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    Savannah26 reacted to Ladybandito in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Yay, Ready4myJouney! Good going Kymie... 80 lbs WOW! I just started a thread under fills asking if anyone else cannot "feel" their band. It just started this week that I noticed I don't "feel" it anymore. I'm not hungry and keeping on track with small meals so I hope this is normal. It's weird not to have the AM tightness, and I read so much about others being so tight... I see the doc on Wed so I'll mention it.
  2. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to Ladybandito in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Yes, well now we know, Horsegirl, and truly, thanks for sharing that cuz I did wonder...
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend..
    Girls, are you not posting because you're off-track ... Or because you're doing so well you don't need our group anymore? LOL, either way, stop in for an update!!
    Or, oh no, I just thought of this, is it because I just started posting regularly?? I hope not! I need you guys!
  3. Like
    Savannah26 got a reaction from Ladybandito in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    I'm so close Onderland, I can taste it. Tip toeing on 202 lbs. today. It's exciting knowing that I should be there within a few days, hopefully. Keeping my fingers crossed. Everyone is doing good - keep up the good work!!
  4. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to Melisca24 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hi everyone! I'm Melissa, married mom of 2 boys. I was banded on January 17, 2012. My starting weight was 380. With the pre-op diet and the band, I am 316 this morning! I have been a lurker since day one of my surgery. I love this site. So many of you inspire me to do better! Just wanted to introduce myself! Thanks for the posts of issues and inspirations! Hope to be in the 200's soon!!!
  5. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to JMV in Hello!   
    Hello, everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself and say how much I have enjoyed reading the posts of my fellow banders.
    I had surgery in November, 2010 and from 2011 up until recently, I did not fare so well. We had a lot going on in life and I quickly learned that fast food was not my friend. We also were overwhelmed with selling our house, trying to buy another house and moving so again, turning to fast food because things were in total chaos. Not to mention stress on top of stress!
    Now, we're settled in our new home and the past few months have been going great! I weighed 212 before surgery. Much to my disappointment (in myself), I had only lost 10 pounds from surgery date to March of this year.
    After my appointment in March, I made up my mind this band was going to work for me and that was that.
    I had an appointment with my surgeon today and since my last visit (March) I am down by exactly 20 pounds! He is overall pleased with my progress and said I don't even look like the same person he operated on. How excited I am to be wearing 2 sizes smaller than I have been!
    Thank you all for sharing your stories and photos with me and I appreciate all of the motivation that I see here. God has truly blessed me.
  6. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to Dacoop in Wow A Great Month   
    I just went to my doctor and I am down 12 lbs in a month. So I am at 75 lbs. I was scarred to go because with summer and my band feeling tighter I haven't ate the best. I can only eat a tiny bit at a time so I had been eating more slider foods. But I do have to say I have been doing great on Water intake. I think I am starting to get the hang of this and maybe I just might be at 100 lbs by one year which is in Dec. I just was so excited I had to post it
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    Savannah26 reacted to chrissylu in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Oh my goodness peeps! It has been a crazy few days! I unexpectedly started a new job Fridaybut I couldn't say anything until now. I am with the same company (t.v. station) and I swtiched from being the local sales coordinator to the national sales coordinator. The previous national person resigned and I was asked...well was basically moved as I didn't have much choice in the matter...into that position. It is crazy busy and I have a lot of "straightening out" of things. Thank God I was on liquids today because I didn't have time to eat! LOL. Doctor appointment was fine. I'm holding at 78lbs! I expect (hope anyway) to break out of that while I'm on liquids/mushies. He did just a tiny fill because I have been able to eat a full cup of food. I'm at 6.3cc in a 10cc band. I also haven't done well at logging my food the past few days. I'm trying to regain that control. Schedule has been so nuts, I haven't been able to exercise and I feel it. I hate that its dark again so early in the morning. I enjoy walking my neighborhood while its quiet.
    Meredith...good luck on the job interview...I'll say a prayer for you.
    JDI...congrats on the new gig, if I haven't said so already. And work that stress out! But...as long as you're not stress eating...then you're ahead of the game anyway.
    Horsegirl...hang in there and take it one day at a time. You're doing great!
    I know I've missed something or someone, so I apologize. Wanted to check in before I Iron for tomorrow. "from morning til the setting sun, a woman's work is never done. "
  8. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to MeredithMcFee in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    I think Horsegirl and I have something in common. Longgggggggg posts! Sorry guys. Oh well, it keeps me from putting something in my mouth to chew on! LOL
  9. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to MeredithMcFee in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hi everyone! Wow, I have to remember all I've read so I can comment here.
    Looks like we're all winding down now that summer is slowly coming to an end. I'm not ready yet to say good bye despite the high temps we've had part of the time but I just love being out in my backyard, where I am right now listening to the wonderful sounds of crickets chirping.
    Nicki: I just got a call today for a second interview for next Wed as the HR manager is out this week. The Prac Admin was not able to make the last interview so I guess I'm in the running! I hope so.
    NJ2NC: I live right on the border of Long Branch in Oceanport. Growing up, we lived in Union County. My dad use to by pass LB and we would go to Asbury Park and Pt Pleasant for most of our shore experiences. I've worked in LB for years and all the natives would tell me about the Haunted Mansion and the fire at the pier. It's all grown up now and is beautiful.
    Savannah2: kudo's to you on getting to onderland. Drink Protein Drinks the next few days and you'll get there! Good luck. It's a great feeling.
    Ladybandito: I too like your idea of one drink, 2 glasses of Water. I have to say since the band I have really lost my zest for drinking. Summer time I usually have crystal light lemonade and vodka while in the pool but didn't do it too often this summer. Just had 2 glasses of red wine while making dinner and it was nice. I get the darn munchies when I drink so that's another reason why I'm happy I'm not really into it any longer.
    Chrissylu: we're all waiting to hear how you did at the doctor's or did I miss that? I'll have to scroll back up later.
    Horesgirl: You've done well too under the circumstances of summer, family and having fun. We can't all be saints 100% of the time. As long as we're not going up on the scale and just plateauing, I think we're doing great. Afterall, we've all lost a nice chunk of weight being in our 7th month PO.
    I guess I was the only one hear who use to go into the dressing room trying on clothes before WLS and just walked out discouraged. Never felt like bringing them home, trying them on then having to take them back. Either way it was a lose-lose situation and not lose, in a good way, if you understand. Now, I still go in and try not to look at my sagging thighs{they're not too bad I must say} and just put the slacks on. I now look good in clothes as compared to before not looking good in or out of them! That's a win for me! :-)
    Going off for our annual trek to LBI {Long Beach Island, South Jersey} for the day tomorrow. My brother, his family and 3 other families rent a big house down there for the week. My 2 sister's & I go and have fun with the whole gang. I won't feel self conscience in my bathing suit this time and can't wait to take pictures with the kids. Something I didn't like to do before this but did it anyway.
    Wish me luck on this job interview next week. Looks like a great place to work, 10 minutes from my house and something I love to do. I've been home for 2 years not finding anything out there so hopefully, this is it!
  10. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to JustDoIt130 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hi everyone! Nice to see lots of posts .
    NJ2NC- I love fried fish too. Glad DH stuck up for you and mil was good! That's the thing about the band- you can eat what you want but you always have the ability to get back to basics! I hear you about the stuck- I have only been once with a friend who knows I'm banded- I headed to the bathroom but getting up and moving around helped and it passed.
    Chrissy- good luck on the check up- and don't feel ashamed! That doesn't help- like you said, back on the bandwagon. You can always go back!
    Savannah! 202!! Girl, that is awesome! You'll be in Onederland in no time! You'll be my inspiration!!
    Ladybandido- I do that to myself- I haven't been below 185 or so in a zillion years, so that is going to be my weight I stress over....you're doing awesome!
    Horsegirl- I read it all, LOL! I don't drink, so I don't have to worry about that- but my nemesis is ice cream- so I decided I can have it on Sunday. No other days, but Sunday I can. And I have been, for sure . I like lady bandido's idea about the drink/water/drink... And I definitely did the buy clothes without trying them on thing. Not now, though, some stuff I thought would fit is too big! LOL, nice problem to have.
    Well, still stressing about things. Sigh. But I'm dealing. LOL
  11. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to horsegirl315 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    OmG that really was lonnnnng!! Whoever gets to the end wins a prize! Lol!
  12. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to horsegirl315 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Kymie, congrats on getting over the hump!! I'm just getting back in to groove too, first full day of tracking food was today, so nice to track food in the green zone. I'm not hungry, I'm not over full, I'm satisfied. Could I keep eating? Probably. Do I always eat the things I'm supposed to? No, but I always watch my Protein and fat intake especially, and I'm slowly beggining to realize, back to the basics of counting calories is really what will control my head hunger. Not saying I won't take a break now and then, but to get over this plateau I've been stuck at for the past few months, I'm finding it encouraging.
    NJ2NC, welcome back girl! We have all been so busy this summer, and I'm really looking forward to fall, it makes me feel so motivated! The weather, the scenery, running around in a corn maze and not feeling like the "fat person"...love it!!!
    Meredith, so glad to hear about your little "mistake" I'm so happy it gave you the confidence to rock your interview!
    Chrissylu, hope the scale was good to you!!
    Savannah!!! You're so close! Whether it is one or two pounds, honestly, you have already won. Look at how far you have come!! I'm so proud if you, and I'm sure you're gonna look HOT on Halloween!! I would like to be in onederland by Halloween!! I love having a goal to work towards.
    Ladybandito, so good to hear from you! Sounds like you have been doing amazing, keep it up, you're not too far from your goal!!
    As for me, I'm still slightly above 220 daily. I may dip below for a bit, but right back up I go. Honestly, one thing I know has been contributing to my plateau is alcohol. I have a fun loving family, and we get together a lot in the summer...I always say I'm gonna have one drink, but you know what happens when you have one...there go my inhibitions. Another reason I'm looking forward to the end of summer, lol. As I was saying before, I am back to counting calories, and day one went well. Even if I do have a drink, I'm going to limit it to once or twice a week and allow it only if I have room in the calorie count for it. I would like to keep it to once a week because of what alcohol does to your metabolism...its pretty much one of the worst things you can do for your metabolism....that being said, I'm gonna be trading the cocktails for Water more often. I guess ee all have our demons, and mine just do happens to be having a good time, lol. I'm planning on Leslie Sansones 5 miles tomorrow, wherever I can fit it in, and going riding too.
    I'm so grateful for you guys, I love having you here, to talk about a plateau, and get me through it. I can talk to my family, but let's face it...they didn't understand me and my eating habits before...so they aren't going to now. They try, but no one gets it like you guys do
    Although I've been stuck, pun intended, at the sane weight for a few months, maybe a loss of five lbs over the past three months, I've been getting more compliments then ever!! Someone at work even asked me if I ever eat!! I went shopping with my sister today and was able to just pick some things out, try them on, decided I loved them, and went on my way! Am I the only one here that used to buy clothes without trying them on, just so I could cry at home instead of in a dressing room?? On that depressing note, have a good night everyone I think this post is long enough!!!! ))
  13. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to Ladybandito in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Savannah, I remember that 202 on the scale! It gets really motivating when you get to onederland which will be any day now for you.
    This week I'm at 170 (have stepped up the exercise this month) and I am over the moon! Psychologically I have a set-point in my head that makes breaking below 170 a challenge for me (I also had it at 190, but did it eventually after a rather long plateau so I know I will do this too!) Not sure what it is about those weights that makes me self-sabotage but I am finding it so much easier with the band to get back on track quickly instead of throwing in the towel. It is the reason I got the band in the first place ... I lost the same 30 pounds over and over before. My goal is around 130-145 so I'm thrilled with the progress so far.
    Congrats to our new-job holders and to everyone for their victories both scale and non-scale. I love reading ALL of your posts!
  14. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to JustDoIt130 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hi everyone! I too have a job interview today, so wish me luck too! I have to say, I feel much more confident at 211 lbs than I did at 284 lbs!
    Meredith- GOOD LUCK!! You'll do awesome, and congrats on the size 16 practically 14!!! Yay!!! And that NSV, that's a biggie, I HATED flying when I was larger, so embarrassing.
    Savannah- Oneder(ful)land, LOL, 7 lbs, that's just a few weeks away! Good for you! Getting to the green zone in your head is a great accomplishment, as I have seen written, we have a band around our stomach, not our head, and that's a hard thing to tame, so good for you!
    Chrissy-me too on the sliders- popcorn and of course, ice cream. I am having to really eat more slowly and chew chew chew- things I'm so not used to doing. I know when I got this surgery I vowed to not eat sliders, that I would chew my Protein and eat healthily, not crap- so I just have to keep that in my head. I also decided I would absolutely not lie to myself and I would log everything I ate, even the crap sliders.
    As far as the BM thing- I'll bet it's just your body finally adjusting. I think being regular is a good thing. Have you upped your liquid intake at all? that could help in that department. I think it's a good thing.
    Kymie- I hear you! I too get too hungry and then take to big a bite my first bite and don't chew enough then get stuck then eat something crappy later. I just have started stopping myself before that first bite and reminding myself to eat small bites (it helps to cut things up into small bites before I start eating- it gives me time to remind myself, then they're all ready and cut up small!). I'm also trying to insert a snack- usually greek yogurt- in the afternoon so I'm not starving at dinner. I also (as I said to Chrissy) log everything- EVERYTHING! As to exercise, it's important- but with a pulled calf muscle take it easy. Maybe walking, if it doesn't hurt, or stretching or just upper body, but try to get back in the habit- I totally know what you mean by it's a cycle. Greek yogurt is good for a tight band, for sure, and it's got a lot of protein. Also cheese- I love sharp cheese, or I heard those laughing cow cheeses are good. Good luck, hang in there, and you're NOT failing the band! It's a process, and heck woman, you've lost 75 lbs in a little over 6 months!!! Not a failure!! Just keep on plugging along, there will be ups and downs.
    Had a good sweaty zumba class last night, then a kind of restless night stressing about this interview. And being at work, knowing I'm being laid off, sux. But I WILL get this job, I am a great fit and I will do a great job in the interview!! LOL
  15. Like
    Savannah26 got a reaction from Ladybandito in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    I'm so close Onderland, I can taste it. Tip toeing on 202 lbs. today. It's exciting knowing that I should be there within a few days, hopefully. Keeping my fingers crossed. Everyone is doing good - keep up the good work!!
  16. Like
    Savannah26 got a reaction from Ladybandito in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    I'm so close Onderland, I can taste it. Tip toeing on 202 lbs. today. It's exciting knowing that I should be there within a few days, hopefully. Keeping my fingers crossed. Everyone is doing good - keep up the good work!!
  17. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to WestieLove in My Scale Said What...   
    299.8!!! First time under 300 in 4+ years! I am so excited I can hardly stand it... and I got to start mushies today... first realy meal in 3 weeks... today was a good day
  18. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ in People Noticed!   
    It feels sooooo good when people comment about your weight loss. I love hearing that. Just this weekend my husbands best friend said that I looked great and that I must have lost a lot of weight. Boy did that feel good.
  19. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to NJ2NC in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Meredith, I should have come to the Jersey Shore it's been many many years since I've been..I grew up in NJ and as a child went to Long Branch a many of summers! I remember when the haunted house burned down! didn't get a weight, MIL had a scale but no batteries..I figured it was a sign to just wait till I got home and exercised some of her food off.. lol
    Chrissy and JDI - I got my husband to mention I'm watching what I ate..MIL was great about it..she even baked me a few things..but I couldn't resist her fish..yes it was fried! I love fish..weakness. but I think I did ok.
    Hope everyone else is doing well.
    Now I'm in Atlanta on a work trip and today with 5 other co-workers tried to eat an early lunch and low and behold STUCK on chicken salad!! it was so hard to pretend all was well I just kindly said ..hmm, I need to find the restroom... hoping I could make it as I could feel it coming back up and fast with lots of gurgling.. then of course I couldn't eat right away once I returned. It was weird just saying to everyone 10 minutes b4..I'm hungry and then having everyone look at me like why are you not eating! Now to get through the next few days!
  20. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to JustDoIt130 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hi everyone! I got the job, not sure of start date, sometime in the next week or so. All good. It's a transfer really to a sister division. A longer commute and not as much money, but it's better than no job.
    NJ2NC- HI!!! Congratulations on Onederland!!! That is awesome, I agree with Meredith- take a picture!!! I know I will.
    Meredith- awesome on size 14!!!! How did your interview go? It's amazing how much more confident I was being "smaller."
    Kymie- yeppers on the willpower! But, at least to me, it's a little easier than without the band, especially when I see results.
    Chrissy- exercise seems to be really important to my weight loss to, dang it!
    Well, I got the job but there's some drawbacks- but there's a YMCA about 7 minutes away from the office and so I will have to work out on my lunch- I will have to be to work earlier than now and it's about a 40-45 minute commute, so no working out in the morning, and there goes the time I have been able to spend with the kids in the morning, so I don't want to come home and take time away from them by having to still work out. Sigh- it's not perfect but beats not having a job!
  21. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to NJ2NC in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hello Everyone, just thought I'd drop in and say hello it's been a good long while. Summer schedule has been rough! I have LOTS to catch up on with you all.. Last couple months weight loss has been slow since I cut my exercise down almost 1 maybe 2 days a week. However I felt so good this morning I got out the shower and stepped on the scale and saw 199..I almost screamed I knew it would go away once I got dressed so I just cherished that moment.
    Just wanted to share and I'll make sure I spend some time catching up with everyone's posts..
  22. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to MeredithMcFee in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Hi Everyone. I'm back and with a vengence! The past 8 weeks I've been off my game for one reason or another, however, it's ok. I've plateaued for all that time, staying the same weight which I'm ok with since I haven't been really exercising for the most part. My step daughter is back home for school and now I can get back into my routine.
    Started back yesterday with Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fat burning DVD. Today will be Denise Austen's kickboxing DVD. Need to shake it up a little and get the scale going down.
    Nicki: sounds like you're having fun in Myrtle Beach. Hope the weather improves.
    Savannah: Congrats on the 7lb loss. That is a big motivator for sure. Don't beat yourself up about not holding to your past goals, we've all been there but as long as we're going forward that's the most important thing. We're NOT giving up! Often we need something for ourselves to boost our morale and set goals and it sounds like the Halloween outfit is and will be the right fit for you. Even something as small as a DVD, new sneaks/workout clothes can give us the incentive to get back in the game. Whatever it is, and it works, go for it.
    While waiting for my stepdaughter while she went to marshal arts class, I spent the hour walking the strip mall until Marshall's opened up. I went crazy buying yoga pants, racer bras and running shirts. Right after WLS, I went to a running store and had a running analysis so I would get the right sneaker for working out. I saw all those cute small running clothes for women {and expensive} and said to myself, "I will get into those one of these days". Went into Marshall's bought a pair of yoga pants, took them home to try on and fell in love with them. Love the spandex that controls you and hides the cellulite and other lumps and bumps as well as the cheaper price. Went back another day and bought a few more outfits. It probably would've cost me the same amount in the running store for just one of their outfits when I got 4! Crazy! So, I am now wearing these outfits to run out to the store and doing errands and feel extremely comfident wearing them and not self conscience.
    Well gotta go, the gym is calling me. Missing everyone!
  23. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to JustDoIt130 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    Wow, no posts over the weekend? I was playing with 15 foot long king cobras, what's your excuse?? LOL
    Meredith- awesome shopping! I love those outlets, can't wait to spend a whole lot of $$ there.
    A lot of walking, no real "formal" exercise though. I did my Firm video this morning, it was tough being out of it for 3 days, bidia (but I did it anyways). Got some.....news...on Friday right before I left- I will be leaving my company but have an interview that is a "formality" for a sister division. So that kind of sucked, I love where I am...but better than being without a job. So I had that stress. And we did 3- count 'em 3- buffets in 2 days. A chinese buffet, Golden Corral, and KFC buffet. I did well. I did PB bad on the way down and once at my mom's house. No bread for me anymore! I also let myself go too long between eating sometimes then eat too fast, have to work on that.
    I hope everyone's weekend went well, post post post!
  24. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to 126dee in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    I know I statrted participating in this forum a few months ago and then dropped of the face of the earth...why??? Ashamed. I was doing so weel in the beginning. I started my journey at 238, after my surgery on Jan. 18th I was the best student my doctor ever had. Then around May (I was 186 lb) I lost my mojo. Today I stepped on the scale and I'm back up to 193 lb. Sure, I'm still down 45 pounds, and I know that is great, but then I think where I could be if I didn't lose my momentum and I get depressed...where is the ice cream?
    So today I had my 3rd adjustment. I don't know how many cc's are in my band but my doctor uses an x-ray machine during the adjustment and I look like I am pretty tight. I am now sitting at my desk, drinking my Protein Shake and realizing I need to complete the journey I started last year when I sat at the seminar and made the decision to save my life.
    So my goals for this weekend...stick to liquids though Saturday as instruced by my doctor. This will be difficult since I have a wedding to attend tomorrow, and a party at my house on Saturday. Luckily, beer counts as a liquid and I only need one of these to have a buzz these days. I also intend to write out a menu, via fitnesspal, for next week and stay within the 1,300 calorie budget my nutritionist has given me. Hopefully I can be close to the weight I was in May by the end of this month.
    Wish me luck and thank you...reading your posts has provided me with the encouragement I need.
  25. Like
    Savannah26 reacted to nicole1 in January Surgery Bandsters Group   
    My Goals:
    1. workout 5 days a week GOAL NOT MET THIS WEEK, BUT STILL OK
    2. log food 6 out of 7 days GOAL MET!!! YEAH ME!!
    3. check in with January Bandsters everyday and replied most days. GOAL MET THIS WEEK!!

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