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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Savannah26

  1. Savannah26

    Pain With Eating

    Are you properly chewing and eating slow? I was banded on Jan. 31st and have 7cc in my 11cc band. I have always eaten soooooooooooo slow - frustratingly slow - and chewed my food to death - so I have the problem of my food sliding right through the band, thus not getting "satisfied" soon enough. Needless to say, I have never gotten sick and my weight loss is also frustratingly slower than expected. If you feel that you should have Fluid removed, definitely do that. I would probably personally wait it out, maybe do liquids for a couple of days, then back to the basics, mushies, etc. I welcome the day when I feel too tight..... hopefully then I can start really losing the weight. Good luck - keep in touch!
  2. Thanks B-52. Can you tell me what size band you have and the amount in it? I have an 11cc band with 7 cc’s. Just wondering if I am one of those who will need to have their band almost at full capacity to feel true restriction and be in the green zone. P.S. Love the new way of looking at this – satisfaction vs. fullness. Thanks!
  3. I would like to know the same thing. I love my doctor - he is allowing me to be aggressive with my fills. I had surgery January 31st - first fill of 5cc on March 5th - second fill of 2cc on April 2nd. So 9 weeks banded and I have 7cc in my 11cc band. I barely feel restriction - never gotten sick - have felt a little chest pain a few times, but that is it. I'm hoping that I will feel the delayed restriction that some people talk about that occurs several days after the fill (which seems weird that it wasn't immediate?). I am the slowest eater in the world and I chew my food to death before swallowing - which is a really good thing with the band, however, I find that it slides through the band easily, thus never getting stuck. Unfortunately, my weight loss seems too slow and it takes more for me to feel full. I quit eating when the plate is empty - as I don't get the "full" feeling very often. I gained 4 lbs. from the surgery fluids and with absolutely no restriction, that is all the weight I lost until my first fill - so no change on the scale according to my doctor's office. I did lose 6.2 lbs. the next four weeks after the first fill. It is so slow and I'm so impatient!! It seems like I stay stuck on the same weight day after day after day, then finally it will drop a few ounces and the scale moves down to the next pound, where I stay for days - you get the picture. At least I can tell that I have lost inches, had to buy smaller size 14 jeans and people are finally noticing and commenting - yeah me! So, keep in touch and everyone please comment!!
  4. Savannah26

    Dragging My Feet. A Rant.

    Abbie - for me, the surgery was the easiest surgery I have ever had. I didn't have any gas pains (proactively took GasX just in case), the pain wasn't even pain - it was soreness, which goes away completely within 2 weeks. I was literally up and cleaning my daughter's house (stayed with her the first two days post surgery) and doing her laundry and feeling fine. For me, it was a breeze and I know it will be the best tool I have ever had, along with the hope and knowledge that I will one day be thin and be healthier. Again, keep in mind, the first several months post surgery, most people don't feel any restriction and even question whether or not they actually have a band - I did. I have had one fill of 5cc in my 11cc band and still don't have any restriction. I can eat anything and everything i want - which is good and bad. Good because I have more time to convert to a new life style and become more focused about loosing weight and eating healthier, but bad as I have only lost 10 lbs. in 6 weeks. My next fill is April 2nd - hoping to start filling restriction so that I can eat only 1/2 cup of food and be full. That is my dream. I say go for it - I don't the only regret many people ever have is not doing it sooner. Good Luck girl!!
  5. Savannah26

    How Much Weight Do You Say You've Lost?

    Allison - I just saw that you have lost over 100 lbs. in 8 months!! You are my new hero - that is awesome. Your picture is beautiful - I hope you feel amazing. Very inspirational to this newbie. Can you tell me when you hit the green zone and actually started having true restriction? I just had my first fill (5cc in an 11cc band) and have no restriction. Next fill scheduled for April 9th - not sure how many cc the doctor will give me at that time, although I am going to push for 2cc - lol. May have to immediately unfill some of it - but I just want to hit that zone so bad and I have little patience.
  6. Savannah26

    How Much Weight Do You Say You've Lost?

    I think it's mentally healthy to proudly announce that you have lost ## pounds from your all time highest weight. Such a big accomplishment and lots of hard work - so shout it out girlfriend! By the way, "I have lost 22 lbs. total so far from my highest weight" (248 down to 226). I was banded 6 weeks ago. Only 7 lbs. lost since surgery day - but I know I'll get there once I finally feel restriction! Happy Banding!
  7. Savannah26


    You look great! Very pretty
  8. Savannah26

    Do You Feel Full??

    My doctor doesn't put anything in during surgery. Six weeks later, he put 5cc in my 11cc band. I am scheduled for my next fill on April 9th - can't wait. I can still eat alot in my opinion and don't feel any restriction with 5cc. However, I joined Weight Watchers on Monday and have lost 4 lbs, in one week - whoop whoop! So I think it is a combination of both WW and healthy eating while "pretending" I have restriction - lol. I am hoping that I can get true restriction on the next fill. Until then, it's amazing how good it feels to finally see that scale moving after being at the same weight basically since the surgery. Happy Banding everyone!
  9. Savannah26

    First Fill?

    My doctor doesn't put anything in during surgery. Six weeks later, he put 5cc in my 11cc band. I am scheduled for my next fill on April 9th - can't wait. I can still eat alot in my opinion and don't feel any restriction with 5cc. However, I joined Weight Watchers on Monday and have lost 4 lbs, in one week - whoop whoop! So I think it is a combination of both WW and healthy eating while "pretending" I have restriction - lol. I am hoping that I can get true restriction on the next fill. Until then, it's amazing how good it feels to finally see that scale moving after being at the same weight basically since the surgery. Happy Banding everyone!
  10. The same thing happened to me Dee. I was banded on January 31, 2012 and still learning every day. Most of us tend to gain a few lbs. from the surgery and IV fluids. I weighed about 5 lbs. more. I managed to lose that and literally stayed at the same weight for the next month. I got my first fill (btw, did not hurt at all!) last Monday (3/5) and the scale is moving again - so excited, finally. I know it is hard to be patient, but they say it will happen for us...... Good Luck!
  11. Savannah26

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I am in the process of trying to deactivate my "Clean Plate" membership!! I have always thought Empty Plate = Done. I am trying to retrain my brain to understand and accept that Full = Done. :wub:
  12. Savannah26

    First Fill

    I just got back from having my first fill (5cc) - it was SO easy, I could not believe that it really did not hurt AT ALL!!! I also got a bandaid, cup of water, and a "see you in 6 weeks" - lol. I am on liquids for a few days, then mushies. I couldn't be happier. I cannot wait to have that "full" feeling on a teensy, tiny bit of food. I am so looking forward to eating like a petite little flower - ha ha. I honestly can't tell any difference from the fill - still chugging water like I did before. Hopefully, I will get full fast when I start mushies. I actually want to get sick just one time so I get too scared to let it happen again - lol.
  13. First Fill today (3/5/12) - No numbing agent....seriously, it was so easy!! I'm needle phobic and worked myself up into a frenzy and it didn't even hurt! I'm doing the happy dance with 5cc in my 11cc band - whoop whoop!!

  14. Savannah26

    I Saw It With My Own Eyes!

    That's my next goal too - been at 228 for a while, but first fill today - yeah!
  15. Savannah26

    Weight Gain At The Hospital!!??

    Yes - the same thing happened to me. I am going in for my first fill today and plan to ask my doctor why that happened. Very demotivating!
  16. Mine is also very high - right under my left breast. I think I prefer it there as I read some people have theirs in their bend zone. I go for m first fill tomorrow - we'll see if I still like there after that - lol.
  17. Savannah26

    So Inspirational!!

    I was banded on January 31st - losing 22 lbs is awesome! My highest weight was 248, day of surgery 235, today 228. So 20 lbs down from my all time highest weight. I had lost 4 more lbs., but had a sip of water and gained it back - lol. Anyway, I go Monday for my first fill - you are so lucky to have gotten your fill quick, because I feel no restriction at all and that is why I am stuck at 228. Anyway, did the the fill hurt? My doctor doesn't use any numbing agent and I am terrified of needles - not looking forward to that part, but definitely can't wait for the restriction to kick in! Good Luck and keep in touch.
  18. Savannah26


    How did it go? I get my first fill on Monday. My doctor does not use any numbing agents, so I am very anxious. I'm needle phobic, so that definitely doesn't help. Can you guys tell me what to expect? I've been watching video's, but I want to hear it from someone directly. I was banded January 31st. Surgery was truly a piece of cake, well, maybe that's not a good reference, but you get the point. It was the easiest surgery I have ever had. I don't feel ANY restriction and can eat anything I want - which I hate!! I am so ready for a fill so I actually believe I am truly banded! LOL
  19. Hi Toddy, I also had surgery on January 31st. My first fill is scheduled for next week. I don't have any restriction which I hate. We had a family emergency two weeks ago and I had to go out of town for 4 days - eating every meal out. I gained back 4 lbs. that I had lost since surgery. That was very upsetting and I have been beating myself up over it and finally chose to get back on track also. I completely judge myself and am ashamed that I have only lost 3 lbs. since surgery 4 weeks ago - it could have been 7 lbs.!!! Anyway, I rarely ever drink, so can't help you there. I have kept my surgery a complete secret from everyone too, except my daughter and out of state cousin. I took 4 "vacation" days off work - no one has a clue, not even my best friend, not my father, not my brothers. I have always eaten soooooo slow, so the family and friends are used to it. Guess they will be grateful when we all finish eating at the same time and probably won't notice I didn't eat hardly anything - once I start feeling restriction. So, to answer your question (how do you act normal around a bunch of friends, none of whom know you've had WLS??) - I started talking about trying to lose weight a few months ago when I stopped drinking sweet tea, diet coke, and started working on the pre-op plan to lose 20 lbs. So, everyone just thinks I am on a diet. The good/bad thing about lap bands is that the weight loss is gradual, so being on a diet along with the 1-2 lbs. we are supposed to lose each week will make sense to everyone else. I have already started talking about portion control as well, in preparation for outings in which I only eat a small amount. Perhaps you can do the same and also mention you are trying to eat slower so you can feel full faster. I just can't wait for my first fill so I can walk the walk and talk the talk. Good luck and keep in touch - we are lap band buddies! We can help hold each other accountable and support each other since we are in this "secret" together from Day One!
  20. Savannah26

    Got My Band Todayy!

    I was banded 10 days ago - it's been pretty good for me so far. The soreness just takes a couple of days, use your pain meds. I realized yesterday that I feel almost normal again - yeah! Good luck on your journey - we are all right there with you! Welcome to the newly banded side with me,
  21. Thanks everyone - and congrats to all of us on the banded side. Surgery yesterday, today was good - really good. Soreness relieved with liquid Lortab, no gas pains but took 2 Gas X proactively to make sure. I actually am staying with my daughter this week and spent the majority of the day cleaning her house and doing her laundry! Boy, I hope I don't pay for that tomorrow - lol. I usually tend to do too much too soon. I am not hungry but drinking plenty of liquids - hoping the not hungry feeling lasts a long time. I am so grateful this turned out to be so much better than I had imagined it would be. Stay strong everyone and good luck to us!
  22. Surgery went great and I feel fine. Was in and out in 7 hours. I took some GasX as soon as I got home, so no pain - yeah. This was the easiest surgery I have ever had. I am so happy. I've been drinking plenty of fluids all day with no problem. All of my fears and anxiety were for nothing - lol. Now onto a lifetime of health and feeling great and looking great. For me, this was the best decision I have ever made and the best is yet tocome. Have a good night everyone!
  23. Savannah26


    Look at you now - beautiful!!!

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