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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. Cindi

    Up 5 Pounds?!?

    Thanks, y'all. I'll weigh tomorrow morning before I go in for my fill. Just agonizing to gain back all I'd lost in the last month! I feel like it might be too much salty foods, combined with a pretty severe week working out with the weights. If I exercise till I'm sore (which weirdly is my goal...it tells me I'm progressing), then I know water hangs on to help heal & cushion the stressed muscles. But 5 frickin' pounds!?! Oh well...had a great weekend away, and will get back on track this week. I think I'll ask for .1 or .2cc's. Haven't had a fill for 2 months, and in the middle there at some point it was perfect. Now feels like I could eat more....meaning I'm having to stop me, not the band. Will let you know!
  2. You bet you're gonna log those stairs! In two months, it'll be 20 minutes, then there's no stopping you! This weekend no gym for me. Heading to the lake, some Harley riding, and yard work - turning over beds and mulching. Fill scheduled at 8am Monday, we'll see where this goes!
  3. Absolutely! I hate stairs (fell a few years back and quite nearly took my arm off). Now my knees bark a bit while climbing...but I know it's a great way to keep your legs in shape. I rarely even go upstairs in our home, and my daughter's apartment is on the third floor. Always seems like if I do climb stairs, I am also lugging/carrying something heavy!
  4. Had a good workout this morning...was weights and core training day. Am really trying to concentrate on my upper body (be gone, back boobs!) and abs... So, was on the stability ball doing my crunches. Did 50, felt ok. Then, I did something I've NEVER done..100 more crunches, twisted side to side (obliques)!! Can't believe I did that! We'll see how sore I am tomorrow!
  5. Cindi

    Exercise challenge - 2008

    Scary thing happened at the gym this morning...some woman (didn't see her) was having difficulties on the floor, eyes whacky, etc. All the trainers were running over to her, called 911, they made a "code 100" announcement on the loudspeakers, and when I left the firetruck and ambulance were there. Hope she was ok, will find out tomorrow morning.
  6. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    I have wondered this same thing at times. Seems to vary almost meal to meal (how much I can eat, and types of food). But I will say, with this tight fill, it is so much less volume-wise than 2 months ago, and the "wide-open" days are few and far between. Even tortilla chips (my personal dragons) are starting to give me grief after a handful. Breads? no way. Even nuts, which I am prone to eat a handful of for quick protein, are really starting to bother me. They just turn to paste, sit there, and make me uncomfortable. Some foods are just not tolerable now...and oddly enough, they're the ones that probably aren't 'good' for me anyway!:cursing:
  7. MacMadame, ice skating! Haven't done that since I was a teen! I bet that really would help core balance, something I try to work on daily. Unbalanced would describe me...in more ways than one! LOL You are blessed to have a gym at work. Could you use it during lunch hour? I have often thought of adding some more walking during the day at work, since it's at a funeral home, and the cemetery surrounds us. Nice, quiet paths. Dance with the girls! Might be more fun anyway! Coordination is not my strong suit, bet dancing is good for that. Dancing would be a great exercise...enjoyable and might not feel like exercise, but still moving! You can do this! Do you have a dog you can walk with? Exercise videos? Try one of those big stability balls...they're way too much fun! Any activity helps mentally for me...much improves my outlook, sleep patterns and general well-being. Sorry...starting to sound like a fanatic here. Better get to the gym to burn off this energy. Let us know how you decide to add activity to your plan!
  8. Cindi

    Getting in the game

    Cathy, Karen, Lilo, Sister...WELCOME! Big changes are in store for you all...and it will be like nothing else you've experienced. I know all the pre-banding tests seem overwhelming, but I am glad they treat this so seriously. It will speak to each of your successes. Heaven forbid this becomes a vanity surgery, done jsut for the asking! The time before is for wrapping your head around the process, the time post banding is for healing. The journey is full of self disscovery...and that's a good thing. All the self awareness brings you closer to your goals! Good luck, we're proud of you for taking control!
  9. Cindi

    Docters in Dallas?

    duh, can't count...a year & 2 months out!
  10. Cindi

    Docters in Dallas?

    We're about in the same boat then...ideally, 160 lost would be very good for me, will take 150-170. We'll see how it looks! It's been such a long time since I was "thin", that numbers don't mean as much to me as how I look and feel. I was banded on Jan 18, 2007, a year +1 month ago. Have you made a choice yet? AIGB does seminars in the evenings that are hosted by their various docs...free, informative, non-threatening, and a good opportunity to gather info on the docs, proceedure and facilities! let us know! :drool:
  11. Cindi

    Post Weight Loss

    I buy very few new things yet. Still have considerable to lose...btu shopping, when I do, is scads more fun:tt2:
  12. Thanks for the compliments, Mimi! Violet...you're on the right track being pro-active and not slipping to bad habits. I really believe perserverance (sp) pays off! It does get frustrating...I'm again at that point, but can only turn around to see that fried catfish, tortilla chips and guacamole, and chex mix and some left over holiday chocolates (all in the last 2 days) were not wise decisions! I continue exercising like a mad woman...and it is totally rearranging my body. It's amazing, really. scales not moving too much, but the 'look' is definately different...tighter and trimmer. I am hard headed, and some days I just don't wanna play the food patrol role. Great thing about the band...can't even eat much of the "wrong" foods! :drool:
  13. Cindi

    Docters in Dallas?

    gee...THANKS!!! And yourself...doing super! We started out in the same poundage neighborhood...I'll keep an eye out for you! Keep it up, Love!:smile:
  14. For those struggling, I'm gonna copy/paste some posts I made in another area. Might help give some insight, or different point of view! I had several extended "no weight loss frustration filled months", then things changed. ::: I battle the fill - no fill dilema monthly. It's a blend of REALLY eating right, and having enough restriction to stop you. If you can still eat most everything, things others have trouble with (bread, Pasta, rice, fibery stuff) and mentally must stop yourself from over indulging, a small fill will help. If you are eating all the things that by-pass the band, no amount of restriction will help.::: ::: And getting fills that = true restriction can take forever! In hindsight, I think there's a grand-er plan in effect. It feels like for the first year, I used 60-80% willpower instead of band help. It was frustrating...but a year and 1 month out now, and probably 12-15 fills later (stopped counting), I finally have the restriction that most banders have been talking about! Just a few, like 4-6 bites starts feeling full, and I cannot even think of soft breads, rice or pasta. So...maybe, that first year was really designed to make me use my restraint, my willpower, my brain...forcing me to make the correct choices...making my behavior become habit. Anyone else feel this way? Because now, (after the last fill) weight loss is starting up again for me, and is pretty much effortless. I am full...ALL the time. And I've pretty much lost interest in food, due to that fact. It's great. Let's hope this continues! :::: Hope this helps!
  15. Cindi

    Docters in Dallas?

    You'll be pleased and do well with any of the doctors at AIGB (American institute for Gastric Banding), aka LapBandSolutions, True Results Aftercare. Google them, all very experienced, fabulous facility, wonderful aftercare. Self pay, around 15,000...includes 2 years of fills/follow-ups. Coit/Beltline area of North Dallas/Richardson. More specifically, Dr. Benavides. He's amazing. Good luck!
  16. I can tell you personally, that I checked into all the docs at LBS, and chose Dr. B...and have NEVER had any regrets. His experience, and bedside manner is impeccable, his staff amazing. No, he does not handle the aftercare, True Results does that. But they are so closely monitored by all the LBS docs...and the nurse practicioners are wonderful. Their aftercare program is very, very thorough and caring. Much support, many after care seminars, always willing to be pro-active, always supportive. Realistically, go with the doc with the most experience (Dr. , but choose LBS as a group for the aftercare...because in reality, over time, this is what matters most...the day to day living with a band that was expertly placed.
  17. Cindi

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks for the update! I love hearing about everyone's exercise goals, routines, successes, etc. Do you think it would be a good idea to have our own exercise thread for us 50's bandsters? Our routines may be different/unique, rather than the exercise thread elsewhere. We could make it like an accountability/motivation thread...think that would help??
  18. Cindi

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    And getting fills that = true restriction can take forever! In hindsight, I think there's a grand-er plan in effect. It feels like for the first year, I used 60-80% willpower instead of band help. It was frustrating...but a year and 1 month out now, and probably 12-15 fills later (stopped counting), I finally have the restriction that most banders have been talking about! Just a few, like 4-6 bites starts feeling full, and I cannot even think of soft breads, rice or pasta. So...maybe, that first year was really designed to make me use my restraint, my willpower, my brain...forcing me to make the correct choices...making my behavior become habit. Anyone else feel this way? Because now, (after the last fill) weight loss is starting up again for me, and is pretty much effortless. I am full...ALL the time. And I've pretty much lost interest in food, due to that fact. It's great. Let's hope that continues!
  19. Sorry! my 50+ eyes allowed me to open the Forties door instead of the Fifties room...sorry to butt in!
  20. Joy, I'm hoping beyond hope that I don't/won't need it...but I'm probably just dreaming. It's an absolute that I want it...but where would I stop? Tummy? Arms? Breasts? Turkey neck? What good would it do to have the great boobs and a shar pei stomach?? LOL! Gads, the cost!! I have lost over 100, and will lose 50+ more. The writing's on the wall. But I am exercising non stop, and will continue to pray for the best!
  21. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Tonya, sorry to hear about you mom and mom-in-law. Pitching tent in hospitals is something I hate...beyond being a germ-o-phobe, it just makes me uneasy. Seems like all you do is feel helpless and wait. Big hugs to you! Glad to hear the fill feels better. I know your headed in the right direction! BabyGot, you have my sympathies for your loss. It's been a rough season, I know our office has been very busy this time of year (own a funeral home). Good going on the exercise! It's my addition, my private time, my saving grace. I just love it! 5Jacks, I was right where you are just a short month or two ago. Made no difference what I did, and was beating myself up over it. Turns out, a small (.3cc) fill did the trick Scales be moving now! I have the VG11 band (10cc+ capacity) with I think 9.1 or 9.3cc's in it (remember, up to 1cc stays in tube from port). Band fill gal stopped me from obsessing over calories, and now I believe her. If restricted correctly, it's near impossible to overeat...sans high calorie drinks, soft hi cal stuff and tortilla chips (speaking from experience here...LOL!). Sweets will stop all good losses, and not fill you, so you eat more. Everyone, including 2 docs, told me also to just be happy, that my body was adjusting to losing 100 lbs, but I really wanted the scales to move. They did. Yours will. I know that doesn't help, but it IS true. Can't be much help, if only knowing 'someone else was EXACTLY where you are, and is back on track' helps! We're here for you!
  22. Cindi

    Need your opinions

    Janet..WOW! I woke up, just logged on and imagine my sleepy eyes seeing your wonderful support and congrats...it made me smile...BIG! Thank you! Actually ran in here to update my ticker...finally, the scales have moved! It's been a long time, and so slow lately. Size 10 at 174? You REALLY carry it well! That's amazing...do you exercise? It's my addiction...5 days a week, 1-2 hrs each time. Interval cardio & strength/core training. On my worst "I don't wanna" days, those are my best workouts. I know from past experience that working out doesn't necessrily make me lose weight, but this go 'round, it sure is helping to reshape this ol' lady! I'm right there with ya not "looking" my weight. There are folks (you know the ones) who tell me every day how great the weight loss looks, and that I must be getting close. Yeah, if 55-70 pounds puts me close! They can't believe I still want to lose that much more, but I do. Of course, they don't know the scale tale of this former 300 lb butterball. I think it's wise for everyone to stop obsessing numbers (myself included), and go for the "look" we want to achieve, and the healthy level we want to attain. Denise, I'm sorry you remain hungry after eating. This happens with dense protein too? I know that some doughy foods stop me from eating, but still leave me hungry and uncomfortable. Is it hunger, or gurgles in your upper tummy? Mine can get VERY loud lately. I was told that over say, 6 months, the band can lose maybe .3 to .5 cc's due to evaporation. Doesn't really make sense to me, but my doc says so. But half? That's a concern! Do they back up or pull out all your fill each time to check it? Hope you get some answers soon to help you! Can your pharmacist convert your meds to liquids? Many can! Off to the gym...everyone have a great day!:thumbup:
  23. Cindi

    Need your opinions

    Janet, I couldn't have read your response at a better time. I think there's something to "your happy weight". Didn't they used to call it your "set point"? I remember this from somewhere. And it rings true...when much younger, (early twenties), my body hung at 134...no matter what I did. Years later my weight tried to hang out at 142. Maybe as we age, our bodies naturally have a higher comfort range. I feel like if I tried now to weigh 134, I would be too boney, and not look healthy. About the fills, I am with you on that. I battle the fill - no fill dilema monthly. It's a blend of REALLY eating right, and having enough restriction to stop you. If you can still eat most everything, things others have trouble with (bread, Pasta, rice, fibery stuff) and mentally must stop yourself from over indulging, a small fill will help. If you are eating all the things that by-pass the band, no amount of restriction will help. I personally still struggle every day...good choices, a dash of willpower, and a tight fill. But I am a slow learner!

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