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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lauracat

  1. first off welcome . I must admit the normal person would not understand why we would do this. They see it as an Extreme thing to do after all your having surgery. If i had listened to those who did not believe i could could I would never be living the life i live now. Being scared is normal after all you need to be willing to do what it takes to make it work. The best part of a lap band is it all you. Yes it helps you but you can still be you it not the magic bullet people think it is . I had some bumps along the way but you take the good with the bad. I never regret any of it. For once in my life i am the picture of heath I do things i only dream of.

  2. Frist fill he just add one cc- no flor needed

    Second was and Unfill by my sugerons Fellow on Juily 4 after a prolapce she tryed and could not get the port and i put and end to it as I was done letting her dig. Then she got it under floro and she removed all the fuild

    Third time was my surgon he took out what was left that was .5 cc and then he add 2cc so far i think i need another fill i feelling nothing but i been told it takes time

  3. the worst thing happened with the band well one of the worst. I had a massive kidney infection in both kidney and i vomited well over a 100 times and i mean hard vomiting on sunday t went to who will alwyas be called as Dr stupid who asked me if i was dizzy yes and then gave me antibotics that could not be crushed and zolfran that could not be crushed they. T

    hen when i called back and said i was misrable becuse of dr supid could not give me the medicaltin i needed they said go to the er where i got a pesrtion for a second antibotic but they could not find out if it could be cushed so the put in the iv and went to work they were just going to give me the antibtic iv and nothing else and send me home they asked me when was the last time i drank anything i sat firday they said we give you 500 cc of fuild and some pain meds zolfran dots sent me home.and said call your primary care dr id you still can not keep anything down, Called they tols me to go back to the same emencey room that told me not to, i said it was a wast of my time and why would i go, Truned out this might have saved my life. I insted on seeing the dr who said you need to be at a hospital she said i calling beth israil they will admitt you. I get there the same thing started happeing I said look i just going to be back here tomorow in the same cycle They said yea your probley right. So they adimitted me I preced to be very sick the next day. But my vomiting changed to a white froffy vomit every time i sollowed my nurse that night said the me Laura i think your band maybe tight. She said when i see the dr I talk to them. That night i still vomited the white froffy stuff all night i could not even sollow my own sliviia i keep renching and coufing up white stuff. July fouth in walk the dr and I said to her you know have we talk about my band. two ekg and and x-ray latter becuse i was haveing pain like i was stuck but could not expan stuck to an skinny dr doctor who did not have a lap band. She said I know nothing about lap band Let me call the GI. 10 min latter in walk my frist hero one of the fellows of the progrom i said to him i can't sollow anything i can't even get Water though I said i fell stuck like you know when you eat to fast and something is sitting on my band He nods his yes he knew excitely what i was talking about. Finely someone who under stood in walk my real hero Dr joes new fellow not the frist one the new one. I said to her i not a big fan of Dr Jones fellows I said i hated the last one he yelled at me i said if you yellow at me i so out of here. She said OMG i think i heard of you dr Jones tell a story about how he made the guy say he was sorry to all his Fellows now She said If i yellow at you please do get out and leave she said I promice i listen to what you have to say. I told he my what was going on. She asked to look me over i said okay she even was nice to do it on my side since i could not lay flat on my back becuse of my kidneys hurt. Then she did something I never thought she would do she called Dr jones on Juily 4 and told him what was going on i told he he going to be mad at you and me for runing Juily 4th for him. She said No she promiced me if he was going to be mad she make it at her only she said no reson to be nevous your going to be fine. I oped for an unfill She tryed 4 time on the 4th try I screamed You need to stop you need to stop the other fellow tryed to make me laugh i she said it not good to make her laugh when i am sticking a large neadle into her. Finaly she said look it not that i can do this it just it painful for you and i keep sticking large neadles in bllind hopeing i find it, She said i want to do it under flocepy I promice one stick thats it she siad what do you say. She said we will take an exray of your band. She saod or we can leave it till dr jones and if he can;t get it oh well he do it under florcepy. She said but were going to need an xray no matter what you decised. I said i can't live like this for much longer so she adjunsted it under folceply takeing out my whole fill i sat up and could fell my slivia again drining but i also felet like my whole in side was raw, The next day the sent me for an Upper GI and it show prolaps my stumic had moved up thought the band. with in 10 mins in runs not walks but run into my room and she said i have two chocies lose the band with sugery or two let her try an endopey to save the band and move my stumic out of it. She siad I need to know now so we can be makeing argrments After talking it over with her I thought endopey was the best optopn. With in 30 min I was taken down to endocpey and given enough happy medison to make me fell no pain she promiced me she would try and would not do sugery with out wakeing me up and told me not to worry. Things started to fo my way she was able to fix the problem and even held my hand as the pushed me up to my room and helped get me in bed and sat there till i was awake enough to make sence of eveything she said I fixed it I was very lucky i came to BIDMC and not newton wesley becuse that could have been life threning and she said i made you a promice i think i keeped it. Last night i was felling better then i got massive dirrea probley form the dye but again she came up and was with me and only left this morning keep makeing sure i was okay.

    Dr jones came in this morning I said said you new fellow is an impovment on your old one she great I like her alot I said i hope your keeping her. He laughed and he advanced my deit so i am back on protine sakes for 3 weeks and dr jones said to me your be skinny by then. I laughed So i was able drink and keep everything down today and was sent home and could not be more glad

  4. I tell pepole start noticeing the way i was acting was diffent and i lost alot of weight so i told most 99% of pepole thinki great for you about 5% want to know my surgron so they can do it too. The one person i have not told is my brother as he always calls me names so i have not spoken to him in almost one year but when i do tell him i be close to goal weight and give him my suergons name and number becuse he goten very fat him self

  5. Veggie no noddle lazana i got this one last night

    2 large summer squase

    2 large zucccci

    2 cups of spinsh

    2 cup of roctia fat free cheese

    1 egg

    1 tsp of itanin sesoning

    cheese saus

    3 cups of fat free milk

    1 cup of fat free cheeder

    1 /4 cup of promice

    2 cloves of garlic minced

    2 tbs of flour

    1. Mix raccctia and egg and itian seaning toghter make sure they are well mixed

    in a 9X14 dish - spary dish with cooking sprary

    1. cut summer squash in thin round slices - put in dish

    2. add racccita mixteure then add spinsh and zuccceni

    3. repeat untill filled the pan

    4. bake at 350 for 45 min - in pre heated overn

    Chesse sauses - made on stove top

    1. add promice and let melt

    2. mix in garlic sauta for about 30 second

    4. add flower to butter and garlic mix well should form a paste

    5. slowly add milk keep wisking so you do not burn bottome of pan 1 cup is about 5 mins

    6. add cheese and black pepper let cheese melt and top the veggie lazanina

    Make alot bandster size is one cup

  6. UGG i had a fill wed and it was only 1 cc I am straving i am hungryer now then i been on any stage i can eat anything i feel no resrtion and am still hungery. Do you think i should wait a week and then ask if i could get more. The dr said he see me in 3 mouths I can't wait 3 mouths a be back to were i started in 3 mouths if i have to wait.

  7. oksy leave it to me to have a rare and unquine twist to my banding. since my banding i been haveing problems with uti unreated to my band so On sunday night i was not feeling well and sure i had a UTI i had an apointment with my urolgist for wed any way so was hoping to try and hang out to that. By monday moring i was vomiting everything nothing stayed down no crystal light no Water no nothing. I called my PCP and said i need to be seen Too embrassed to call my sugeron and admitt i became deharated I said i know i have a UTI and they said can you wait till wed. My frist thought was okay i try. with in 30 min i knew there was no way as my kideny pain was a 7 out of 10. I called back and demaded to be seen they gave me an apointment with the dr for 3:20. She was worked on me till about 7:00 pm givng me Iv fuilds and terdol and nothing was working i was so nausus at that point she said you need to go to the er. My answer i not going to the hospital i had my band at there just get mad at me. so she sent me to another hospital with a WLS program in the araea only problem they not big fans of the bad and like the full bi pas. In the ER the dr jumped to saying it was the band and all the vomiting i was doing was going to case a slip and had there surgon talk to me about a revison if nessassry. I said if that needs to happen i want the surgon who put my band in to do it or someone in. his paractice. well one CT scan latter it was not the band and that was ruled . It was kIdney Stones i had on 9 mm and one stuck in my utter trying to pass swelling up my right kideny and my left kidney was not happy eather. I also was being treated for a UTI. Well it truns out Kidney stones and WLS go hand and hand about 8% of pepole who had WLS will get kidney stones in the frist year the urogisit told me. The reson is dehydration , up take in are callamum i was taking mine with meals, also when we exsize were maynot be drinking alot useing the Uraic acid to build up and combin in the kidney for stones.

    The treatment for my stones to have my kideny blasted to brake up the stones 3 days of IV fuilds and iv pain medison around the clock and iv antibotics so they would pass and extra fuilds he said to think of my 2-3 litters as a starting point and for me to ami for more like 5-6 litters a day just to make sure i keep things in there happy.

    I had never heard of WLS pepole having kidney stones I had heard of galstones. I was also told once you had one kideny stone you are higher chance to get another one.

    So i now have something to realte pain when they say what leavl I can think this kideny stone became like a 12 at some points

    I am still a little sore and laying on my back dircetly is out as my kidney do not relly like that.

    But over all i lost 27 lbs


  8. oksy leave it to me to have a rare and unquine twist to my banding. since my banding i been haveing problems with uti unreated to my band so On sunday night i was not feeling well and sure i had a UTI i had an apointment with my urolgist for wed any way so was hoping to try and hang out to that. By monday moring i was vomiting everything nothing stayed down no crystal light no Water no nothing. I called my PCP and said i need to be seen Too embrassed to call my sugeron and admitt i became deharated I said i know i have a UTI and they said can you wait till wed. My frist thought was okay i try. with in 30 min i knew there was no way as my kideny pain was a 7 out of 10. I called back and demaded to be seen they gave me an apointment with the dr for 3:20. She was worked on me till about 7:00 pm givng me Iv fuilds and terdol and nothing was working i was so nausus at that point she said you need to go to the er. My answer i not going to the hospital i had my band at there just get mad at me. so she sent me to another hospital with a WLS program in the araea only problem they not big fans of the bad and like the full bi pas. In the ER the dr jumped to saying it was the band and all the vomiting i was doing was going to case a slip and had there surgon talk to me about a revison if nessassry. I said if that needs to happen i want the surgon who put my band in to do it or someone in. his paractice. well one CT scan latter it was not the band and that was ruled . It was kIdney Stones i had on 9 mm and one stuck in my utter trying to pass swelling up my right kideny and my left kidney was not happy eather. I also was being treated for a UTI. Well it truns out Kidney stones and WLS go hand and hand about 8% of pepole who had WLS will get kidney stones in the frist year the urogisit told me. The reson is dehydration , up take in are callamum i was taking mine with meals, also when we exsize were maynot be drinking alot useing the Uraic acid to build up and combin in the kidney for stones.

    The treatment for my stones to have my kideny blasted to brake up the stones 3 days of IV fuilds and iv pain medison around the clock and iv antibotics so they would pass and extra fuilds he said to think of my 2-3 litters as a starting point and for me to ami for more like 5-6 litters a day just to make sure i keep things in there happy.

    I had never heard of WLS pepole having kidney stones I had heard of galstones. I was also told once you had one kideny stone you are higher chance to get another one.

    So i now have something to realte pain when they say what leavl I can think this kideny stone became like a 12 at some points

    I am still a little sore and laying on my back dircetly is out as my kidney do not relly like that.

    But over all i lost 27 lbs


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