this morning was a short, 45 minute workout tho, because I went to get my haircut (at the gym's spa/salon). They did a great job, and figure I made up for the short workout by cutting so much hair off...I mean, it had to weigh something...right?
  18. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Just checking in:) Hope everyone is doing well! Mommi, you must be excited! I definately will consider a TT when I finish losing, and absolutely a boob "makeover". Does that include side & armpit boobs? Gads, I hope so. I'd also consider the batwing removal, but actually, mine are shrinking. I've been hitting the arms and upper body pretty heavy at the gym I know you can't "spot reduce" per se, but adding muscle seems to define and detract from them flapping in the wind. And, I think I'd be self conscious about such a publicly (sp?) visable scar. I wonder how much weight comes off with a TT? Mine isn't horrible, but I know it will never be firm or flat... twins + 1 took care of that. I am an apple shape, so that makes it worse. And, my turkey neck. Gotta think about that! Otherwise, all is well. My fill is incredibly tight, but I am riding it out. The scale simply has to start moving. Have some minor reflux at night, and a bad stuck/sliming episode today. Painful! Totally all my fault. This tightness is forcing me to do the right things. Something had to! I've ordered some New Whey liquid protein shots...for supplimentation. Been reading up on them, and I think with my workouts and tightness, it may help. Anyone else gone this route? I just don't want the extra calories - and never been a fan of doing the shakes. Maybe this will be a boost to my eating....sometimes I don't think I get enough protein in. Workouts going good, I actually took yesterday off and it BOTHERED me all day. Tomorrow is weights and cardio day. How long (time wise) do you all work out for? I'm thinking of up-ing it to a full 2 hours. I have the time, and feel that when I leave after 1-1.5 hours, I still have energy left, or maybe better put - that it's getting easier and I could do more. What do y'all do?
  19. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    Bathing suit! You just reminded me, I'll need to buy a new one this year I guess. The 26's won't fly... Don't talk about chocolate. Particularily stressful day at the office (we own a funeral home). I ate about 20 almond M&M's. They weren't even terrific...it was nervous/stress eating. Then popcorn tonight. Guess today needs...to be over!! I'll punish myself at the gym tomorrow:rolleyes:
  20. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Maria, sono's are so cool...evidence of new life! An exciting time to be sure, and I hope all goes well weight - wise for you. I remember my "license to eat" days....you are on top of it! It was a shock (for the doc) when I had my sonogram at 7.5 months...doc thought I was gaining way too much weight. The technician ran out of the room, only to come back and announce it wasn't triplets, just twins. They did not know that it was a multiple birth until then (when listening for heartbeat, they'd hear one, then quit listening)! I knew it was the minute I got out of bed, if you catch my point! Sono's were controversial way back then, so I didn't have one early in the pregnancy. Tonya, I had no idea you've gone thru all that! I have a bad memory, sorry I missed it. Oh my gosh, you have been thru so much and done amazingly well! Glad all is back on track for you. I want your determination should rub off on me!
  21. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Lisa! You look absolutely FABULOUS! You should be so proud! Definately worth the wait (no pun intended) for the photos! How cool are those? You're an inspiration!
  22. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    OH my, I feel for you! I would be tearing my hair out. You have the patience and right attitude...something i obviously lack. My frustration builds to stress, then I become self defeating. I want so badly NOT to believe that this is all there is. They assure me it's not. If I think back, I remember not even trying bread or pasta...because of fear of getting stuck. Small things like that, that I have learned over a year don't actually bother me that much. So what am I doing? Eating them! Not a lot, but there's no denial going on there! If I want a bite of bread, rice, pasta, I know I can eat it, without problems. But what do they say....Just because you can doesn't mean you should! These small slips into old habits are most likely what has been keeping the weight from coming off. And in reading my own rants, I can see that the culprit for me is bad carbs. I know exercise won't make the weight fall off. It helps in many ways, is the right thing to do, and makes me feel great, physically and mentally...but it doesn't make me shed pounds. There has to be some additional policing and accountability for what I put in my mouth. I resist "dieting" in the conventional way. My doc said I wouldn't need to, just smaller amounts, good choices, portion control. But with current problems, it appears some old fashioned grill this, steam that is gonna be what it takes, because my band is not helping me lately. Pray for endurance! Because my willpower is, well it isn't there.
  23. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    Sigh. No budge in the scales, but I'm not giving up! What is it about having some success, then starting to slack off a bit? LOL! In revolt of my scale, and it's decision to go up a few pounds, I have also stepped up - my workout routines. I have committed to make it to the gym for 5-6 solid days this week. And I have devised a new plan of torture and sweat on the elliptical! Actually, I really like it...it keeps my HR way above the 80% cardio range. Just shy of 100%, which may be too much...but I get a power surge at about 90%! Anyone else get this? I do 1 hour on the elliptical, and then the 5 minute cool down. I start at level one, and each minute, I up it one level, all the way to level 25. At each 5 minute interval (5, 10, 15, etc.) I reverse direction (climb 'backwards'), for the next 1-2 minutes. Then go foward again, always increasing 1 resistance level per minute. Then I stay at level 25 for 5 - 10 minutes. Then I do the same, backwards, bringing it down a level each minute. By this point, I can pick up the speed fairly well. Throughout, I keep it between 3-6MPH, but that gets HARD at level 25. Probably too much detail, but I love this little workout...and it burns in the neighborhood of 650-850 calories in that hour. On days with the treadmill (days I do strength training/weights) I've been HIIT'ing it hard, for 30-45 minutes (always after the weights). I don't necessarily go fast on the treadmill...not a runner! I do it by climbing those hills in spurts. Also, I bought a stability ball and medicine ball for home. I don't do much 'core' work at the gym...prefer to sweat the machines. Hopefully this will help...the kids seem to like playing with it - not in a workout kind of way, if you catch my drift! Oh well, that's all my news. Just trying not to get discouraged. Been kinda quiet here...what's everyone up to???
  24. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Tulip - Congrats on the great reports at your heart doc...I know he (she) is proud of you! Getting off meds is a good feeling. When I went in for the scope they went thru the list of medications I had given them over a year ago and asked if I still took any of them. Only one! Seems like I was on so many..this ache, that pain...all gone now. Not happy with my wildly fluctuating BP lately, though. Yesterday, it was 164/98 when I went in...told them to take it again in 5 minutes - then it came back to 121/70. White coat hypertension, LOL!

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