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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. :drool: Hey Everyone! :teeth_smile: Let's see if we can help each other with our exercise goals! Use this thread to ask questions, post progress, list goals, log achievements...anything related to exercise in our fabulous 50's! We know it takes extra effort, different strokes, and special determination...so what are you doing to improve your health as you lose weight? I'll start us off :teeth_smile: I exercise 5X's a week (M-F), in the mornings at Lifetime Fitness. I am addicted to my gym, just love it! I do cardio 5 days a week, 3 of those days I do interval training on the treadmill or elliptical. I do strength training/core & weights 2-3 days a week. I workout 1 - 1.30 hours each time...more to come...what do y'all do???
  2. Questions for those with the Vanguard 11 band (which can hold 10cc's+): At what point did you feel GOOD restriction? How many months before you achieved this level? Thanks!
  3. Cindi

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Thanks Tonya I agree with you 100%...the comfort eating is such a slippery slope. When trying to catch up with this board after being away for such a long time, it seemed to me that there is much more negative, or better put, discouraging chatting going on. I mean in the "trouble with the band" arena. I know those doing well probably post less...but the complications postings seem to have increased - like, 'the fairytale' is not so bright. Hmmm...anyone else noticing this?? Trying not to dwell on bad outcomes...just keep plugging...but the extremely drastric slow down in weight loss can leave you wondeing, can't it? That adage that the average weight loss is 60-70% of your desired goal is ringing true. I wanna be the exception! Let's stay positive, and keep working at it. I still believe we give up, not the band. Who knew out heads would be more stubborn than the scales?!? Everyone have a great Halloween...and give away ALL the candy! HA!
  4. Cindi

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hey Everybody! :thumbup: Remember me? Jogging your brain cells...I've missed you, and spent the last hour or so catching up on all the posts. Sorry for not checking in lately...think I made a big mistake not 'gleening' support from you all. All is so-so here...been an incredibly long and rough spring/summer/early fall. But things are starting to wind down, and hopefully normal chaos is right around the corner! I, too, have suffered the stagnant weight blues. I'm actually seeing my surgeon on a regular basis now, which is really wonderful. I was less than impressed with the aftercare 'judgement' center tactics. His insight and help have sparked me again! One conclusion I've come to. I'm to blame, not the band. I stopped doing the work. I let the food slip in. I increased the volume. I ate the queso and guac. I was battling - in my head, with the dr, with the scales - but the band stayed the same. What changed was me! Got too dang comfortable! All the new clothes, all the compliments...but fact is I still can lose 30-50 more pounds. The band is a piece of equipment. IT can't stop working. So..here's what I'm doing now to readjust my attitude (and guess what, it's working!!) I asked, and with blessings, am self impossing the post surgery diet for 1 month (am at 2.5 wks). Liquids, mushies, soft, etc. My thinking? I lost so much that first month, and my eating habits this year led to a slight stretching, so I wanted to reduce that, and really go slow and relearn the basics. Remember how we were all afraid to even try to eat normal at first? I wanted that fear and consciousness again. Granted, I have eaten out on two occasions, normally, but considerably less in amount. I am not allowing it to be un-livable...I am just dedicating myself, back to myself. It's working. Updates at the end of this trial! Still exercising like a mad woman...that has been my saving grace. Seems each week I find a new cardio torture machine, and new ways to torque weights around. I love it! My muscle mass shows a gain:) Hope to keep in touch, give me a shout...I haven't forgot y'all!
  5. Thought I posted this, sorry if a double... Hey All, Don't know if this is appropriate or not, but thought I'd start here. I have some home exercise equipment, and I would like to reclaim some floor space! I work out a local gym 5 days a week, and have no use for home equipment anymore (I need the inspiration of the masses)! I know some people are just getting started, and prefer the privacy of their own home. My equipment is older, but in very good condition - very very very rarely used. It is (was?) top-of-the-line in its day. Precor 910ei Treadmill (electronic readout, incline adjustable), new cost over 2,000.00 Precor 730e Dual Action Stair Climber (electronic readout, upper body workout and stair-stepper), new cost? don't remember. Also have a new Total Gym 11000DLX with all the bells and whistles, plus some extras. If interested, and you can pick these up, I will sell these items super cheap:) I am in the DFW area, and would love to have someone have these that would use them. Please excuse if this post is inappropriate....but I thought what better place than to offer to my band buddies!
  6. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Have an amazing time on your cruise, Tonya! it is without a doubt my favorite way to travel. In fact, my twins are returning tomorrow night from a two week cruise (their first). They did London, Paris, Ireland, Scotland and Norway. I pray they will make it back thru customs in NY...they held me up there once for 2.5 hours with no questions, no explainations and some pretty rude treatment to boot. it was scary! Hi everyone! Apologies, apologies...I have been so absent lately. Just have been soo busy, a little disgusted with personal progress (seems like a theme here?), and...well the excuses go on. BUT - I do miss y'all and will take some time tonight to catch up on my reading. Seems this site has really grown, and it gets overwhelming trying to check in on all the areas....so I gravitate back to our group of JanBans. Quick update...some more reflux, not much loss, been back to see doc several times (instead of aftercare center...blech!) and feel like I'm getting back on track. Like many of you, have the last stubborn 35-45 lbs to go. I got a substantial unfill for a while to regroup, and this week filled back up to "jumpstart" the ever slow weight loss. Execise is still a big part of my week, although it is back to about 4X a week, since we're out of town on weekends. I'm still happy with that, and not unpleased with loss to date, but anxious to stop obssessing about the remaining pounds...and just be DONE. Promise to post more...and read more. Holler!
  7. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    I hear ya about the tanning! I basically glow in the dark, and it takes all summer to stop burning and actually get tan (which is more of a red/brown - or freckle connecting). Last year I discovered Banana Boat's Dial a Tan (mixers tanner and moisturizer), and I really like it. Started slathering it on about a month ago...it works! Went and got a small fill this morning. I so want this journey to be nearing an end, or my goal. Gal stressed the biggest key factor that really can set you back is not eating protein first. Everytime. I've been horrible about this, and she really feels it can sabbotage you not to follow this "rule". So for this month, it will be my goal. Have added the rowing machine to my cardio lineup for some variety. Otherwise, just coasting into summer. Need to swimsuit shop!
  8. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Hi Everyone! Been super busy, but been checkin in. Weight loss is crawling, but I also have not paid particular attention to what I'm doing or eating. Been actually trying to ignore, forget obsessing about my band. Restriction is good, even since the last unfill. No reflux or stcking at all...which is good. Exercise increase to 5 days a week, 1.5-2.00 hours at a shot. Talked with the gal from my doc' office (she came to my office for business reasons :crying: ), and she said that at one point when she was just stalling and plateau'ing, she took 1/2 her fill out for 2 weeks, then put it back. Said it really jump started her back to losing weight steadily. I intend to call and talk to her more about this. Anyne else heard of doing this???
  9. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    I think 2 or 3 years is just fine. Don't know about anyone else, but I've been overweight/obese for close to 17 years. Everyday, I see someone who comments on my loss, or hasn't seen me in a long time. The shock on their faces is priceless...and at times they simple fumble for words. Funny. Their amazement sorta brings things into perspective. I've obssessed and worked at this every day for 15 months, and it's hard for me to see sometimes. I drag out my before shots and still am in disbelief that I was ever that big. Couldn't see it then, have trouble sometimes seeing it now. Did a third round of closet cleaning last night. Tried everything on, and it was sorta like a clown parade. THAT little activity really nailed it for me. I threw out 78 tops/shirts/sweaters. Kept a few big ones to possibly wear with a belt. Made me realize how much I spent just trying to look good at 300lbs. Gads. Patience. We're getting there!!
  10. Hey All, Don't know if this is appropriate or not, but thought I'd start here. I have some home exercise equipment, and I would like to reclaim some floor space! I work out a local gym 5 days a week, and have no use for home equipment anymore (I need the inspiration of the masses)! I know some people are just getting started, and prefer the privacy of their own home. My equipment is older, but in very good condition - very very very rarely used. It is (was?) top-of-the-line in its day. Precor 910ei Treadmill (electronic readout, incline adjustable), new cost over 2,000.00 Precor 730e Dual Action Stair Climber (electronic readout, upper body workout and stair-stepper), new cost? don't remember. Also have a new Total Gym 11000DLX with all the bells and whistles, plus some extras. If interested, and you can pick these up, I will sell these items super cheap:) I am in the DFW area, and would love to have someone have these that would use them. Please excuse if this post is inappropriate....but I thought what better place than to offer to my band buddies!
  11. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Hi everyone:) Sorry I haven't posted, but I have been reading! Things are going well...weight loss is slowing, so I get really excited about every 1/2lb. loss. I was living with a too tight band for a long time, and have been in for 2 unfills in the past 2 weeks, total unfill of .5cc's, and I am pleased with the effects. I caught myself "emptying" my pouch (I know - how disgusting) one night before bed...just so I wouldn't get any reflux in the middle of the night. That was just wrong behavior. (Typing a confession...good for the soul...LOL!) Reflux wasn't terrible, maybe 1-2 nights a week, just enough to wake me. But, I could feel the day's food just sitting in my pouch. Forever. Not moving. So reflux was inevitable, I guess. 'Coughing' the contents out is just too simple for me. Nothing would actually get 'stuck' and cause that intense pain...it just wouldn't move on thru. Had a flouro 2 weeks ago, and the stoma was slightly bulged above the band. So in my true, obsessive behavior mode, I started worrying about dialation, slippage, and more surgery. So...unfill time! Nurse told me that a too tight band can actually stall weight loss. Duh. And, in actuality, I probably was eating too little, and the wrong foods. It is soooo hard to get over the 'less food, more weight loss' mentality! Since the unfill, no reflux, (also, no problems eating...) and some immediate weight loss. Go figure. I really have to be careful of pouch packing...and start using self control on portions again. Everyone, please take care of your bands! Exercise is going well...still 5x's a week, cardio, strength and core work. Body is mysteriously reshaping (!), and I even think PS may not be as neccessay as I once thought! Shoulder bones, hip bones...good to actually feel them again! Other than band babble, kids all doing well, youngest graduating HS in a few weeks. Running to lakehouse every weekend, boating season is upon us! Now to find a swimsuit with some power-net to hold me in and last the season. Also some olympic style gardening is in my future! We're coming up on our 1.5 year...It'll take me I figure 2 full years til goal...how about everyone else?
  12. 10cc Vanguard band, average 1+ fill(s) a month (miniscule now, maybe .1 or .2cc's), probably 15 to 18 fills so far. At around 9.4cc's in my band currently. Self pay. First year, all fills needed were included. Second year, I think they charge 100.00 per, insurance now covers, so I pay 25.00 co-pay. I know it could get costly, but don't be in a hury to get filled too quickly. It's not only wise to let your band adjust, but very wise to let your head adjust, and let your new way of eating become a habit :huh2:
  13. Cindi


    Can't burp, belch, whatever! For a year and 3 months now. All I have been able to do since banding is pop small air bubbles past my band. Totally inaudible, and I have to start it, which for some weird reason, I do constantly. It seems to "shuffle" the food past the band, rearranging the food waiting to pass to the low stomach -if you will. What I wouldn't give to down an ice cold root beer fast, and let one rip. Sorry. Too graphic??? LOL!
  14. Charlene, John and Yvonne - Welcome to a whole new way of life....a great, achievable, quality focused life! You will all love being banded...it's not easy, it's not quick, but it does allow you to discover what's important, be accountable for yourself, and it gives us rewards that boost our confidence and self esteem. Keep coming for support...this is a great group of people!
  15. Cindi

    Made THE Decision

    Mattie, congrats on your quest to take hold. I know you live in pretty much constant pain now, and I could only hope that it lessons with the weight loss you'll achieve. Many folks don't exercise with the band. Their loss may be slower, but as time goes by, i think they all start "moving" more...just because they can, and it starts to feel good to be active, rather than painful. Any small, repetitive movement, and activity at all will start to train your body, keping it flexible. I wouldn't worry that it's a hard core cardio session...just stay as active as possible! Over time, your stamina and abilities will grow, and you'll know when it's time to work into a more structured workout. I wish you the best, keep us updated.
  16. Hi Cherie! January 18, 2007 :)

  17. derbygirl, keep me posted if you find a good comparitive source. I imagine I'll be delving into this before year's end, but trying to resist for now...40-50lbs to go. Gonna give my body best chance to get as near goal as possible. All the sites I have browsed, posting their best successes, but not a lot of user input:unsure:
  18. Isn't it great when you can move and do things that "used to be" chores, are now, just - activities?! Gardening is great now...one of my passions! The raking and bending and the digging used to make my back and shoulders hurt sooo bad...now I can do so much more...no pain! Congrats on reclaiming your space...I know it feels wonderful!
  19. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Hey everyone! Haven't poked my keys lately, but have been reading. Jen, glad things are looking up, you've really been through it! That "diet" sound...well, ugh! I could so not be that regimented. Let us know if it is in reality more doable than it sounds! My mom is in from Florida visiting this week, so days are packed with shopping, eating out, entertaining, etc. My fill is still tight, so no worries there. Got her a visitor membership at my health club - she went with me this morning. She's 75, and did the treadmill, some weight machines and some stability ball exercises! She's naturally thin (and tall - what the heck happened to her daughter?!?), and lives on an island in the gulf. She's an avid walker and golfer, but never exercised in an indoor environment...she liked it! Some family members still fighting the flu, otherwise all is well. Just plugging along, not much to contribute. Oh! One disturbing thing, the gal that has always done my fills for over a year now has resigned. We became friends, which makes it hard...I trusted her, it never hurt, great support, always accessible, etc. Now will 'restart' with someone else, who has no records but the records, which bothers me. The one (2?) occasions I had someone else do a fill they were less than skilled. Feeling a little out of it about this. Have a great week everyone...what's going on with you?
  20. Denise, that's a hard workout! I missed mine today...stayed at the lakehouse for Easter..well stayed over to clean up! Did do lots of yardwork and landscaping though. Will hit the elliptical in the morning!
  21. Anyone exercising? Confession time, I missed the gym this morning (had to go in for a fill, rest of day spent playing Monday catch-up). I feel so guilty, will be there tomorrow!
  22. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Hang in there Debbie...it can be so frustrating (had a 5 pound gain outta nowhere last week)! I know the head games can be so overwhelming...it's like, "well, I can eat this, because I eat so little compared to what I used to..." even when it's non-healthy and downright fried, fatty and sugary! 1 piece of chocolate, instead of a bag, 2 cookies instead of a box, 10 chips with guacamole because that's a GOOD fat...yadda yadda...I'm right there with you, and guess what? All those little bits add up to no weight loss for me. It soooo gets harder the further into this we get. Guess I have in my head somewhere that it should be getting easier. It's not! But we can do this! Angyl, gosh I hope you get some relief...your health is so important...no body gets banded to become unhealthy. Make them listen! Or find someone that is compassionate, and there for you!
  23. Cindi

    Up 5 Pounds?!?

    What the heck?!? Up 5 pounds this week...no good reason, and the reflux (unfortunate, but explainable) reared it's ugly head last night. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and try to remember all the reasons this is possible! And I'm not changing my ticker, LOL! ARRRGGGgghhhh!:thumbup::blushing::ohmy:
  24. Cindi

    Up 5 Pounds?!?

    Thanks, Shawn! 5 pounds of muscle, I wish! LOL! I meant to say that I'd stressed the weights so heavily that I was retaining water-weight to cushion those aching muscles. I have more obsession than umpph lately...I really want to eat what I want to eat, and then over train in the gym, which is my "quasi" trade off, with benefits :thumbup: You're absolutely right, Wheetsin! But when that weight gain is staring you in the face, it's very hard to be rational. Sigh. Salsa, you crack me up...how funny! I used to do the drive thru, and haven't in so long. My weakness was the filet o fish and the hottest, greasiest fries available! And those 99 cent double cheeseburgers. Just typing it now makes me wanna choke! I think you are right also. 30 lbs. ago my rings were loosening. For a few days here, they wouldn't spin. Yep, t'was Water weight, and it went away by this morning! I did get a small fill, .1cc. I am leary at this high level, but wanted more help from the band as my willpower and choices were starting to slack. If restricted enough, my choices don't include 'bad' ones. Thanks to all for holding me up thru this rough spot!
  25. Cindi

    Anyone here?

    Lisa, congrats on the roller skating! Sounds like it was fun. I hope to get back on a horse this summer...for the past few years I felt so sorry for any horse that tried to carry me...add my out of shape condition, I just stopped riding. Hope to be back "in the saddle" soon! Diet Coke? I was so addicted (Coke Zero). Haven't had a carbonated drink of any kind since banding. Was actually easier than I thought. Susie...great weight loss! Wow!! Angyl, I'm curious to know what dietary changes they suggest, and their plan to add calories... Heading for a fill check up tomorrow morning. I can see removing some as well as adding some. Things have been so up and down lately!

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