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About TexasLady1986

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  • Birthday 03/14/1986

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  1. Happy 27th Birthday TexasLady1986!

  2. Happy 26th Birthday TexasLady1986!

  3. Hi everyone, I've been considering Lap Band for over a year now. I always end up turning away from it for the following reasons: 1) I have a BMI of about 32.5 (I'm 5'4, and 190 lbs right now). I feel like while I am what is classified as obese, I should be able to take care of my weight just with exercise and a proper diet. 2) I'm only 25. I've been fortunate to have never had to have any type of serious surgery up till this point in my life. My parents have raised me with the idea that one should avoid surgery as much as possible (unless its absolutely needed) because it almost always will result in complications. I feel like I'm still young, and I have a lot of life to still live. I wonder if getting the procedure done will complicate and reduce my quality of life in any way? 3) I am in Grad school and its very demanding. I do have a month off in the winter and then Summers off. But I wonder if complications could offer during the School year which would disrupt my studies. My reasons for considering the Lap Band procedure: 1) I've been overweight since I was maybe in the 4th grade. I come from a South Asian background in which people are very critical and frank about other peoples appearances. I'm very used to family friends, family members, constantly commenting on my weight. At all times. At any occasion. And as much as I'd love to tell them all to mind their manners and back off- its really not possible for me to change the culture. I've been so aware about my weight for such a long time that I believe it completely contributed to my being depressed. When I was 18, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and I have been taking anti depressants since that time. I lost weight through diet and exercise twice successfully. Once when I was around 17- but that was accomplished through at least 2 hours of cardio every day, and being bulimic. I got down to about 140 lbs, which was the thinnest I've been in my adult life and the only time I was at a healthy weight. I stopped the purging thing many years ago because of all of the frightening consequences but I havent stopped the binging. I've always had a problem with over eating. I actually got up to 225 pounds in 2006. My boyfriend at the time told me he was no longer attracted to me (Which broke my heart) and I decided I'd lose weight. Through eating healthy and working out every day again, I got down to 175. Despite my attempts at loosing the weight, nothing seems to want to budge. I think I've almost become numb to it. But then I'm reminded how it is an issue. Since then, I've gotten back to around 185-190, which is where I most often am at. I have very high cholesterol and diabetes from both my paternal and maternal sides of the family. Both of my grandmothers are morbidly obese, and almost all of the women from my moms side of the family are obese as well. I know that anyone who is overweight knows what its like to be made fun of, or stigmatized, or limited because of their body weight. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to ever be able to wear a Bikini. For that brief time that I was slimmer, I was amazed at how people treated me. Like a princess. Strangers were so kind. And to be able to compare that to how I am treated now ( which is still fine, its just NOT anywhere close to what it was when I was thin) is amazing and horrible. My father is a Physician and he really wants me to seriously consider the lap band. I guess I'm just scared of the complications and I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to control my eating. I'd really appreciate anyones input about all of this. Thanks for taking the time to read. Take care.
  4. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums TexasLady1986! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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