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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lauracat

  1. Lauracat


    i stayed 2 and a half days but i freeked out the sugon on something and he made me stay it was a wast becuse when he made me stay they unhocked all my fuilds and i got dehiadated and they were going to give me more but the iv blew and they said enough go home and catch up. I almost landed up back for the weekend
  2. Lauracat

    Eating Out

    today i went out with my mom for mothers day. Frist i asked for a kids menu the guy told me he would not give me one i explaned i had a lap band and he looked at me like i had five head i explaned it like a gastic bi pass i can only eat an oz of soft food. He said this is are menu share with some else. I looked at the menu there was nothing i could eat everything was bread shrimp crab cakes a salda and best of all i asked about the soup it had pasta in it. I explaned again i can not eat these food I explaned if i eat too much i thow up all over your table. At that point the manger came in I explaned again i have a lap band he looked at me like i had five heads and I said a Gastic Bipass and he said OH okay so. I explaned i could not eat that much food and i needed it to be soft becuse i could not drink and eat. we came up with scambled eggs unsted of the 3 course meal I ate about 1 oz eggs are so hard for me by the end there always too hard no matter how much i chew, I could have had sammon but a fellow bander gaver me a great pice of adivce never ever try something for the frist time in public and i have not had samon yet so i was not going to try it out, The manger was very nice he did not even charge for my eggs I think he felt bad about the way i was treated I have to rember to get a card that said i can eat off the childern menu
  3. Lauracat

    I Have To Confess!!

    whwn i thought i could never do another protine shake my nurtionist said put unflovered unjery in your drink of choice for me that been peach flavored crystal lighr also unflavored can be added to other stuff pudding soup greek yougert. Unjery dose make very good protine GNC makes some good ones too there a choclet peanut butter one from lean shake it 23 garms protoine for 2 scoops it very importent not getting enough can be dangous and in the long run it can cause thinning of the hair
  4. I was on meds too for depresson they had my thrirpitst write and fax in a letter about me and my meds and if i was stable and what my personally was like. It must have worked becuse all the sudden i was aproved for sugery very waiting and waiting
  5. i am almost 3 week my dr said take a sip almost every min in the very frist day he said look at the clock evey time it hits 12 with the second had take a sip he said you should be able to get an oz a min i find if i go too fast that i feel it
  6. Lauracat

    Im Having A Hard Time Today!

    Pre opt deit was hard I often found my self dreaming of food in one dream I was having huge. Rost chicken in another it was a a pastry just think you will enjoy food again just in a different way
  7. Keep drinking same thing happened to me each day gets better just rember to sip slowly
  8. Lauracat

    If You Can Dream It You Can Do It

    alot of my freinds think i took the easy way out why don't you just deit and excizes why did you need to do something so extream. I have deit and excized i go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week i try and watch what i eat nothing. I know how i got hear but i also konw that nothing else was working. I had hip pain all the time back pain and knee pain it get in the way of what you want to do when it hurts to walk up the stairs becuse you hip and kneese hurt to do it it makes you want to do less. I was one poit away from being debitic i had high blood prusser took meds for it I sleep with a sleep apena michen and i had acid reflex that i could not control. I also had lost 2 freinds this year to Obsety realted illiness they both had massive heart attacks and they were in there 40's and early 50's. I did not want to be like that I want to live for were i can do things. I dream of camping with my kids but when you bigger it not possble to do these things. I wanted to walk up the stairs with out stopping to catch my breath and thinking about my knees and hips. So yes this is extreamIt not for everyone but it is for me. I need the control I get with my band In a little over 2 weeks i lost 21.5 lbs and just that 20 lbs make my hip not hurt when i walk up the stairs I can walk up a full fight with out stopping to catch my breath. I know i can get my dreams of being heathy again and reclaming the me I want to be Thats why i did this
  9. I made sloppy joes i love them there very wet ground trucky easy to eat and so i thought i pulled out my 1/4 a cup portion chewing my food It tasted good after all those choclet protine shakes as i was packing up the leftover i put a big pice into my mouth did not chew it well. all the sudder i felt as if an elphent was sitting on my chest. Lucky Michelle drilled into me what to do was walk. I walked over to my dog put her leash on and off for a walk we went for a nice long walk all the sudden i started to cough out pice of meat and the rest seemed to move the dog was happy for her exra walk and i learned a lesson think before i put it in my mouth.
  10. Lauracat

    Folllow Up

    I had my 2 week follow up and it went well i was advanced to stage 4 mushie/ softer food. It alot of info to take I told them that i could not even look choclet after two weeks of choclet protine powder I told them it took care of my 30 Pluse years of love with the stuff now if they could just do something about red velvet cake we be all set. I had one agenda get back to the gym. so i asked and i frist was told okay to zumba / no to body pump then I asked the nurse she said Okay to light working out maybe okay to zumba / no to body pump. Then the fellow came in and looked at me. Who i did not like and I told him that too. But he said Okay zumba oaky to working with my trainer / okay to water arobics in a week / no to body pump. so the surergon came in and i asked him he said what is body pump I explaned it weightlifting enderness. Is Fellow said you do not take no for an aswer do you. I said I not fond of the word and he said fine knock your heart out but if it hurts promice me you'll stop and no sit up. I said okay No sit up dose not mean no cruches he said sit ups and dose not mean no hover. I then told him i wanted to switch dr and he asked me why i told him i did not like the fellow and he said what happened I told him he yelled at me and did not listen and i told him about what happened in the hospital and how he let me go dehirated and then got mad when i could not catch up. He said to his fellow she mad say your sorry you owe her that. His Fellow said she looks great. The sueron said i sure she loves to hear that becuse she dose but thats not what she wants to hear just say your sorry so we can get on with it. So his fellow did muble it. I had one stich that had worked it way out that was taken care of . I lost 20.5 lbs so far I feel great and today i going to body pump for the frist time in two weeks
  11. i can't get my frist fill till week 7
  12. have you tryed fruit2o it one of my faverts i love the grape one. I get to start the mushy tomrow i been two week too.
  13. Lauracat

    Crystal Light Vs. Water

    yup crystal light is the same as fuild counts you can add unfloavored protine powder to it and blend it with ice and you got a good protinie drink
  14. Lauracat

    April Bandsters!

    2 weeks ago today i was banded one more day till i can have mushy food. I feeling pretty good after a pretty rough start i had the UTI from hell then i found out why i was not getting better was i was on the wrong antibotic once we switched it been all up hill from there, I am up and walking 2 miles a day i can not wait to get the okay to re start zumba and best of all i down 20 lbs. I just started to feel very hungery yesterday but only one more day to go.
  15. Lauracat

    Lady Issues!

    i had the same problem have you ever been cheeked for Firbords there very common with over weight pepole due to exssses estergen also adomertioss I been anamic for along time due to heavy peridos frist by firbords then by adomerdoisss
  16. Lauracat

    Psych Eval Question

    we just had to meet with the social worker it was like 10 mayb 15 mins i went into counlcing my self to deal with things
  17. Lauracat

    It Is Okay

    I grew up in a family when you finshed what you had on your plate taking food home was a sing of weekness. Also if you wanted seconds you better eat fast becuse it will be gone before you know it you snoze you loze. As a grew up and would have fights with my family it would always end the same way someone saying there sorry with food. I am sorry let me make it up to you by lunch, a sunday ect. Today i had high protine lactose free yougest for bresfest after i took all my lquid med i could only get 3 oz down my frist thought was oh no i spent money on this food I have to eat it. My next thought was this is what got you here in the frist place no one is holding a gun to my head saying eat it and it okay to say No I am full relly i am and thow it away. This was a huge brake though for me. I did not need the whole thing i was fine with my 3 oz and being done becuse i was done and i needed to listen to what my body was telling me not my head. I needed to trun that peice off and relly listen to my boady
  18. Lauracat

    If I Cound Just Jeans

    about a year ago i bought a pair of jean that were too tight ii could were them if i had a pair of spanks under them and did not want to breath. Today i pulled them out not thinking about it I not warn them since i bought them expet to a party when i wanted to not be a pig and they keeked saying if you eat that you burst out of your jeans. Today I pulled them out of the draw looking for paints and they fit not to tight not too lose just fit.I know most pepole would be thinking you celbrating over a size 20 jean but heck yes i am. I feel very lucky alot of pepole at this point say there starving i am day 12 passed sugery I am not. I do get hungery eat about 4 times a day 3 protine shakes and somthing else like a suger free fat free rice pudding or some suger free jello maybe some soup and i not starving. I guess i have a good fit I still do get heart burn / reflex over my band if i am not carful . I can not wait till the mushy food stage on wed i have my follow up
  19. Lauracat

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    High protine ceal this one is my book make one packet of cream of wheet add 1/3 a cup of unflovered uerjery add milk and sweeten with suger free maple sruyp
  20. Gas x strips are a must for food I would get some unflovered uerjery it been a life saver yougert low fat low suger light and livly 0 greek all those sugger free pudding forzen popicals cottoge cheese fat free milk / or soy milk decafe tea ( pepper mint can help you move gas) for the hospital a light robe a pair of slippers tooth brush comb deitoriet some soap lip bamb lesteren strips music /planer /plug / if you have a cap or bi pap bring that
  21. soups protine power make sure you have a few as you will be useing this the most crystal light - again make sure you get a few diffent flavors that you like. Mine faviort is mango ice tea and strawbery Lemoinaid suger free popicals yougert - fat free kinds and low suger belended cottoge cheese cream of wheet - good with unflover protine and suger free syrup cottoge chesse fat free milk or lactose fat free or soy milk soups that are low in fat suger free pudding broth decafe tea ( such as peperment tea - helps with gas) the big one Gas ex strips make sure you have enough of these you can never have too meny gas ex strips these are a life saver hope this help good luck
  22. Lauracat

    Help...has My Band Slipped?

    have the same issues i am about a week and half it gas i asked my sugron he said it post op swelling probely should not do the make your self burp thing ii know i had to do it a few time but it not a great idea
  23. I had him do my bad on april 24. I was a bit nevous at frist as i only meet him for a few mins at my pre opt the guy before me was a dr and he spent and hour with him came in and singed my pappers. he did come by the day of my sugery and talk to me a little and told me he would take good care of me. In the hosptial i felt would say something and then ask someone else to folllow though sometimes this did not happen sometimes it did. and he was a little out of the loop on my care But when i had a compation at home he was the only one to figger out what was wrong and gave me some idea how to fix it as everyone else just was mad at me. So in the end i was glad i choice him. I not had my follow up yet and will not have it till wed. but over all he a nice guy with a good sence of hummor
  24. Lauracat

    The Big Brup

    so last night i was sipping my protine shake and got this heart burtn my frist thought gas so i start walking trying to move it and take my gas ex walk some mote still nothing just this pain in the middle of my brest bone area nothing was moving this thing so i did something i knew i should not i went out to move it and burp i knew i could burp and rhow up if i drank just a little too fast so i did this and had the most relfie. I find i have heart burn/ reflex every night i am on lquid zantic so i know i should not be able to but evey night i have this heart burn but and fell it coming up it just water as i drink right up till i go to bed.
  25. Lauracat

    Day 9 Post- Op

    day 9 here i feel the same way sore at the biggest inciison

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
