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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lauracat

  1. Lauracat

    Day 9

    I going to start off with a funny story I was standing in line at CVS need to refill on folic acid and get gas ex strips and i started to fell the gas symtoms pain in my stumic that i knew i wanted and need and behide me was a pre-school age child and there parents and well i just had no choice and out came the gas and the child behind me said "mommmy that lady just let out a stinky and it smells" Frist i wanted to hide then i wanted to trun around and say I am sorry i am 8 days past lap bad and it one of the side effects. But i keeped my compuser and let it go I guess you can tell a person who had lap band by why they have in there purse 1. water bottle 2. gas ex strips 3. air fresher 4. body spray 5. protine powder and shaker bottle 7, Crystal light to go I might have over done it by going to the gym yesterday. I love my gym it a great place i joined it over a year ago and still like going from the most amzing staff to my personal trainer they all treated me with such recepct and know what i can do and make me work so hard. I told my self i was just going to walk around the indoor track but the reclining bike called my name and 30 mins latter i was done. I felt it all last nigt to the point i broke out the old pain stuff becuse my stumic hurt so much just to sit up. Still kind of sore I got to rember to pass my self in my bare feet shoes . the cultre back on my UTI she said i am growing so pretty funnky stuff and she wanted to switch my anti botic right away as i was not sentive to the one i was on. The side effect of this one losse stools this should be fun. also yest i think it starting as all over insistion sight is red and crusty and oh so ichy I going to call the nurse and see what i safely put on it So tonight i have to meet with a clint this is the frist time i have to put on real cloths since i had this done i been living in sweets for the last 9 days so i have to see what i have in my wardorbe to wear. I think i have a pair of legging that might woek with a nice jacket and some accessry a little make up and boom i can look good Thats all for today Laura
  2. Lauracat

    Why are YOU Fat?

    When i was growing up i had a learning disablitly and i knew i was differnt and my parents to help slove the problems of being differnt not going to the same schools as everyone else would uses food to make me feel better. The only i was alould junk food was when i need to feel better. I had my own speical cabinit of " make Laura Feel Better Foods" as part of my LD effected my gross moter skills so i hated and would do anything being athletic it just was not me. I was thown out of dance class becuse i was a clultz and the teacher did not want a child like me and i was told i need to understand my place in life. I did understand it it was right next to the ice cream store the Bakey Mc Donalds the Pizza store when i have a bad day I would say well it okay to slove my problems with food. I had tryed meny deits to lose the weight and would usely quit as i just did not think they would work . I lost 100 lbs on atkins vowed not to gain it back but i never got off stage 1 i was working out 2 to 4 hours a day I became very sick for 6 mouths with cronic apdeix it like haveing you apdexic enflamed for 6 mouths and got to my lowest as i was not eating and just vomting even then i try and eat but it would just come up. As soon as i could eat I started eating it all and gained over 100 lbs in 6 mouths. I ttryed to lose the weight over the years with deits. i found this time no matter how hard i tryed i was stuck at well over 200 lbs and almost 300 thats when my dr said it time to do something and told me about the lap band with high blood presser sleep apena pre debitic the my joints hurt all the time my kneens and hips are the worst sleeping in one postion hurts my hips my ankles are giving out beucse they hurt This time i was ready to change my life find a new best freind becuse food is not going to be my answer
  3. Beside the still thirsty head ack feeling i had now for the last 8 days i guess i am doing better. I had a massive UTI i could feel it in both of my kidney took 24 hours to get antibiotics since the one i need needs to be pre ordered because of it liquid form so i was very sick from that but starting to feel better. I know i let my self get dehydrated as i was throwing up as on my major symptoms but everyone seems to feel i can play catch up. I was going to go to try and drink more. But since it raining I think i go to the gym and do some walking around the indoor track. How i wish i could do some water aerobics i think that what my body wants but the dr said no way till week four Laura
  4. Lauracat


    I was told no gummie i uses Flintstones.
  5. Lauracat

    Banded 4.23.12

    Just started about to sart week to so far i had blended lactose free fat free cottage cheese, some lactose free yogurt that was fat free and protein shakes today i used crystal light lice and unflavored uerjery put put it in a blender and had a frozen lemon aid and lots and lots of water. I am still behind I am about 19 down one week latter
  6. Lauracat

    Flintstone's Vitamins!

    I take Flintstones too there add is 10 million strong and growing. I always joke I am one of the 10 million strong and shrinking Laura
  7. Lauracat

    Had No Idea

    i am one week today the pain gets better each day I have to 2 it hit me all on day 4 at that point i was sure i made a mistake . I did not have alot of gas pain but more stumic pain and bad bad heart burn it felt like a shap pain every time i swallowed right in my chest area getting liquid zantac was a life saver
  8. Lauracat

    125 Members So Why Are We So Quiet???

    for post op i was 3 prominent replacement a day all the veggie you want also along as they were not pea and potato and one healthy meal then it 2 weeks full liquids
  9. Lauracat

    Looking For Good Protien Powder

    i have lactose problems so i pay alot of powder i look for sales I like Iopure not cheep also I like urjery again not cheep but lactose free
  10. Lauracat

    Had No Idea

    yup gas not been a huge problem for me i have had some issues but yes i did not think about how much i uses my upper abs i just think they were there and flabby but getting up from laying seat being too low bending down all these things hurt for me anything that too tight I been living in one pair of sweet and baggy Pj bottoms
  11. Lauracat

    Newly Banded On 4/23

    I was banded 4/24 I j am just starting to feel better I own my own business out of my home and i can do some on the computer so i started that back today I am going to have to do the going somewhere part on Thursday to meet with a client the big this is finding pants that i can were most seem to hurt as i am still pretty sore over my port and big sight
  12. Mine is just post op swelling i keep saying that i feel the band when i drink too fast or burp it almost like a heart burn feeling maybe it just me Laura
  13. Lauracat

    Banded 4.23.12

    first thing i did was chug a Protein shake and up it went and had to move back to Clear Liquids. Then there was the problem were my bladder fell asleep and i could not pee for the life of me they did not know what to do with me so they keeped me i begged to go till they were able to get a urologist in . I am also having alot of problems with post op swelling i get this pain when i sip too fast so i tend to drink very very slowly as i feel stuck. I almost landed back there today as i ate some sugar free Jello and it went though me and i almost landed back i am back on stage two as he wants me off protein for 3 days till the swelling is down some he said the feeling of sharp pain is just that i am very sowllen and could take a few week to get better so i might land up starting stage 4 ( soft food slower) Laura
  14. Lauracat

    Banded 4.23.12

    ew to the forum, and banded monday. just wondering how other newbies are doing, and how everyone is adjusting. i had no fill at the time of surgery & was in a lot of pain up until today. i'm so proud of myself for not taking any pain/ nausea medicine today. however i am feeling hungry, which my surgeon said i probably shouldn't feel. anyone else feel this way? also, about 10 minutes after i drink something, i get a sharp pain in my chest, and it's hard to breathe. is this a stuck feeling? or just that i drank too much? look forward to talking with you all! This is the same thing i am feeling i tried to explain it I was banded on 3.34 they all called me nuts and told me i was crazy and i did my self in well all but Dr Jones he was my surgeon. The other in the team told me i was nuts then i got direeia form the suger free high Protein Jello for this reson i find it very hard to drink the right amount because of the sharp chest stuck feeling i was told it post op swelling and that to poor a shot glass and drink that slowly every 15 min i still very thirsty but it i take it slow and take small sips i am okay. he said in 3 days the swelling should be down from it and i should be fine
  15. Lauracat

    Protein Shake Hard For Me To Do

    so my favorites have to be give me lean cochleae and peanut-butter flavored 25 grams of Protein and only 200 collars Isopure chochlet 20 games of protein also Urjery unflavored mixed with crystal light again 20 grams of protein no lactose . I like isopure the best because it is lactose free and i can't eat dairy talk about giving me i ate some pudding i thoght was suger free lactos free i now going to be paying for that turns out it had dairy hidden in it
  16. Lauracat

    Banded 4.23.12

    I had this the frist time i drank too fast the dr made me go back to crystal light one sip every min till it clear he also side to drink from a dixie cup or get a special cup that you can only take one sip from at a time. He said that some time you get infamtion on the point and to just make sure you take it slow. I was baded on 3/24 I just got home from the hospital yesterday.
  17. Lauracat

    April Bandsters!

    I am officaly Banded. I wish i could say it went smothly but i had some bumps frist bump was becuse i have sleep apeda i had to were a love cardica /pusle of monter for the few day i was in the hosital and it was poitioned that every time i move it would hang down just low enough it hit my sight right on the lap band. Becuse of my weight i have alot of trubble being on my back for along time i hurts my back and hip so i keeped trying to move my self becuse i could not get confbule in bed and then would slide down requireing them to bost me up sitting in a chair did not work the frist day at all. I wish i could say it was not painful but it was pretty painful. Then I had problems moveing goop out of my lungs i would go to couch but could not get it up even with useing my inhiraire at this point i was pretty upset and shut down they gave me a few nebs and i was able to cough upstuff in my lungs. Next my bladder went to sleep and still has not woken up so i have a lovely foley for a few days till monday. Also finding a vine proved hard it took them six time 3 times to get ivs talk about feeling like a pin coushion The nurses were very nice also worning to the wise do not chung your protine shake when you frist get it you will vomit i created alot of infalition and i land back on stage 1 all over again and had to work back up to stage 3. They let me come home a little dehired due to the fact iv number 4 blew and i had enough i have the worlds worst headake and feel a bit light headed and trying to "Make it up" the nurse was very upset about the fact they took away the iv early dr jones yelled at them and told them i should have been on fuild all the way up to the end and he never okay taking me off. I am taking the pain meds every 4 hours they seem to help i have a big bruse were my prort is. I just going to look up becuse it can only get better Laura
  18. Lauracat

    April Bandsters!

    I can't belive it here i have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am I am the frist to go in at 8:00 I am starting to get a bit nevous but i know it will all be fine Laura
  19. Lauracat

    April Bandsters!

    April 24th with dr Dan Jones in boston
  20. Hi I am new here I am getting my band on 4/24 I have been trying for 6 mouths to get this done I have it done 3 sleep study EKG Plumarly function tests and a colonocopy,going int to couling latter here i am. I am 5'6 245 lbs as of to day. My goal would be 140 and mainting it. I already started changing my habbits in order to get this done. i am very nervous about the whole thing I can't wait to start my life transframtion. I am haveing my band put in by Dr Dan Jones at beth Isreal in Boston Ma
  21. Lauracat


  22. Lauracat

    just a few of me

  23. Lauracat

    before and after

  24. Lauracat

    befor and after

    This is before and after my band

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
