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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Lauracat

  1. Lauracat
    it seems to be the question evey ones asking if i only knew how hard it would be would i do it all over again ?The answer is yes i would I have been strugling with my weight watching it creap up and i felt out of control i did not know what to do. The band is control even with the complations i had i stil do it all over again. Knowintg how much my life would have to change i still do it all over again, Life is about living it hard to live when you spend so much time on the side lines becuse you just can't.
    I stil need to work out some things like slowing down when i eat or drink I put an egg timmer on for 20 mins thats how long it should take me to eat,
    I still need to work out copeing ways as now the eating thing that i cused to cope is not going to work.
    But Yes I would do it all over again even knowing all i know now I do not regreat my getting banded I am very thankful to Dr Jones for doing my band and being my chearleader when i coulld not.
    I lost about 27 lbs almost 30 in the 5 weeks i have had my band, I work at it evey day thats how i succced I write evey thing down all the info in a speical joual and it makes me set a goal for the next day so i know just what i did an i can be honset with my self. This was not a quick fix it very hard and i would do it all over again
  2. Lauracat
    I lost about 27 lbs since i started i was working out with my tainer today and we were doing some things we have not done in along time and they were so much easyer he said you relly changed in the last mouth. He said right before sugery you could not do these things and now look at you. I said yea 25 lbs off my kneese hurt so much less. I said my hip pain is so much less. I used to feel my kneese going up the stairs. I can walk up stairs with out stopping to need to catch my breat. I can go shopping in store other than layne brayntt aloth i still go there. I can do lots of things i never did before. Thats why i must live this life becuse there a life out there that i was not living 27 lbs ago.
  3. Lauracat
    I had my 2 week follow up and it went well i was advanced to stage 4 mushie/ softer food. It alot of info to take I told them that i could not even look choclet after two weeks of choclet protine powder I told them it took care of my 30 Pluse years of love with the stuff now if they could just do something about red velvet cake we be all set. I had one agenda get back to the gym. so i asked and i frist was told okay to zumba / no to body pump then I asked the nurse she said Okay to light working out maybe okay to zumba / no to body pump. Then the fellow came in and looked at me. Who i did not like and I told him that too. But he said Okay zumba oaky to working with my trainer / okay to water arobics in a week / no to body pump. so the surergon came in and i asked him he said what is body pump I explaned it weightlifting enderness. Is Fellow said you do not take no for an aswer do you. I said I not fond of the word and he said fine knock your heart out but if it hurts promice me you'll stop and no sit up. I said okay No sit up dose not mean no cruches he said sit ups and dose not mean no hover.
    I then told him i wanted to switch dr and he asked me why i told him i did not like the fellow and he said what happened I told him he yelled at me and did not listen and i told him about what happened in the hospital and how he let me go dehirated and then got mad when i could not catch up. He said to his fellow she mad say your sorry you owe her that. His Fellow said she looks great. The sueron said i sure she loves to hear that becuse she dose but thats not what she wants to hear just say your sorry so we can get on with it. So his fellow did muble it.
    I had one stich that had worked it way out that was taken care of . I lost 20.5 lbs so far I feel great and today i going to body pump for the frist time in two weeks
  4. Lauracat
    I grew up in a family when you finshed what you had on your plate taking food home was a sing of weekness. Also if you wanted seconds you better eat fast becuse it will be gone before you know it you snoze you loze. As a grew up and would have fights with my family it would always end the same way someone saying there sorry with food. I am sorry let me make it up to you by lunch, a sunday ect.
    Today i had high protine lactose free yougest for bresfest after i took all my lquid med i could only get 3 oz down my frist thought was oh no i spent money on this food I have to eat it. My next thought was this is what got you here in the frist place no one is holding a gun to my head saying eat it and it okay to say No I am full relly i am and thow it away. This was a huge brake though for me. I did not need the whole thing i was fine with my 3 oz and being done becuse i was done and i needed to listen to what my body was telling me not my head. I needed to trun that peice off and relly listen to my boady
  5. Lauracat
    I going to start off with a funny story I was standing in line at CVS need to refill on folic acid and get gas ex strips and i started to fell the gas symtoms pain in my stumic that i knew i wanted and need and behide me was a pre-school age child and there parents and well i just had no choice and out came the gas and the child behind me said "mommmy that lady just let out a stinky and it smells" Frist i wanted to hide then i wanted to trun around and say I am sorry i am 8 days past lap bad and it one of the side effects. But i keeped my compuser and let it go I guess you can tell a person who had lap band by why they have in there purse
    1. water bottle
    2. gas ex strips
    3. air fresher
    4. body spray
    5. protine powder and shaker bottle
    7, Crystal light to go
    I might have over done it by going to the gym yesterday. I love my gym it a great place i joined it over a year ago and still like going from the most amzing staff to my personal trainer they all treated me with such recepct and know what i can do and make me work so hard. I told my self i was just going to walk around the indoor track but the reclining bike called my name and 30 mins latter i was done. I felt it all last nigt to the point i broke out the old pain stuff becuse my stumic hurt so much just to sit up. Still kind of sore I got to rember to pass my self in my bare feet shoes .
    the cultre back on my UTI she said i am growing so pretty funnky stuff and she wanted to switch my anti botic right away as i was not sentive to the one i was on. The side effect of this one losse stools this should be fun. also yest i think it starting as all over insistion sight is red and crusty and oh so ichy I going to call the nurse and see what i safely put on it
    So tonight i have to meet with a clint this is the frist time i have to put on real cloths since i had this done i been living in sweets for the last 9 days so i have to see what i have in my wardorbe to wear. I think i have a pair of legging that might woek with a nice jacket and some accessry a little make up and boom i can look good
    Thats all for today

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